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Summary The existence of a balance survival rate of different B. japonicum strains in soils has been well established. Balance levels (M) were shown to be independent of inoculum size but differences between strains in a soil could not be discussed partly because of the instability of the recovery's efficiency in the area of the plateau. In this paper, a dynamic model, the Gompertz equation, is fitted to the data, to estimate the rate (A) at which equilibrium is reached. For the three strains in the three soils previously studied, this rate is also independent of inoculum size and the soil-strain interaction is highly significant. Some data from the literature are also well fitted by the model. We propose to characterize the saprophytic potential of a strain with the pair of parameters A-M. An optimal experimental procedure is proposed to obtain the most precise estimates for these parameters. Their biological significance is discussed, but the fact that they are not dependent upon inoculation level is of basic importance for agronomic practice.  相似文献   

Prediction of concentration changes of cations in soil solutions is complex, and chemical models are necessary for the purpose. The objective of this study was to determine whether the reactions considered in a coupled equilibrium model were appropriate to predict cation concentrations when the initial equilibrium was disturbed by adding small amounts of electrolytes. Multi-ion sorption in three acid soils (two Cambisols and a Podzol) was studied by sequentially adding small amounts of electrolytes to samples of the soils in batch experiments. A chemical equilibrium model that included inorganic complexation and multiple cation exchange was used to interpret the results. For the subsoils, the solubility of jurbanite was also included in the model. Model results for the two Cambisol surface soils agreed well or satisfactorily with the measured pH and sorption values of Na, K, Mg, Ca, Mn, Al and Fe, with a few exceptions. Linear correlation coefficients were generally between 0.97 and 1, and the regressin coefficients for cations (modelled against measured) lay between 0.6 and 1.3. For the subsoils sorption of sulphate was described satisfactorily for the spodic dystric Cambisol and to some extent for the spodic Cambisol. Correlation coefficients for subsoils lay between 0.63 and 1, and the regression coefficients (modelled against measured) were between 0.9 and 1.6 for the Cambisols. The model did not predict pH and sorption data in surface and subsurface soils with very small amounts of exchange capacities, pointing to the significance of cation buffering resulting from exchange sites. This study showed the usefulness and limitations of equilibrium models to predict the composition of the soil solution.  相似文献   

We extracted molybdenum (Mo) from eight acid forest soils (19 A, E, and B horizons) in NE-Bavaria and from one site in the Ore Mountains, using (1) anion exchange-resin, (2) 0.2 M ammonium oxalate, and (3) ascorbic acid/ammonium oxalate. The Mo concentrations in the anion exchange-resin fraction varied between 5 and 28 μg kg-1. Oxalate-extractable Mo ranged from 44 to 407 μg kg-1 and after reduction of iron (Fe) with ascorbic acid, 135 to 1071 μg Mo kg-1 were extracted. The lowest concentrations of Mo were measured in acid and sesquioxide impoverished E horizons. The total concentrations of Mo in spruce needles correlated with ion exchange resin extractable Mo, indicating that this fraction represents Mo readily available to plants. The Mo and Fe dissolution kinetics during oxalate extraction were studied on 8 of the soil samples to obtain further information on Mo mobilization. Oxalate extractable iron (Feo) was mobilized within a few hours. A first order equation was applicable to the Fe dissolution kinetics with the rate constants ranging between 0.9 and 9.0 h-1. The mobilization of Mo occurred in two distinct stages. An initially rapid dissolution was followed by a further increase in extractable Mo but with slower kinetics. A combined first order-diffusion equation was found to be appropriate for modelling the results. The first order rate constants for Mo mobilization ranged from 0.6 to 11.4 h-1. However, correlations between the rates of reaction of Mo and Fe could not be established, indicating that Mo is either not distributed equally along Fe minerals or that there is another pool, possibly the organic substance of the soil, from which Mo is extractable by oxalate.  相似文献   

Low molecular weight organic acids such as citrate and oxalate have been hypothesized to play a key role in rhizosphere ecology and pedogenesis. A mathematical site-specific model, DYNLOW, was constructed to describe the temporal and spatial dynamics of these organic acids in coniferous forest soils using the modelling software STELLA®. Experimentally derived values for biodegradation, adsorption, and daily values of soil temperature, moisture and hydrological flow were used to parameterize the model. The model describes the dynamics and downward movement of oxalate and citrate through the horizons (O, AE, E, Bhs, Bs) of three podzolic soil profiles in Sweden. After calibration, the model predicted average soil solution organic acid concentrations ranging from <1 to 90 μM, which was in agreement with experimental measurements (<1 to 116 μM). The model results indicated that microbial degradation of organic acids was in quantitative terms the biggest process regulating soil solution concentrations. Primary production rates of organic acid in the soil were predicted to be high (<1 to 1250 nmol g−1 soil d−1) in comparison to the amount present at steady state in the soil solution pool (<0.1 to 240 nmol g−1 soil). The downward transfer of organic acids between soil horizons due to mass flow was predicted to be a small flux (<0.1 to 3% of the total loss) compared to that lost by microbial biodegradation. The model predicted that the amount of basal soil respiration that could be attributable to the microbial turnover of organic acids was on average 19±22% of the basal CO2 production across all sites and horizons for citrate and 7±7% for oxalate. The model results are discussed in the context of pedogenesis, forest soil respiration and organic matter production.  相似文献   

The sound management of agricultural soils that are heavily loaded with phosphorus (P) involves minimizing the losses of P responsible for eutrophication of surface waters, while ensuring enough P for crops. This paper describes a simple model to examine the compatibility of these two objectives in acid sandy soils in a temperate humid climate. The model is based on several assumptions regarding reversible and irreversible P sorption by P-reactive soil compounds (mainly poorly crystalline Fe and Al oxides) and release of P to water (water-P test). Model inputs are amount of P leached, P uptake by crops, and contents of poorly crystalline Fe and Al oxides in soil. The model predicts that reducing the amount of leached P to what is environmentally acceptable (e.g. 0.44 kg P ha–1 year–1, equivalent to 1 kg P2O5 ha–1 year–1) results in the long run in available soil P test values below target concentrations for optimum crop growth. When the amount of leached P is set to a fixed value the model predicts that soils with large contents of Fe and Al oxides can maintain the initial soil P test values for longer periods than other soils. The content in available P decreases if fertilizer P is applied to the soil at a rate equal to P uptake by crops. These results stress the difficulties involved in trying to make agricultural and environmental needs compatible in acid sandy soils.  相似文献   

温度对硼在土壤中吸附-解吸动力学的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effect of temperature on the properties of boron adsorption-desorption in brown-red soil,yellowbrown soil and calcareous alluvial soil of Hubei Province was investigated with the mobile displacement technique.The experimental data of B adsorption-desorption amounts and reaction time at 25 and 40℃ were fitted by the zero-order,first-order and parabolic diffusion kinetic equations.The adsorption process was in conformity with the parabolic diffusion law at both the temperatures,and the values of rate constant of the parabolic diffusion equation in B adsorption were 0.138,0.124 and 0.105 mg kg^-1 min^-1/2 at 25℃,and 0.147,0.146and 0.135mg kg^-1 min^1/2 at 40℃ for the brown-red soil,yellow-brown soil,and calcareous alluvial soil,respectively,The relationship between amount of B desorption and reaction time could be well described by the first-order kinetic equation,and the corresponding values of rate constant were 0.0422,0.0563 and 0.0384min^-1 at 25℃,and 0.0408,0.0423 and 0.0401min^-1 at 40℃ for the brown-red soil,the yellow-brown soil and the calcareous alluvial soil,respectively.Therefore,the desorption process of B might be related to the amount of B adsorbed in soil,The higher th temperature,the lower the amount of B adsorption of the same soil in the same reaction time,The values of the apparent activation energy of B adsorption in the three soils calculated with the rate constants of parabolic diffusion equation were 3.27,8.44 and 12.99 kJ mol^-1,respectively,based on the experimental data of B adsorption amounts and reaction time at and 40℃.  相似文献   

The pH buffering and aluminium solubility characteristics of acid soil are important in determining the soil's response to changes in precipitation acidity. The chemistry of soil organic matter (humic substances) plays a key role in both processes, yet is complex and still poorly understood. Nevertheless, models of humic substance chemistry have been developed, one of which is WHAM–S, which contains a model (Model V) of proton and metal binding at discrete sites on humic substances and considers electrostatic effects on the binding strength. Here we have tested the ability of WHAM–S to model solution pH and Al using batch titration studies on organic and mineral soil horizons from forested sites in Norway, Germany and Spain, with ambient pH values from 3.73 to 5.73. We optimized the model predictions by adjusting the amounts of soil aluminium and humic substances within defined limits, taking the contents of copper chloride‐extractable Al and the base‐extractable organic matter as starting values. The model simulated both pH and dissolved Al well with optimized amounts of aluminium and humic substances within the defined limits (root mean squared error for pH from 0.01 to 0.22, for p[Al]aq (total dissolved Al) from 0.03 to 0.49, five data points). Control of dissolved Al by dissolved organic matter was important particularly at above‐ambient pH. In two mineral horizons we improved the fits by assuming that Al could precipitate as Al(OH)3. The optimized model also gave reasonable predictions of pH and dissolved Al in supernatants obtained by repeated leaching of the soil horizons. The results show that humic substances dominate the control of pH and dissolved Al in most of the horizons studied. Control by Al(OH)3 occurs but is the exception.  相似文献   

Modelling of sinkage tests in tilled soils for mobility study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study of the mechanical behaviour of breached surface soils allows the optimization of the running gear of the vehicles for the off-road mobility.The sinkage of the running gear causes a motion resistance which is opposed to the tractive capacity of the vehicle. In a homogeneous soil, the sinkage is predicted by the interpretation of plate sinkage tests. In order to make possible and easier the sinkage prediction of a vehicle going in a tilled soil, the article has for objective to present a method to model pressure–sinkage curve for a tilled soil with the pressure–sinkage curve of the same soil before tillage.The tilled soil is considered as two layers of the same soil whose density is lower for the upper layer than for the sub-base. The two-layered soil behaviour is modelled as the combination of the behaviour of the loose soil layer and the behaviour of the dense soil. The link between these two behaviours is a critical depth defined as the depth of the plate when the layer of soil in a critical density reaches the limit between the two layers.Sinkage tests with circular plates were carried out on four soils chosen to represent the mechanical properties of a range of soils: a sand for frictional soils, a silt for cohesive soils and a silty sand and a sandy loam for cohesive frictional soils predominant in the agricultural soils. The soils were tested in one-layered and two-layered configurations in small and large bins with well-known and controlled soil conditions.A theoretical approach allows the calculation of the critical depth with a deformation process of the soil below the plate. The critical depth depends on the density of the soil, the tillage depth, the diameter of the plate and the angle of friction of the soil.The critical depth allows the modelling of the pressure–sinkage curve for the tilled soils using the one-layered soil data. The comparison with the experimental tests in tilled soil validate the approach.  相似文献   

This study investigated phosphorus sorption kinetics of three different soils from three sites within the Sahel region of Tunisia; iso-humic soils from Chott-Mariem site, calcic-magnesic soils from Enfidha site and saline-sodic soils from Kondar site. Soils from all sites were sampled (0–25 cm) and analysed for their physico-chemical proprieties. In previous works, we determined the adsorption efficiency of these different soils. In this study, we focused on the influence of contact time on phosphorus adsorption by the different soils. The analytic data were approached from the following kinetics models: pseudo-first-order, pseudo- second-order and Elovich model. The second order model was shown to be the best fit for describing phosphorus adsorption by each soil sample, as seen from the correlation coefficient R2 which ranged from 0.68 to 0.96 for the pseudo-first-order model, 0.91 to 0.99 for pseudo-second-order model and 0.84 to 0.94 for Elovich model.  相似文献   

To improve phosphorus (P) fertilization and environmental assessments, a better understanding of release kinetics of solid-phase P to soil solution is needed. In this study, Fe (hydr)oxide-coated filter papers (Fh papers), isotopic exchange kinetics (IEK) and chemical extractions were used to assess the sizes of fast and slowly desorbing P pools in the soils of six long-term Swedish field experiments. The P desorption data from the Fh-paper extraction of soil (20 days of continual P removal) were fitted with the Lookman two-compartment desorption model, which estimates the pools of fast (Q1) and slowly (Q2) desorbing P, and their desorption rates k1 and k2. The amounts of isotope-exchangeable P (E) were calculated (E1min to E>3 months) and compared with Q1 and Q2. The strongest relationship was found between E1 min and Q1 (r2 = .87, p < .01). There was also an inverse relationship between the IEK parameter n (the rate of exchange) and k1 (r2 = .52, p < .01) and k2 (r2 = .52, p < .01), suggesting that a soil with a high value of n desorbs less P per time unit. The relationships between these results show that they deliver similar information, but both methods are hard to implement in routine analysis. However, Olsen-extractable P was similar in magnitude to Q1 (P-Olsen = 1.1 × Q1 + 2.3, r2 = .96), n and k1 were related to P-Olsen/P-CaCl2, while k2 was related to P-oxalate/P-Olsen. Therefore, these extractions can be used to estimate the sizes and desorption rates of the different P pools, which could be important for assessments of plant availability and leaching.  相似文献   

wham , an equilibrium chemical model for soils, waters and sediments, centred on a discrete-site/ electrostatic model of humic substances (HS), has been used to analysae batch titration data for organic and mineral horizons of acid soils. In most cases, tolerable fits were obtained by optimizing the soil contents of HS and aluminium, while keeping the model parameters (site densities, equilibrium constants, electrostatic terms) fixed. The optimized contents agreed reasonably with those estimated by chemical extraction. For some mineral soil samples, low in HS and high in aluminium, fitting of the titration data was improved by assuming the formation and dissolution of A1(OH)3 and adjusting its solubility product. Solid-solution distributions of base cations (Na+, Mg2+, K+, Ca2+, NH+4) could be explained by non-specific counterion accumulation, with a small degree of selectivity. The WHAM sub-model for fulvic acid sorption accounted approximately for observed aqueous-phase concentrations of organic carbon and organically-complexed aluminium.  相似文献   

LIN Yu-Suo  XUE Jia-Hua 《土壤圈》1996,6(3):225-231
The pH effect on the sorption kinetics of heavy metals in soils was studied using a constant flow leaching method. The soil samples were red soil collected from Yingtan, Jiangxi, and yellow-brown soil from Nanjing, Jiangsu. The heavy metals tested were zinc and cadmium. Assuming that the experimental data fitted to the following kinetic rate equation: 1/c·dx/dt = kx-kx, the rate constant k of sorption could be determined from the slope of the straight line by plotting of 1/c·dx/dt vs. x. The results showed that the pH effect on the rate constants of heavy mental sorption in soils was very significant. The values of k decreased with increasing pH. The sorptions were more sensitive to pH in red soil than in yellow-brown soil.  相似文献   

Modelling the effects of pH on phosphate sorption by soils   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Samples of six soils were incubated at 60°C for 24 h with several levels of either calcium carbonate or hydrochloric acid. Phosphate sorption was then measured on sub-samples of the treated soils over 24 h at 25°C. In one set of measurements on all soils, 0.01 M calcium chloride was used as the background electrolyte. In another set, on two soils, 0.01 M sodium chloride was used. An interpolation method was used to give points on the three-dimensional surface relating the final pH of the suspensions to sorption of phosphate at specified solution concentrations of phosphate. The effects of pH on phosphate sorption differed between soils. For unfertilized soils, increases in pH up to about pH 5.5 decreased sorption. Further increases in pH decreased sorption further in one soil and increased it in three others. For fertilized soils, measured sorption increased with pH. When sodium chloride was used instead of calcium chloride, there was a more marked trend for sorption to decrease as pH increased. Differences between the soils were ascribed to differences in two soil properties. One was the rate at which the electrostatic potential in the plane of adsorption decreased as pH increased. Only small differences in the rate of change of potential were needed to reproduce the observed differences between soils. The electrostatic potential would decrease more quickly in solutions of a sodium salt than in solutions of a calcium salt and this explains the observed differences between these media. The other soil property that affected observed sorption was the release of phosphate from the soil. The amount released was largest at low pH. Consequently, for fertilized soils, measured sorption increased with pH.  相似文献   

《Soil biology & biochemistry》2001,33(4-5):553-562
Determination of amino acid enantiomers in environmental samples is difficult, because metals and organic impurities interfere with the analyses. We developed a new gas chromatographic method to assess amino acid enantiomer concentrations in complex soil matrices following hot HCl hydrolysis (6 M, 12 h, 105°C). The crucial focus was the establishment of a simple, reliable sample clean-up procedure. The presented method involved the adsorption of the enantiomers on a Dowex 50 W X8 cation exchange resin and the removal of interfering compounds with 0.1 M oxalic acid prior to amino acid elution with 2.5 M NH4OH. After conversion to N-pentafluoropropionyl-amino acid iso-propyl esters, the diastereomers were separated by a Chirasil l-Val capillary column and quantified by a flame ionization or mass selective detector. The lower limit of quantification tested here was ≤1 pg injection amount. The recovery of amino acid enantiomers averaged 99±11% for pure standards and 97±11% for spiked soil hydrolysates. The general applicability of the method was demonstrated by determination of amino acid enantiomers in taxonomically different soils from different geographic regions. The coefficients of variation presented by d/l ratios were 12% for alanine and <10% for the other amino acids.  相似文献   

Quantifying microbial biomass phosphorus in acid soils   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
 This study aimed to validate the fumigation-extraction method for measuring microbial biomass P in acid soils. Extractions with the Olsen (0.5 M NaHCO3, pH 8.5) and Bray-1 (0.03 M NH4F–0.025 M HCl) extractants at two soil:solution ratios (1 : 20 and 1 : 4, w/v) were compared using eight acid soils (pH 3.6–5.9). The data indicated that the flushes (increases following CHCl3-fumigation) of total P (Pt) and inorganic P (Pi) determined by Olsen extraction provided little useful information for estimating the amount of microbial biomass P in the soils. Using the Bray-1 extractant at a soil:solution ratio of 1 : 4, and analysing Pi instead of Pt, improves the reproducibility (statistical significance and CV) of the P flush in these soils. In all the approaches studied, the Pi flush determined using the Bray-1 extractant at 1 : 4 provided the best estimate of soil microbial biomass P. Furthermore, the recovery of cultured bacterial and fungal biomass P added to the soils and extracted using the Bray-1 extractant at 1 : 4 was relatively constant (24.1–36.7% and 15.7–25.7%, respectively) with only one exception, and showed no relationship with soil pH, indicating that it behaved differently from added Pi (recovery decreased from 86% at pH 4.6 to 13% at pH 3.6). Thus, correcting for the incomplete recovery of biomass P using added Pi is inappropriate for acid soils. Although microbial biomass P in soil is generally estimated using the Pi flush and a conversion factor (k P) of 0.4, more reliable estimates require that k P values are best determined independently for each soil. Received: 3 February 2000  相似文献   

Degradation of parathion in flooded acid soils   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

The persistence of 14C-trichloroacetic acid in three Saskatchewan soils was investigated at different moisture regimes under laboratory conditions at 25 ± 1°C. Following soil extraction with 0.1 m calcium chloride soln, radiochemical analytical procedures were used to monitor the breakdown. At rates equivalent to 4.4 kg/ha, degradation was most rapid in a high organic soil, with complete breakdown occurring within 3 weeks at moisture levels in excess of the wilting point. On a sandy loam and on a heavy clay breakdown was somewhat slower.  相似文献   


The rate of zinc (Zn) desorption from soil surfaces into soil solution is a dynamic factor that regulates its continuous supply to growing plants. To ascertain the pattern of Zn desorption as a function of phosphorus (P) application rate and pH, kinetics of Zn desorption from three surface soils representative of three major benchmark soil series were investigated using four equations. Zinc desorption decreased continuously with increase in pH from 4.25 to 8.00 in Oxisol. By contrast, Alfisol and Vertisol exhibited maximum Zn desorption at pH 5.50. Thereafter, Zn desorption decreased abruptly at pH 6.75 and finally steady state condition was obtained in both sodium chloride (NaCl) and calcium chloride (CaCl2) medium. The Elovich equation described Zn desorption kinetics much better at pH 4.25 and 5.50 followed by Parabolic diffusion equation at pH 6.75 and 8.00 for all the soils in NaCl medium. Whereas in the CaCl2 medium, the Elovich equation was superior in fitting the Zn desorption data irrespective of P level, pH, and soil. The Elovich constant (β) indicated that P affects Zn desorption inversely up to pH values 6.75.  相似文献   

Coniferous forest soils often consume less of the greenhouse gas methane (CH4) than deciduous forest soils. The reasons for this phenomenon have not been resolved. It might be caused by differences in the diffusive flux of CH4 through the organic layer, pH or different concentrations of potentially inhibitory compounds. Soil samples were investigated from three adjacent European beech ( Fagus sylvatica ) and Norway spruce ( Picea abies ) stands in Germany. Maximal CH4 oxidation velocities (Vmax(app)) and Michaelis Menten constants (KM(app)), retrieved from intact soil cores at constant CH4 concentrations, temperature and matric potential, were twice as great in beech as in spruce soils. Also atmospheric CH4 oxidation rates measured in homogenized soil samples displayed the same trend. Greatest atmospheric CH4 oxidation rates were detected in the Oa horizon or in the upper 5 cm of the mineral soil. In contrast to the beech soils, the Oa horizon of the spruce soils consumed no CH4. A differential effect due to divergent diffusive flux through the litter layer was not found. pH and ammonium concentration were similar in samples from both forest soil types. Ethylene accumulation in all soils was negligible under oxic conditions. These collective results suggest that the different atmospheric CH4 uptake by beech and spruce soils is caused by different CH4 oxidizing capacities of methanotrophic communities in the Oa horizon and top mineral soil.  相似文献   

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