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刘静  吴海燕  彭德良 《作物杂志》2012,28(1):111-114
本研究利用孢囊指数方法室内鉴定31个小麦品种(系)对Heterodera avenae的抗性,结果表明:供试31个小麦品种中大多数品种表现高度感病(HS)、无高抗(HR)和中抗(MR)品种。淄麦12和山农8355两品种的单株孢囊数为11~20个,属中度感病(MS)品种,仅占供试品种的6.5%;其他29个品种单株孢囊数大于20个,均为高度感病(HS)品种,占供试品种的93.5%。在接种量相同的条件下,小麦根系特点和生长状况与最终形成的孢囊数没有明显相关性。  相似文献   

Summary The progress of a backcross breeding programme to introduce resistance against the cereal cyst nematode into wheat is described. Methods of resistance screening and criteria for selection are detailed and the results discussed with reference to alternative procedures for the introduction of new resistance genes into major breeding programmes.  相似文献   

J. Jahier    P. Abelard    M. Tanguy    F. Dedryver    R. Rivoal    S. Khatkar  H. S. Bariana  R. Koebner 《Plant Breeding》2001,120(2):125-128
Previous studies showed that the intermediate level of resistance in bread wheat line ‘VPM1’ to pathotype Ha12 of the cereal cyst nematode could be conferred by an Aegilops ventricosa‐derived gene, CreX, in chromosome arm 2AS, which also carries the rust resistance genes Yrl7, Lr37 and Sr38. Near isogenic lines (NILs) differing for the presence and absence of the Ae. ventricosa‐derived linked genes Yrl7/Lr37/Sr38 were tested with cereal cyst nematode. Lines carrying Yr17 produced significantly fewer nematode cysts than the controls. An infested soil experiment produced better differentiation among resistant and susceptible genotypes. Susceptibility of ‘Trident’ indicated that linkage between CreX and Yr17 is incomplete. Microsatellite markers did not differentiate between ‘Trident’ and CreX‐carrying genotypes. However, Xgwm636 (104) was associated with the presence of Yr17 in all six genetic backgrounds. Since none of the reported cereal cyst nematode resistance genes is located in chromosome 2AS, CreX was designated as Cre5.  相似文献   

禾谷孢囊线虫(cereal cyst nematode, CCN)是一类重要的土传小麦病原线虫,危害我国小麦的主要是燕麦孢囊线虫(Heterodera avenae)和菲利普孢囊线虫(H. filipjevi)。我国对这些病原线虫的抗性资源十分缺乏,寻找新抗源是当前抗性育种的重要工作。本研究通过3年的田间病圃和温室接种鉴定,发现加拿大的硬粒小麦品种Waskana和Waskowa对H. filipjevi (河南许昌群体,Hfc-1致病型)和H. avenae (河南荥阳群体,Ha43致病型)都表现很强的抗性,单株孢囊数显著少于感病的普通小麦品种矮抗58、石4185和温麦19。显微观察可见,虽然两种线虫的幼虫都能够侵入Waskana和Waskowa的根组织内,但是根内的线虫数量显著少于感病对照普通小麦品种,最终在根系上形成的可见孢囊数量也较少。Waskana和Waskowa对两种病原线虫的抗性为我国抗CCN小麦品种选育提供了有较高利用价值的新抗源。根据南澳大利亚研究所的土传病害检测服务系统对土壤中病原线虫的分子检测结果,抗CCN品种Waskana和Waskowa根际土壤中的线虫虫卵量低于感病小麦品种,因此种植可能降低土壤中禾谷孢囊线虫危害的风险。  相似文献   

A collection of 87 ancient wheat genotypes, 67 Triticum monococcum, 13 Triticum boeoticum, seven Triticum urartu and one cultivar of the modern wheat Triticum aestivum (variety ‘Arminda’) were evaluated for resistance to the cereal aphid Sitobion avenae, the main damaging aphid pest on winter wheat in Europe. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm), which is regarded as a good estimate of the fitness of an aphid population, was used as an indicator for the level of plant resistance. Differentiation of the 88 plant genotypes into four distinct groups was achieved with a cluster analysis of the rm values. The modern wheat ‘Arminda’ was more susceptible than any of the ancient wheat genotypes tested (rm= 0.24, i.e. the aphid population doubled every 2.6 days). A second group of 19 plants ranged from relatively susceptible to moderately resistant (0.17 < rm < 0.21). Fifty–one plants were allocated to a third group and classified as resistant (0.09 < rm < 0.16). The last group contained 17 genotypes with a high level of resistance where aphid fitness was greatly reduced (0.02 < rm < 0.09, i.e. the aphid population doubled every 11.4 days or 7.7 days, respectively). Clustering of the accessions into the different phenetic groups did not follow the geographical origin of the wheat genotypes or the species to which they belong. These results show that ancient diploid wheats, all characterized by the genome A, present considerable interest for plant breeding for resistance to S. avenae in modern wheat. The potential use of these strong and partial sources of resistance for introduction of a stable and durable form of resistance to S. avenae in wheat is discussed.  相似文献   

通过多年接虫和田间病圃抗性鉴定,发现普通小麦品种太空6号对燕麦孢囊线虫(Heterodera avenae)郑州群体具有较好的抗性。以抗病品种太空6号为父本、感病品种豫麦47为母本配置杂交组合构建遗传分离群体,通过田间病圃鉴定和室内接虫鉴定对太空6号进行了抗性遗传分析,发现豫麦47×太空6号杂种F2代单株孢囊量为连续分布,具有数量性状特征;F2代群体单株孢囊量分布图呈偏态分布,说明存在明显的主效基因。应用植物数量性状主基因+多基因混合遗传模型单个分离世代分析方法,分析豫麦47×太空6号杂种F2代群体在室内接种二龄幼虫和田间病圃中对H. avenae郑州群体的抗性遗传效应均符合B-2模型,推测太空6号对H. avenae的抗性由2对主基因+多基因控制,主基因表现为加性-显性效应,在室内人工接种和田间病圃鉴定条件下主基因的遗传率分别为73.54%和86.90%,说明太空6号对燕麦孢囊线虫郑州群体的抗性是主效基因起主要作用。  相似文献   

Summary The use of soil. naturally infested with Heterodera avenae, to select resistant heterozygotes in backcross progenies of wheat, was tested for reliability. Selfed progenies from plants selected as resistant were cultured monoxenically in test tubes with nematodes hatched from single cysts, while backcross progenies from the same parent plants were grown in pots of naturally infested soil. Cyst counts were made after two months' growth. The results showed that over 50% of the backcross lines, screened in previous generations with naturally infested soil, had been erroneously selected as resistant. The test tube cultures clearly differentiated lines carrying resistance from those which were susceptible and corroborated results from pot tests.  相似文献   

小麦孢囊线虫病瘿瘤密度对麦苗生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据小麦孢囊虫病典型症状-根据部形成瘿瘤及其密度变化,探讨了该病害对小麦苗期生长影响,结果表明,瘿瘤密度与麦苗长势呈极显著负相关;瘿瘤密度在0.21-1.83,麦苗主茎高降低27.5%-45.4%,单株分蘖减少4.3%-77.0%,叶片减少7.9%-65.7%,次生根条数及根生分别减少1.3%-61.6%,8.0%-71.9%,瘿瘤密度达4.22以上时,麦苗不能形成分蘖和次生根,且弱小黄化严重而及早枯死。  相似文献   

During the past decade, numerous studies have been published on molecular mapping of Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance in wheat. We summarize the relevant findings from 52 quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping studies, nine research articles on marker-assisted selection and seven on marker-assisted germplasm evaluation. QTL for FHB resistance were found on all wheat chromosomes except chromosome 7D. Some QTL were found in several independent mapping studies indicating that such QTL are stable and therefore useful in breeding programmes. We summarize and update current knowledge on the genetics of FHB resistance in wheat resulting from QTL mapping investigations and review and suggest FHB breeding strategies based on the available information and DNA markers.  相似文献   

J. Liu  D. Liu  W. Tao  W. Li  S. Wang  P. Chen  S. Cheng  D. Gao 《Plant Breeding》2000,119(1):21-24
Breeding durable resistance to pathogens and pests is a major task for modern plant breeders and pyramiding different resistance genes into a genotype is one way of achieving this. Three powdery mildew resistance gene combinations, Pm2+Pm4a, Pm2+Pm21, Pm4a+Pm21 were successfully integrated into an elite wheat cultivar ‘Yang047′. Double homozygotes were selected from a small F2 population with the help of molecular markers. As the parents were near‐isogenic lines (NILs) of ‘Yang158′, the progenies showed good uniformity in morphological and other non‐resistance agronomic traits. The present work illustrates the bright prospects for the utilization of molecular markers in breeding for host resistance.  相似文献   

H. Buerstmayr    M. Lemmens    M. Schmolke    G. Zimmermann    L. Hartl    F. Mascher    M. Trottet    N. E. Gosman    P. Nicholson 《Plant Breeding》2008,127(4):325-332
During 2 years and at five locations in Europe, 56 winter wheat genotypes were evaluated for resistance to Fusarium head blight (FHB). The genotypes were both parents and selected recombinants taken from the following populations previously tested for FHB resistance: 'Arina'/'Forno', 'Arina'/'Riband', 'Dream'/'Lynx', G16-92/'Hussar', 'Renan'/'Récital', SVP-72017 × 'Capo' and 'Capo'/'Sumai-3'. In addition, a few control lines were included. FHB resistance was evaluated in replicated experiments under artificial inoculation, disease severity was assessed by repeated visual scorings. The highest level of FHB resistance was found in lines selected from crosses of FHB-resistant winter wheat × 'Sumai-3'. The best lines selected from crosses of moderately resistant winter wheat with susceptible winter wheat were similar in their resistance response to the resistant parent. The level of FHB resistance was correlated with stability of resistance. Susceptible wheat lines tended to exhibit severe symptoms under high disease pressure. The symptoms on resistant lines remained comparatively low even under high disease pressure.  相似文献   

Inheritance of resistance in the wheat cultivar‘Arjun’(HD 2009) against leaf rust pathotype 77–1 revealed that its durable resistance is attributable to a novel dominant adult plant resistance (APR) gene. Lr13, another gene reported in the cultivar played no role. This new gene is established as different from Lr34, the only effective APR gene from Triticum aestivum known for durability.  相似文献   

P. Hucl 《Plant Breeding》1995,114(3):199-204
The development of sprouting-resistant spring-wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars is a major breeding objective in many wheat-producing regions. Sprouting resistance is thought to be associated with delayed maturity. The primary objective of this study was to measure the reciprocal effects of selection for sprouting resistance and maturity. Two experiments were conducted over a 3–4-year period in Saskatoon, Canada. In the first experiment, two populations of hard red spring wheat were subjected to divergent selection (k = 10%) for maturity. In the second experiment, six populations derived from crosses between two sprouting-resistant, late-maturing, white-grained cultivars ('AUS1293' and 'AUS1408') and three early maturing, red–grained cultivars ('Park', 'PT516' and 'Roblin'), were subjected to divergent selection (k = 10%) for sprouting resistance. Selection for earliness reduced sprouting resistance in one population but had no effect in the second. For both populations, earlier maturity was associated with higher test weight but lower grain yield. In the second experiment, selection for increased sprouting resistance was effective, with realized heritabilities averaging 0.74. Increased sprouting resistance was associated with a slight delay (1–2.5 days) in time to spike emergence in four out of six populations, but had little effect on time to maturity in most populations. There was a trend towards redder grain in the sprouting-resistant selections. The recovery of sprouting-resistant, early maturing segregants was relatively low, averaging less than 10% over the six populations. In conclusion, selection for increased sprouting resistance can result in delayed maturity, but the magnitude of that delay will vary among populations.  相似文献   

Inheritance of resistance of wheat to eyespot at the adult stage   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
H. Muranty    J. Jahier    A.-M. Tanguy    A. J. Worland  C. Law 《Plant Breeding》2002,121(6):536-538
Moderate resistance to eyespot was first incorporated in the variety Cappelle‐Desprez (CD). Later the gene Pch1, which could confer a higher level of resistance, was introduced from Aegilops ventricosa. However Pch1‐carrying varieties can sustain significant eyespot‐induced yield losses in severe attack situations. A strategy to further enhance the resistance of wheat is by pyramiding Pch1 and the genes for resistance in CD. The first requirement to achieve this is a better understanding of the genetics of resistance in CD. The resistance of the 21 Cappelle‐Desprez (Bezostaya) disomic substitution lines was evaluated. Chromosome 7A was confirmed as carrying a major gene for resistance to eyespot at the seedling stage. However, this study demonstrates that this chromosome has no effects at the adult stage. Chromosome 5A was shown to carry a major gene for resistance to eyespot at the adult stage, which was stably expressed each year of testing. Chromosomes 1A and 2B had significant effects for only two years among four.  相似文献   

B. H. Chew  R. Cook  H. Thomas 《Euphytica》1981,30(3):669-673
Summary By using 15 available mono/nullisomic lines of Sun II back ground, the Heterodera avenae resistance gene in Nelson (from Avena sativa CI 3444) and Panema (from A. sterilis I. 376) were located on monosome XV. Genes with smaller effects were located on monosomes VIII and X. The absence of these genes derived from Sun II would increase cyst production on plants lacking major resistance genes.  相似文献   

Q. Sun    Y. Wei    Z. Ni    C. Xie  T. Yang 《Plant Breeding》2002,121(6):539-541
Yellow rust of wheat caused by Puccinia striiformis f sp. tritici has been periodically epidemic and severely damaged wheat production in China and throughout the world. Breeding for resistant cultivars has been proved to be an effective way to resolve the problem. A yellow rust resistance gene, Yr5, derived from Triticum spelta shows immunity or high resistance to the most popular isolates Tiaozhong 30 and 31 in China. Establishment of DNA markers for the Yr5 gene will facilitate marker‐assisted selection and gene pyramiding in the breeding programme. Since the Yr5 gene was cytologically located on the long arm of chromosome 2B, By33, the donor of Yr5, was crossed and backcrossed with the susceptible line 441, and BC3F2 and BC3F3 segregating populations were screened for polymorphism by using 11 microsatellite primers mapped on chromosome 2B. A marker, Xgwm501‐195 bp/160 bp, was found to be linked to Yr5, with a genetic distance of 10.5‐13.3 cM.  相似文献   

Bread-making quality indices (dough strength and dough mixing stability) in relation to flour protein content, glutenin/gliadin ratio, and high-molecular-weight (HMW) subunits of glutenin have been investigated in Triticum aestivum progenies during a three year agronomic trial. Dough strength (W) proved to be a fairly stable characteristic, slightly but positively correlated with flour protein content. High could be associated with a high glutenin/gliadin ratio as well as with the presence of specific HMW. subunits of glutenin, while high protein content tended to favour a balanced dough tenacity-extensibility ratio (P/L = 0.4—0.6). Satisfactory values of dough-mixing stability were frequently observed in association with good expression of W showing that the two quality traits may coexist without much difficulty in the same genotype. From the plant breeding standpoint the data suggest feasible to obtain high dough strength by concentrating in a genotype the HMW subunits of glutenin known to have a beneficial effect on W. However, very high W may present unfavourable P/L ratios. This possibility is enhanced when the flour has a low protein content which often occurs in high yielding genotypes.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), has become a serious, perennial pest of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in many areas of the world. This study was initiated to determine the inheritance of RWA resistance in PI 140207 (a RWA-resistant spring wheat) and to determine its allelic relationship with a previously reported RWA resistance gene. Crosses were made between PI 140207 and ‘Pavon’ (a RWA-susceptible spring wheat). Genetic analysis was performed on the parents, F1, F2, backcross (BC) population and F2-derived F3 families. Analyses of segregation patterns of plants in the F1, F2, and BC populations, and F2-derived F3 families indicated single dominant gene control of RWA resistance in PI 140207. Results of the allelism test indicated that the resistance gene in PI 140207, while conferring distinctly different seedling reactions to RWA feeding, is the same as Dn 1, the resistance gene in PI 137739.  相似文献   

B. L. Dunn    B. F. Carver    C. A. Baker    D. R. Porter 《Plant Breeding》2007,126(3):240-243
Rhopalosiphum padi L. causes significant damage to winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.), even without obvious aboveground symptoms of injury. Our objectives were to develop a juvenile-plant bioassay for bird cherry-oat aphid (BCOA) resistance that allows rapid phenotypic differentiation. Central features of the bioassay include root and shoot weight measurements of 3-week-old seedlings produced in seed germination pouches, a 14-day aphid exposure period, and a non-infested control treatment to establish a baseline for expected biomass per genotype. Cultivars used in bioassay development were 'Illinois Rustproof' and 'Skala', which showed smaller BCOA-induced reductions in biomass than the more susceptible genotypes, 'Patrick' and 'Scout 66'. Mean reductions in root biomass were 48% for 'Patrick' and 'Scout 66', compared with 29% for 'Illinois Rustproof' and 'Skala'. This rapid and repeatable bioassay is extendable to large wheat collections and inbred line populations.  相似文献   

Resistance to Mycosphaerella graminicola causal agent of Septoria tritici blotch, was identified in progenies of crosses with European winter wheat cultivars, Tadorna and Cleo. This resistance was used to develop the resistant spring wheat cultivar Tadinia, selected from ‘Tadorna’/‘Inia 66’ released in 1985. Evaluation of the progeny of intercrosses between ‘Tadorna’, ‘Cleo’, ‘Tadinia’, and two short-statured resistant lines derived from hybrids with ‘Tadinia’ as one parent indicate the resistance was inherited as a single gene showing partial to strong dominance. The gene in ‘Tadinia’ was designated Stb4. Crosses between another resistant cultivar, ‘Bulgaria 88’, and ‘Tadinia’ suggest that ‘Bulgaria 88’ does not have Stb4. Successful introgression of Stb4 into Rht1+Rht2 short-statured lines revealed that plant stature and resistance to M. graminicola segregated independently. The Stb4 gene has been effective since 1975 against M. graminicola extant in California. A high positive correlation between seedling and adult plant disease scores, based on scoring of lesions producing pycnidia, indicated that the Stb4 gene is expressed throughout the life cycle under both field and greenhouse conditions, confirming that disease screening can be carried out on seedling plants. Separate assessment of necrotic lesions with and without pycnidia indicated that leaf necrosis without pycnidia, observed, especially under greenhouse conditions, can confound disease evaluations and lead to inaccurate genotype classification.  相似文献   

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