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三峡库区处在新生代第四纪冰期,曾是许多植物的“避难所”,是中国生物多样性富集地区之一,已知维管束植物有5032种,约占中国维管束植物总数的16%,其中属国家重点保护植物的有桫椤、水杉、银杉、珙桐等155种。  相似文献   

正阿尔金山保护区深藏于东昆仑山与阿尔金山之间的库木库里高原盆地内,保留着接近原始状态的高原生态系统。藏羚羊、野牦牛、藏野驴是保护区内最主要的三大有蹄类保护动物。整个保护区内共有51种珍稀濒危动物,其中10种国家一级保护动物,28种国家二级保护动物。自1983年建立以来,阿尔金山保护区却面临多次挑战。非法采金、非法盗猎、矿业开发和非法穿越对保护区的生态构成严重威胁。到20世纪90年代末,藏羚羊、野牦牛、藏野驴的总数已不足6.5万只。  相似文献   

对广东南岭地区分布的国家重点保护与珍稀濒危野生植物进行调查,参照世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)的标准对各物种在南岭地区的濒危状况进行了评估,分析了区系特点与部分物种的生态位宽度,并总结了各物种分布的地形格局。结果表明:1)研究区域内共有国家重点保护植物与珍稀濒危野生植物(目的物种)34种,隶属于23科28属,其中热带成分与温带成分各半,孑遗物种丰富。2)区域内目的物种大部分种类数量较少,生态位宽度普遍较小,全部被评估为地区性受危等级。3)随着海拔的升高,目的物种的数量呈现"中间膨胀型"的特点。目的物种主要分布于50°以下的缓坡,但在60°以上险坡仍有分布。  相似文献   

江西七溪岭自然保护区珍稀动物资源调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
摘 要:根据2006年的调查,七溪岭自然保护区共记录珍稀濒危野生动物24种,占七溪岭自然保护区陆生脊椎动物130种的18.5%;其中,属于国家一级保护的有2种,属于国家二级保护的有12种;列入《中国濒危动物红皮书》的有19种;列入IUCN(世界自然保护联盟)《世界濒危动物红皮书》的有11种; 列入CITES《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》附录的有14种;属于中国特产的6种;江西省分布的新记录种类为1种:中国瘰螈。本文首次对七溪岭自然保护区珍稀野生动物多样性进行了全面研究。  相似文献   

目前,我国已记载有兰科植物约194属1620种。2001年,野生兰科植物作为重点保护物种列入由国家林草局编制的《全国野生动植物保护及自然保护区建设工程总体规划》(2001-2030年)保护范围,兰科植物的保护日益受到国内外的高度重视。  相似文献   

正为什么动物的体型大小悬殊:大至几十吨重的蓝鲸,小到肉眼刚能看见的草履虫?为什么动物的产仔数量多少迥异:有一次产卵数十万的鱼类,也有一胎一仔的兽类?为什么动物的寿命长短不一:蜉蝣朝生夕死,而龟类却长命百岁?为什么人类的敌害蚊、蝇、老鼠屡灭不绝?为什么珍贵稀有的动物却日益稀少乃至濒临灭绝?原来,大自然生存的物种,都有一  相似文献   

采用线路调查与样方调查相结合的方法,对青格达湖自然保护区不同功能区内的外来入侵植物进行野外实地调查。结果表明,实验区、缓冲区和核心区都有外来入侵植物的分布。在实验区样方内共调查了24种植物,其中外来入侵植物6种,占调查植物总数的25%;在缓冲区样方内共调查了30种植物,其中外来入侵植物6种,占植物总数的20%;在核心区样方内共调查了23种植物,其中外来入侵植物1种,占植物总数的4.35%。  相似文献   

华南地区主要蔬菜氮肥肥料利用率研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
为了解决华南地区蔬菜高效生产问题,以华南地区主要蔬菜为试验材料,采用“3414”试验方法对主要蔬菜的氮肥肥料利用率进行了研究。总结近年来在华南地区蔬菜生产区进行的田间试验结果,分析目前蔬菜生产条件下氮肥偏生产力、农学效率、氮肥表观利用率、生理效率以及肥料和地力对蔬菜产量的贡献率。结果表明,叶菜氮肥偏生产力为173.1 kg/kg,农学效率为38.3 kg/kg,表观利用率为18.4%,生理利用率为291.5 kg/kg,肥料贡献率为38.6%,地力贡献率为61.4%;瓜类蔬菜氮肥偏生产力为145.5 kg/kg,农学效率为55.6 kg/kg,表观利用率为19.7%,生理利用率为315.3 kg/kg,肥料贡献率为36.6%,地力贡献率为63.4%;豆角氮肥偏生产力为204.5 kg/kg,农学效率为42.4 kg/kg,表观利用率为19.6%,生理利用率为228.4 kg/kg,肥料利用率为20.6%,地力贡献率为79.5%。从肥料利用率分布频率可以看出,叶菜氮肥表观利用率小于10%的试验样本有40 个,占总数34%,处于10%~20%的样本有43个,占总数36%,处于20%~30%的试验样本有19 个,占总数16%,大于30%的试验样本有16 个,占总数14%;瓜类蔬菜氮肥利用率小于10%的样本有48 个,占总数31%,处于10%~20%的样本有51 个,占总数33%,处于20%~30%的样本有32 个,占总数21%,大于30%的试验样本有25 个,占总数15%;豆类蔬菜氮肥利用率小于10%的试验样本有54 个,占总数39%,处于10%~20%的样本有36 个,占总数26%,处于20%~30%的样本有23 个,占总数17%,大于30%的试验样本有26 个,占总数18%。氮肥利用率小于30%的试验样本占总样本的80%以上,表明在目前蔬菜生产条件下各类蔬菜的氮肥利用率较低。生产上需同时解决蔬菜产量及肥料利用效率提高的问题。  相似文献   

王昌腾 《种子》2010,29(11)
丽水市是浙江省国家重点保护野生植物最丰富的地区之一,经野外调查,野生植物共有24种,隶属19科25属,其中国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生植物5种,国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生植物19种.现分析评价其资源现状,提出开发利用与保护建议.  相似文献   

根据标本采集和调查,保护区内有自然生长的珍稀濒危植物133种.其中:国家Ⅰ级保护植物4种,国家Ⅱ级保护植物18种,贵州省重点保护树种15种;<濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约>附录Ⅰ兰科兜兰属4种,附录Ⅱ有仙人掌科仙人掌属1种及兰科32属90种.包括蕨类植物2科3属3种;裸子植物5科7属8种;被子植物18科58属122种.并对这些植物的分布特征、生态习性、利用价值、资源现状及保护措施进行了初步研究,这些珍稀物种,特别是一些经济利用价值较大的物种的生存状况,种群结构欠佳,急需加强对其现有个体和其生态环境的保护,辅以人为措施,促进其更新发展.  相似文献   

Taking Meiling Forest Park in Nanchang City for example, this paper on the basis of analyzing current development of forest park combined the characteristics of natural and humanistic resources in Meiling Forest Park, explored its planning concepts, and proposed the sustainable planning strategies for the park.  相似文献   

The transformation and upgrading of comprehensive park can not be only limited to the adjustment for structure, function and landscape facility of comprehensive park itself, which shall be carried out as a whole. Viewing from the macroscopic perspective of city, comprehensive park is an important constituent part of urban green space system, and its transformation is an integral part of overall perfection and development of urban green space system. Park is an organic integrity comprising many elements. The transformation of comprehensive park shall be carried out as a whole and handled by using the methods of "from top to bottom" and "from bottom to top", thus adjusting the relationship between park and city and within park on the whole. This research takes the open park transformation and upgrading of Xuzhou Quanshan Forest Park as an example to introduce the key points of open park transformation from such aspects as of entrance space, overall space structure, service function expansion and spatial form optimization in expectation of having a certain reference value.  相似文献   

This paper,based on the ecological footprint component method,calculated the touristic ecological footprint of Jiufeng National Forest Park in Beijing.The results showed that in 2013,in Jiufeng National Forest Park,the total touristic ecological footprint was 183.08 hm2,the total ecological capacity was 225.16 hm2,the total touristic ecological surplus was 42.07 hm2,and the average touristic ecological surplus was 0.000 4 hm2 per capita,indicating that tourism in Jiufeng National Forest Park was in ecological surplus and ecological security.However,forest parks in Beijing at large were in ecological deficit.This paper suggested that the tourist flow volume of forest parks with a big ecological deficit should be moved to forest parks with an ecological surplus.Besides,forest parks are expected to strengthen the development and management,improve the availability of forest recreation resource,and promote the environmental protection awareness of tourists,so as to boost the sustainable development of forest park tourism.  相似文献   

The analysis of the service range and optimized layout of urban parkland through scientific methods is conducive to urban ecological environment, urban fabric and stable order to provide accessible recreational places for residents. This paper took Jianghan District in Wuhan for example, based on the GIS network analysis and vector databases of road network, park and population, to obtain the irregular service range of different types of park and bearing capacity. The results showed that the service range of daily recreation within 20 min accounted for 75.5% of the total area, and the bearing capacity of Lingjiaohu Park, Wangjiadun Park, and Longwangmiao Park was low. It was thus concluded that there were visible blind areas and invisible blind areas in Jianghan District. Therefore, specific optimized layout of parkland was implemented in different blind areas to effectively combine park green space and residents' recreational activities, so as to achieve reasonable layout of urban parkland.  相似文献   

Founded in 1986, Jianying Park represents a momentous comprehensive park in Meizhou. Recent years have witnessed the rehabilitation and expansion grounded of that park on its original appearance. This paper, on the basis of analyzing and discussing the existing problems of the original park, combines the principles and requirements of urban park landscape design and adds the concept of ecological waters design, so as to integrate the cultural characteristics of Meizhou into Jianying Park. The project adopts user-friendly design in an effort to create a unique scenic spot and all kinds of markers standing for Marshal Ye Jianying.  相似文献   

以合肥岗集镇为例,对现代农业观光园的规划和建设进行探讨。岗集现代苗木产业示范园是一个以花卉苗木生产为主导产业的农业观光示范园,它将苗木的生产、经营和景观的营造相互结合,以此带动农业、林业、旅游等其他各类附属产业的共同发展。笔者详细的介绍了岗集现代苗木产业示范园规划的背景、思路和内容,提出了有效的现代农业观光园的规划思路,以期为安徽省观光农业的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Through summarizing and analyzing planning objectives, landscape division and natural ecological experience planning of Zhengzhou Forest Park, the authors discussed the application of human-nature harmony in the planning, stressed citizens' needs for experiencing natural ecological environment, and tried to build Zhengzhou Forest Park with picturesque scenery, complete facilities, and harmonious human-nature coexistence.  相似文献   

研究旨在将园艺疗法和景观园林结合,借助植物和外界环境来刺激人体感官,缓解疲劳、减轻压力、愉悦身心、预防和治疗疾病,将园艺疗法应用到城市园林景观中是今后园林设计发展的大势所趋。试验通过前期查阅大量相关文献资料,探究了园艺疗法的含义、类型、作用及其与园林景观设计之间的关系等理论方面的内容;于2018年4—5月多次前往唐山南湖公园、大钊公园、凤凰山公园等地进行实地调研,探究园艺疗法在现有城市园林景观中的开展情况,同时设计了一份关于园艺疗法的调查问卷并在网络上和公园中同步发放。问卷回收后,对问卷结果进行整理、分析与讨论,最终探究出园艺疗法在城市园林景观中较适宜的应用模式,如设置不同功能园区包括体验园、感知园、专类园,从园林设计的角度出发更好地开展园艺疗法对人们的感官刺激,同时通过园艺体验改善人们身体机能。  相似文献   

The current situation of plants in Shilihe Beach of the Huaxi National Urban Wetland Park was investigated and analyzed. The results show that there are about 181 species of landscape plants in this park, of which arbors and shrubs are dominant. Various species of plants grow differently because of different types of artificial maintenance. The overall partition of the wetland park dose not follow the features of a river-type wetland and is not clear. In this park, the planting area of hygrophyte is far less than that of terrestrial plants. As a result, the wetland park is evolving into a public garden. It is suggested that the overall design of the park should be conducted in accordance with site characteristics and resources, and the park should be developed and built reasonably based on the principle that the ecology is a priority.  相似文献   

为研究苏州城市公园内不同景观类型的温湿效应,选取苏州市区苏州公园、桐泾公园、白塘生态植物园、苏州中国花卉植物园等4个公园内乔草密林、乔灌草混合林、乔草疏林、草坪、园内广场等5种景观类型作为研究对象,公园外道路作为对照。利用手持式温湿度仪测定不同类型样地1.5 m高度的空气温湿度。研究结果表明:(1)和园外道路、园内广场相比,有植被景观类型在不同季节均具有降温增湿效果;(2)不同景观类型中,乔草密林的降温增湿效果最好;(3)在夏季,公园的平均温度、湿度和园外道路相比,有极显著、显著差异;(4)在夏季,公园整体的降温增湿效果和公园面积、水体面积占比没有明显的相关性。这些结果可以给公园规划建设、市民出行游玩提供一定参考。  相似文献   

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