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Summary Solanum brevidens showed calico mosaic symptoms in all the leaves, butS. etuberosum yellowing and yellow mosaic only in the top leaves, following graft-inoculation with alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV). The South American potato virus SB-22 infected latentlyS. brevidens following graft-inoculation, whereasS. etuberosum was not infected. AMV was not transmitted to the ovules of AMV-infectedS. brevidens andS. etuberosum. However, AMV was transmitted to the seeds ofS. etuberosum through pollen, resulting in 0.9% infected seeds.S. brevidens infected by SB-22 produced up to 20.2% of virus-infected germinable seed, and in some of the seed lots of infectedS. brevidens the germination rate was as low as 1.0%.  相似文献   

Summary The results obtained by four methods for detecting PLRV in potato tubers grown in Israel were compared with the results obtained by aphid transmission to test plants. The correlation coefficients for potatoes lifted in July (seed for autumn) and September (seed for spring) were: Igel-Lange test, 0.18 and 0.25; datura grafting with tuber sprouts, 0.71 and 0.63; aphid transmission from sprouts to test plants, 0.89 and 0.81; and visual assessment in the Florida test (for spring seed), Up-to-Date 0.58, Blanka 0.67 and Désirée 0.33. The Igel-Lange test proved unreliable; datura grafting is time consuming and PLRV symptoms were similar to reactions ofDatura stramonium to wounding and to stress. The results of the Florida test were somewhat variable and were obtained too late. The sprout test was deemed the most suitable as it is accurate and the results can be obtained within two months. Contribution No 156-E, 1979 series, Volcani Center.  相似文献   

Tests were made on lines ofSolanum tuberosum spp.andigena to determine 1) whether resistance to potato virus Y exists in the Andigena germplasm, 2) the nature of its inheritance, and 3) the type of resistance. Results of the isolation and identification studies indicated that the pathogen involved was a common strain of potato virus Y. Under field conditions susceptible plants frequently escaped infection. However, field exposures over two seasons resulted in the same ratios as tests in which the same progenies were mechanically inoculated. Mechanical inoculation at the seedling stage proved to be a reliable means of transmission and resulted in accurate screening for resistance. Of 641 tub × tub clones tested, all were susceptible to the virus. Of 366 tub × adg clones tested, 170 were resistant and 196 were susceptible. This fits a 13:15 ratio, assuming random chromatid segregation and a single dominant gene conferring resistance. Plants that were resistant following mechanical transmission were also resistant when inoculated by aphids, indicating the reliability of mechanical transmission as a means of screening for resistance. To determine the type of resistance, top-graft and approach-graft tests were made. Failure to recover the virus from resistant plants inoculated by either grafting method suggests that immunity is the type of resistance involved.  相似文献   

Summary In families obtained from crossing pairs of parents with high resistance to potato leaf roll virus (PLRV), individual clones differ greatly in their level of resistance. Inoculation of first-year seedlings was effective in selecting more resistant families, but it was not so effective in selecting more resistant individual clones.  相似文献   

Summary Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) was usually better transmitted byMyzus persicae from source plants kept during the pre-acquisition period at 12°C than from those kept at 26°C. Significantly more plants became infected when PLRV was acquired or inoculated at 26°C than at 12°C. The effect of temperature during the acquisition feeding period was found to be greater than that of temperature during the inoculation feeding period. PLRV was most frequently transmitted when it was both acquired and inoculated at 26°C.
Zusammenfassung Der Einfluss der Temperatur auf die übertragung des Kartoffel-Blattrollvirus (PLRV) durchMyzus persicae wurde in drei Perioden vor der Infektion der Pflanzen mit diesem Virus ermittelt: Vegetationsperiode vor Aufnahme durch die Virusquellen, Periode w?hrend der Virusaufnahme und der Inokulationsperiode. Die Untersuchungen wurden in temperaturkonstanten Kammern und im Gew?chshaus mit Pflanzen der Kartoffelsorte Osa als Quelle mit ausgew?hlten PLRV-Isolaten durchgeführt. Das Virus wurde aufPhysalis floridana und Kartoffelsorten unterschiedlicher Anf?lligkeit übertragen. Die H?ufigkeit der PLRV-übertragung durchM. persicae sank mit ansteigender Temperatur, zu welcher die Quellenpflanzen in der Periode vor der Virusaufnahme aufwuchsen (Abb. 2 und 3), obwohl dieser Effekt ausgeschaltet werden konnte, wenn das Virus durch die Blattl?use bei h?herer Temperatur aufgenommen wurde (Abb. 2). Die H?ufigkeit der PLRV-übertragung durch Blattl?use war nach einer Aufnahmeperiode bei 26°C signifikant gr?sser als bei 12°C (Abb. 2 bis 4). Der Einfluss h?herer Temperatur k?nnte stark genug sein, die Unterschiede in der PLRV-übertragung durch den Einfluss auf die Quellenpflanzen in der Vor-Aufnahmezeit zu eliminieren oder zu vermindern (Abb. 2). ?hnliches zeigte sich bei zunehmendem Alter der Quellenpflanzen (Abb. 1). Eindeutig mehr Pflanzen wurden infiziert, wenn PLRV bei 26°C anstatt 12°C inokuliert wurde (Abb. 3 und 4). Der Einfluss der Temperatur war in der Aufnahmeperiode gr?sser als in der Inokulationsperiode. Eine signifikant gr?ssere Population vonP. floridana und/oder Kartoffelpflanzen wurden infiziert, wenn PLRV durchM. persicae bei 26°C aufgenommen und inokuliert wurde (Abb. 3 und 4). Darüberhinaus war der Einfluss h?herer Temperatur, w?hrend beider Aufnahmeperioden angewendet, günstiger für visuelle und serologische (ELISA) Differenzierung der resistenten und anf?lligen Kartoffeln, gemessen an der H?ufigkeit infizierter Pflanzen (Abb. 4).

Résumé L'influence de la température sur la transmission du virus de l'Enroulement de la pomme de terre (VEPT) parMyzus persicae a été déterminée à trois périodes précédant l'infection des plantes par ce virus: période de végétation des plantes sources de virus avant acquisition (pré-acquisition), période d'acquisition, période d'inoculation. Les recherches ont été réalisées dans des salles à température contr?lée et en serre: des pommes de terre du cultivar Osa, infectées par des isolats sélectionnés de VEPT ont été utilisées comme plantes sources. Le virus a été transmis àPhysalis floridana et à des cultivars de pomme de terre de différentes sensibilités à l'infection par le VEPT. La fréquence de transmission du VEPT parM. persicae décro?t avec l'augmentation de la température à laquelle les plantes sources de virus ont été cultivées lors de la période de pré-acquisition (Figs 2 et 3), bien que cet effet ait pu être éliminé quand le virus a été prélevé par les pucerons à température plus élevée (Fig. 2). La fréquence de transmission du VEPT par les pucerons a été significativement plus grande après une période d'acquisition à 26° qu'à 12°C (Figs 2–4). L'effet de la température la plus élevée a pu être suffisamment fort pour supprimer ou réduire les différences de transmission du VEPT causées par l'effet de la température sur les plantes sources lors de la période de pré-acquisition (Fig. 2) ou par l'augmentation de l'age des plantes sources (Fig. 1). Un nombre significativement plus grand de plantes a été infecté quand le VEPT était inoculé à 26°C qu'à 12°C (Figs 3 et 4). L'effet de la température s'est avéré avoir une importance plus grande pendant la période d'acquisition que pendant la période d'inoculation. Une proportion significativement plus élevée deP. floridana et/ou de plants de pomme de terre a été infectée quand le VEPT était à la fois acquis et inoculé parM. persicae à 26°C (Figs 3 et 4). De plus, une température plus élevée appliquée pendant les deux périodes d'alimentation des pucerons s'est montrée plus favorable pour différencier visuellement et sérologiquement (ELISA) les pommes de terre résistantes, modérément résistantes et sensibles, lorsqu'on se base sur la fréquence des plantes infectées (Fig. 4).

Eight potato cultivars and two advanced breeder selections were assessed for field resistance to the potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) following field exposures in which PLRV-infected Russet Burbank plants were used as inoculum sources within treatments. This screening protocol provided consistent PLRV resistance ratings despite year-to-year variation in PLRV pressure. Secondary disease incidence based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of foliage from tuber progeny ranged from 0–87% in 1990 and 0–67% in 1991, and was consistent with reported PLRV resistance ratings for eight of ten genotypes. Agreement between visual assessment and ELISA on plants from harvested tubers was 94% in 1990 and 83% in 1991, for all genotypes. However, agreement data were inconsistent from year-to-year, with the exception of three genotypes. In both years, current season infection, based on ELISA of foliage, was detected in less than two percent of the plants and, was inadequate as a measure of secondary PLRV incidence. Green peach aphid (GPA) populations did not differ among genotypes at sampling times during the season, but the PLRV concentration in GPA colonizing Russet Burbank plots was significantly higher than in GPA colonizing any other genotype.  相似文献   

Summary Two species of wild potato,S. brevidens andS. fernandezianum, were surveyed for six potato-infecting viruses in their natural habitats in the Puerto Montt Region and Robinson Crusoe Island of Chile, respectively. Potato viruses S (PVS), M (PVM) and X (PVX) and potato yellowing virus (PYV) were found in some clones of the Chilean Potato Germplasm Collection, whereas only one population ofS. brevidens out of six was virus-infected, namely by PVS. The cultivated potatoes on Robinson Crusoe Island were infected by PVS, PVM and PVX and infested byAulacorthum solani andMyzus persicae, whereasS. fernandezianum was infected by PYV and infested byA. circumflexum, A. solani andAphis spp.  相似文献   

Summary Resistance to PVM has been found in some progenies ofSolanum gourlayi Haw., andS. spegazzinii Bitt. Clones from two progenies ofS. gourlayi, INTA 7330 and 7356, remained uninfected even after repeated graft inoculation.  相似文献   

S. Marco 《Potato Research》1981,24(3):353-356
Summary Random sampling of autumn grown potatoes in Israel revealed potato virus Y incidences of 2.7, 2.5 and 3% during the years 1976, 1977 and 1978, respectively, figures only slightly higher than those found in spring-planted fields (2.3% in 1976), and which agree with visual estimates by the Inspection Service. Assaying random samples for potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) by aphid transmission to test plants, detected incidences as high as 38.8, 28.9, 36.7 and 33.3% during 1976, 1977, 1978 and 1979, respectively, although only minor levels were visable, indicating symptom masking in the autumn. Most of the infection was found to be secondary; ca. 25% of the local seeds for autumn planting, grown during spring, are PLRV-infected. The effect of the high incidences of PLRV on autumn yields is not known, but they are consistently lower than spring yields of the same varieties. Contribution No 315-E, 1980 Series, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel.  相似文献   

Summary Young potato plants were a better source of potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) for aphids,Myzus persicae (Sulz.), than old ones. For plants 6, 7.5 and 9 weeks old, the best sources of PLRV were the lower, middle and upper leaves, respectively. The frequency of PLRV transmission from upper leaves did not change much with increasing age of plants nor did it change with different leaflets from the same leaf.  相似文献   

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