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某厂赵×家养波斯猫一只,雌性,一岁,体重1.8千克。1990年5月18日因多日不见排便,送来我部就诊。1.既往病史该猫自幼抱养至今,平时以煮熟的动物肝脏为主食,很少进其他食物。经常有便秘现象。二月份性情交配后怀孕,一个多月后发现流产。近一周来食欲减退,有时呕吐,腹胀,经常取排便姿势,每次仅排少量粪水,临诊一周前食欲废绝。2.现症检查T 39.7℃,R 30次/分。P110次/分,精神稍沉郁,可视粘膜朝红,眼窝凹  相似文献   

猫巨结肠症是指结肠的异常伸展和扩张,分先天性和继发性(假性巨结肠)2种,其主要临床症状是便秘。该病临床上并不多见,但随着宠物饲养量的加大,此种疾病的发生较以往有增多的趋势。本文就猫巨结肠症的病因、临床症状、诊断和治疗方法进行了论述。有关巨结肠的病因目前尚不完全清楚。随着分子遗传学的不断发展,对巨结肠的病因及发病机制有了更深入的认识,大多数人认为本病属多因子遗传性疾病。  相似文献   

猫巨结肠症是指结肠异常扩张,大量粪便在肠腔内蓄积不易排出.笔者在临床上采用纵向切除部分结肠治疗2例猫的巨结肠症,效果较好.  相似文献   

猫的便秘时有发生,多采用润下、消导治疗,大多能迅速见效而康复.而猫的自发性巨大结肠症,药物治疗几乎无效,我院收到一病例,采用手术治疗,收到满意效果,现将治疗情况报导如下.1病例情况地委党校杨某于1994年4月1目带猫来求治,该猫为纯白波斯猫,,1.5岁,体重3.2kg.主诉:患猫曾有3次脱肛,1次骨盆骨折.今年3月初难产,羊水破后3天才作剖腹产手术,恢复得很好.该猫挑食,仅吃猪肝,食欲时好时差,常便秘,有时能排出少许不成形的粪便,异食,有时跛行.3月下旬以来,患猫拒食(仅饮水),腹胀,呕吐,常作排便姿势,未见大便…  相似文献   

<正>巨结肠症是原发或继发因素导致的粪便积留和结肠扩张而引发的持续性便秘病症,是猫的常见肠道疾病。成年猫患该病机率较高,发病平均年龄为五岁左右。该病常发于短毛家猫,公猫发病率高于母猫,肥胖猫巨结肠症患病率更高。结肠机械性或机能性的阻塞均可引发该病,如骨盆或骶骨段脊神经病变、家族性自主神经机能异常、骨盆腔狭窄,饮食中有骨头、石块、毛团等都可引起发病。巨结肠症如不及时治疗,可导致患猫死亡。  相似文献   

猫巨结肠症是指原发性或继发性导致粪便蓄积和结肠扩张.原发性主要指特发性巨结肠症(feline idiopathic megacolon ,FIM),主要由于结肠平滑肌功能障碍所致,具体病因不详.[1]继发性巨结肠症可继发于先天性的锁肛、肛门狭窄、直肠狭窄、直肠肿瘤、腰荐神经支配异常、骨盆骨折或是佝偻病等因素导致粪便蓄积和使结肠扩张.  相似文献   

巨结肠症是指由于先天或后天的原因导致粪便蓄积和结肠扩张而发生持续性便秘。猫巨结肠症主要是由于结肠平滑肌功能障碍引起的结肠扩张和粪便蓄积。1病例介绍一只雄性3岁狸猫(体重3.5 kg)一个多月前发病,起初呕吐、不排便,一星期前在家附近的一所宠物医院检查后,按猫慢性胃炎治疗。曾使用过维生素B1、胃复安、氨苄西林钠、地塞米松等药物,用药3d后不见好转。医生怀疑肠梗阻,X光摄影检查,发  相似文献   

猫巨结肠是指猫的结肠正常功能丧失,导致粪便积留,结肠扩张或肥大。从病理学角度,猫巨结肠可分为扩张型巨结肠和肥大型巨结肠。巨结肠症多见于猫,在犬少见。猫肥大型巨结肠为继发性疾病,是由肠梗阻性损伤所致,如骨盆骨折愈合不良、肿瘤、异物等。笔者临床采用保守疗法治疗一例猫肥大型巨结肠病例,收到满意效果,现将诊治过程介绍如下。  相似文献   

猫巨结肠是指猫的结肠正常功能丧失,导致粪便积留,结肠扩张或肥大。从病理学角度,猫巨结肠可分为扩张型巨结肠和肥大型巨结肠。巨结肠症多见于猫,在犬少见。猫肥大型巨结肠为继发性疾病,是由肠梗阻性损伤所致,如骨盆骨折愈合不良、肿瘤、异物等。笔者临床采用保守疗法治疗一例猫肥大型巨结肠病例,收到满意效果,现将诊治过程介绍如下。  相似文献   

The case records of 4 cats and 1 dog with megacolon and constipation were reviewed to study the history, clinical signs, pathologic changes, and longterm results of surgical treatment. The 4 cats had idiopathic megacolon. The dog had megacolon secondary to dietary indiscretion. All animals had radiographic evidence of a large colon, which was confirmed by exploratory coeliotomy. Two of the cats and the dog had an intraoperative finding of megacecum as well. Subtotal colectomy was performed in all cases, with the ileocolic valve being removed in 3 of these cases. End-to-side anastomosis was used to restore the integrity of the bowel. All animals were treated successfully with this surgical technique, as judged by clinical response and owner satisfaction. Histologically, there were no consistent lesions to explain the cause of this disease in the cats.  相似文献   

The surgical management of acquired megacolon is described in three cats. The aetiology could not be definitely established in two cats but in the third case megacolon occurred as a result of pelvic narrowing secondary to multiple pelvic fractures. Medical therapy was ineffective and long term resolution was achieved by partial colectomy.  相似文献   

对一例有四肢水肿破溃、打喷嚏等症状的猫进行了X光、血常规、血生化以及杯状病毒PCR等实验室检查,并结合患猫的临床症状进行分析,初步诊断为疑似高致病性猫杯状病毒感染.经过一个月左右的对症和支持治疗后,患猫康复出院.本文总结本病例的诊治过程,旨在为临床兽医提供一定参考.  相似文献   

A case of central diabetes insipidus in the cat: diagnosis and treatment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A case of diabetes insipidus is described in a two-year-old entire male short-haired domestic cat. The clinical signs included a marked polyuria associated with secondary polydipsia and a urine specific gravity of 1–005. Diagnosis was confirmed by water deprivation test and response to desmopressin. Treatment with chlorothiazide diuretics is also described.  相似文献   

This is the first report of the identification of Acuaria skrjabini Ozerska, 1926 (Nematoda: Spirurida) in New Zealand. The nematodes were recovered from the gizzard of a Cordon Bleu finch (Uraeginthus bengalus) kept as a caged bird at Waldronville. Otago. Mebendazole (Telmin), at 12S parts per million in the drinking water for 6 days, appeared to treat the infection successfully.  相似文献   

Since 1985, 5 cases of feline conjunctival melanoma have been reported in the literature. Information on feline conjunctival melanoma epidemiological features, localizations, macroscopic features and histological features is limited. We are describing the clinical, histopathologic features and outcomes in a cat that presented clinically with a slow developing dark brown mass located under the upper eyelid of the left eye. Pertinent literature is reviewed; and the recognizable clinical features and treatment are discussed. The mass was surgically resected. Despite its size, the lesion was easily separated from underlying tissues, making possible a macroscopic complete resection that left intact the adjacent conjunctiva. The tumour histological examination has showed a pigmented melanoma lacking encapsulation, but presenting a clear zone delimiting the lesion. It was exclusively composed of epithelioid cells, and presented mild cellular anaplasia and weak mitotic activity. These features allowed it to be classified as a quite differentiated melanoma with few signs of potential malignancy. In accordance with these histologic features, no recurrence has been registered 34 months after surgery. Thus, a favorable outcome is now reported for two out of six cases of conjunctival melanoma in the cat. This report also confirms the predilection for this neoplasm to arise from the bulbar conjunctiva.  相似文献   

A case of ectopic pregnancy in a cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Radiography of the abdomen of a Siamese cat revealed an ectopic pregnancy. It is believed that normal pregnancies had taken place after the occurrence of the abdominal pregnancy. Résumé. Une radiographie de l'abdomen d'un chat siamois a révélé une grossesse ectopique. On a pensé que des grossesses normales avaient eu lieu après l'occurrence d'une grossesse abdominale. Zusammenfassung. Radiographie von dem Unterleib einer Siamesischen Katze zeigten eine nichtnormalgelagerte Schwangerschaft. Man vermutet dass normale Schwangerschaften nach diesem Vorfall von Bauchhǒhlenschwangerschaft, stattfanden.  相似文献   

Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism was suspected in a young female cat. The relevant historical and clinical findings were: anorexia, intermittent muscle tremors, hindlimb ataxia, behavioural changes and cataracts. Salient laboratory findings were: hypocalcaemia, hyperphosphataemia and normal renal function (normal serum urea and creatinine concentrations with hypersthenuria). No evidence of intestinal malabsorption, pancreatitis or nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism was found. Treatment with oral synthetic vitamin D (1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol) and intravenous and oral calcium supplements was successful in correcting the hypocalcaemia and abolishing the clinical signs.  相似文献   

A case of otitis media and interna in a domestic cat is described in which granulation tissue extended into the external ear canal. An unusual histological feature was the presence of mucous glands within the granulation tissue. The possible origin of these glands and a differential diagnosis of this condition is discussed.  相似文献   

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