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Ediacaran assemblages immediately predate the Cambrian explosion of metazoans and should have played a crucial role in this radiation. Their wider relationships, however, have remained refractory and difficult to integrate with early metazoan phylogeny. Here, we describe a frondlike fossil, Stromatoveris (S. psygmoglena sp. nov.), from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerst?tte (Yunnan, China) that is strikingly similar to Ediacaran vendobionts. The exquisite preservation reveals closely spaced branches, probably ciliated, that appear to represent precursors of the diagnostic comb rows of ctenophores. Therefore, this finding has important implications for the early evolution of this phylum and related diploblasts, some of which independently evolved a frondose habit.  相似文献   

Diverse bilaterian clades emerged apparently within a few million years during the early Cambrian, and various environmental, developmental, and ecological causes have been proposed to explain this abrupt appearance. A compilation of the patterns of fossil and molecular diversification, comparative developmental data, and information on ecological feeding strategies indicate that the major animal clades diverged many tens of millions of years before their first appearance in the fossil record, demonstrating a macroevolutionary lag between the establishment of their developmental toolkits during the Cryogenian [(850 to 635 million years ago (Ma)], and the later ecological success of metazoans during the Ediacaran (635 to 541 Ma) and Cambrian (541 to 488 Ma) periods. We argue that this diversification involved new forms of developmental regulation, as well as innovations in networks of ecological interaction within the context of permissive environmental circumstances.  相似文献   

Soft-bodied marine faunas from the Lower and Middle Cambrian, exemplified by the Burgess Shale of British Columbia, are a key component in understanding the major adaptive radiations at the beginning of the Phanerozoic ("Cambrian explosion"). These faunas have a widespread distribution, and many taxa have pronounced longevity. Among the components appear to be survivors of the preceding Ediacaran assemblages and a suite of bizarre forms that give unexpected insights into morphological diversification. Microevolutionary processes, however, seem adequate to account for this radiation, and the macroevolutionary patterns that set the seal on Phanerozoic life are contingent on random extinctions. They weeded out the morphological spectrum and permitted rediversification among surviving clades. Although the predictability of which clades will play in successive acts of the Phanerozoic theater is low, at least the outlines of the underlying ecological plot are already clear from the opening of the drama.  相似文献   

Fossil medusoids identified as Cyclomedusa davidi?, Beltanelliformis brunsae, and cf. Sekwia excentrica are reported from Late Precambrian strata in the Wernecke Mountains. They are representatives of the Ediacaran fauna, the oldest assemblage of cosmopolitan metazoans, and are only the third such occurrence in Canada. In addition, specimens broadly resembling the problematic structure Rugoinfractus ovruchensis, previously known only from the Precambrian of the Ukraine, are reported from the Lower Cambrian of the nearby Mackenzie Mountains.  相似文献   

Phosphatized univalves, recovered from the Lower Cambrian ( approximately 530 million years old) Qiongzhusi Formation in southern China, are recognized as early instars belonging to bradoriid ostracodes whose later instars are bivalved. The univalved form is the primitive larval character for shell-secreting crustaceans, although most post-Cambrian ostracodes bypassed this developmental phase. The univalved-bivalved transition during early on-togeny represents an important evolutionary event in ostracodes, with implications for crustacean classification, and implies that the ostracode ancestor achieved this bivalved capacity before the appearance of mineralized skeletons during the "Cambrian explosion."  相似文献   

We have discovered numerous borings of Trypanites penetrating skeletons and synsedimentary cemented limestones in archaeocyathid reefs of the Forteau formation in southern Labrador. These are, to date, the oldest known macroborings. The discovery of these structures extends the record of large endolithic organisms 100 million years from the Lower Ordovician to the Lower Cambrian. This immediately postdates the appearance of metazoans with hard parts and confirms that endoliths have played a role in reef formation since the early Cambrian.  相似文献   

Examples that indicate collective behavior in the fossil record are rare. A group association of specimens that belong to a previously unknown arthropod from the Chengjiang Lagerst?tte, China, provides evidence that such behavior was present in the early Cambrian (about 525 million years ago), coincident with the earliest extensive diversification of the Metazoa, the so-called Cambrian explosion event. The chainlike form of these specimens is unique for any arthropod, fossil or living, and most likely represents behavior associated with migration.  相似文献   

An analysis of the range of morphology among arthropods demonstrates that disparity among living arthropods is similar to that in Cambrian arthropods. The range of morphological design resulting from the Cambrian "explosion" has been overestimated, reflecting a tendency to separate as "problematic" taxa that cannot be accommodated in the classification on the basis of the living biota. Problematic taxa are largely an artifact of an inadequate taxonomy. Special evolutionary processes may not be necessary to explain the early radiation of the metazoans.  相似文献   

Based on molecular clocks and biomarker studies, it is possible that bilaterian life emerged early in the Ediacaran, but at present, no fossils or trace fossils from this time have been reported. Here we report the discovery of the oldest bilaterian burrows in shallow-water glaciomarine sediments from the Tacuarí Formation, Uruguay. Uranium-lead dating of zircons in cross-cutting granite dykes constrains the age of these burrows to be at least 585 million years old. Their features indicate infaunal grazing activity by early eumetazoans. Active backfill within the burrow, an ability to wander upward and downward to exploit shallowly situated sedimentary laminae, and sinuous meandering suggest advanced behavioral adaptations. These findings unite the paleontological and molecular data pertaining to the evolution of bilaterians, and link bilaterian origins to the environmental changes that took place during the Neoproterozoic glaciations.  相似文献   

Round to oval, scalelike siliceous microstructures from cherts in Cambrian limestones of the western Yukon Territory suggest affinity with chrysophycean algae. At least six morphotypes present include porous forms with single branching processes and nonporous oval, ringlike forms. Partially dissolved specimens may indicate a contribution to contemporaneous or early diagenetic chert formation.  相似文献   

Globular fossils showing palintomic cell cleavage in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, China, are widely regarded as embryos of early metazoans, although metazoan synapomorphies, tissue differentiation, and associated juveniles or adults are lacking. We demonstrate using synchrotron-based x-ray tomographic microscopy that the fossils have features incompatible with multicellular metazoan embryos. The developmental pattern is comparable with nonmetazoan holozoans, including germination stages that preclude postcleavage embryology characteristic of metazoans. We conclude that these fossils are neither animals nor embryos. They belong outside crown-group Metazoa, within total-group Holozoa (the sister clade to Fungi that includes Metazoa, Choanoflagellata, and Mesomycetozoea) or perhaps on even more distant branches in the eukaryote tree. They represent an evolutionary grade in which palintomic cleavage served the function of producing propagules for dispersion.  相似文献   

An assemblage of Middle Cambrian Atlantic faunal province trilobites has been found in the rocks of the Carolina slate belt near Batesburg, South Carolina. Geologic and paleomagnetic data suggest that the Carolina slate belt and the adjacent Charlotte belt constitute an exotic terrane that was accreted to North America in early to middle Paleozoic time.  相似文献   

Halkieriids and wiwaxiids are cosmopolitan sclerite-bearing metazoans from the Lower and Middle Cambrian. Although they have similar scleritomes, their phylogenetic position is contested. A new scleritomous fossil from the Burgess Shale has the prominent anterior shell of the halkieriids but also bears wiwaxiid-like sclerites. This new fossil defines the monophyletic halwaxiids and indicates that they have a key place in early lophotrochozoan history.  相似文献   

The Chinese Early Cambrian Chengjiang fauna includes three different anomalocaridids, a globally spread, extinct marine group including the largest known Cambrian animals. Anomalocaridids were active predators, and their presence implies that a complex ecosystem appeared abruptly in the earliest Phanerozoic. Complete specimens display several sets of characters shared only with some other exclusively Cambrian forms. This evidence indicates that anomalocaridids, Opabinia, and Kerygmachela form a monophyletic clade. Certain features indicate arthropod affinities of the lade, and for this group an unnamed (sub)phylum-level taxon within an arthropod (super)phylum is proposed.  相似文献   

Morphological variation within species is a raw material subject to natural selection. However, temporal change in morphological diversity has usually been studied in terms of variation among rather than within species. The distribution of polymorphic traits in cladistic character-taxon matrices reveals that the frequency and extent of morphological variation in 982 trilobite species are greatest early in the evolution of the group: Stratigraphically old and/or phylogenetically basal taxa are significantly more variable than younger and/or more derived taxa. Through its influence on evolutionary tempo, high intraspecific variation may have played a major role in the pronounced Cambrian diversification of trilobites.  相似文献   

A uranium-lead zircon age for a volcanic ash interstratified with fossil-bearing, shallow marine siliciclastic rocks in the Zimnie Gory section of the White Sea region indicates that a diverse assemblage of body and trace fossils occurred before 555.3 +/- 0.3 million years ago. This age is a minimum for the oldest well-documented triploblastic bilaterian Kimberella. It also makes co-occurring trace fossils the oldest that are reliably dated. This determination of age implies that there is no simple relation between Ediacaran diversity and the carbon isotopic composition of Neoproterozoic seawater.  相似文献   

Phosphatic dermal fragments of Anatolepis, interpreted as a heterostracan fish (class Agnatha), have been discovered in the Deadwood Formation of Late Cambrian age in northeastern Wyoming. This discovery extends back the age of the earliest known vertebrate fossils by approximately 40 million years. Other occurrences of Anatolepis in North America, Greenland, and Spitzbergen show that these fish had a widespread geographic distribution in Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician marine environments.  相似文献   

The first appearances of aragonite and calcite skeletons in 18 animal clades that independently evolved mineralization during the late Ediacaran through the Ordovician (approximately 550 to 444 million years ago) correspond to intervals when seawater chemistry favored aragonite and calcite precipitation, respectively. Skeletal mineralogies rarely changed once skeletons evolved, despite subsequent changes in seawater chemistry. Thus, the selection of carbonate skeletal minerals appears to have been dictated by seawater chemistry at the time a clade first acquired its mineralized skeleton.  相似文献   

Fluvial sediments in paleovaileys cut in the Ashburton surface of the Davenport province of central Australia form terrace remnants that appear to retain their original depositional tops and have probably existed as subaerial landforms since their inception. Marine fossils in sediments conformable with the fluvial sediments near the southeast margin of the province give a Cambrian age for the terraces; the Ashburton surface forming the ridgetops between the paleovalleys is Cambrian or older.  相似文献   

Cambrian arthropods are now well known, but there has been little agreement on how they contribute to an understanding of arthropod phylogeny. Fossils have either been lumped together as "trilobitomorphs" or, more recently, have been the subject of speculation invoking a multiple polyphyletic origin of arthropods. Cladistic analysis of characters of Cambrian and living representatives (excluding Uniramia) shows that trilobites and chelicerates are relatively advanced compared with "crustaceans," and there are doubts whether the latter constitute a national group. An undue emphasis on singular autapomorphies of problematic fossils has obscured these relationships in the past. "Trilobitomorphs" were simply an artificial taxon based on shared primitive characters. The arthropods that evolved during the Cambrian radiation show no more apparent morphological diversity than do the living groups. The evidence of wellpreserved problematica is critical to understanding the nature of this radiation and the affinities of the groups that remain today.  相似文献   

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