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近几年来,一些发达国家为提高农药喷洒的效率和减少农药喷洒时对人体的伤害,农药喷洒机械正趋向自动化。 韩国的泰仁技术开发公司,经过两年多时间的研究,开发研制成功一种无人农药喷洒机。这种无人农药喷洒机的核心部件,是喷洒农药的喷头。它由电子精密陶瓷制成,具有电动控制功能,能将农药自动均匀地喷洒到农作物叶片的两面,达到理想的杀虫效果。用于温室、塑料大棚和果树林等地的杀虫作业时,可安装在轨道上,用蓄电池驱动,实施无人喷洒作业。这不仅能省时、省力、省农药,而且还可避免农药对人体的伤害,十分安全。 美国斯坦福大…  相似文献   

摇臂式喷头非圆形喷洒域实现方法和途径   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
随着喷灌技术快速发展,非圆形喷洒域问题引起人们重视。本文指出了传统全圆或扇形喷洒域喷头存在的问题,讨论了非圆形喷洒域喷头实现意义,并对国内外非圆形喷洒域喷头实现方法及其优缺点进行了归纳总结;在此基础上,通过分析喷头射程的影响因素,给出了非圆形喷洒域喷头实现的理论途径,为以后摇臂式喷头非圆形喷洒域实现方法的研究提供了依据。  相似文献   

3WD─200型吊杆喷雾机的使用操作及注意事项3WD—200型吊杆喷雾机是防治棉花病虫害的专用机具,也可对农作物喷洒除草剂和各种微量元素及叶面施肥作业。一、喷洒除草剂1.地膜棉喷洒除草剂。在播前整好地的基础上喷洒氟乐灵,每亩用量100毫升,兑水50~...  相似文献   

提高农药的利用率、降低污染,一直是农药喷洒技术的一个发展方向。为此,从分析传统农药喷洒方法入手,阐述了传统方法污染大、浪费严重的弊端,并在论述激光扫描成像系统原理的基础上,介绍了一种利用该成像装置的机载农药喷洒方法。有关实验数据表明,该方法具有节约、环保、高效等优点,具有极好的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

“喷洒型防水技术”就是根据工程需要,选择不同特点的喷洒型防水剂,直接喷在符合设计施工要求的各类建筑物体上,形成防水屏障达到不同程度防渗、防水效果的一项技术。被喷洒的建筑物体主要包括:混凝土、水泥砂浆、水泥素浆、浆砌石、砌砖、水泥土等。  相似文献   

8YX-4型行走式多功能喷灌机是镇江市农机化研究所根据国务院领导同志的“行走式节水滴(喷)灌溉”创意设计的与手扶拖拉机配套的小型移动喷灌机具。该喷灌机在手扶拖拉机的拖车尾部安装了一套可调喷洒装置,喷洒装置主要由两根可转动的长喷杆及其支架、拉索组成,两喷杆同时水平伸展达6米,可进行8~10米幅宽农田喷洒作业,视农作物生长高度可以通过调整支架位置来调节喷杆的离地高度;喷杆竖起可对高杆苗木、行道树等进行垂直喷洒作业,喷洒高度达5米;喷杆可配置多种近射程喷头——折射式喷头、摇臂式喷头、孔管式喷头、多头切向离心式…  相似文献   

由珠海银通航空器材有限公司研制生产的用于农林植保作业的无人驾驶小型直升机,具有作业高度低,漂移少等特点,可空中悬停,无需专用起降机场。旋翼产生的向下气流有助于提高雾流对作物的穿透性,防治效果好。远距离遥控操作,使喷洒作业人员远离农药的危险,提高了喷洒作业的安全性。此外,该机喷洒技术采用喷雾喷洒方式,至少可以节约50%的农药使用量,节约90%的用水量,降低了成本。  相似文献   

城市化进程的迅速推进,使得非圆形喷洒域喷头有很好的应用前景。介绍一种新型四喷嘴非圆形喷洒域喷头的结构特征,以及它的喷洒机理。并在此基础上指出了该种喷头以后需要改进的方面。  相似文献   

农用多喷头喷雾机设计参数的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据环保和植保机械对作物的喷洒要求,提山了多喷头的喷射角、喷头个数、喷头间距、调节角度、喷洒均匀性等参数的确定方法,为农用喷雾机的设计和生产提供可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

卷盘式喷灌机组合均匀度计算软件的开发方法和软件功能,为快速、准确地预测卷盘式喷灌机喷洒性能提供了有效的方法,并能指导卷盘式喷灌机设计者和使用者合理选择喷灌机的运行参数,以达到实现最佳喷洒性能的目的。  相似文献   

一种新型的节水灌溉技术——渗灌   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
渗灌技术具有显著的节水、节能、省工、增产和提高品品质的特点,是发展我国节水型农业的重要技术措施之一,本文较详细地介绍了渗灌系统的田间规划,设计参数选择及生物堵塞的预防和处理办法,建议引进利用废旧轮胎回收的橡胶生产渗灌管的专利技术和关键生产设备,实现渗灌管的国产化。  相似文献   

World irrigation     
Land under irrigation in the world today, about 250 million ha, makes up about 17% of the total area cropped world-wide and contributes 36% of the world's food production. About three-quarters of the irrigated area is in the so-called developing countries. Of this, 90% is concentrated in North Africa and the Near and Far East. In contrast, sub-Saharan Africa contributes less than 2%. Irrigation technology differs between regions, not only according to climatological factors, but also to historic and socio-economic influences.  相似文献   

This study examines the socio-economic and financial performances of irrigation projects under the Ogun-Oshun River Basin and Rural Development Authority (O-ORBRDA) in Nigeria. Primary data on the farming activities of the project farmers during the 2001/02 seasons and the projects' records for the period of 1995/96 to 2001/02 were summarised into socio-economic and financial performance indicators. In the Sepeteri Project, a revenue recovery level of 96% was estimated. The project is not financially viable as only 29% of its recurrent expenditure is covered. The farmers do not show commitment to making the project successful. An approximate 67% social capacity level was estimated. The relative irrigation cost and profit indexes do not show sufficient evidence that farmers would prefer irrigation farming to rain-fed farming. The Itoikin Project records a lower revenue recovery level of 75%. The project covers about 50% of its recurrent expenditure. In addition, the farmers do not appear to have a commitment to making the project successful, with a 33% social capacity level. A number of problems may be the causes of unprofitable irrigated cropping. If government increases the subvention, the O-ORBRDA prioritises irrigation service in disbursing the subvention to the projects, and the project manages the risks in the project sites, conscientises and incorporates the intended beneficiaries into managing the projects, the projects would be equipped to supply more irrigation services thereby making it more profitable and encouraging more participation of the intended beneficiaries. This would improve the socio-economic and financial performance of the projects.  相似文献   

自流灌区节水灌溉及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李艺珍  王兴华 《节水灌溉》1999,(4):11-12,28
随着全球化水资源危机的出现,灌区发展中存在的问题明显暴露出来。一方面,灌区工程老化失修严重,灌水技术落后,管理粗放;另一方面,水资源不足,灌区引水量逐年下降,制约 了灌溉效益的发挥和灌区的发展。  相似文献   

In northern Ethiopia, where traditional (farmers) irrigation management on Vertisols is widely practiced, sustainable food security has always been a challenge. The reasons for this are multi-dimensional, but of utmost importance is, low-tech irrigation water management. The main objective of the present study is, therefore, to examine technologies of irrigation water management that might enable farmers to increase water productivity (WP) on vertisols.A comparative study has been undertaken between the traditional irrigation management (every furrow-traditional scheduling) and alternative water management options on maize plots in northern Ethiopia. The options include alternate furrows-scientific scheduling and every furrow-scientific scheduling. A field experiment was undertaken over two irrigation seasons (1998/1999 and 1999/2000). Results were compared on the basis of yield, WP and economic productivity concepts.Yield-based comparison has shown that every furrow-scientific scheduling generates the highest yield levels followed by alternate furrows-scientific scheduling. The yield increase (by every furrow-scientific scheduling) over the traditional management was found to be 54%.WP-based comparison has shown that alternate furrows-scientific scheduling generates the highest WP values followed by every furrow-scientific scheduling. The increase (by alternate furrow irrigation, scientific scheduling) over the traditional irrigation management was 58%.Economic productivity-based comparison has shown that the highest economic return was obtained from every furrow-scientific scheduling followed by alternate furrows-scientific scheduling. The increase in income (by every furrow-scientific scheduling) over the traditional irrigation management was 54%.The overall observation is that depending on the availability of water and labour resources, one can decide to use either of the alternate management options to obtain economically reasonable yield. In northern Ethiopia, where water is limiting (and not labour), every furrow-scientific scheduling can be an option.  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型喷灌和软管灌溉两用轻小机组的结构和工作原理,该新型灌溉机组由绞盘车提供行走动力和压力水源,通过喷水车进行喷洒灌溉.机组可配置喷灌和软管灌溉两种不同的灌水系统,满足了不同作物在不同生育期对水分的要求;喷水车安装有高度调节装置,始终使灌水器处于最佳灌水高度;机组上采用低压折射式喷头和软管洒水带等低压灌水系统,使机组的工作压力降低了30%.通过对该机组水涡轮特性、运行特性、喷洒特性的分析,确定了该机组的技术参数.喷洒试验表明,新型灌溉机组可克服受风影响较大的弱点,减少灌溉水分的漂移损失,灌水均匀度可达90%.  相似文献   

Beyond irrigation efficiency   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
Parameters for accounting for water balance on irrigation projects have evolved over the past century. Development of the classic term irrigation efficiency is summarized along with recent modifications such as effective irrigation efficiency. The need for terms that describe measurable water balance components of irrigated agriculture is very important, as demands and competition for available renewable water supplies continue to increase with increasing populations. Examples of irrigation efficiency studies conducted during the past few decades are summarized along with related irrigation terminology. Traditional irrigation efficiency terminology has served a valid purpose for nearly a century in assisting engineers to design better irrigation systems and assisting specialists to develop improved irrigation management practices. It still has utility for engineers designing components of irrigation systems. However, newer irrigation-related terminology better describes the performance and productivity of irrigated agriculture. On a river-basin level, improved terminology is needed to adequately describe how well water resources are used within the basin. Brief suggestions for improving irrigation water management are presented.  相似文献   

Despite considerable discussion of the importance of timeliness as a key dimension of irrigation performance, few studies have assessed how well irrigation systems deliver timely water supplies, nor the magnitude of the effect on agricultural production. This paper lays out indicators of timeliness of irrigation supply which distinguish between deliveries which meet crop needs, and surplus water supplies which cannot be used by crops. These indicators are then applied to empirical data from the Sone Irrigation System of Bihar, India. Using these indicators in an analysis of the contribution of irrigation to rice production shows that incorporating measures of timeliness explains much more of the variability in agricultural production than do simple measures of total water applications over a season. Results of production functions show that if water deliveries cannot be matched with crop requirements, they have a negative, rather than a positive, impact on yields. Water scarcity has the greatest adverse impact in production in the middle of the season, while surpluses are most damaging at the beginning and end of the season. Temporal redistribution from surplus periods to times of water scarcity therefore offers considerable scope to increase productivity without increasing water use.An earlier version of portions of this paper was presented at the IFPRI/ICAR Workshop on Agricultural Growth in India: A Review of Research Findings, 1–6 May 1994 in New Delhi.  相似文献   

Florida ranks first in citrus production, with nearly 68% of all U.S. citrus growing in the season 2005-2006. Most of the citrus groves are located from central to south Florida, and agricultural irrigation permitting is regulated by three of Florida's five water management districts. Most of the permitting for citrus production in Highlands, Polk and Hillsborough counties is conducted by the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD), and quantities are based on the District's AGMOD computer program. In 2003, the SWFWMD implemented new permit criteria so that permitted amounts were more representative of actual water use. This paper compares grower reported citrus irrigation water use in Highlands, Polk and Hillsborough counties from 1994 through 2005 with permitted and theoretical irrigation requirements calculated by a daily water balance. Two different sets of crop coefficients (Kc's) developed for citrus in Florida were compared in the daily soil water balance calculation of theoretical irrigation requirements. The percentage of irrigated area considered in this study ranged from 40 to 60% to simulate a range of grower practices. Meteorological data from two weather stations and additional rainfall information from 50 locations within the three counties was used in the water balance. Missing and error values in the meteorological historical record data were filled with weather generators. The multiannual average water consumption (including cold protection water use) from growers ranged from 243 (Hillsborough) to 406 mm (Highlands) and the multiannual average permitted irrigation requirement (without cold protection) ranged from 295 to 557 mm. The simulated gross irrigation requirements under different scenarios of location-Kc-wetted area were variable but mostly lower than the limits established by the district, except for some scenarios in Polk County, whose maximum simulated irrigation value reached 578 mm year−1. In general, permitted limits recommended by the SWFWMD seem to be reasonable for the actual water use by growers in these counties.  相似文献   

Due to high demand for aesthetically pleasing urban landscapes from continually increasing population in Florida, new methods must be explored for outdoor water conservation. Three brands of evapotranspiration (ET) controllers were selected based on positive water savings results in arid climates. ET controllers were evaluated on irrigation application compared to a time clock schedule intended to mimic homeowner irrigation schedules. Three ET controllers were tested: Toro Intelli-sense; ETwater Smart Controller 100; Weathermatic SL1600. Other time-based treatments were TIME, based on the historical net irrigation requirement and RTIME that was 60% of TIME. Each treatment was replicated four times for a total of twenty St. Augustinegrass plots which were irrigated through individual irrigation systems. Treatments were compared to each other and to a time-based schedule without rain sensor (TIME WORS) derived from TIME. The study period, August 2006 through November 2007, was dry compared to 30-year historical average rainfall. The ET controllers averaged 43% water savings compared to a time-based treatment without a rain sensor and were about twice as effective and reducing irrigation compared to a rain sensor alone. There were no differences in turfgrass quality across all treatments over the 15-month study. The controllers adjusted their irrigation schedules to the climatic demand effectively, with maximum savings of 60% during the winter 2006-2007 period and minimum savings of 9% during spring 2007 due to persistent dry conditions. RTIME had similar savings to the ET controllers compared to TIME WORS indicating that proper adjustment of time clocks could result in substantial irrigation savings. However, the ET controllers would offer consistent savings once programmed properly.  相似文献   

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