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采用好气土壤培养试验,以单施尿素为对照,研究了尿素配施双氰胺(UD)、菌剂(UJ)、复混肥(UY)、菌剂+复混肥(UYJ)以及表面覆盖茶末(UF)处理对尿素转化和硝化作用的影响,测定了土壤铵态氮、硝态氮、脲酶活性、氨氧化菌数量并计算表观硝化率,结果表明:各种处理均能提高土壤中铵态氮含量,降低硝态氮含量,延迟脲酶活性高峰期,减小表观硝化率,抑制氨氧化菌。其中以覆盖茶末(UF)处理效果最好,其土壤铵态氮含量最高,硝态氮和硝化率最低;其次为UD处理,配施DCD能明显推迟脲酶活性高峰出现时间并降低前期活性,同时能显著抑制氨氧化菌生长。此外,比较UYJ和UJ处理结果可以推测:在有机质丰富的茶园中施用菌剂来抑制硝化作用的效果不显著。  相似文献   

脲酶抑制剂的筛选反使用条件的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
李双霖  薜由保 《土壤》1991,23(2):96-102
通过对28种有机、无机物质作为脲酶抑制剂的室内比较试验,筛选出醌氢醌、1,4-对苯二酚、邻苯二酚、对苯醌、C-F-1(废物)、硫酸钔、烟碱、石狂氮、双氰胺和蓖麻叶等10种物质作为对土壤脲酶活性抑制率较高的抑制剂。试验结果表明,抑制剂的用量,以在25克土壤中加入10毫升浓度为50毫克/升(固体为0.2克)的较为适宜,抑制时间较长;在相同浓度或用量下,高温比低温季节抑制效果好;土壤pH值在7以上时应用脲酶抑制剂,效果则更好。  相似文献   

通过2年田间试验,探究了不同时期配施硝化抑制剂(2-氯-6-三氯甲基吡啶)对蜜橘和脐橙产量与品质的影响.分别以8年果龄的南丰蜜橘和6年果龄的纽荷尔脐橙为试验材料,设CK(不施硝化抑制剂)、BF+En(萌芽肥配施硝化抑制剂)、SF+En(稳果肥配施硝化抑制剂)和BF+SF+En(萌芽肥与稳果肥均配施硝化抑制剂)4个处理,...  相似文献   

有机无机肥配施对菠萝蜜种植土壤线虫群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究有机肥施用对菠萝蜜种植土壤线虫群落结构的影响,以马来西亚1号菠萝蜜嫁接苗为试验材料,设置CK(不施肥)、100CF(100%化肥)、30OM(30%有机肥+70%化肥)、50OM(50%有机肥+50%化肥)、70OM(70%有机肥+30%化肥)、100OM(100%有机肥)6个处理,比较不同施肥方式下菠萝蜜幼苗生长及土壤线虫群落的差异。结果表明:与不施肥和纯施化肥相比,有机-无机配施显著促进菠萝蜜幼苗生物量积累,增加土壤pH、有机质含量。其中食微线虫和杂食/捕食线虫的占比随着有机肥用量的增加呈增长趋势,而植食性线虫占比呈下降趋势。增施有机肥能显著提高土壤线虫多样性指数(H′)和均匀度指数(J′),土壤食物网以细菌主导的分解途径占更大比例。β多样性分析结果表明,除50OM和100CF处理构建的线虫群落结构相似外,其他处理的线虫群落结构差异显著。菠萝蜜幼苗地上部干重与土壤食细菌线虫丰度、有机质和pH呈显著正相关,而植食性线虫丰度与土壤pH、有机质、碱解氮含量和食微线虫丰度呈显著负相关。食细菌线虫丰度与土壤有机质和pH呈显著正相关。有机-无机配施能够提高土壤线虫多样性和均匀度,平衡不同...  相似文献   

为了探讨氮磷肥料配施条件下土壤酶活性及其与土壤肥力的关系,对潮棕壤肥料试验三年后的土壤酶及其养分因子进行了测定和分析.结果表明,低氮常磷(N180P70K70)处理、低氮高磷处理(N180P100K70)和常量氮磷钾处理(N240P70K70)脲酶活性与对照没有差异,其它三个处理土壤脲酶活性受到抑制;大多施肥处理的硝酸还原酶活性较对照有很大的增强.不施肥稻田生态系统生产力低,土壤肥力呈现降低趋势;施肥处理土壤全N含量都比试验前降低,除常量NPK处理和低氮低磷处理,其他处理土壤全P含量增高.单施化肥能显著增加土壤中氮、磷、钾养分的含量,同时也增加了作物对这些养分的吸收利用;适量的氮磷配施有增产作用,一定程度上可增强土壤酶活性,但本试验中土壤酶活性与土壤肥力之间没有很好的相关性.氮肥和磷肥都是潮棕壤水稻生物产量高低的限制性因素,水稻经济(稻谷)产量由氮肥、磷肥水平共同决定,适量的氮肥和磷肥配施才得到较好的生物量,才能更好的发挥地力、获得较高产量.低氮高磷处理的平均水稻生物量和经济产量最高;低氮高磷处理中籽粒磷含量位居第二,说明该处理中,作物磷吸收较好;所设试验中低氮高磷处理最优.  相似文献   

本文对加入硝化抑制剂和硫磺的尿素肥料在我国三种水稻土旱作条件下的氮肥硝化作用过程进行研究。研究表明尿素中单加硝化抑制剂对三种供试水稻土旱作条件下的氮肥硝化作用均有抑制,但抑制的强度与土壤类型有较大关系;而尿素中同时加入硝化抑制剂与硫磺在pH为5. 16的红壤和pH 6. 05黄泥土上都表现出对氮肥硝化过程的抑制作用;硫磺对pH为7. 06的乌珊土上的硝化过程无抑制作用。本试验研究可为硝化抑制剂肥料和硫包尿素肥料的设计与使用提供一定的基础资料。  相似文献   

生物硝化抑制剂——一种控制农田氮素流失的新策略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农业生产中氮肥的施用是影响全球氮素循环的一个重要因素,在促进作物增产的同时,也对生态环境产生了重要的影响。由于铵态氮肥在旱地中很容易经过硝化作用转变为硝态氮,其中一小部分为植物所吸收,而大量的硝态氮被淋失,或经反硝化作用进入大气,造成土壤氮素严重损失。自然界中一些植物的根系能够分泌抑制硝化作用的物质,被称为生物硝化抑制剂,因而可以显著提高土壤氮素利用率。本文阐述了有关生物硝化抑制剂的由来、分泌调节、作用机制及其应用潜力,并探讨了其在农业生产中氮素高效管理等方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

通过田间小区试验,研究了尿素配施肥料添加剂NAM(由脲酶抑制剂和硝化抑制剂等成分组成)对三江平原白浆土氮素转化、玉米产量以及氮肥利用率的影响,以期为肥料添加剂NAM的进一步推广应用提供理论依据。研究结果表明,与常规施氮处理相比,等氮量配施NAM处理使土壤NH4+-N在较长时间内维持较高的水平,并显著提高了作物后期的土壤总有效氮供应水平,从而使作物吸氮量增加了6.8%,增产3.1%;减氮20%配施NAM处理维持了土壤NH4+-N总体供应水平和作物后期的土壤总有效氮供应,从而使作物吸氮量及产量与常规施氮处理保持相当;减氮40%配施NAM处理由于过多降低了施氮水平,致使在作物生长前期土壤供氮量明显不足,进而降低了作物吸氮量及产量。尿素配施NAM较单施尿素提高氮肥利用率4.9~8.0个百分点。在等氮和适当减氮条件下,肥料添加剂NAM适用于三江平原白浆土-玉米体系,有利于农业可持续发展。  相似文献   

脲酶抑制剂与硝化抑制剂对稻田氨挥发的影响   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
采用密闭室间歇通气法和15N标记技术研究了尿素施入稻田后氨挥发损失特征以及脲酶抑制剂(N-丁基硫代磷酰三胺,NBPT)和硝化抑制剂(3, 4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐,DMPP)对稻田氨挥发损失的影响。结果表明,稻田施用尿素后第4天氨挥发速率达到峰值,氨挥发损失主要发生在施肥后21天内。与单施尿素处理相比,添加NBPT处理的氨挥发速率峰值降低27.04%,累积氨挥发损失量降低21.65%;NBPT与DMPP配施时,氨挥发速率峰值降低12.95%,累积氨挥发损失量降低13.58%;而添加DMPP时,氨挥发速率峰值增加23.61%,累积氨挥发损失量与单施尿素的差异不显著。相关性分析表明,地表水中铵态氮浓度和pH值与氨挥发速率均达极显著正相关,说明二者是影响氨挥发速率的主要因素,而气温、 地温和水温与氨挥发速率的相关性不显著。与单施尿素相比,添加脲酶抑制剂可显著增加稻谷产量。脲酶抑制剂与硝化抑制剂配合施用可更有效地提高氮肥的回收率。综合降低氨挥发、 提高水稻产量及地上部氮肥回收率的效果,添加脲酶抑制剂以及脲酶抑制剂与硝化抑制剂配施的两个处理效果较为理想,硝化抑制剂不宜单独添加。  相似文献   

[目的]在农业生产中,脲酶抑制剂(urease inhibitor,UI)与硝化抑制剂(nitrification inhibitor,NI)常作为氮肥增效剂来提高肥料利用率。本文研究了在我国南方红壤稻田施用脲酶抑制剂与硝化抑制剂后,土壤中氨氧化细菌(ammonia oxidizing bacteria,AOB)、氨氧化古菌(ammonia-oxidizing archaea,AOA)以及反硝化细菌的丰度以及群落结构的变化特征,旨在揭示抑制剂的作用机理及其对土壤环境的影响。[方法]试验在我国南方红壤稻田进行,共设5个处理:1)不施氮肥(CK);2)尿素(U);3)尿素+脲酶抑制剂(U+UI);4)尿素+硝化抑制剂(U+NI);5)尿素+脲酶抑制剂+硝化抑制剂(U+UI+NI),3次重复。脲酶抑制剂与硝化抑制剂分别为NBPT[N-(n-butyl)thiophosphrictriamide,N-丁基硫代磷酰三胺]和DMPP(3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate,3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐)。通过荧光定量PCR(Real-time PCR)研究水稻分蘖期与孕穗期抑制剂对三类微生物标记基因拷贝数的影响,并分析土壤铵态氮、硝态氮与三种菌群丰度的相关性;利用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DenaturingGradient Gel Electrophoresis,DGGE)分析抑制剂对土壤AOB、AOA以及反硝化细菌群落结构的影响,并对优势菌群进行系统发育分析。[结果]1)荧光定量PCR结果表明,施用氮肥对两个时期土壤中AOB的amoA基因与反硝化细菌nirK基因的拷贝数均有显著提高,而对AOA的amoA基因始终没有明显影响;AOB与nirK反硝化细菌的丰度与两个时期的铵态氮含量、分蘖期的硝态氮含量呈极显著正相关,与孕穗期的硝态氮含量相关性不显著;DMPP仅在分蘖期显著减少了AOB的amoA基因拷贝数,表明DMPP主要通过限制AOB的生长来抑制稻田土壤硝化过程;NBPT对三类微生物的丰度无明显影响;2)DGGE图谱表明,在分蘖期与孕穗期,施用氮肥均明显增加了图谱中AOB的条带数,而对AOA却没有明显影响;氮肥明显增加了孕穗期反硝化细菌的条带数;与氮肥的影响相比,抑制剂NBPT与DMPP对AOA、AOB以及反硝化菌的群落结构影响甚微;系统发育分析结果表明,与土壤中AOB的优势菌群序列较为接近的有亚硝化单胞菌和亚硝化螺菌。[结论]在南方红壤稻田中,施入氮肥可显著提高AOB与反硝化细菌的丰度,明显影响两种菌群的群落结构,而AOA较为稳定;NBPT对三类微生物的群落结构丰度无明显影响;硝化抑制剂DMPP可抑制AOB的生长但仅表现在分蘖期,这可能是其缓解硝化反应的主要途径;这也说明二者对土壤生态环境均安全可靠。  相似文献   

脲酶/硝化抑制剂对尿素氮在白浆土中转化的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
采用室内恒温培养方法,研究了脲酶抑制剂(NBPT)、硝化抑制剂(DMPP)及其协同对尿素氮在三江平原白浆土中转化作用效果。研究表明,在白浆土中NBPT有效作用时间小于13 d,作用时间较在棕壤和黑土中短;对土壤中铵态氮、硝态氮及表观硝化率影响与普通尿素基本一致。NBPT与DMPP组合缓释尿素施入4-7 d,能够有效抑制脲酶活性,减缓尿素水解;只添加DMPP与添加NBPT与DMPP协同作用对抑制铵态氮硝化作用效果相同,二者能保持土壤中NH4+-N高含量时间超过80 d。DMPP作用时间可达80 d以上,能有效抑制NH4+-N向NO3--N的转化;在第80 d,土壤中仍有54.58%~56.85%的氮以铵态氮形式存在,表观硝化率只有50%左右。DMPP抑制硝化作用效果十分显著,因此,在白浆土中施用添加NBPT缓释尿素、DMPP缓释尿素、NBPT与DMPP缓释尿素时,应首选添加1%DMPP的缓释尿素肥料。  相似文献   

Nanoclay polymer composites (NCPCs) were synthesized with partially neutralized acrylic acid and bentonites and loaded with urea and nitrification inhibitors (NIs) to act as a slow release carrier of nitrogen (N). The resulting product was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The XRD of NCPCs revealed that the bentonite layers were completely exfoliated and dispersed in the composite after the polymerization. The water absorbency of pure polymer (Acrylic acid + Acrylamide) was 197.53 g g?1 and 137.75 g g?1 by nanocomposite (8% nanobentonite) in distilled water. The nitrification inhibition ability of these NCPCs was evaluated by incubation study for 60 days in laboratory at 28°C and 50% water-holding capacity. The Schiff base -NCPCs were most effective at inhibiting nitrification (30–87%) compared to dicyandiamide and Neem oil. A column study was performed to know the movement of NH4-N and NO3-N at three different depths. Result showed that the Schiff base -NCPC decreased nitrate movement by 78.5% at the depth of 5 cm in soil column. The slow release of nitrogen and good water retention capacity confirmed that these NCPCs can be viably exploited for application in agriculture.  相似文献   

通过添加硝化/脲酶抑制剂达到秋马铃薯生产中减氮增效的目的,为制定秋马铃薯的农田氮素管理措施及节肥增效策略提供依据.采用随机区组试验设计,设置30、60、90、120 kg/hm24个施氮水平与硝化/脲酶抑制剂N-丁基硫代磷酰三胺(NBPT)、双氰胺(DCD)、2-氯-6-三氯甲基吡啶(CP)、未添加硝化/脲酶抑制剂(C...  相似文献   

Urea fertilizer‐induced N2O emissions from soils might be reduced by the addition of urease and nitrification inhibitors. Here, we investigated the effect of urea granule (2–3 mm) added with a new urease inhibitor, a nitrification inhibitor, and with a combined urease inhibitor and nitrification inhibitor on N2O emissions. For comparison, the urea granules supplied with or without inhibitors were also used to prepare corresponding supergranules. The pot experiments without vegetation were conducted with a loess soil at (20 ± 2)°C and 67% water‐filled pore space. Urea was added at a dose of 86 kg N ha–1 by surface application, by soil mixing of prills (<1 mm) and granules, and by point‐placement of supergranules (10 mm) at 5 cm soil depth. A second experiment was conducted with spring wheat grown for 70 d in a greenhouse. The second experiment included the application of urea prills and granules mixed with soil, the point‐placement of supergranules and the addition of the urease inhibitor, and the combined urease plus nitrification inhibitors at 88 kg N ha–1. In both experiments, maximum emissions of N2O appeared within 2 weeks after fertilization. In the pot experiments, N2O emissions after surface application of urea were less (0.45% to 0.48% of total fertilization) than from the application followed by mixing of the soil (0.54% to 1.14%). The N2O emissions from the point‐placed‐supergranule treatment amounted to 0.64% of total fertilization. In the pot experiment, the addition of the combined urease plus nitrification inhibitors, nitrification inhibitor, and urease inhibitor reduced N2O emissions by 79% to 87%, 81% to 83%, and 15% to 46%, respectively, at any size of urea application. Also, the N2O emissions from the surface application of the urease‐inhibitor treatment exceeded those of the granules mixed with soil and the point‐placed‐supergranule treatments receiving no inhibitors by 32% to 40%. In the wheat growth experiment, the N2O losses were generally smaller, ranging from 0.16% to 0.27% of the total fertilization, than in the pot experiment, and the application of the urease inhibitor and the combined urease plus nitrification inhibitors decreased N2O emissions by 23% to 59%. The point‐placed urea supergranule without inhibitors delayed N2O emissions up to 7 weeks but resulted in slightly higher emissions than application of the urease inhibitor and the urease plus nitrification inhibitors under cropped conditions. Our results imply that the application of urea fertilizer added with the combined urease and nitrification inhibitors can substantially reduce N2O emissions.  相似文献   

The application of mineral nitrogen (N) fertilizers is one of the most important management tools to ensure and increase yield in agricultural systems. However, N fertilization can lead to various ecological problems such as nitrate () leaching or ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions. The application of N stabilizers (i.e., inhibitors) combined with urea fertilization offers an effective option to reduce or even prevent N losses due to their regulatory effect on ammonium () and release into the soil. The present field experiment therefore aimed at soil N speciation dynamics after urea spring fertilization (225 kg N ha?1) in the presence of a urease inhibitor (UI), a nitrification inhibitor (NI), both inhibitors (UI+NI) or when no inhibitor was applied at all. The study focused on the distribution of N species among soil matrix and soil solution. Plant cultivation was completely omitted in order to avoid masking soil N turnover and speciation by plant N uptake and growth dynamics. Application of UI clearly delayed urea hydrolysis in the top soil, but a complete hydrolysis of urea took place within only 10 days after fertilization (DAF). Nitrification was significantly reduced by NI application, leading to higher and lower concentrations in treatments with NI. Due to sorption of to the soil matrix a significantly larger fraction of was always detected in the soil extracts compared to soil solution. However, while in soil extracts the impact of NI application was less apparent and delayed, in soil solution a quick response to NI application was observed as revealed by significantly increased soil solution concentrations of . Because of the “asymmetric” soil phase distribution soil solution was predominant over only initially after fertilization even in inhibitor treatments (≈ 8 to 10 DAF). Nevertheless, inhibitor application tended towards closer ratios of to concentration in soil solution and hence, might additionally affect concentration dependent processes like plant N uptake and root development. Despite cold spring conditions urea application along with UI and/or NI did not indicate a limited supply of plant available and .  相似文献   

脲酶/硝化抑制剂双控下红壤性水稻土氮素变化特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以红壤性水稻土为对象,设置大田试验处理:不施肥(CK)、单施氮肥(U)、氮肥配施0. 5%脲酶抑制剂N-丁基硫代磷酰三胺(NBPT)与1%硝化抑制剂3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐(DMPP)(U+N/D)、氮肥配施1%NBPT与2%DMPP [U+2 (N/D)],研究4种施肥组合下双季稻土壤脲酶、土壤NH+4-N、田面水NH+4-N和NO-3-N的变化特征。结果表明,与CK和U处理相比,各施肥处理在施肥后第1~15 d,土壤脲酶活性、土壤NH+4-N、田面水NH+4-N含量增加,田面水NO-3-N含量无显著变化。与U+2 (N/D)处理相比,早稻中U+N/D处理的脲酶活性显著增加了0. 03~0. 70 mg·g-1,土壤NH+4-N含量显著增加了19. 11~61. 44 mg·kg-1,田面水NH+4-N含量显著增加了34. 48~40. 70 mg·L-1。相关分析表明,土壤NH+4-N与土壤脲酶、田面水NH+4-N均呈显著负相关,田面水NH+4-N与土壤脲酶、田面水NO-3-N均呈显著正相关(P 0. 05)。综上,与其他处理相比,U+N/D处理是在短期内有效提高土壤脲酶活性、土壤NH+4-N和田面水NH+4-N含量的最优处理,合理配施尿素及0. 5%脲酶抑制剂NBPT和1%硝化抑制剂DMPP能够显著提高NH+4-N供水稻吸收,减少氮素损失。  相似文献   

以尿素残留差异率作为评价指标,研究了影响脲酶抑制剂抑制作用测定的主要因素,包括浸提温度、浸提时间、脲酶液浓度、土壤用量、浸提液种类等。确立了目前测定稳定性尿素中脲酶抑制剂抑制作用效果的最佳快速检测方法:以1.0000g普通尿素作为对照肥料,称取1.0000g稳定性尿素,加入0.5昏/L脲酶缓冲溶液100mL,10g风干土,在37℃下振荡5h后测定土壤中尿素残留量,以尿素残留差异率对脲酶抑制剂作用进行评价,提高了检测效率和准确度。  相似文献   

在室内恒温培养条件下,以日本70 d聚烯烃包膜尿素和大颗粒尿素为对照,研究4种丙烯酸树脂(MMA)包膜及其与生化抑制剂结合尿素肥料在土壤中尿素态氮溶出与水解特征,以确定不同种MMA包膜尿素在土壤中缓/控释效果与尿素转化机理。结果表明,4种MMA包膜尿素在土壤中尿素累积溶出量在48 d后达到最大值,接近100%,尿素态氮累积溶出80%的时间分别在第24和28 d,时段平均溶出率最高峰值均出现在9~12 d,为7.73%/d~8.04%/d。4种MMA包膜肥料尿素态氮在土壤中累积残留量高峰值分别出现在20和24 d。MMA膜和NBPT共同作用对抑制尿素释放作用效果十分显著, 其结合型肥料对抑制尿素释放作用最强。  相似文献   


The humic substances contained in an animal organic waste were extracted and the total extract separated into three humic fractions with different molecular weights (low, F1 <103; medium, F2, with molecular weights ranging from 103 to 104; and high, F3 >104). The C content was highest in F2, the same fraction also showing the lowest N content. The molecular weight of the humic fractions influenced the electrical conductivity, the highest molecular weight resulting in the lowest degree of electrical conductivity. Membrane-controlled ultrafiltra-tion (the method used to separate the various fractions from the whole extract) was also suitable for purifying such enzymes as phosphatase and β-glucosidase: the total activity obtained from the three fractions was considerably greater than that determined in the whole extract, Pyrolysis-gas chromatography (Py-GC) applied to the whole extract and humic fractions showed that in the F3 fraction (highest molecular weight) benzene was the major fragment while furfural was the major fragment of F1 (lowest molecular weight). For this reason, the humification index benzene/toluene indicates that the fraction with the highest molecular weight was the most humified while the furfural/pyrrole ratio indicates that the fraction with the lowest molecular weight was the most degradable. The whole extract and the fraction F1 had a negative effect on seed germination when the concentration was equivalent to 100 mg kg?1 of C, while the germination index was higher than that of the control when only 10 mg kg?1 were used. The F2 fraction had a positive effect on germination regardless of the concentration used. When 10 mg kg?1 of C of the humic substances studied were added to the nutrient solution for growth experiments with maize plants, F3 led to increases in root weight and F2 led to increases in shoot weight. An inhibitor effect was observed for fraction F1.  相似文献   

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