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○植保要文○农业部要求各地切实做好小麦病虫害防控工作!!4(5)2006年全国农作物重大病虫害发生趋势预报!!!4(5)2005年全国农作物病虫害防治概况及2006年展望!4(9)农业部副部长范小建在全国植物保护工作会议上的讲话!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6(5)浙江省人民政府办公厅关于进一步加强农业生物灾害预防控制工作的通知!!!!!!!!!!!!!6(13)农业部副部长范小建强调:当前病虫害防治要强化属地管理坚持4个原则落实5项措施!!!!!10(3)○研究报告○不同生境源异色瓢虫对蚜虫选择趋性研究!!!!1(5)甘肃省农田害鼠主要种类及区域分布的研究!!!1(8)小菜蛾对阿…  相似文献   

<正>3月10日,全国农技中心在湖北省荆州市组织召开了全国春季农作物病虫害防治工作会议。会议分析了小麦、油菜等春季农作物主要病虫害发生趋势,交流了各地病虫发生和防控物资准备情况,明确了夏粮生产中病虫害防治任务,动员部署了春季农作物病虫防控工作。会议指出,受暖冬气候、降水等因素影响,预计今年小麦和油菜病虫害发生程度重于去年。据不完全统计,当前小麦主要病虫害发生面积近200万hm2,条  相似文献   

为了及时总结交流今年小麦病虫测报和防治工作的经验与存在问题,研究今后防治对策,部署今年秋播种子药剂处理和明年上半年小麦病虫的防治工作,全国植保总站于8月13~15日在北京召开了小麦病虫防治研讨会。参加会议的有小麦主产区的13个省(市)植保站的代表和中国农科院植保所、育种所及北京农大、西北农大植保系的专家与学者,农业部农业司有关处、及商业部农资公司的同志也应邀参加了会议。与会代表首先汇报了今年各地小麦病虫的发生,从全国来看,今年小麦病虫是一个偏重发生年,特别是病害问题十分突出,局部地区大流行。据统计,今年小麦病虫发生超过7亿  相似文献   

2006年2月27日,全国农药管理工作会议在京召开,会议总结了2005年及“十五”期间农药管理工作的成效和经验,明确“十一五”期间工作目标和任务,部署了2006年农药管理工作。农业部副部长范小建在会上提出,“十一五”期间,要站在发展现代农业、推进社会主义新农村建设的战略高度,创新农药管理工作的思路、方法、制度和手段,构建农药管理的“6大体系”。  相似文献   

6月20~22日,农业部副部长、全国防蝗指挥部指挥长范小建赴天津北大港、河北沧州和山东东营检查督导夏蝗防治工作。范小建副部长深入蝗区实地调查夏季东亚飞蝗发生情况、蝗虫地面应急防治站和治蝗专用机场的运转和功能发挥情况;参观了改造蝗区植被、发展当地农业的生态治蝗现场;亲切慰问了战斗在一线的防蝗人员,要求务必做好“防蝗、防暑、防中毒”工作,确保生产安全;还走访基层植保人员和农民,了解了基层植保工作现状。在督导活动中,范副部长强调,为进一步做好当前及今后的防蝗治蝗工作,各地要注意抓好4个方面工作:一是进一步强化治蝗责任…  相似文献   

为贯彻落实中央一号文件和全国春季农业生产暨农业机械化转型升级工作会议精神,部署农作物春季病虫害防治工作,2019年4月3日全国农技中心会同农业农村部种植业管理司在湖北省荆州市召开了2019年全国农作物春季病虫防治现场会。来自全国20余省(自治区、直辖市)的逾50位代表参加了会议,6个小麦、油菜主产省代表就2019年小麦等作物病虫发生现状和趋势、目前开展的主要工作和下一步工作安排展开了交流。  相似文献   

最近.农业部副部长范小建在全国植物保护工作会议上强调.必须深化对生物灾害防控规律的认识。  相似文献   

11月4日,农业部在广西南宁召开全国农作物病虫害绿色防控工作会议,贯彻落实韩长赋部长在全国农作物病虫害科学防控高层论坛上的重要批示和余欣荣副部长重要讲话精神,总结交流近年来农作物病虫害绿色防控取得的成效和经验,分析工作中存在的主要问题,研究部署大力推进农作物病虫害绿色防控对策和措施。会议要求  相似文献   

同志们:   针对今年东亚飞蝗将大发生的严峻形势,为了贯彻落实温家宝副总理等国务院领导关于蝗虫防治工作的重要批示精神,总结“九五”期间治蝗工作的成绩和经验,安排部署今年蝗虫防治工作,部里决定在天津市召开全国治蝗工作暨表彰会议。会议期间,全国农业技术推广服务中心通报了近年来国内外蝗虫发生形势及治蝗对策,有关省(区、市)汇报了去年蝗虫防治情况及今年发生趋势和治蝗准备情况,通报表彰了全国蝗虫防治先进集体和先进工作者。下面,我就今年蝗虫防治工作讲三点意见。 1回顾“九五”,认真总结蝗虫治理经验   受气候异…  相似文献   

同志们: 针对今年东亚飞蝗将大发生的严峻形势,为了贯彻落实温家宝副总理等国务院领导关于蝗虫防治工作的重要批示精神,总结“九五”期间治蝗工作的成绩和经验,安排部署今年蝗虫防治工作,部里决定在天津市召开全国治蝗工作暨表彰会议.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The genome of Tomato leaf curl virus (ToLCV) from Bangalore, India, a whitefly-transmitted geminivirus, was cloned (pIND9) and sequenced. The circular DNA of 2,759 nucleotides (U38239) is organized similarly to that of other begomoviruses with monopartite genomes. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence of pIND9 with other tomato-associated begomoviruses from India (Tomato leaf curl Bangalore virus [ToLCBV, Z48182]) and Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus-Severe (ToLCNdV-Svr, U15015) showed moderate DNA sequence identities (82 to 87%) between capsid protein (CP) genes but low identities (66 to 67%) for the intergenic regions and the replication-associated protein (Rep) genes (75 to 81% identity). Phylogenetic trees generated with nucleotide sequences of the Rep and CP genes of 26 begomoviruses indicated that this ToLCV is distinct from other begomoviruses and that it may be a recombinant virus derived from at least three different viral lineages. Tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) inoculated with the cloned DNA monomer of ToLCV (pIND9) via particle bombardment developed leaf curling and yellowing symptoms. The virus was transmitted by Bemisia tabaci biotype B from tomatoes infected via particle bombardment to healthy tomatoes and by sap inoculation from infected tomatoes to tomato, Nicotiana benthamiana and N. tabacum. This ToLCV is a distinct member of the genus Begomovirus from India that differs from the previously characterized Tomato leaf curl Sadasivanagar virus isolate Bangalore 1 (L12739), ToLCBV (Z48182), ToLCBV isolate Bangalore 4 (AF165098), and the bipartite ToLCNdV (U15015, U15016). Thus, this ToLCV is named Tomato leaf curl Karnataka virus (ToLCKV).  相似文献   

2009年1代草地螟将为我国发生最重的世代   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对草地螟(Loxostege sticticalis)发生危害规律、2009年1代幼虫的虫源数量以及温湿条件可能变化趋势的分析,对我国2009年1代幼虫的发生危害程度进行了预测。2009年1代幼虫的有效虫源面积为600万hm2,总量为43 022亿头,为2004年1代幼虫虫源数量的113倍。为此,预测2009年1代幼虫的发生危害面积将超过1 100万hm2,为历年历代最重。到时将有430万亿头幼虫危害,如不防治,将有2.15亿t的植物被吃掉。其中以东北和华北地区受害较重。同时还会波及一些与虫源区相邻、但历史上较少发生草地螟危害的地区。东北地区将会出现发生危害早,本地虫源与外来虫源混合发生,受害十分严重的现象。由于越冬成虫的羽化时期长,蛾蜂多、虫态重叠、作物多次受害的现象将十分突出。最后,本文就如何应对2009年1代幼虫大发生,减少草地螟灾害损失进行了讨论。  相似文献   

2006年10月以来,温州市乐清、瑞安、苍南、瓯海、龙湾等地设施栽培的番茄上相继发生了1种以前从未见过的蔬菜病毒病。经浙江大学生物技术研究所周雪平教授鉴定,该病的病原为双生病毒中的台湾番茄曲叶病毒,又称烟草曲叶病毒[Tomato leaf curl Begomovirus(TLCV)]。该病毒在浙江省系首次发现,经检索国内也鲜有报道。台湾番茄曲叶病毒病是1种毁灭性的蔬菜新病害,只能由烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci)传毒,种子和土壤均不传毒,是世界许多地区番茄生产上的重要限制因素。该病为害猖獗,蔬菜生产部门需高度警惕。  相似文献   

Predation by feral cats (Felis catus) and red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) are key threatening processes for many endangered wildlife species. Toxin delivery through compulsive oral grooming is a potential mechanism to supplement existing control techniques for feral cats and red foxes, particularly when high prey densities reduce the uptake of toxic food baits by cats. We investigated the efficacy of different grooming traps by applying a gel containing toxic para-aminopropiophenone (PAPP) to the fur of feral cats and red foxes in experimental pens. Grooming behaviour and signs of poisoning in these animals were recorded by video. More cats interacted with “walk past” grooming traps triggered by sensor beams than with trap models that required the cat to enter a pipe or baited cage. After triggering a trap that had applied PAPP gel to their fur, 14 of 16 feral cats showed symptoms of anoxia, and 8 of these cats were dead by the following morning without exhibiting signs of distress. Seven of 12 foxes were observed to groom fur to which toxic gel had been applied and 3 of these ingested a lethal quantity of PAPP as a result. Our successful proof-of-concept trials support further development of grooming trap sensors and toxin delivery mechanisms to provide humane and targeted feral cat control, although this technique is unlikely to be as successful for fox control, given that foxes appear to not groom as fastidiously as cats.  相似文献   

The authenticity of weed distribution maps prepared by the geostatistical estimation method, kriging, was investigated. We concentrated on the total number of weed plants and the dominant weed genus Veronica spp. in a 2.1-ha field of winter wheat. Different sampling distances were evaluated. Our analyses showed that kriging weed densities based on seedling counts collected in, 0.25.m2 circles in a sampling grid of approximately 10 m × 10 m gave good agreement with actual observations. Reducing the sampling grid to 20 m × 30 m gave poor agreement. New sampling methods combined with positioning devices and injection sprayers are discussed with reference to site-specific weed management.  相似文献   

植物检疫条例自1983年制定、1992年修订后已实施多年,对我国国内植物检疫性有害生物的控制做出了重大的贡献。但是,这部行政法规,基本上是在计划经济条件下,从行政权力的角度实施行政管理的法规,与当前的经济发展和经过“四五”普法的社会基础、利益基础以及法制观念产生了矛盾  相似文献   

Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ was recently described as the causal agent of potato zebra chip disease. This pathogen occurs in North America, New Zealand, and Northern Europe on various crops, and may spread to other potato growing regions. Observation on ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’‐infected tomato and potato plants propagated in growth chambers over 5 years indicated that tomato plants (cvs Moneymaker and Roma) can be a latent carrier of ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’. Tomato plants graft‐inoculated with scions from latently infected tomato plants remained symptomless, but tested positive in a species specific PCR assay. ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ was consistently detected in the top, middle and bottom portion of the symptomless tomato plants, including stem, petiole, midrib, vein, flowers and fruits. In tomato fruits, ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ was evenly distributed in the tissues at the peduncle and style ends, as well as in the pericarp, and columella placenta tissues. This is the first report that ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ is present in a plant reproductive organ. In contrast, potato plants (cvs. Jemseg, Atlantic, Shepody, Frontier Russet, Russet Burbank, Red Pontiac, and Russet Norkotah) grafted with scions from the same latently infected tomato plants resulted in typical symptoms of purple top, leaf scorch, and other disease symptoms in plants and brown discoloration in the vascular ring and medullary rays in tubers.  相似文献   

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