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文章总结了如何提高盐碱地造林绿化效率经验,提出了采用排、洗、增施有机肥的工程物理方法与生物化学方法相结合的综合治理盐碱土,提高了造林成活率,取得了显著效益。 相似文献
结合钱塘江海塘护塘地的防护林及绿化建设实践,对含盐量达0.8%的重盐碱地区域的绿化造林技术进行研究并取得初步成功,可供浙江省沿海地区盐碱地造林借鉴。 相似文献
华北石油管理局各二级单位分布于河北、天津、北京、内蒙古的二十几个县市,而绝大部分单位地处冀中平原黑龙港地区的低洼盐碱滩、风沙地,土壤盐碱重,真是“冬春一片白茫茫,夏季炎热无荫凉,风卷漫天土,雨落满街泥”,自然条件极差,绿化难度很大。1986年前共栽了100多万株树,现在所存无几。 针对上述情况,狠抓改土治碱等行之有效的措施,概括起来有十项。 相似文献
杭州湾上虞新区由于土壤碱性重,含盐量高,绿化难度大.通过对新区内绿化树种的调查及物理改良、水利改良、化学改良、生物改良等绿地改良措施的应用试验,总结出杭州湾上虞新区的绿化技术.试验结果表明:女贞、洋白蜡、枣树、樱花、苦楝、桑树、椤木石楠、木槿、木芙蓉、龙爪槐、红叶李、意杨、乌桕等树种非常适应园区环境,喜树等树种也可在该地种植;绿地改良措施能明显地改善片林、林带树木的生长,对银杏、马褂木、枇杷的片林和广玉兰、雪松的林带改良中效果都较明显,物理改良对香樟、杜英、桂花效果明显,对林带中的茶梅、红花(楼)木、含笑、杜鹃有较大作用,化学改良对广玉兰效果明显. 相似文献
科尔沁沙地盐碱地造林技术研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过多年对科尔沁沙地西部盐碱地提高造林成活率技术措施的研究,结果表明:采用开沟造林技术是适合当地特点的成功造林措施:造林成活率达到85%以上,林木生长量比一般整地造林方式高一倍。在地下水位浅、土壤盐渍化程度严重的地区,采用筑台地造林,其成活率可高达90%,造林5年后即可郁闭成林,林木生长量为一般造林地的2倍:采用上述2种整地造林技术,可有效改善土壤中养分和水分状况,同时土壤含盐量和pH值均明显下降,在沙地盐渍化轻度地区可采用穿透碱隔深穴造林措施。 相似文献
K. M. Shaifullah M. Mezbahuddin M. Sujauddin S. M. S. Haque 《林业研究》2008,19(1):32-36
Coastal zones comprising important intertidal tropical and subtropical ecosystems are characterized by high productivity, diversity and unique zonation of various plant and animal communities. The comparison of some selected physicochemical soil properties viz. texture, particle density, moisture content, pH, organic carbon and total nitrogen between planted site (Telir char) and barren site (Boyar char) has been investigated at surface (0-10 cm) and subsurface (10-45 cm) soil across three different land strips viz. inland, middle part and sea side in Lakshmipur coast of Bangladesh. Sand particles in the soil were lower in planted site than barren site. The reverse trend was found in case of both silt and clay percentage. Coastal afforestation had a significant effect on soil binding process since a common trend of increment in soil particle density was noticed. Maximum increment (20.43% to 23.30%) in soil moisture content was recorded in surface soil across the seaside while at subsurface soil both across the middle part (19.53% to 22.30%) and sea side (20.19% to 22.96%). Moreover, the highest reduction in soil pH was recorded at surface soil (7.27 to 6.60) across the sea side and subsurface soil (7.16 to 6.67) in inland due to the influence of coastal plantation. Across all the land strips and the soil depths studied, soil organic carbon was higher in planted site than in barren site with only exception at subsurface soil in the middle part (0.50% in both sites). Total soil nitrogen in the study area was increased at both depths due to forestation with the highest increment in the inland at both surface and subsurface soil. 相似文献
为了提高河套地区盐碱地造林的成活率和保存率,通过3次高垄造林对比试验,对影响成活率的因素进行了初步研究。结果表明,采用高垄造林可有效降低土壤盐碱化,提高成活率和保存率,同时适当加大造林密度将有助于提高林地效益。 相似文献
杭州地区松材线虫病综合治理技术研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
杭州市自1995年在富阳发现松材线虫病Bursaphelenchus xylophlus以来,累计发病面积已达2690.5hm^2。根据杭州地区病害发生的自然地理及经济活动特点,把杭州市松林划分为发病区、接壤区、监控区和监测区,前3个区定为综合防治区。在综合防治区内实施枯死松树择伐或强择伐,并现砍现烧桩,在严重危害的松林及接壤区实施皆伐改造,配套诱捕器、饵木堆捕杀媒介昆虫技术,有效地控制发病区的扩散。综合防治区枯死树从1999年的5.2万株下降到2.0万株,发生面积减少438hm^2,防治效果十分显著。 相似文献
本文针对我国南方石漠化陡峭山岩及其它石质边坡缺土、缺水、地形陡峭等恶劣的生境条件,通过研究试验,提出了以客土喷播为基础的客土喷播、土工格室喷播、土壤改良喷播三种技术方法,为石漠化陡峭山岩及其它石质边坡快速恢复植被提供了有效、经济、高效率的技术手段和实施方法。 相似文献
木麻黄无性系在沙荒风口的造林试验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用6个木麻黄优良无性系,培育2 a生大苗,于1998年4月在福建平潭国有防护林场龙王头沙荒风口开展造林试验。2006年3月对试验林进行全面调查,通过方差分析及多重比较,结果表明,木麻黄无性系间在树高、胸径、材积等方面的差异达显著或极显著水平;其中粤501、平18、惠安1明显优于A13、平20、莆20,与同一地点相邻的普通木麻黄防护林相比,其平均树高、胸径的生长量分别是后者的3.0倍和1.43倍,平均保存率是后者的1.57倍。木麻黄优良无性系具有抗性强、生长快、郁闭早、树干直、冠形美、林相整齐等特点,在沙荒风口营建防护林效果显著,因此这6个无性系是沿海沙荒风口造林理想的木麻黄无性系,其中粤501、平18、惠安1表现最优,可推广应用。 相似文献
Lin WendiNanjing Forestry University 《林业研究》1993,4(2):18-32
Land for protective forest on the coast has special site conditions,and siteclassification is the scientific basis for seaboard afforestation.The site classification systemon the coast zone and islands of China may be classified into five levels-site region(sub-region),district,class,group,and type.The land division for afforestation is carried outby the principle of enviornmental heterogeneity among regions,sub-region and district onlarge scale,according to the difference of air temperature,moisture and type of coastgeomorphy.It may be classified into 7 regions,12 sub-regions and 55 districts.Themedium and small scaled division for site class,group and type,subdivided in a sitedistrict,are based on medium topography,topographic climate,micro-relief and soil conditions. 相似文献