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Immunohistological (S-100, cIg) and enzyme histochemical (ANAE/ANBE, beta-glu, ATPase, AcP) investigations were carried out to identify lymphocyte and reticular cell subpopulations "in situ", in pig lymphoid tissue (lymph node, spleen, and thymus) of a 6 months old group, and a 6-9 days old one. By means of immunohistological techniques, in the 6 month old pigs we could detect S-100 protein (PAP), chiefly in T-areas lymphocytes, but we also found some S-100 positive lymphocytes in spleen follicles. Also S-100 protein were detected at Follicular Dendritic Cells (FDC) in lymph node and spleen; and Reticular Fibroblastic Cells (RFC) only in the first one. Finally, S-100 were noted in Hassall corpuscles (thymus), nervous fibres, and endothelial cells too. Using PAP (IgG, IgM) and IPI (IgA) techniques we could detect lymphocyte cytoplasmatic surface immunoglobulins (cIg) in lymphocytes, lymphoblastoid and plasmacytoid cells in nearly all tissue compartments. By means of histochemical techniques we could identify T-area lymphocytes ANAE/ANBE and beta-glu positives (cytoplasmatic spots) and B-area lymphocytes ATPase positive; macrophages, and polymorphonuclear eosinophiles PHNE being ANAE/ANBE and beta-glu positives (diffuse cytoplasmic stain); and Hassall corpuscles ANAE/ANBE and AcP positives. Concerning to reticular cells, we found FDC and RFC in lymphoid follicles, and Interdigitating Reticular Cells (IDC) in lymphoid diffuse tissue, with enzyme activity (all the enzymes studied) in nearly all the cases. In piglets, the immunohistological and histochemical pattern was nearly the same.  相似文献   

Histochemical and morphometric study of fibrilar population in diaphragm muscle. Part I: Horse and Dog By using m-ATPase techniques, under alkaline and acid pre-incubations, as well as metabolic techniques (α-MGPDH and NADH-TR), sections from the lumbar and costal portions of diaphragm muscle in horse and dog were analysed. Fibre samples were exposed to image-analysis observations in order to determine the lowest fibre diameter and obtain estadistical data. The findings revealed that the lumbar portion of horse diaphragm consists of fibre types I, IIA and IIB; in the costal portion, the fibre types I and IIA were present. In the dog, the lumbar and costal portions consisted of fibre types I, IIA and IIC, which showed some specific histochemical characteristics. Some data concerning both morphometrical and statistical fibre-type analysis are presented.  相似文献   

Histochemical and Morphometric Study of the Fibrilar Population in Diaphragm Muscle. Part II: Ox and Pig M-ATPase techniques, at different pH levels prior to incubation, as well as metabolic procedures (α-MGPDH and NADH-TR), were used to determine the fibre-type content of the lumbar and costal portions in the bovine and porcine diaphragm. The fibre samples were exposed to image analysis in order to evaluate both the morphometrical and statistical values. On the basis of tintorial reactions, the fibre types IA, IB and IIC were found in the lumbar portion of the bovine diaphragm; in the costal portion of the same diaphragm, IA, IB, IIA and IIC fibre types were observed. With regard to the porcine diaphragm, the I, IIA, IIB, IIC fibre types were present in both portions of the muscle. Further morphometrical and statistical data concerning all the fibre types are obtained and discussed.  相似文献   

A comparison using the corrosion method was made between Pudú pudu (Molina, 1782) ventral brain arteries and those of the cow. The Pudú's Rete mirabile epidurale rostrale (Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria, 1994) is ventrally formed by branches of the A. maxillaris, and caudally formed by the A. vertebralis. The Hypophysis is surrounded by the Rete mirabile rostrale. The lateral parts are rostrally joined to that gland by a thin vascular bridge and caudally by thick arteries. The Pudú's Circulus arteriosus cerebri is asymmetrical, that is, on the right side the A. cerebri rostralis ends in the A. cerebri media. The left-side A. cerebri rostralis irrigates every rostral portion of the encephalon. In the cow, practically the same arteries come out of the Circulus arteriosus cerebri, which is not asymmetrical. The A. cerebri caudalis comes first out of the A. communicans caudalis and then the branches for the Pons, and finally the A. cerebelli rostralis. In this species, there are arterial blocks that are not present in Pudú.  相似文献   

Histochemical and Morphometric Aspects of some Extraocular Muscles of the Dog
This investigation was carried out on retractor bulbi, lateral and medial rectus muscles of six adult dogs. Tissues were collected from near the center of individual muscle bellies. These were stained for m-ATPase at varying pHs during preincubation, NADH-TR, Alpha-GPDH, Modified Mason trichrome and Hematoxyline and Eosin. Muscle fibers were classified as type I and type II, based on their reaction for m-ATPase. The retractor bulbi muscle was composed entirely of type II, oxidative, muscle fibers, with no glycolytic fibers. The rectus muscles presented a stratified composition, with superficial muscle fiber bundles containing a mixture of type II fibers oxidative and glycolytic, and central bundles of type I, mixed with type II. It was observed that there was less interstitial tissue in the center of the muscle bellies. Large diameter nerve fibers were also observed in the central layers.  相似文献   

The Bulbus oculi of 25 buzzards of both sexes and of nearly the same age and weight, was examined with regard to its gross anatomy, strucutre, ultrastructure and size. The volume of the eyeball is of 9.5 cm3. In the Anulus sclerae there are about a dozen of cartilagineous plates, and in the Corpus ciliare there can be found between 112 and 115 Processus ciliares. The muscle of Müller was not observed. Morphological details of the Pecten are given and its functional significance is discussed.  相似文献   

Compared studies of the lingual papillae of the cat ( Felis catus ) and the rabbit ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ) by scanning electron microscopy
The morphologic characteristics of the principal lingual papillae of the cat and the rabbit were studied and compared through the use of scanning electron microscopy. The fungiform papillae of the rabbit demonstrates an annular pad which is absent in the cat. Both species demonstrated openings of taste pores on these papillae. The vallate papilla demonstrated pseudopapillae in both species. In the rabbit, however the annular pad is quite rudimentary. These papillae also demonstrate taste pores on their surface in both species. The foliate papillae were quite different between the species. In the cat, they were digitiform and in the rabbit they were represented by a number of laminae. Few gustatory pores were observed in the cat, but pores were numerous in the rabbit. In both species there were three forms of mechanical papillae (smooth conical, scaly conical and filiform). These papillae are described according to location and density.  相似文献   

A study of the ultrastructural and gross organization of the kidney vascular supply of the fighting bull (Toro de Lidia)
A study of the ultrastructural and gross organization of the morphologic architecture of the arteries and veins of the kidney of the fighting bull (Toro de Lidia) was carried out through the study of 30 kidneys. These organs were perfused with polyvinyl followed by digestion in hydrochloric acid. The blood vessels were then described and illustrated through gross and scanning electron microscopic photography. Special attention was given to the organization of the glomerular and stellate veins.  相似文献   

The origin of the cranial and caudal adrenal arteries were studied in the white laboratory rat. Colored latex neoprene was utilized in this investigation. The adrenal arteries were found to arise from the caudal phrenic or adrenophrenic trunks. Variations in origin are discussed.  相似文献   

A study of the influence of thymectomy on the development of endocrine gland derivates from pharyngeal primordia was carried out in Wistar, white rats. It was demonstrated that thymectomy of 100–120 gram rats resulted in enhanced development of the thyroid, parathyroid and ultimobranchial.  相似文献   

Chronology of the postnatal ossification of the shoulder and cubit joints of the Siam cat (Felts catus L.) A study was done by radiological techniques to show the chronology of ossification of the shoulder and cubit joints in the Siam cat, from birth up to the 25th week of postnatal development. For this experiment we used 40 little cats (19 males and 21 females) belonging to 11 litters subjected to different controls: pattern race, healthy, feeding, growing up and radioactivity. The time of the appearance and the evolution of the ossification centers is determined as well as the phenomenon of fusion during this time. The postnatal ossification from both joints of the Siam cat is compared with that of the common cat.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural study to the corpus luteum (CL) from 263 non pregnant female cattle slaughtered in slaughter-houses of León (Spain) was done. The luteal cells are classified in five types, noted with roman numbers. We made a comparison between these cells and the cells described in the literature. We believe that luteal cells have a development from type I to V, the first type is the principal inside the developing CL. The types II and III are in the mature CL, and the two last types are in the degenerating CL. It will be the same cell in different stages of development. We did not find characteristic structures to differentiate luteal cells originating from the granulosa or the theca.  相似文献   

A study of the crista ampullaris of the vestibular apparatus was carried out in chicken embryos. The study group included embryos between stages 24 and 39 of Hamburger-Hamilton. This study elucidates the relationship of the cupula with respect to the epithelium of the crista ampullaris. With electron microscopic examination, the rough endoplasmic reticulum of the crista epithelial sustentacular cells at developmental stage of 31 H-H, demonstrated dilatations containing secretory material. Vesicles, with adhering ribosomes appear to be formed from these dilatations. At later stages of development, the vesicular material took on the characteristics of the fibrillary material composing the cupula. In some cells, secretory vesicles are seen near the apical border of these cells, where they apparently secrete vesicular contents into the endolymphatic space, contributing to the formation of the cupula.  相似文献   

A light microscopic study of the epithelia of the crista ampullaris of the semicircular canals of the embryonic chicken indicates that the epithelial cells undergo irregular degenerative changes, with continual mitotic replacement of surface cells. The cupula develops over the surface epithelia through vesicular secretions containing acidophils fibrillar material mixed with globular formations derived from fragmentation of the surface epithelial cells. Electron microscopic studies demonstrate the mode of secretion of rounded or oval supraepithelial bodies from surface epithelium, contributing to the development of the cupula ampullaris. These observations provide evidence of cytoplasmic contributions of surface epithelial cells of the crista ampullaris contributing to the development and continued reorganization of the cupula ampullaris during embryonic development.  相似文献   

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