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This study compared researchers, extension agents, and farmers’ perceptions of the effect of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on agricultural information access. A simple random sampling technique was used to select 88 researchers, 115 extension agents, and 271 farmers. Data collected through a structured questionnaire were analyzed using means, standard deviation, and one-way analysis of variance. The results showed that, of the 29 statements on the rating scale, researchers, extension agents, and farmers agreed with and were positively disposed to 25, 23, and 19, respectively. A significant difference in the effect of ICT on agricultural information access among researchers, extension agents, and farmers (F = 6.49, p < .05) was observed. Access to agricultural information through ICT will continue to improve, since perceptions are overtly positive among researchers, extension agents, and farmers.  相似文献   

This study has investigated farm households' simultaneous use of social networks, field extension, traditional media, and modern information and communication technologies (ICTs) to access information on cotton crop production. The study was based on a field survey, conducted in Punjab, Pakistan. Data were collected from 399 cotton farm households using the multistage sampling technique. Important combinations of information sources were found in terms of their simultaneous use to access information. The study also examined the factors influencing the use of various available information sources. A multivariate probit model was used considering the correlation among the use of social networks, field extension, traditional media, and modern ICTs. The findings indicated the importance of different socioeconomic and institutional factors affecting farm households' use of available information sources on cotton production. Important policy conclusions are drawn based on findings.  相似文献   

The role of land registration in reducing rural poverty has been debated for several decades. This article analyses the impacts of land registration on land rentals, security of land tenure, disputes over land, use of credit facilities from formal financial institutions and gender access and control over land. Our findings are based on data collected between April and December 2011 in irrigation systems in three regional states of Ethiopia using in‐depth interviews and field surveys. Land registration has a positive influence on land rentals by reducing the fear of landholders in losing land to renters. Important benefits of land registration also include enhancing tenure security through ensuring usufruct rights over land and addressing the conflicts that arise from the competition to access irrigable land. Joint land titling secures women's access to land and encourages women's decision‐making on land rentals, input use, cropping patterns and the marketing of harvest from irrigable plots. While land registration allows for improved tenure security, gender equity and reduced disputes over land, it does little to facilitate access to credit or increase the use of farm inputs. The findings suggest that more work needs to be carried out to translate the benefits of land registration into improved livelihoods by increasing investment in farm inputs, production of high value, off‐season crops and increase market participation. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study assessed information delivery and effect on the productive capacity of contact and non-contact cashew farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria. The results showed that the output of contact farmers was significantly different from that of non-contact farmers (p = .006), despite significant differences in farm size (p < .05). Interpersonal contacts through extension agents and friends were the most frequently used sources of information. In addition, information on cashew production and marketing was the most important to farmers. The study shows that farmer's productivity is enhanced through interaction with extension agents.  相似文献   

Several congruency studies exist on agricultural-related issues, but studies on congruency for entertainment-education (EE) utilization for agricultural information dissemination is limited. Congruency among researchers, extension agents, and farmers on the use of EE for agricultural information dissemination was examined. A multistage sampling procedure was used to select 161 respondents across respondent categories. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain data on respondents' perception and estimate of perception of other stakeholders to establish accuracy. Data were analyzed using Pearson product-moment correlation at p = 0.05. Results indicate congruence between researchers' perception and accuracy in establishing extension agents and farmers' opinion about media environment. A similar result was obtained for congruence between farmers' perception and other stakeholders' position on media environment. Congruence between extension agents, researchers, and farmers was accurate for infrastructural factors. Given the accurate predictions of each other's disposition to key variables, EE should be further exploited for agricultural information dissemination.  相似文献   

This study investigated factors affecting the utilization of agricultural information among rice farmers in central Thailand. About 240 rice farmers in the Bang Pla Ma District of Suphanburi Province were surveyed and interviewed to describe how they utilize agricultural information. Respondents were divided into small, medium, and large rice farmers according to farm size. Small farmers had more access to information on farming practices and postharvesting activities, while large and medium farmers utilized more information on marketing, covering future market and farmgate prices. The multinomial logit model showed that length of farming experience, household labor size, distance to the Rice Research Center, and number of information sources, as well as access to the Internet, television, extension program, and relatives, significantly influence farmers’ utilization of agricultural information.  相似文献   

生态无人农场模式探索及发展展望   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
中国的农业生产建立在过量农药化肥投入的基础上,导致农田生态环境失衡,不利于农业的可持续发展,同时,农业劳动力短缺问题日益凸显,寻求一种生态化、高效化、智慧化的农业模式势在必行。基于多年的实践与探索,该文作者团队在山东淄博落地建成了中国首个生态无人农场,提出了"生态无人农场"的模式与发展理念。文章总结出农药、化肥和土壤耕作制度对农田生态系统造成的不利影响最为明显,提出通过一系列无人化作业手段与模式对农田生态系统进行生态化管理与改造,来实现农业生产的可持续发展。在此基础上,通过天空地一体化农情信息获取、地空一体化无人机群协同作业以及构建能够完全自主决策的智慧云大脑的技术集成创新模式,来实现农田信息的自动采集和处理、科学决策以及无人农机的远程控制等功能。文章对生态无人农场关键技术与模式进行了总结论述,提出了生态无人农场模式的实施内涵,以期为未来农业、智慧农业的发展以及推进农业农村现代化高质量发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This study focused on the use of combined media to minimize the time lag for both awareness and adoption of best practices for food crop production in Oyo State, Nigeria. One hundred and eighteen registered farmers in the Iddo District were sampled and interviewed. Results showed that the majority of the farmers were male (83.9%) and married (67.8%), and about one third (27.1%) completed elementary education. Fellow farmers (76.3%), extension agents (63.3%), friends (49.2%), and radio (48.3%) readily served as information sources for farmers. The quantum of agricultural information to which farmers had access was significantly related to varieties of information sources (r = .26, p = .05) used by farmers. The empowerment of elite farmers and capacity strengthening for extension agents are advocated for improved agricultural information dissemination.  相似文献   

程有萍 《计算机与农业》2010,(10):110-111,115
从搭建服务平台、延伸服务通道、服务怀来农业三个方面,阐述了怀来县"8+1"农业农村信息化服务模式,为解决农业农村信息传递"最初一公里"和"最后一公里"问题进行探索,促进了全县农业增产和农民增收。  相似文献   

Kenya's development seems trapped in a vicious circle caused by soil erosion, declining soil fertility, land fragmentation, fluctuating agricultural production, widespread poverty, corruption, ethnic tension, rapid population, urban growth and a declining economy. The development challenge is to reverse the negative effects of these processes and promote sustainable development. This paper, based on multidisciplinary work discusses whether sustainable development based on agriculture is attainable in Murang'a district in Kenya's Central Highlands. Firstly, it investigates some biophysical aspects of sustainable agriculture such as land use across time, soil nutrient status and yield, cultivated crops and soil productivity by analysing aerial photographs and soil samples and conducting interviews. It suggests that the area has gone through major biophysical changes. Second, it relates the farmers' attitude to promotion of sustainable development as carried out by the National Soil and Water Conservation Programme. It suggests that farmers carry ideas of corruption, often following ethnic lines that hampers efficient implementation of the extension advise. Finally, it identifies links behind rural‐urban migration by estimating households' probability of generating incomes outside the farm, typically in urban areas. Opportunistic farming, manifested by temporary reduction of farming on own land to satisfy immediate income needs, is very common among farmers. More needs to be done to promote agro‐based, small‐scale rural industries, improve agricultural management practices, facilitate appropriate credits, enhance marketing opportunities, ensure timely crop payments, and increase participation in decision making. It is important to realize that for farmers to embrace policies which promote agriculturely‐based sustainable development the policies ought to biophysically possible, socio‐politically acceptable and economically feasible. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Information is key in reducing the uncertainties of sustainable agricultural practices (SAPs). The objective of this study was to improve the understanding of the relationship between utilized informational sources and other key identified factors affecting Malaysian vegetable producers' choices. The findings of a multivariate probit model suggest that information sources are complementary. The choices for these sources are influenced by heterogeneity in access to credit, social network (member of farmers association), and farm settings (distance from farm to market, resource depletion issues, and geographical regions). Future promotion of SAPs should be delivered through the provision of quality content disseminated through the preferred information sources, which target potential users.  相似文献   

Access to information by rural farmers in Nigeria is inefficient due to a variety of factors which include insufficient extension staff and dearth of information in the right format. In order to ensure delivery of timely and relevant information to rural farmers, Information Resource Centers (IRCs) were established in Adopted Villages across the country by the National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services (NAERLS), an agricultural extension research institute based in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Farmers’ access to information was enhanced through this approach and it was cost effective as both NAERLS and the farmers contributed to running the IRCs.  相似文献   

针对多个农机社会化服务平台联合,实现跨平台任务匹配中存在的敏感数据泄露和集中式服务器不可信问题,该研究提出了基于密文策略属性基可搜索加密(ciphertext-policy attribute-based searchable encryption,CP-ABSE)的农机社会化服务联盟链隐私匹配方案。该方案基于联盟链构建农机社会化服务联合平台,为多平台数据共享提供去中心化的可信环境;基于CP-ABSE技术实现跨平台的任务匹配,支持对任务密文数据的检索以及细粒度的访问控制,保护作业任务发布方和农机手的敏感数据;使用智能合约实现农田作业任务与农机手之间的匹配服务,避免集中式服务器存在的单点故障和恶意违规操作等问题。安全性分析表明,该方案能够保证数据的完整性、机密性以及匹配结果的可信性。基于Hyperledger Fabric构建了一个原型系统,测试结果表明,当全局属性数量为200时,系统构建和私钥生成的运行时间分别约8和2.5 s,搜索令牌生成与数据加密的计算开销分别为60和80 ms,匹配智能合约平均时延约为250 ms。该方案破解了农机社会化服务平台间的“数据孤岛”问题,对于促进农机社...  相似文献   


This study assessed farmers' utilization of agricultural information on Ere Agbe radio broadcasts in the Oke-Ogun Area of Oyo State. Data were collected on appropriateness, utilization of agricultural information, and constraints to access, from 160 farmer-listeners using an interview schedule. The appropriateness of information was low (51.9%); 47.5% utilized information highly; irregular power supply (M = 1.3125) was the main constraint to information access. The perceived appropriateness (r = .89, p ≤ .05) and constraints faced (r = ?0.29, p ≤ .05) were significantly related to utilization of agricultural information. Broadcasts should address farmers' needs, while cheap, alternative power sources should be explored.  相似文献   

日本农业面临严峻的农业人口老龄化与农业人口减少的问题,且以小型田块和山地耕地居多,农业劳作不便。为了解决上述问题,保障粮食供应,振兴地方经济,日本正大力发展智慧农业。日本农协协助制定了新的农业基本法以及农林水产信息化战略以支持农业的发展,并在农业机械自动化、农用信息系统、农村网络改造、农用航空、植物工厂等方面开展了大量的科技创新与应用,推动了日本现代农业的发展,日本以140.4万人且主体为老龄人口的核心农户实现了近1.3亿人口的主要粮食自给自足。日本农协多层级、多部门、全方位覆盖农业流程的服务,为智慧农业的落地助力。纵观日本智慧农业的发展历程与成效,借鉴其成功经验,对中国农业发展提出如下建议:应当创新农业体制机制,打通信息、人力、资源的流通渠道;优化农村营商环境,发挥好地方、高校、企业等不同主体的优势,立足乡村振兴角度对智慧农业技术进行长期的实证化研究;借鉴日本农协在农业生产、销售、推广、管理上的经验,因地制宜,积极探索,夯实根基,有助于推进中国乡村全面振兴,加快农业农村现代化和建设智慧农业强国。  相似文献   

This study assessed the marketing-related services performed by agricultural extension agents in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Data were collected from agricultural extension agents in the service of the State Agricultural Development Program. A questionnaire was administered to the agents during the fortnightly training meeting. Data were summarized with frequency, mean and percentages, correlation and regression analysis. Results of the study showed that the mean age of the agents was 39 years and the mean working experience was 9 years. A significant relationship exists between the perceived legitimate marketing-related services and the performed services (r = 0.413). Performed marketing-related services significantly correlate with qualification of the agents (r = 0.324), working experience (r = 0.301), number of farmers visited and transportation (r = 0.281, 0.280), respectively. The study concluded that policy makers should include agricultural marketing specialists in fortnightly training.  相似文献   


The partnership between CAB International (CABI) and China which began in 1980 reached a major milestone in 1992 with agreement to collaborate on a national information project financed by a grant from the Asian Development Bank. China became a Member Country of CABI in 1995. This opened the way to further partnership between CABI and China in working toward capacity building of Chinese agricultural information systems and improvement of information access, management and dissemination in China. China's joining CABI was also a major boost to full internationalisation of CABI and led to a considerable expansion of CABI's interests and activities throughout Asia.  相似文献   

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