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Photosynthesis decreases reversibly in plants exposed to SO2. Photosynthesis recovers when the exposure to SO2 is discontinued. Inactivation of a photosynthetic enzyme, ribulose-1,5-diphosphate carboxylase, by sulfonation of its SH groups was investigated as a cause of the reversible reduction of photosynthesis. The relationship between the sulfite ion concentration in the reaction mixture and 14CO2 fixation catalized by the enzyme which was prepared from alfalfa leaves was explored by using radioactive NaHCO3. About 50% and 85% inhibitions of 14CO2 fixation were observed at 3 × 10?3 M and 3 × 10?2 M concentration of sulfite ion in the reaction mixture, respectively. The accumulation of 3 × 10?4 M sulfite ion on the reaction site of the enzyme involved in the plants which were exposed to SO2 could considerably reduce the CO2 assimilation of the plant.  相似文献   

Uniformly labeled 14C-yeast was fed to woodlice and soil microorganisms together and independently. Mineralization was more rapid and extensive in treatments in which both groups were present. Two days after a single feed of the labeled yeast to freshly-collected or wood-reared animals, approximately 12 per cent of the 14C had been respired, 28 per cent excreted, 44 per cent assimilated, and 15 per cent unaccounted for. Yeast-reared animals were 6.6 per cent less efficient in assimilating the labeled food. After 26 days, maintenance consumption had resulted in dissipation of 65.8 per cent of the assimilated label, with almost 90 per cent of this amount eliminated as CO2 and 10 per cent excreted. The elimination rate dropped from 6.8 per cent of the assimilated label per day to 0.6 per cent over the 1 month period following the single feeding of 14C. Three-quarters of the labeled faecal material excreted by the woodlice was mineralized by the soil microogranisms within 1 month; however, the rate of degradation of the faeces was significantly slower than was the rate of degradation of the labeled yeast. The 14C method appeared to give high recoveries of label and reproducible results.  相似文献   

王国通  宋明钰  杨征敏  周兵 《核农学报》2022,36(10):2027-2034
为开展除草剂氟噻草胺在我国的登记代谢试验,本研究以4-氟[U-14C]苯胺为同位素原料,经还原胺化、缩合、取代、水解和醚化五步放化反应获得N-(4-氟[U-14C]苯基)-N-异丙基-2-((5-(三氟甲基)-1,3,4-噻二唑-2-基)氧基)乙酰胺(2,总活度201.65 MBq;比活度2 049.80 MBq·mmol-1;化学纯度和放化纯度均大于98%,总放化收率39%);以[14C]硫氰酸钠为同位素原料,经加成、水解、环化、重氮化和醚化五步放化反应获得N-(4-氟苯基)-N-异丙基-2-((5-(三氟甲基)-1,3,4-[2-14C]噻二唑-2-基)氧基)乙酰胺(3,总活度287.86 MBq;比活度2 042.40 MBq·mmol-1;化学纯度和放化纯度均大于98%,总放化收率14%)。两种标记物的结构经核磁共振氢谱(1H NMR)和质谱(MS)分析确认,质量指标经高效液相色谱(HPLC-PDA)、放射性薄层成像分析(TLC-IIA)、在线放射性高效液相色谱(HPLC-FSA)和液体闪烁法(LSC)测定,均可作为放射性示踪剂。本研究结果为氟噻草胺的同位素示踪研究(包括该除草剂在我国的登记代谢试验)奠定了物质基础。  相似文献   

[14C] and [35S]labeled lignosulfonates (LS) or [14C]labeled coniferyl alcohol dehydropolymer (DHP) were aerobically incubated in soil for 17 weeks. Respiratory 14CO2 was compared with that from DHP or that from [U14C]cellulose. Less CO2 was released from ring and side chain carbons of LS than from DHP, though similar amounts of CO2 were released from the methoxyl groups of both compounds. After incubation, the soil samples were exhaustively extracted with water and then with a sodium pyrophosphate-NaOH solution. The water solubility of the originally completely-soluble LS carbons was greatly decreased by incubation, and a large portion of the extracted 35S was detected as sulfate. The pyrophosphate extract was separated into humic and fulvie acids. The humic acid from soils incubated with LS contained low 35S activity and a similar 14C activity to that from soils incubated with DHP. The fulvic acid from the soils incubated with LS contained higher amounts of 14C (and 35S) than that of the soils incubated with DHP. More side chain 14C activity than other 14C activity was found in both, the water extract and the fulvic acid from soils incubated with LS. The high 35S together with the high side chain 14C activity probably indicates an elimination of the side chain carbons together with sulfonic acid groups. Anaerobic incubation of soil with LS or DHP promoted breakdown and incorporation of LS and DHP into humus much less than aerobic incubation. The possible reduction in potential pollution from lignosulfonates due to the observed transformations in soil are discussed.  相似文献   

Bovine beta-lactoglobulin, genetic variant B, has been labeled with 2-(4'-maleimidylanilino)naphthalene-6-sulfonic acid through covalent attachment through the Cys-121 thiol group for the study of stepwise pressure denaturation of this whey protein by fluorescence spectroscopy. The labeling was performed under nondenaturing conditions with a factor of 5 excess of the fluorophore in dimethylformamide/water (1:10) to yield the whey protein highly labeled after chromatographic separation. MALDI-TOF mass spectroscopy confirmed labeling. The emission from the fluorophore, which is sensitive to the microenvironment, has been characterized for the labeled protein (aqueous pH 7.4 solution, 25 degrees C) and has a lambda(em,max) = 410 nm (lambda(ex,max) = 318 nm) with a fluorescence lifetime of 6.1 +/- 0.2 ns. Fluorescence anisotropy increases and fluorescence quantum yield (Phi(f) = 0.103 at 320 nm) decreases with increasing excitation wavelength. For increasing hydrostatic pressure, fluorescence quantum yield showed a minimum at approximately 50 MPa, corresponding to the pre-denatured "pressure-melted" state in which thiol reactivity previously was found to increase prior to reversible protein unfolding.  相似文献   

Effect of different 15N labeled sources on the estimation of N2 fixation was investigated. The combination of 15N labeled ammonium sulfate, 15N labeled plant material, and 15N labeled ammonium sulfate with unlabeled plant material, was examined in pot experiments. Two cultivars of soybean (Glycine max) and one of mungbean (Vigna radiata) were used. No significant difference was observed among the treatments for the estimation of N2 fixation. This was due to the homogeneity and stability of the 15N abundance in soil which resulted in a similar N uptake from the soil by the N2 fixing and reference crops. The plant yield, total N uptake and amount of N2 fixed were higher in the Yellow Soil than in the Andosol. The amount of N2 fixed was strongly influenced by the plant growth and consequently it affected the plant yield. The slow decomposition of plant material in the Andosol resulted in a low yield in both the N2 fixing and reference crops. Thus, the artificial decrease of the available N content in soil, by application of plant material, did not stimulate N, fixation but suppressed plant growth and N2 fixation.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll and glycoalkaloids are synthesized in different parts of the potato plant including leaves, tubers, and sprouts. Although light stimulates the biosynthesis of both constituents, the question of whether the two biosynthetic pathways are under the same genetic control has not been resolved. This study investigated the dynamics of incorporation of labeled [2-(14)C]-DL-mavalonate into chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and the glycoalkaloids alpha-chaconine and alpha-solanine in potato sprouts after 7 and 14 days of storage in the light and in the dark. No chlorophyll synthesis occurred in the dark. Fractionation of the "glycoalkaloid" extract followed by high-performance liquid chromatography produced four peaks. The fractions were collected and analyzed for radioactivity. About 80% of the radioactivity resided in fraction 1, the composition of which is unknown. Two of the fractions, with 1-14% of the original label, were alpha-chaconine and alpha-solanine. The radioactivity derived from mevalonate largely resides in unidentified compound(s) eluting as a single peak on the HPLC column before the peaks associated with the glycoalkaloids. The specific radioactivity of alpha-chaconine and alpha-solanine increased approximately 2-fold in going from 7 to 14 days of exposure in the light and in the dark. These and additional observations point to the near identity of the dynamics of biosynthesis of the two glycoalkaloids. These data also implicate a non-mevalonate pathway for the synthesis of both chlorophylls and the glycoalkaloids and are consistent with independent genetic control of the concurrent formation of the two classes of compounds during greening of potatoes.  相似文献   

14C, supplied continuously to plant tops as 14CO2, was recovered in water-soluble organic material when pots with wheat, clover or ryegrass growing in a podzolic sand were leached with distilled water at weekly intervals. Leachates and root-free soil contained, respectively, 0·15–0·3 and 2·7–5·4% of the total 14C activity recovered after 8 weeks growth. Plant derived C represented 0·8–1·3% of the total organic C in root-free soils.Water-soluble organic C decreased in successive leachings to reach a steady value, approximately 20 μgC/ml for all treatments. Labelled C represented 14·4–19·5% of this value. Total organic C recovered in the leachates accounted for ca. 0·5% of the soil C, for all treatments. Approximately 15% of the labelled material in the final leachates behaved as neutral sugar, the remainder occurring in a charged complex. A membrane filter (M.Wt. cut-off ~ 103) retained >60% of the radioactivity.  相似文献   

A series of 2-oxocycloalkylsulfonylureas (2) have been synthesized in a six-step, three-pot reaction sequence from readily available cyclododecanone, cycloheptanone, and cyclohexanone. Their structures were confirmed by IR, 1H NMR, and elemental analysis. The bioassay indicated that some of them possess certain fungicidal activity against Gibberella zeae Petch. In general, compounds containing a 12-membered ring (2A) are more active than those containing a 6- or 7-membered ring (2B, 2C). In the series 2A, the compounds in which R is a disubstituted phenyl or pyrimidyl showed better activity than those in which R is a monosubstituted phenyl or pyrimidyl, and aryl-substituted compounds have somewhat higher activity than those substituted by pyrimidyl. The further bioassay showed that the representative of 2A, 2A15, has good fungicidal activities against not only G. zeae Petch but also Botrytis cinerea Pers, Colletotrichum orbiculare Arx, Pythium aphanidermatum Fitzp, Fusarium oxysporum Schl. f. sp. Vasinfectum, etc.  相似文献   

用15N肥料标记法研究潮土中玉米氮肥的利用率与去向   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
【目的】特定作物体系中氮肥的去向很难做到定量化。本文以玉米为供试作物,解析潮土上玉米作物氮素肥料利用、 转移规律,探讨肥料氮、 土壤氮与作物氮之间的关系。【方法】采用15N标记和盆栽培养技术,在北京市农林科学院人工控温温室条件下进行模拟研究,设置10个施氮水平(0、 22、 44、 66、 88、 111、 133、 177、 222、 266 mg/kg N),分析植株氮素利用和土壤氮素供应特征,研究潮土种植夏玉米条件下氮素肥料的运移规律及不同氮肥剂量对夏玉米的作用效应。【结果】所有施氮处理均显著提高了玉米生物量和植株吸氮量。氮肥利用效率虽然随施氮量增加有升有降,但处理间差异不显著。夏玉米对15N标记氮肥的回收率为9.01%~67.57%,土体中15N残留率和损失率分别为21.40%~40.54%和11.04%~50.45%,均随施氮量的增加而显著增加。与N1~N3(22、 44、 66 mg/kg)施肥水平处理相比,N4(88 mg/kg)处理条件下15N肥料在土壤中残留率分别减少19.14、 12.38、 13.13个百分点;15N肥料的损失率分别降低39.41、 7.88、 13.88个百分点。氮肥施用量超过88 mg/kg时,各个处理条件下玉米植株生物量和氮肥回收率出现降低趋势,分别降低5.88%~8.0%和9.06%~27.81%;15N肥料在土壤中的残留率和损失率分别减少3.36%~17.30%和1.65%~13.57%。【结论】该试验条件下,玉米的合理施氮量为88 mg/kg时,氮素的利用率最高为67.57%,残留率和损失率最低,分别为21.40%和11.04%,对生态环境的压力较小。  相似文献   

Scarce carbon dioxide(CO2)emission data,soil organic carbon(Corg)and labile Corg pool index for croplands in sub-Saharan Africa(SSA)limits our ability to define...  相似文献   


Microbial biomass is determined from the excess of extractable organic N released from fumigated soil samples. In the presence of relatively high contents of labeled mineral N, small differences in organic N and N may not be detectable. Two approaches were tested to determine organic N content and its N enrichment in the presence of considerably greater concentrations of labeled mineral N: (i) Removal of mineral N from mixed solutions of alanine and NH4 or NO3 by reduction and boiling under alkaline conditions, prior to Kjeldahl digestion. (ii) Including mineral N in Kjeldahl N analysis, by reduction under acidic conditions prior to digestion and calculating organic N and N content by subtracting mineral N and N. The removal of mineral N was either incomplete‐ particularly regarding labeled mineral N, or partly destroyed organic N as well. When mineral N was included in the digest, the recovery of N and 15N was sufficiently accurate to obtain good results of organic N and 15N by subtracting the known quantities of mineral N, even when organic N was only 20% of the total Kjeldahl N. This procedure was used to determine the flush of Kjeldahl N in fumigated soils that were incubated with labeled mineral N and cellulose.  相似文献   

To make further researches on the structure-activity relationships (SARs) of our previous synthesized neonicotinoid compounds, a new series of nitenpyam analogues with flexible ester arm were synthesized. Preliminary bioassays indicated that all of our newly designed nitenpyam analogues exhibited good insecticidal activity at 100 mg/L, while analogues 4c and 4d afforded the best in vitro activity, and both of them had 100% mortality at 20 mg/L. The SAR studies suggested that their insecticidal potency was dual-controlled by the length of the ester arm and the size of the ester group. In addition, the molecular docking simulations revealed that the structural uniqueness of these analogues may lead to a unique molecular recognition and binding mode, which explained the SARs observed in vitro, and shed light on the novel insecticidal mechanism of these novel nitenpyam analogues.  相似文献   

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