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茶红翅天牛(Erythrus blairi Gresitt)是蛀食茶树和油茶树枝干的害虫。据记载,国内分布于江西、陕西、江苏、浙江、福建、广东、广西等省(区)。江西南北大部茶区都有发生,且局部为害较严重。鉴于茶树上有关此虫的报道较少,近年来笔者在婺源茶区对该虫进行了较系统的生物学观察,现将结果报道如下。 相似文献
龙眼木毒蛾生物学特性及其防治 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
木毒蛾(Lymantria xylina Swinhoe)是厦门市近年来龙眼(Dimocarpus longan Lour.)最常见食叶害虫之一,在同安区1a发生1代,以完成发育的幼虫在卵壳内越冬,5月中旬开始化蛹,5月下旬开始羽化,6月下旬结束羽化。 相似文献
人心果斑螟生物学特性及防治的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用变温法则测定室内自然变温条件下饲养的人心果斑螟(Nephopteryx sp.)各虫态发育起点温度及世代发育有效积温,结果是发育起点温度为卵13.23℃,幼虫17.71℃,蛹9.66℃,成虫6.11℃,全世代平均11.68℃,完成一世代的有效积温为408.4日度。用1/100毫米读数显微测微尺逐个测定幼虫头宽值,通过众数原理计算,幼虫有5个龄期,各龄期头宽值(毫米)分别为1龄0.316,2龄0.708,3龄1.126,4龄1.401,5龄1.668。通过室内化学毒力测定,杀卵和幼虫的有效农药有80%敌敌畏乳剂、50%甲胺磷乳剂等。 相似文献
茶长卷叶蛾(Homona magnanima Diakonoff),又名长卷蛾、东方长卷蛾、柑桔长卷蛾等,属鳞翅目,卷蛾科.茶长卷叶蛾在国内外均有分布,我国广泛分布于南方,如江苏、安徽、福建、湖南、四川、台湾、广东、广西、云南、西藏等,长江以南密度较高,华北也有发生;国外则主要分布于日本、斯里兰卡、印度等地,是日本的一种主要茶树害虫.该虫为害植物种类很多,主要有女贞、栎、樟、椴、落叶松、冷杉、紫杉、油茶、茶、苹果、梨、柑桔等多种观赏树木和经济林木,另外还为害油茶、咖啡、荔枝、板栗等,是城镇绿化、园林和园艺植物的重要害虫. 相似文献
大麦田泽漆主要生物学特性及防治研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
1990年以来,泽漆上升为大麦田恶性杂草,发生范围广,危害程度重。30%的大麦田因受其害减产1 ̄2成,每0.11m^2 20株,40株,60株,大麦分别减产10%,20%、30%。泽漆具有繁殖系数高,生命力强,适应性广等特性,农业,人工,防除比较困难。化防效果比较理想。 相似文献
通过室内编号控制饲养、田间定点、控制观察,明确大鸢尺蠖(Ectropis excellens Butler)在湖南长沙一年发生五代,以蛹在茶丛树冠下土内越冬,次年3月上、中旬羽化,交配产卵。各代幼虫分别于4、6、7、8、9~10月发生。以第一代和第五代为害期长,平均每头幼虫一生取食叶片面积为17256.6mm2。本文报导此虫的生物学特性和无公害防治措施。 相似文献
茶短须螨的生物学特性和防治研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
茶短须螨(Brevipalpus obovatus Donnadieu)是茶树上一种重要害螨。寄主范围广,能为害45科120多种植物。全年发生7代。以雌成螨在表土下根颈部越冬,但在我国南方茶区则无明显的滞育现象。螨体和卵多分布于茶树中、下部,以成叶或老叶的背面居多。雌、雄性比约2000∶1,以行孤雌生殖为主,也可行两性生殖,后代绝大多数为雌螨。雌成螨平均寿命为35—46天,长的可达6个月,平均产卵量35—40粒。在杭州地区,每年4月份平均气温上升至10—15℃时开始出蛰;24—30℃为适温范围,8月中旬— 相似文献
木橑尺蠖 Culcula panterinaria Bremer et Grey 是一种杂食性的尺蛾类害虫,在浙江杭州以蛹在茶树根际附近土中越冬,年发生2—3代。气温和相对湿度是影响木橑尺蠖生长、发育的主要环境条件。风可帮助初孵幼虫扩散,大暴雨可使低龄幼虫致死,土壤质地则影响入土化蛹深度。主要天敌是木橑尺蠖核型多角体病毒(NPV)。防治宜采用灯光诱杀、人工捕捉、保护利用天敌和化学农药综合措施。化学农药以3.12ppm 溴氰菊酯、12.5ppm 氯氰菊酯、20ppm 杀灭菊酯、40ppm 多虫畏、250ppm 喹硫磷及250ppm 灭幼脲Ⅲ效果较好。 相似文献
Seyed Ali Asghar Fathi 《Crop Protection》2011,30(7):844-848
The psyllid Bactericera nigricornis (Forster) (Hemiptera: Triozidae) is one of the most important pests of potato, Solanum tuberosum L., in the Ardabil region, Iran. The use of host plant resistance is an essential component of the integrated management of B. nigricornis. In this study, we investigated the population density of B. nigricornis on four commercial cultivars of potato under field conditions and its life-history parameters under laboratory conditions. In field experiments, the lowest and highest densities of B. nigricornis were observed on cvs. Agria and Marfona, respectively. Population densities did not differ significantly between cvs. Kaiserkrone and Satina. In experiments on life-history parameters, the longest and shortest developmental times of nymphs were observed on cv. Agria (22.3 days) and cv. Marfona (18.2 days). The developmental time of nymphs on Kaiserkrone did not differ significantly from that on Satina. The lowest number of eggs laid per female (47.2) and the lowest survival rate (50%) were observed on Agria. The survival rate on Agria did not differ significantly from that on Kaiserkrone and Satina. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) and population growth rate (λ) were lowest on Agria and highest on Marfona. The generation time on Agria and Kaiserkrone was significantly longer than on Satina and Marfona. The doubling time (DT) was longest on Agria (15.9 days) and shortest on Marfona (11.8 days). Amongst the cultivars investigated, host plant resistance acted by decreasing the numbers of eggs laid per female, increasing the development time and reducing the survival rate of B. nigricornis, so decreasing population growth. Of the cultivars tested, Agria is the most resistant host and has potential for use in the integrated management of B. nigricornis on potato. 相似文献
芒果毒蛾生物学特性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过室内饲养观察,测定室温下芒果毒蛾的发育历期,各龄幼虫的体长,各龄幼虫头壳宽度,成虫性比,雌虫产卵量;测定不同温度下,芒果毒蛾各虫态的发育历期,发育起点温度和有效积温等特性,研究结果表明;芒果毒蛾的发育历期为65.5d,雌幼虫的体长变化为0.3-4.5cm,头壳宽度变化为0.72-4.58mm;雄幼虫的体长变化为0.3-3.46cm,头壳宽度变化为0.7-3.62mm;成虫雌雄比为1:1.5;雌虫产卵量为300粒左右,世代发育起点温度为12.73℃,有效积温为715.22日度。 相似文献
The effect of foliar application of cytokinin (benzyl-adenine, 150 mg L−1) and gibberellin (GA4 + GA7, 150 mg L−1) on growth and flower development of 5-year-old plants of two jojoba clones was studied. The plant growth regulators were applied on October 5, 1999 (spring) and the plants were evaluated 120, 240 and 360 days after application. Shoot length, total number of nodes and number of nodes with branching were statistically different between clones but not between the growth regulator treatments.The total number of flowers on both clones was significantly increased by treatment with benzyl-adenine (BA) and significantly reduced by treatment with gibberellin. The seed yields, evaluated 180 days after application, were not statistically different from the control due to an increase in flower abortion. One clone treated with gibberellin showed a significant decrease in number and weight of seeds, the other did not.Histology of axillary buds revealed that BA application on one clone (4.11.32) enlarged the flower meristem, differentiating multiple flower production. 相似文献
以五倍子为对象,研究其粗提液对大丽轮枝菌的抑菌效果及对棉花黄萎病的田间防治效果,为研制用于棉花黄萎病防治的新型植物源制剂提供技术支持。结果表明,当五倍子粗提液体积分数达到0.6%时,其对分离自不同棉区的大丽轮枝菌强致病力菌株Vd080、Vd147、Vd021的菌落生长抑制率和产孢量抑制率均达到100%。田间叶面喷施五倍子粗提液对棉花黄萎病的防治效果最高可达到58.8%,40、80倍液处理能显著提高棉花纤维的断裂伸长率,且前者能显著提高籽棉产量。推荐生产上在棉花黄萎病发生前或发生初期叶面喷施40~80倍的五倍子粗提液进行防治。 相似文献