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Captive reptiles are routinely identified as reservoirs of Salmonella spp. and reports of reptile-associated salmonellosis are increasing. Unfortunately, little is known about the epidemiology of Salmonella spp. and green iguanas. We did a limited survey of a green-iguana farm in El Salvador to identify sources of Salmonella spp. in green iguanas and their environment. A limited number of samples for microbiological culture were collected from iguanas (adult, hatchling, and embryos) and their environment (food, water, soil, shelter, insects, and wild-caught lizards). Salmonella spp. was isolated from the intestine of both adult (3/20) and hatchling iguanas (8/20). There was no evidence of Salmonella spp. in the reproductive tracts of female iguanas (0/10). Salmonella spp. was isolated from the surface of 40% (7/16) of the egg surfaces tested. Salmonella spp. was not identified from the externalized yolk-sac of the iguana embryos tested. Soil samples from a breeding pen and a nest were both positive for Salmonella spp. Eight different Salmonella spp. serotypes were identified in this survey. These results suggest that horizontal transmission of Salmonella spp. is a potential source of exposure to hatchling iguanas at this facility.  相似文献   

Objective To assess the cardiovascular effects (arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and metabolic acid–base status) of three doses (MAC multiples) of isoflurane alone and combined with butorphanol in the green iguana (Iguana iguana). Study design Prospective randomized double‐blind, two‐period cross‐over trial. Animals Six mature healthy green iguanas (Iguana iguana). Methods The iguanas received each of two treatments, saline 0.1 mL kg?1 (SAL) and butorphanol 1.0 mg kg?1 (BUT) during isoflurane anesthesia. Treatments were separated by at least 1 week. The iguanas were exposed to each of the three minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) multiples (1.0, 1.5, and 2.0) in random order. Anesthesia was induced with isoflurane and maintained using controlled ventilation. Instrumentation included use of an ECG, airway gas monitor, cloacal thermometer, esophageal pulse oximeter, and the placement of a femoral arterial catheter. Body temperature was stabilized and maintained at 32 °C. The treatment was administered, and the animals were equilibrated for 20 minutes at each MAC multiple. At each concentration, the heart rate, blood pressure (systolic, mean, diastolic), end‐tidal CO2, and SpO2 were measured. At 1.0 and 2.0 MAC, simultaneous blood samples were drawn from the tail vein/artery complex and femoral catheter for blood gas analysis. Data were analyzed using a two‐way analysis of variance for repeated measures looking for differences between treatments and among MAC multiples. Results There were no significant differences in any of the cardiovascular variables between the treatments. Significant differences among isoflurane MAC multiples were observed for HR, mean, diastolic, and systolic blood pressures. Blood pressure and heart rate decreased with an increasing dose of anesthetic. There were no significant differences between treatments or MAC multiples for any of the blood gas variables. The blood pH, PCO2, HCO3?, and hemoglobin saturation differed significantly between sites. Pulse oximetry values measured from the carotid complex did not correlate with and were significantly different from the calculated hemoglobin saturation values determined using the gas analyzer. Conclusion and clinical relevance Cardiovascular depression associated with isoflurane anesthesia in the green iguana is dose dependent. The degree of cardiovascular depression was not significantly different when isoflurane was combined with butorphanol. This finding suggests that the pre‐emptive or intraoperative use of butorphanol is unlikely to be detrimental to cardiovascular function. Butorphanol may be a useful anesthetic adjunct to isoflurane anesthesia in the green iguana.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo characterise the anaesthetic effects of alfaxalone administered intramuscularly (IM) at 10, 20, and 30 mg kg?1.Study designProspective, randomized cross-over study.AnimalsTen juvenile green iguanas (Iguana iguana) of mean body weight (±SD) 480 ± 134 g.MethodsAlfaxalone was administered IM in the triceps of both thoracic limbs. Times for anaesthetic induction, plateau and recovery periods were recorded. Skeletal muscle tone of the jaw, neck, thoracic limbs, pelvic limbs, and tail was scored. The palpebral, corneal and righting reflexes, and the response to painful stimuli were also assessed. Pulse rate and respiratory rate were recorded. Comparisons between different dosages and over time were made using anova.ResultsTimes are given for 10, 20 and 30 mg kg?1 dosages respectively: mean time to maximal effect was 7.7 ± 2.2, 5.4 ± 1.7 and 3.9 ± 1.2 minutes; duration of the plateau phase was 11.3 ± 3.8, 22.1 ± 6.5 and 39.1 ± 11.5 minutes; recovery time was 10 ± 2.4, 17.5 ± 8.6 and 25 ± 7.1 minutes; and total anaesthetic duration was 29 ± 35.7, 45 ± 8.2 and 68 ± 9.8 minutes. Endotracheal intubation was possible in 40% of the subjects given 10 mg kg?1 and in 100% subjects given both 20 and 30 mg kg?1. Loss of response to a painful stimulus was seen in 0/10, 8/10 and 9/10 animals at 10, 20, and 30 mg kg?1 respectively. There was an initial dose-dependent depression of respiration followed by a significant increase in frequency over time. In contrast, pulse rates decreased by 20% over the duration of the anaesthetic events.Conclusions and clinical relevanceIntramuscular administration of alfaxalone is a simple, rapid and reliable means of achieving relatively brief sedation or anaesthesia in healthy green iguanas. A dosage of 10 mg kg?1 provides light sedation, appropriate for examination and venipuncture; 20 mg kg?1 provides a level suitable for minor procedures or for endotracheal intubation and supplementation with inhalational anaesthesia; 30 mg kg?1 produces an anaesthetic plane suitable for surgical procedures of limited duration (up to 40 minutes).  相似文献   

Objective The objective of this study was to compare an implanted direct blood pressure monitor and a non‐invasive oscillometric unit for use in anesthetized and awake green iguanas. Study design Prospective experimental trial. Animals Four male and four female adult green iguanas (Iguana iguana) weighing 1833 ± 534 g. Methods For each animal, the carotid artery was surgically exposed and the catheter tip of the pressure transducer was placed in the aortic arch. Non‐invasive blood pressure was measured using a cuff over the left femoral region. Pulse rate, respiratory rate and arterial blood pressure (ABP) measurements were taken every 5 minutes. Direct ABP measurements consisted of recording numerical values and graphic output. Simultaneous direct and indirect measurements were repeated in awake animals. Results The oscillometric device failed to provide a reading in over 80% of attempts, and failed to provide readings that correlated with direct measurements. The implanted direct transducer was capable of detecting blood pressures throughout all ABP ranges examined. Conclusions The implantable transducer was a reliable means of determining blood pressure in this study, while the oscillometric device was unreliable and often failed to provide any reading. Clinical relevance We do not recommend using the oscillometric device as described in a research or clinical setting for green iguanas. The advantages of an implantable device include the ability to monitor awake and anesthetized subjects remotely and continuously. These monitors are small, biocompatible and function across a wide range of ABP.  相似文献   

Cloacal swabs from 62 green iguanas (Iguana iguana), including 47 wild and 15 domestic ones from five parishes of Grenada, were sampled during a 4‐month period of January to April 2013 and examined by enrichment and selective culture for the presence of Salmonella spp. Fifty‐five per cent of the animals were positive, and eight serovars of Salmonella were isolated. The most common serovar was Rubislaw (58.8%), a serovar found recently in many cane toads in Grenada, followed by Oranienburg (14.7%), a serovar that has been causing serious human disease outbreaks in Japan. Serovar IV:48:g,z51:‐ (formerly, S. Marina) highly invasive and known for serious infections in children in the United States, constituted 11.8% of the isolates, all of them being from domestic green iguanas. Salmonella Newport, a serovar recently found in a blue land crab in Grenada, comprised 11.8% of the isolates from the green iguanas. The remaining four less frequent serovars included S. Javiana and S. Glostrup. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests conducted by a disc diffusion method against amoxicillin–clavulanic acid, ampicillin, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, gentamicin, nalidixic acid, streptomycin, tetracycline and trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole showed that drug resistance is minimal, with intermediate susceptibility, mainly to streptomycin, tetracycline and cefotaxime. This is the first report of isolation and antimicrobial susceptibilities of various Salmonella serovars from wild and domestic green iguanas in Grenada, West Indies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that differences in anesthetic uptake and elimination in iguanas would counter the pharmacokinetic effects of blood:gas solubility and thus serve to minimize kinetic differences among inhaled agents. ANIMALS: 6 green iguanas (Iguana iguana). PROCEDURES: Iguanas were anesthetized with isoflurane, sevoflurane, or desflurane in a Latin-square design. Intervals from initial administration of an anesthetic agent to specific induction events and from cessation of administration of an anesthetic agent to specific recovery events were recorded. End-expired gas concentrations were measured during anesthetic washout. RESULTS: Significant differences were not detected for any induction or recovery events for any inhalation agent in iguanas. Washout curves best fit a 2-compartment model, but slopes for both compartments did not differ significantly among the 3 anesthetics. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Differences in blood:gas solubility for isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane did not significantly influence differences in pharmacokinetics for the inhalation agents in iguanas.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo describe characteristics of echocardiography and cranial coelomic radiography in a cohort of iguanas.AnimalsTwenty apparently healthy adult green iguanas (Iguana iguana) from a reptile sanctuary.MethodsPhysical examination, radiography, two-dimensional and color Doppler echocardiography were performed to assess cardiac structures and function, and any related normal or abnormal findings were recorded.ResultsEchocardiographic examination was possible without sedation and allowed visualization of the great vessels, atria, and ventricle. Some structures could not be evaluated in a minority of the iguanas due to individual differences in bony conformation and imaging quality. Suspected abnormal echocardiographic findings in 3 iguanas included pericardial effusion (n = 1) and enlarged caudal vena cava and/or sinus venosus (n = 2). Objective measurements were repeatable as assessed by within-subject coefficient of variation, and reliable as assessed by intra-observer intraclass correlation coefficient. Left atrial and ventricular measurements were significantly correlated with body weight. Valve regurgitation was common, with atrioventricular valve regurgitation present in 53% (9/17) and aortic or pulmonic valve regurgitation in 71% (12/17) of otherwise normal iguanas. A heart murmur was not appreciated during examination of any of the iguanas. Heart size cannot be measured radiographically due to superimposition and silhouetting of other coelomic structures. Echocardiographic or radiographic findings consistent with mineralization of the great vessels were present in 76% of iguanas (13/17).ConclusionsEchocardiography in iguanas is well tolerated without sedation and allowed both subjective evaluation and structural measurements. Valve regurgitation and great vessel mineralization were commonly observed in this cohort of apparently healthy adult iguanas.  相似文献   

An adult, male, green iguana (Iguana iguana) of unknown age was presented with a history of an enlarging, dark, skin mass in the right axillary region. The mass was excised because neoplasia was suspected. Impression smears of the cut surface of the mass were prepared for cytologic examination, and the mass was fixed for histologic examination. The impression smears contained numerous, discrete, pigmented, neoplastic cells consistent with melanin-producing neoplastic chromatophores. Histologic findings were consistent with a cutaneous melanophoroma. By transmission electron microscopy, the intracytoplasmic pigment granules corresponded to numerous melanosomes and lower numbers of premelanosomes. Tissue sections of the tumor were immunoreactive for Melan A antigen and were negative for S-100 antigen. The cytologic, histologic, electron microscopic, and immunohistochemical findings of the neoplasm were consistent with those of melanophoroma, an uncommon neoplasm of reptiles. The present report augments the limited body of knowledge on cytomorphologic and immunohistochemical characteristics of pigmented neoplasms in reptiles.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the pharmacokinetics of ceftiofur sodium after IM and SC administration in green iguanas. ANIMALS: 6 male and 4 female adult green iguanas. PROCEDURE: In a crossover design, 5 iguanas received a single dose of ceftiofur sodium (5 mg/kg) IM, and 5 iguanas received the same dose SC. Blood samples were taken at 0, 20, and 40 minutes and 1, 2, 4, 8, 24, 48, and 72 hours after administration. After a 10-week washout period, each iguana was given the same dose via the reciprocal administration route, and blood was collected in the same fashion. Ceftiofur free-acid equivalents were measured via high-performance liquid chromatography. RESULTS: The first phase intercepts were significantly different between the 2 administration routes. Mean maximum plasma concentration was significantly higher with the IM (28.6 +/- 8.0 microg/mL) than the SC (18.6 +/- 8.3 microg/mL) administration route. There were no significant differences between terminal half-lives (harmonic mean via IM route, 15.7 +/- 4.7 hours; harmonic mean via SC route, 19.7 +/- 6.7 hours) and mean areas under the curve measured to the last time point (IM route, 11,722 +/- 7,907 microg x h/mL; SC route, 12,143 +/- 9,633 microg x h/mL). Ceftiofur free-acid equivalent concentrations were maintained > or = 2 microg/mL for > 24 hours via both routes. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A suggested dosing schedule for ceftiofur sodium in green iguanas for microbes susceptible at > 2 microg/mL would be 5 mg/kg, IM or SC, every 24 hours.  相似文献   

Objective : To describe the clinical, mycological, histopathological and molecular findings in green iguanas (Iguana iguana) affected with severe dermatophytosis in selected flocks near Tehran, Iran. Materials and Methods : Samples were collected from the scales of skin lesions and tested with standard mycological methods and dermatophyte‐specific PCR amplification analysis using the primer pair for the chitin synthase 1(CHS1) gene. Results : All iguanas were definitively diagnosed with dermatophytosis using both traditional and molecular diagnostic methods. PCR fingerprinting profiles using simple repetitive (GACA)4 primers showed that all diagnosed iguanas had the same pattern profile. Intraspecific variability was not observed for these isolates. Oligonucleotide sequencing of CHS1 gene PCR products confirmed Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. interdigitale as the infectious agent. Clinical Significance : These results suggest that (GACA)4‐based PCR has utility both as a simple and rapid method for identification of dermatophyte species and for differentiation of T. mentagrophytes variants.  相似文献   

A two-phase cross-over therapeutic study was performed with 19 green iguanas (Iguana iguana) maintained within a preferred optimum temperature range of 26 to 37 degrees C. During phase 1, they were fed a normal vegetarian diet and medicated orally with either allopurinol or a placebo control once a day for seven days. Uric acid concentrations, total protein, packed-cell volumes (pcv) and bodyweights were recorded from each lizard before and after treatment to determine the effects of allopurinol. In phase 2, after a 10-day washout period, the iguanas were fed a high protein diet to induce hyperuricaemia. Normo- and hyperuricaemic iguanas that received 24.2 (3.2) mg/kg allopurinol had significantly lower mean (sd) uric acid concentrations (100.3 [53.1] micromol/l) than the controls (159.3 [100.3] micromol/l). There were no detectable interactions between the doses of allopurinol or placebo, and the iguanas' diet, weight, pcv or total protein. The allopurinol was well tolerated, and there was no significant clinical, gross or histological evidence of hepatic or renal toxicity in the iguanas that received the drug. However, in the kidneys of the hyperuricaemic iguanas that did not receive allopurinol there were proliferative changes in the glomeruli and degeneration of tubular epithelia. Allopurinol given orally at 25 mg/kg daily is able to reduce plasma uric acid levels by 41 to 45 per cent, and is therefore recommended for the treatment of hyperuricaemia in the green iguana.  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION-A 2-year-old female green iguana was examined for anorexia and swelling and pain on palpation in the cranial cervical area. CLINICAL FINDINGS-Marked soft tissue swelling in the cranial cervical area with corresponding cystic swellings in the pharynx were noted. The iguana was considered to be 50% under the expected body weight, given diet and husbandry conditions. The WBC count was markedly elevated, characterized by heterophilia and lymphocytosis. Surgical exploration of the cranial cervical area and histologic and microbial testing identified lymphoma with secondary infection as the cause of the swelling. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME-The tumor was initially treated with a single 10-Gy fraction of radiation directed at the masses in the neck. A vascular access port was placed in the ventral abdominal vein, and a canine chemotherapy protocol was modified for use in the iguana. During the course of treatment, the protocol was modified twice. At 1,008 days from the initiation of treatment, the iguana appeared to be in remission. CLINICAL RELEVANCE-To our knowledge, this is the first reported use of radiation with doxorubicin, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, and prednisone to successfully manage lymphoma in a reptile. A vascular access port was used effectively for drug administration for an extended period. The doxorubicin, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, and prednisone protocol appeared to be safe and effective in this iguana for the management of lymphoma.  相似文献   

The nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug ketoprofen (KTP) is a commonly used antiinflammatory and analgesic agent in reptile medicine, but no studies documenting its pharmacokinetics in this species have been published. Ketoprofen was administered as a racemic mixture to green iguanas (Iguana iguana) intravenously (i.v.) and intramuscularly (i.m.) at 2 mg/kg. Pharmacokinetic analyses were performed and indicated that ketoprofen in iguanas administered by the intravenous route has a classical two-compartmental distribution pattern, a slow clearance (67 ml/ kg/hr) and a long terminal half-life (31 hr) compared to ketoprofen studies reported in mammals. When delivered by the intramuscular route, bioavailability was 78%. These data indicate the daily dosing that is generally recommended for reptile patients, as an extrapolation from mammalian data, may be more frequent than necessary.  相似文献   

王莹  陈萍 《中国兽药杂志》2014,48(10):14-17
对肉品中金黄色葡萄球菌及沙门氏菌进行耐药分析,以期为其风险评估提供依据。采集吉林省长春市市售猪肉、鸡肉样品,按照国标方法分离金黄色葡萄球菌、沙门氏菌,利用K-B法药敏试验检测金黄色葡萄球菌和沙门氏菌对头孢噻肟钠、左旋氧氟沙星、庆大霉素、四环素4种抗生素的耐药性。结果显示:共分离出金黄色葡萄球菌46株,检出率为46%;沙门氏菌48株,检出率为16.84%。金黄色葡萄球菌对4种抗生素的耐药率在0~56.52%之间,共产生6种耐药谱。沙门氏菌对4种抗生素的耐药率在16.67%~87.5%之间,共产生9种耐药谱。长春市肉品中金黄色葡萄球菌、沙门氏菌耐药现象普遍。  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium infection was associated with colitis and cystitis in 2 green iguanas (Iguana iguana). The disease was characterized by a chronic clinical course of cloacal prolapses and cystitis. Histological examination of the gut and urinary bladder showed numerous Cryptosporidium developmental stages on the surface of the epithelium with mixed inflammatory response in the lamina propria. Cryptosporidium oocysts were visualised in a cytological preparation of the faeces. Based on the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene the cryptosporidia were characterized as belonging to the intestinal cryptosporidial lineage, but not to Cryptosporidium saurophilum or Cryptosporidium serpentis species.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma iguanae proposed species nova was isolated from vertebral abscesses of two feral iguanas (Iguana iguana) from Florida. Three strains were evaluated for sensitivity to a variety of antibiotics. The minimum inhibitory concentrations for M. iguanae, assessed by broth dilution methods, of clindamycin, doxycycline, enrofloxacin, oxytetracycline, and tylosin (all <1 microg/ml) were lower than those of chloramphenicol (32 micro/ml) and erythromycin (64 microg/ml). The profile was identical to that of Mycoplasma alligatoris, previously isolated from American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis). M. iguanae strain 2327T was subcultured without antibiotics to assess mycoplasmacidal activity. Clindamycin, doxycycline, oxytetracycline, and tylosin were bacteriostatic from 0.1 to 0.5 microg/ml, whereas enrofloxacin was bactericidal at 20 ng/ml. An enrofloxacin dosage of 5-10 mg/kg achieves peak plasma concentrations >1 microg/ml, with an elimination half-life of 6-20 hr, in alligators. Although concentrations achieved in the vertebrae by i.m. or i.v. injection are probably lower than those in plasma, these data suggest that enrofloxacin may be useful to treat M. iguanae mycoplasmosis in iguanas.  相似文献   

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