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敌敌畏对食虫沟瘤蛛体内消化酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
保护天敌、设法增强天敌的自然控虫作用及合理地使用杀虫剂是农田害虫综合治理的关键。稻田蜘蛛是稻田害虫的重要捕食性天敌,目前对蜘蛛的解毒生理研究已有一些报道,但对蜘蛛的消化毒理报道甚少。本文探讨了常用农药敌敌畏对食虫沟瘤蛛(Ummeliota insecticeps)离体消化酶活性的影响,以期为农药对蜘蛛等害虫天敌的消化毒理研究提供一些有意义的信息。  相似文献   

药剂诱导稻飞虱再猖獗及科学用药   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稻飞虱是典型的再猖獗型重大害虫。害虫再猖獗包括生态再猖獗和生理再猖獗,前者主要由药剂杀伤天敌使天敌功能崩溃引起,后者指药剂刺激害虫生殖导致害虫增殖倍数显著增加。刺激稻飞虱生殖的药剂包括大部分有机磷、菊酯类、氨基甲酸酯类杀虫剂,及一些除草剂和杀菌剂(如井冈霉素、多菌灵)等。通过蛋白质组学、转录组学、基因表达谱分析及基因沉默试验证实化学药剂刺激稻飞虱生殖主要涉及与生殖和代谢相关基因的上调表达,但同一药剂对稻飞虱组团物种产生物种间基因功能生态位分离。这就需要在深入理解化学农药对生态系统中组团物种的正负效应和生殖影响的基础上进行精准用药技术设计。本文综述了一些农药对稻田害虫天敌行为、生殖、捕食功能及稻飞虱生殖影响的机理,并基于同种药剂对稻飞虱组团内不同物种生殖的相反效应,提出稻飞虱多物种共存时的科学用药技术。  相似文献   

应用典范相关分析方法研究了柑桔主要害虫与天敌间的相互关系。在未受干扰的遗弃园中,害虫亚系统与天敌亚系统间第一典范相关系数达极显著水平。天敌亚系统中瓢虫类、寄生蜂类与主要害虫叶螨类、盾蚧类的数量变动规律一致,而蜘蛛类与主要害虫的数量关系不密切。化防园内主要害虫与天敌间的典范相关系数均未达显著水平,这表明化防园内害虫与天敌间的数量反馈机制因农药干扰而失调。  相似文献   

发挥卵寄生蜂对稻飞虱的控制作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于害虫的抗药性和农药对环境的污染情况日益加剧,生物防治普遍引起了人们的重视,而且成为害虫综合防治的一个主要内容。生物防治中就以虫治虫所用的天敌来源而言,主要分为两大类。一是引进外来天敌或大量饲养释放;二是采取各种有效措施保护利用当地天敌,提高天然生物控制害虫的效能。显然后者更为重要,它是当前生物防治工作中应该加以重视的问题。  相似文献   

咸宁素有“茶叶之乡”的美称,地处鄂南.境内植被丰富.气候温和湿润,四季分明,既适合茶树生长.也有利于茶树害虫和天敌繁殖。近年来。由于化学农药的不合理使用.破坏了茶园生态平衡,削弱了茶园有益生物的自然控制作用.导致化学农药越用越多、害虫越治越重的恶性循环.同时.也引起了消费者对茶叶中农药残留问题的关注。因此.重视、保护和开发利用茶园自然天敌资源十分重要.也是害虫生态控制和综合防治的重要基础工作。为此,近年来.我们对咸宁茶区害虫天敌资源进行了调查,并对其控制作用进行了研究。  相似文献   

对枣园病虫害的防治现状、害虫预测预报和微生物农药、植物源农药、抗虫基因利用的研究应用以及天敌的利用、选育抗虫品种、害虫的生态控制等无公害防治技术进行了综述,提出了加强枣树病虫害无公害防治建议.  相似文献   

针对水果生产中果农滥用高毒剧毒农药和乱用农药的现状,为了有效控制害虫,减少农药残留和环境污染,增加收益,项目组开展了"主要水果害虫、天敌消长规律及害虫防控技术研究与应用"工作,通过7年的研究与示范推广,该项目取得了以下主要研究结果.  相似文献   

如何合理使用农药,是当前亟待解决的主要问题。其涉及因素颇多,现仅从农药本身的施用来谈: 一、连续单一的使用化学农药,引起害虫大幅度地选强汰弱,抗药力随着世代的繁衍而连续累积,渐次增强,以致农药的用量成倍地提高。 二、滥用农药大量杀伤天敌,严重破坏生态平衡,使自然控制因子对害虫的作用愈来愈低,甚至完全丧失。当农药的有效期一过,残存的害虫数量猛增。  相似文献   

正水稻生育期长,害虫多样。为提高水稻害虫综合防治效果,需协调化学防治和生物防治,选择对害虫高效而对天敌无害的高选择性农药,提高协同控害作用。国内开展了许多不同化学农药对稻田捕食性天敌(瓢虫、捕食蝽)和寄生性天敌(寄生蜂)的风险评价,但化学农药对稻田捕食性天敌蜘蛛的风险  相似文献   

施用化学农药对减轻农作物病虫所造成的损失有很大的作用。但是滥用农药也产生了很多不良的后果。其中之一是严重杀伤害虫天敌,以致破坏益虫、害虫相互制约的生态平衡。为了探索化学农药对稻飞虱及其天敌的影响,探讨充分发挥农药和天敌控制稻飞虱的经济、安全、有效方法,1981年早造期间,我们在佛山地区良种繁育场进行了本试验。现将初步结果整理于后。  相似文献   

研究了杀虫安经灌胃给药后对小鼠脑组织内多巴胺及氨基酸含量的影响。将60只ICR (美国癌症研究所)小鼠随机分为空白对照、杀虫安低剂量(200 mg/kg bw)及高剂量(300 mg/kg bw) 3个处理组,于灌胃后出现惊厥时断头取脑,采用高效液相色谱-电化学(HPLC-ECD)检测法测定了鼠脑组织内多巴胺(DA)及其代谢产物二羟苯乙酸(DOPAC)和高香草酸(HVA)的含量,采用液相色谱-质谱联用(LC-MS/MS)法测定了氨基酸的含量。结果发现,两个剂量处理组鼠脑组织内DA及氨基酸含量与对照相比均有显著性差异。其中:DA比对照分别升高25.25%和31.93%(PPPPγ-氨基丁酸(GABA)含量比对照降低32.55% (PP<0.05)。表明杀虫安导致惊厥时伴有鼠脑内多巴胺和氨基酸含量的变化。  相似文献   

本文通过伽马射线辐照拟长毛钝绥螨的雄成螨,探讨辐照的雄成螨与雌成螨交配后,对雌成螨产卵量和后代性比的影响。在高辐照剂量10、20、40、80、160、320、640、1280 Gy和剂量率3 Gy.min-1的伽马射线辐照下,雌螨的产卵量随辐照剂量的增加而逐渐减少。40 Gy及以上的辐照剂量雌螨产卵量与对照相比均有显著差异;后代雌性比也随辐照剂量的增加而降低,到160 Gy辐照剂量时雌性比为0。在低辐照剂量40、160、640、2560和10240 mGy以及剂量率40 mGy.min-1的伽马射线辐照下,雌螨的产卵量随辐照剂量的增加呈现出先升后降的趋势,在160 mGy辐照剂量下达到了最高。160 mGy时后代雌性比也最高,达到72.52%,与40、640、2560mGy处理间没有显著差异,但都显著地高于对照(65.23%)和10240 mGy辐照处理(56.14%)的雌性比。  相似文献   

辐照柑桔和板栗害虫的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高美须  王传耀 《植物检疫》1999,13(4):197-199
本文对检疫害虫柑桔大实蝇和栗象的辐照处理了研究。  相似文献   

In 3 year field experiments on the development of more economical methods for pest and disease control on intensively planted dessert apple trees, low dose applications of one-tenth of the normal quantities of pesticide in one-hundredth, one-tenth and one-fifth of the normal volumes were compared with conventional high volume spraying at 2250 litres/ha. An experimental tractor-mounted mist blower, a motorised knapsack mist blower and a fan-assisted disc sprayer were each used to apply the pesticides in 225, 45 and 22.5 litres of water/ha. Control of the apple-grass aphid, Rhopalosiphum insertum, obtained by low dose spraying of demeton-S-methyl (8 g a.i./ha) combined with azinphos-methyl (37 g a.i./ha) in 225 and 22.5 litres/ha in 1971 and of fenitrothion (70 g a.i./ha) in 225, 45 and 22.5 litres/ha in 1972 and 1973 was almost equal to that obtained by the conventional high volume method. Low dose applications of benomyl fungicide programmes gave poor control of apple scab, Venturia inaequalis in 1971 when the disease incidence on the fruit was very high at 73%, but in 1972 and 1973, when it was moderately high at 42–45%, control was almost equal to that given by the conventional high volume method. Under these conditions all the low dose methods gave better control with benomyl than with dodine/captan programmes.  相似文献   

农药兑水茎叶喷施对靶沉积是一个复杂的剂量传递与分布过程,涉及制剂形成、药液配制、雾化分散、空间运行、叶面沉积和稳态持留等动态过程,受到药剂特性、环境因素、为害规律、植株形态和叶面结构等多因素影响,在水稻、小麦和玉米三大粮食作物上对靶沉积率为40.6%。其中,对不同区域、不同靶标作物种植体系中农药损失规律和高效利用机理研究与认识不足,是农药对靶沉积剂量传递效率低的主要原因之一。本文以农药向靶标作物及有害生物传递的过程行为为主线,将农药兑水茎叶喷施对靶沉积的剂量传递过程分解为雾滴空间运行、叶面动态沉积和稳态持留3个过程,从空间维度综述了各过程中的表观现象与行为、损失规律及其调控机制途径与技术等;从技术发展与进步角度,分析了农药对靶沉积剂量传递与调控研究和认知的发展思路,概述了典型代表性成果,提出了未来研究与发展建议。期望客观认知农药高效对靶沉积的损失规律与调控机制,探析主控过程与影响因子,提出农药减量施用调控方法、控制技术指标及功能助剂施用限量标准等,为农药减施增效关键技术与产品研发提供理论与技术支持。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Colorado potato beetle (CPB), Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, is a destructive pest. The CPB is a quarantine pest in China, but has now invaded the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and is continuing to spread eastwards. To control the damage and overspreading, transgenic potato plants expressing Cry3A toxin were developed, and their resistance to CPB was evaluated by bioassays in the laboratory and field in 2009, 2010 and 2011. RESULTS: The insect resistance of the high‐dose (HD) transgenic lines was significantly greater than the middle‐dose (MD) and low‐dose (LD) transgenic lines regarding leaf consumption, biomass accumulation and mortality. The HD and MD transgenic lines showed 100% mortality when inoculated with first‐ and second‐instar larvae; however, the LD transgenic lines showed about 50% mortality. The HD transgenic lines exhibited a significantly higher yield than the MD and LD transgenic lines owing to their high CPB resistance. CONCLUSION: Commercially available transgenic potato plants with above 0.1% Cry3A of total soluble protein and NT control refugia could control damage, delay adaptation and halt dispersion eastwards. The two HD transgenic lines developed in this study, PAH1 and PAH2, are ideal for use as cultivars or germplasm to breed new cultivars. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

In spatially heterogeneous weed infestations, variable dose technologies could be used to minimise herbicide use; high doses could be applied to reduce high‐density patches and low doses to maintain weed populations in low‐density portions of a field. To assess the potential short‐ and long‐term effects of variable herbicide dose and site‐specific management, the major weed demographic processes were described and parameterised in this study. Various doses of rimsulfuron (from 0 to 12.5 g a.i. ha?1) were applied to different densities of Sorghum halepense (0–100 plants m?2). Contrary to similar studies with other weed species, higher herbicide efficacy was not observed at low densities, suggesting that the same rimsulfuron dose should be applied regardless of the S. halepense density. The highest percentage of control was obtained with the full rimsulfuron dose. However, it did not guarantee a decrease of the infestation in the following season in the field areas where the initial S. halepense density was lower than 60 plants m?2. Reduced doses of rimsulfuron to control S. halepense cannot be recommended based on our results.  相似文献   

Laboratory tests of Metarhizium anisopliae var acridum Driver & Milner, at a dose of 1.3 x 10(6) conidia ml-1, had no adverse effects on nymphs of mayfly, Ulmerophlebia sp or 8-week-old fry of the rainbow fish, Melanotaenia duboulayi Castelnau. This dose was toxic to the cladoceran, Ceriodaphnia dubia Richard, causing 100% mortality in 48 h. When this test was repeated at doses of up to 6.7 x 10(3) conidia ml-1, there was only 5% mortality after 192 h. Spraying of artificial water sources with a very high dose of the fungus as an aqueous spray resulted in 80-130 conidia ml-1 at 15 cm depth in the first 24 h after spraying. The conidia rapidly settled out and were absent from the top 15 cm layer of water after about 50 h. A similar experiment using the oil formulation as used in field control resulted in a 2- to 20-fold lower level of conidia in the water. Finally, sampling actual water sources in spray areas revealed a very low level of contamination of the water, with a maximum mean level of 29 conidia ml-1 in the first 24 h after treatment. Thus the level of conidia likely to enter water during control campaigns is a small fraction of that required to kill cladocerans, the only sensitive non-target organism tested. It is concluded that the biopesticide is very unlikely to pose any hazard to aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

为探明以卵磷脂和维生素E为主要成分的安融乐对烯禾啶 (sethoxydim) 的增效作用及在烯禾啶胁迫下对谷子 Setaria italica 品种‘晋谷21号’药害的缓解作用,采用盆栽试验方法,以‘晋谷21号’和牛筋草 Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. 为研究对象,设置不同浓度烯禾啶和安融乐混合药液,于谷子和杂草3~5叶期于叶面喷施,于药后7 d测定谷子农艺性状及光合生理指标,于药后7、15和30 d调查添加安融乐后对烯禾啶防除牛筋草的增效作用。结果表明:施用烯禾啶单剂对‘晋谷21号’株高、叶面积、光合色素含量、叶绿素荧光均有显著抑制作用,且随浓度增加抑制作用加强;1/8倍推荐剂量 (推荐剂量为有效成分187.5 g/hm2) 的烯禾啶对‘晋谷21号’已经产生药害,1/2倍推荐剂量下谷子株高、叶面积均显著低于对照,分别比对照降低了23.41%和33.15%,此剂量下谷子光合色素含量及叶绿素荧光参数也均显著低于对照。添加不同稀释倍数的安融乐后,对低浓度烯禾啶胁迫的缓解作用不显著,对高浓度烯禾啶胁迫的缓解作用显著。其中安融乐稀释倍数为2500倍时,对1/2倍推荐剂量烯禾啶胁迫的缓解作用最好,谷子株高和叶面积比施用烯禾啶单剂分别增加16.76%和24.94%,光合色素含量及叶绿素荧光参数等生理指标均在此剂量下显著高于对照及其他处理。1/8倍推荐剂量烯禾啶对牛筋草防效较差,株防效几乎为0,但随着烯禾啶浓度的升高,对牛筋草的防效逐渐升高。1/2倍推荐剂量下药后30 d烯禾啶对牛筋草的株防效和鲜重防效分别为53.33%和73.10%,在此剂量下添加稀释倍数为2500倍的安融乐后,牛筋草株防效和鲜重防效分别上升至73.33%和84.65%。综上,添加稀释倍数为2500倍的安融乐可以提高烯禾啶对牛筋草的防效同时提高对谷子的安全性。  相似文献   


Two spraying strategies to control mango blossom blight caused by Glomerella cingulata were tested in Dominica In one trial, a single dose of 4% copper oxychloride (18 g per tree) was applied to foliage before flowering had started, while the other trial compared fortnightly applications of concentrations up to 2%, starting after flowering. The early single dose gave a significant increase in fruit set, whereas the repeated doses gave no significant effects. Early application, followed by a low volume spraying of protectant fungicides, may reduce the cost of disease control. The addition of 0.5% polyisobutene sticker, tested in the single dose trial, gave a consistently improved fruit set compared to the non‐sticker treatment, significant at one recording date; the overall evidence was encouraging. In vitro tests showed that the fungus was less sensitive to copper than to chlorothalonil and some systemic fungicides.  相似文献   

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