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选择三产母猪50头,随机分成3组,从配种开始,分别喂以高、中、低3种能量蛋白水平的饲料,比较3组的产仔数,产活仔数,初生窝重和断奶头数,窝重,前低后高组和全期高能量蛋白组繁殖性能各项指标差异均不显著(P>0.05),但全期低能量蛋白组与前2组的差异极显著(P<0.01)。从经济效益上看,前低后高组每窝毛利比全期高能量蛋白组高出102.23元,比全期低能量蛋白组高出452.42元。  相似文献   

日粮能量蛋白水平对肉用型种公鸡繁殖性能的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1材料和方法1.1试验时间和地点本试验于2000年5月初开始,同年7月中旬结束,地点为辽宁某父母代肉种鸡场。1.2试验动物和饲养管理39~50周龄的艾维茵肉用父母代种公鸡为试材,种公、母鸡同舍笼养,人工授精。试验期每天16h光照,强度为10勒克斯;依据舍内温度机械通风;种公鸡每天人工给料120g,限制饮水;人工拣蛋4次,每日喂料前人工清粪;定期喷雾消毒。1.3试验设计及饲料配方选择39周龄健康种公鸡72只,随机分为9组,每组8只,一鸡一笼;另选择健康同周龄种母鸡432只,也随机分为9组,每组48只…  相似文献   

能量和蛋白质营养状况对奶牛繁殖性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前荷斯坦奶牛的产奶水平已经达到了相当高的年产奶量。加拿大已经达到约12000千克;上海地区约9000千克;在我区也达到6000千克左右。奶牛在产后的约两个星期后,产奶量迅速达到高峰,并维持约3个月的时间;如按每天产奶25千克标准奶计算,需要产  相似文献   

能量和蛋白质摄入量对母猪繁殖性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综合论述了能量和蛋白质供给量对母猪初情期、排卵数、胚胎成活率、仔猪初生重和产仔数的影响。  相似文献   

于桂阳 《饲料广角》2003,(17):26-28
母猪的饲养管理是养猪生产的最初阶段,母猪生产性能的高低直接影响到整个生产环节的利润。当前动物的选种选育取得巨大的成功,母猪的潜在生产力得到了提高,主要表现为提高增重速度、增加瘦肉率、降低脂肪沉积等,但是,这样的遗传选择目标对于母猪而言,实际上降低了采食量、减少了初次分娩时的营养物质储备、延  相似文献   

任善茂  陶勇 《猪业科学》2006,23(10):48-49
影响种猪繁殖的因素很多,主要包括遗传性状、自然环境、营养和管理等方面,其中营养是限制和挖掘猪繁殖的主要因素。在环境条件和管理水平比较一致的情况下,供给猪的营养是否平衡将直接影响到其繁殖潜力的发挥。本文拟就能量和蛋白质营养状况对猪繁殖性能的影响作一综述。  相似文献   

为研究蛋白水平对种用蓝孔雀产蛋和繁殖性能的影响,本试验对玉米-豆粕型日粮固定能量水平12.13MJ/kg,设定17%、19%和21%三个蛋白水平,对3岁龄种用蓝孔雀进行饲喂试验,试验期4~7月份,结束后对产蛋情况和繁殖性能进行统计.结果表明:蛋白水平为19%,能量水平为12.13MJ/Kg时,对种用蓝孔雀的生产和繁殖性...  相似文献   

日粮蛋白、能量水平对母猪繁殖性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选用36头配种日龄相近,其父母代繁殖性能无显著差异的长大初产母猪,研究妊娠和哺乳28d3个不同蛋白和能量水平的日粮对母猪繁殖性能的影响。在保持日粮的蛋能比基本不变的条件下,为妊娠和哺乳母猪分别设置3个不同蛋白和能量水平的日粮,即高能高蛋白,低能低蛋白和原用日粮。结果表明:妊娠日粮蛋白能量水平对母猪产仔数,活仔数影响显著(P<0.05),妊娠日粮蛋白能量水平对仔猪初生重无显著影响(P>0.05),但高能高蛋白的试验组2略高于试验组1和对照组。仔猪断奶前的平均日增重受妊娠和哺乳日粮蛋白能量水平的影响不大。  相似文献   

奶牛繁殖性能下降与能量和蛋白质有关,本文系统地介绍了日粮能量和蛋白质水平对奶牛繁殖性能影响的研究进展,并着重论述了能量负平衡(NEB)及日粮蛋白质、脂肪酸和氨基酸对奶牛繁殖的影响.  相似文献   

The effects of nutrition on reproductive performance of beef cattle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The concept of feeding for optimal reproductive performance is not new. The effects of prepartum and postpartum nutritional levels on return to postpartum estrus and conception rates was reported in 1962. The effect of body condition regardless of nutrition regimen was first reported in 1975. Body condition scoring has become a popular topic for Extension and practitioner sponsored producer meetings. To effectively promote a management change that requires increased cash flow and does not have an immediate return requires demonstration of cost-effectiveness. This requires knowledge of the biologic information and transformation of that knowledge (through partial budget analysis) into additional profit for the producer. Controlling reproduction through proper nutrition at critical times of the reproductive cycle requires: 1. Calving and breeding seasons of 60 days. 2. Cows to be in moderate to good body condition at calving (BCS 5-7). 3. Cows to be slightly gaining at the beginning of the breeding season. 4. Cows to be bred to fertile bulls. 5. Evaluation and correction of body condition well in advance of the actual impact of BCS on reproductive function. 6. Producer to be prepared to initiate "alternate" plans (i.e., early weaning or 48 hour calf removal).  相似文献   

营养与繁殖性能的关系越来越受到人们关注,而种公猪的繁殖性能对养猪生产至关重要。研究表明营养是影响种公猪繁殖性能的主要因素,营养缺乏使得种公猪繁殖性能低下。文中主要综述了能量、蛋白质与氨基酸、维生素、矿物质等营养素与种公猪繁殖性能关系以及种公猪的营养需要等。  相似文献   

山羊繁殖力是制约生产效率的主要因素之一,科学地运用生殖学的营养调控技术已使得山羊的实际繁殖力大大提高.但是,当前绝大多数山羊的繁殖率与真实潜在尚有很大的差距,本文就山羊的消化代谢特点、能量、蛋白质、碳水化合物、维生素以及无机矿物微量元素调控对山羊繁殖力影响作了阐述,以缩小这种差距.  相似文献   

The literature on the effects of nutrition during the growing period and the oestrous cycle on the reproductive performance of the pig is reviewed. It is concluded that the age at which the gilt reaches puberty is influenced much less by nutrition than by other environmental factors. This being so it would be advisable to feed the gilt at a level of intake which optimises food conversion efficiency. By extrapolation from the recent work of Davies and Lucas (1972) this might be expected to occur when dietary energy intake was approximately three times the maintenance requirement.In some circumstances ovulation may be a limiting factor to litter size therefore in order to maximise ovulation rate it would be advisable to feed gilts ad libitum for 11–14 days before the oestrus at which they are to be mated.Following mating the feed intake of the gilt should be reduced to provide an intake of approximately 5 Mcal ME/day.On the limited evidence available at present it would appear likely that reducing the age at which gilts reach puberty and are mated will produce small reductions in litter size, but that such a practice may be justifiable in terms of savings in food consumption.From the evidence that is available it would appear that nutritional variations during the weaning to remating period and the post weaning oestrous period may influence ovulation rate. However, ovulation rate does not seem to be the factor which limits litter size. Post weaning nutrition may be of significance in determining if and when the female returns to oestrus and also in influencing conception rate. There is certainly a case for feeding the primiparous sow liberally between weaning from her litter and conception. However in the older sow the effects are less clearly defined. The precise requirements of the sow between weaning and conception still await definition.  相似文献   

能量是影响母羊繁殖性能的重要因素之一.满足母羊不同时期的能量需求是提高母羊生产效益的重要措施,对保证母羊繁殖和羔羊健康生长有重要意义.能量主要通过下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴来影响母羊的繁殖性能.文章综述不同能量水平对母羊的发情、胚胎发育、泌乳和羔羊生长的影响,以期为母羊合理的日粮能量水平提供依据.  相似文献   

微量元素硒对动物繁殖性能的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
作者从微量元素硒的主要生物学功能,硒对各种动物繁殖性能的影响,常用饲料原料的含硒量,以及各种种用动物对硒的需要量方面进行比较全面的综述,为在种用动物饲养过程中合理利用微量元素硒提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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