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Garcinia kola is highly used as chew-stick for dental care in West Africa, but it is nearly commercially extinct in nature. To help find methods to increase rate and percentage of germination, we investigated its seed germination responses by using several collections and pre-treatments. Seeds processed from 6-week old green fruits did not germinate, whilst those of 10-week old partly-mature, at the intermediate stage through full development, germinated 46%. Seeds from orange mature fruits reached maximum 54–62% germination. Radicles emerged 6 weeks after sowing and normal germination with emergence of the primary single shoot growth occurred after 12 weeks. There was no significant difference (P ≥ 0.05) between germination responses of seeds from Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire. Seeds did not germinate when dried to below ca. 30% MC. De-coating seeds or soaking intact seeds in a 70% ethanol solution increased germination to 82–92%, and also increased germination rate; however germination was not uniform. Because difficulties in germinating these seeds stem from the physical presence of the seed coats and the slow growth of the embryos contained therein, we recommend that fresh seeds from mature fruits be de-coated and immediately sown in preferably, an aerated medium (e.g., sawdust) for cultivation.  相似文献   

Spring frost damage is one of the obstacles to be overcome in establishing a Yezo spruce (Picea jezoensis Carr.) plantation. The timing of bud opening of Yezo spruce seedlings cultured from seeds collected at three different elevations (420, 700, and 1200m) in the Tokyo University Forest in Hokkaido was observed at two planting site elevations (610 and 750m) to investigate whether seed source elevation or planting site elevation affects the bud opening date. At both planting sites the bud opening dates were not significantly different among the seedling groups from different seed source elevations. On the other hand, bud opening dates of seedlings planted at the lower elevation site were significantly earlier than those planted in the higher elevation site. It could be deduced from this study that the environment of the planting site rather than seed source elevation affects the bud opening date of Yezo spruce.  相似文献   

The endozoochorous dispersal of vascular plant species by red deer (Cervus elaphus) was investigated in three forest areas of Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony. The primary aim of this study was to determine of which plant species and in what numbers diaspores are dispersed by red deer, an animal with eminently large home ranges during a single day as well as over the year. A second aim was to examine the significance of endozoochory for plant species composition and diversity in forests. Special emphasis was placed on whether there are differences between the three study sites and in the course of the vegetation period. Freshly deposited faecal pellet groups were collected in the forests on five dates between May and November 2002 and viable seed content was determined by greenhouse germination (seedling emergence method). A total of 28,009 individuals representing 59 vascular plant species were detected in 220 dung samples. Red deer appears thus as an important vector for endozoochorous dispersal of plants. The number of seedlings found in the faecal pellets differs between plant species and research areas as well as in the course of the vegetation period. Dung seed content is largely dominated by one species, Urtica dioica. Grouping the species found in dung according to their habitat preference showed that mainly species that occur in forests as well as in open vegetation and non-forest species were dispersed endozoochorously, while species occurring mainly under a closed canopy were present in the excrements only in low numbers.
Goddert von OheimbEmail: Phone: +49-4131-782845Fax: +49-4131-782808

The purpose of this work was to determine the most efficient methods of inoculation to significantly improve nodulation and growth of Acacia senegal and Acacia nilotica, grown under greenhouse conditions. Our results showed that inoculation using dissolved alginate beads containing rhizobia significantly improved the growth of both acacia species better than the growth of plants in other treatments. The experiment with A. nilotica was conducted in two unsterilised soils from different areas. Plants grown in soil from Bel Air were well-nodulated and showed better growth than plants grown in soil from Sangalkam. However, no difference between these soils was shown between the several methods of inoculation and their effect on the nodulation and growth of plants. An interaction between A. senegal and A. nilotica provenances and the effect of inoculation with rhizobia was also demonstrated. Bel Air provenance of A. senegal, Dahra and RIM provenances of A. nilotica grew best of several provenances tested. These results suggest that (1) it may be possible to improve growth and yield of A. senegal and A. nilotica by careful selection of each symbiotic partner; and (2) nursery-grown seedlings of A. senegal and A. nilotica should be inoculated, just after sowing, with dissolved alginate beads containing a mixture of selected rhizobia. Résumé. Lobject de notre travail était de déterminer la méthodologie dinoculation la plus efficace pour améliorer significativement la nodulation et la croissance dAcacia senegal et dAcacia nilotica poussant dans des conditions de serre. Nos résultats ont montré que linoculation utilisant des billes dalginate dissoutes améliorait significativement la croissance des deux espèces dAcacia par rapport à celle des plantes des autres traitements. Lexpérience avec A. nilotica a été faite dans deux types de sol non stériles. Nous avons observé que les plants poussant dans le sol de Bel Air étaient plus nodulés et mieux développés que ceux poussant dans le sol de Sangalkam. Cependant, aucune différence significative entre les deux sols na été mise en évidence en termes deffet des différentes méthodologies dinoculation sur la nodulation et la croissance des plantes. Il a aussi été démontré lexistence dune interaction entre les provenances dA. senegal et dA. nilotica et leffet de linoculation avec rhizobium. Cest ainsi que les provenances Bel Air dA. senegal, Dahra et RIM dA. nilotica ont le mieux poussé parmi les différentes provenances testées. Lensemble de ces résultats suggèrent: (1) il devrait être possible daméliorer la croissance et la production dA. senegal et dA. nilotica par une sélection des deux partenaires symbiotiques; (2) Les jeunes plantules dA. senegal et dA. nilotica produites en pépinière devraient être inoculées juste après le semis avec des billes dalginate dissoutes contenant un cocktail de souches sélectionnées.  相似文献   

We studied seed germination and early seedling growth of Pinus densata to explore the range of variability within the species and to inform afforestation practices. Phenotypes were evaluated at a forest tree nursery under conditions that support Pinus yunnanensis, one of the presumed parental species of P. densata. Seeds were collected from 20 open-pollinated trees within each of eight autochthonous populations representing the natural distribution of P. densata in China to assess variation in germination traits and early seedling growth, and to examine the relationships among these traits. Results showed that seeds from all populations germinated and seedlings established successfully. There were significant differences among populations in 13 of 14 traits evaluated. Seed germination and early seedling growth were strongly related to seed size and seed weight. Bigger seeds germinated earlier and faster than small seeds, and seedling size was positively correlated with seed size. Some germination traits were strongly and significantly correlated with climatic variables associated with the provenance of the studied populations. Based on these observations, we conclude there were large, significant, and biologically important differences among P. densata populations in seed germination and seedling growth traits. The observed variability probably reflects a high degree of adaptive differentiation among populations that is likely to be relevant for future afforestation.  相似文献   

–  • We studied the effects of acorn cotyledon loss by insect damage and artificial excision on germination and seedling survival of Quercus variabilis, to determine whether insect infestation decreases acorn germination and seedling establishment; and to what extent cotyledon damage can affect acorn germination and seedling establishment.  相似文献   


Key message

A new system of additive tree biomass equations was developed for juvenile white birch plantations based on tree diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height (HT). Compared with previous equations developed for natural white birch forests, the new system included one more biomass component and provided more accurate predictions.


Accurate estimates of tree component and total biomass are necessary for evaluating alternative forest management strategies for biomass feedstock, carbon sequestration, and products. Previous biomass equations developed for white birch trees in natural stands provided substantially biased predictions for white birch plantations.


A new system of additive tree biomass equations was developed for juvenile white birch plantations in the northeastern China.


With destructive biomass sampling data from 501 trees sampled from white birch provenance and family trails at ages 7, 9, 10, and 13 in three provinces, a system of nonlinear additive tree biomass equations based on DBH and tree height was developed using the nonlinear seemingly unrelated regressions (NSUR) approach.


Compared with previously published equations developed for natural white birch forests, the new system provided more accurate predictions of white birch tree component and aboveground and total biomass, especially of branch, foliage, and root biomass.


The new system extended the applicability of biomass equations to white birch plantations in the northeastern China.

The effects of stocking on wood stiffness (MoE) for three Eucalyptus species are quantified using a 6-year-old trial established in New South Wales, Australia. An acoustic time-of-flight tool measured the velocity between two probes in the outerwood, from which the stiffness was estimated. Four stocking levels (714, 1,250, 1,667 and 3,333 sph) were examined. Stiffness varied significantly between all species, with E. cloeziana showing the highest stiffness (14.2–15.7 GPa), followed by E. pilularis (12.2–13.5 GPa) and E. dunnii (10.7–12.6 GPa). There was a stiffness increase (around 11%) between 714 and 1,250 stems/ha for all species but thereafter differences between stockings were not always significant. Trees were also assessed for basic density, dbh, total height, crown area, green crown height and stem slenderness (height/dbh). Only stem slenderness had a significant association (0.41 ± 0.17) with stiffness. These findings suggest that, where stiffness is a priority, forest managers could reduce establishment costs with low stockings (around 1,250 stems/ha).
Luis Alejandro ApiolazaEmail:


The response of common alder [Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.] and downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) seeds to germination temperature was examined following chilling and priming. Seeds of two seed lots of each species were subjected to combinations of chilling (4±1°C) and priming (20°C) treatments in fully imbibed (FI) state or a lower target seed moisture content (TMC) level (30% and 35% in alder and birch, respectively). After treatment, the seeds were allowed to germinate for 56 days at constant temperatures of 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30°C. The response to temperature and pretreatment differed between species, but the effect was consistent in each seed lot within each species. In alder, the TMC seeds germinated well across the full range of temperatures, whereas there was an optimum temperature (22–23°C) for seeds given the FI pretreatment. Priming had no significant effect on the germination response of the TMC seeds in alder, but priming greatly improved germination in the FI seeds, especially at the lower germination temperatures (optimum 18–19°C). In contrast, in birch, the TMC seeds germinated better across the full temperature range, but the optimal germination temperature (15°C) was the same for all seed pretreatments. Priming improved germination in both the FI and TMC seeds in birch.  相似文献   

From an Argentine collection of Annona cherimolia and a Bolivian collection of Annona montana (Annonaceae), the acetogenins, squamocin, molvizarin, itrabin, almuñequin, cherimolin-1, annonacin, annonacin-A, densicomacin-1, cis-annonacin-10-one and murihexocin-A, were obtained to study their toxicity against the cotton pest Oncopeltus fasciatus (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae). Topical ventral application of O. fasciatus nymphs with solutions of the mentioned acetogenins produced acute and delayed mortality.  相似文献   

Plants belonging to the family Annonaceae have been commonly described in traditional medicine as remedies against head lice, and for their insecticidal properties. Characteristic constituents from a few genera of these plants are the annonaceous acetogenins. Fourteen annonaceous acetogenins have been isolated from our Argentine collection of the seeds of A. cherimolia. We report herein the antifeedant and insecticidal effects of nine of those acetogenins on Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith). The acetogenin squamocin, one of the major constituents of the extract, displayed toxic effects on early larval instars when incorporated to the larval diet at a dose of 50 μg per g of diet. The remaining annonaceous acetogenins tested, itrabin, asimicin, neoanonin, cherimolin-1, cherimolin-2, almuñequin, motrilin, and tucumanin produced pupal mortality and adult malformations leading to death, when incorporated to the larval diet at the same dose. The evaluation of indices of food consumption, growth, and food utilization indicated that squamocin was the only tested acetogenin to produce significant decrease in the growth rate and to reduce the efficiency with which larvae converted ingested food into biomass. All the acetogenins produced more than 80% pupal mortality with no dependence on the position of the THF rings or the number and location of the OH groups.  相似文献   


Key message

Pinus sylvestris seedlings quickly expand their roots to deeper soil layers while Pseudotsuga menziesii concentrates its root system in the topsoil, thereby running the risk of desiccation during long dry spells, as indicated by lower survival after simulated summer drought.


Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas-fir) is regarded as a promising species to maintain the productivity of Central European lowland forests given the projected increase of long dry spells.


Will the species be able to regenerate from seed and spread outside plantations in a drier temperate Europe?


We measured the relative growth rate, biomass allocation, root architecture, and phenotypic plasticity of Pseudotsuga menziesii seedlings sown in a common garden and grown under current precipitation and prolonged drought, respectively. The species’ competitive ability with respect to Pinus sylvestris L., the most drought-tolerant native conifer in Central Europe, was assessed during three growing seasons.


Pinus sylvestris seedlings had higher relative growth rates than did Pseudotsuga menziesii seedlings, first in terms of aboveground biomass and later in terms of shoot height. This resulted in heavier and taller seedlings after three growing seasons under both moist and dry conditions. Shorter vertical roots corresponded with lower survival of Pseudotsuga menziesii seedlings under dry conditions.


Fast root proliferation allows Pinus sylvestris seedlings to reach deeper water pools that are less rapidly depleted during transient drought. By contrast, the shallow root system might put Pseudotsuga menziesii seedlings at the risk of desiccation during prolonged dry spells.

Present study evaluated growth of Populus deltoides G48 and Toona ciliata over a period of 6 months, in nursery soil amended with 10% fly ash (v/v), 5% distillery waste (v/v), 20% farmyard manure (v/v) and microbial consortium of Pseudomonas striata and Azotobacter sp. @ 30 ml/pot in different combinations leading to 12 different treatments with 16 replicates in completely randomized block design. Biometric parameters such as plant height, collar diameter and total dry biomass were analyzed which indicated that the treatment (T8) comprising of fly ash @ 10% (v/v), farmyard manure @ 20% (v/v) and microbial consortium @ 30 ml/pot promoted growth of P. deltoides. The results indicated that combined addition of fly ash, farm yard manure and microbial inoculants can be used as a good potting mixture for improving survival rates and plant growth in forestry nurseries.  相似文献   


Key message

Acacia melanoxylon produces abundant seeds leading to large seed banks in the soil. These seeds display a large viability and their germination is stimulated by heat. To control the populations, it is necessary to remove adults and young individuals, and to prevent seedling establishment after fire occupying the space with rapid growth and high competitive native species.


Acacia melanoxylon displays a widespread distribution in South West Europe, and an improved knowledge of its reproductive characteristics is required in order to control its expansion.


This experiment was designed to provide useful indicators for an efficient management of A. melanoxylon populations based on its biological cycle in relation to fire.


We explored the reproductive biology of A. melanoxylon, from seed dissemination—–quantifying seed rain over a year, their germination with and without fire—the seedling and sapling banks and the structure of the adult population. We analysed the effects of fire, seed maturation and scarification on the viability of seeds and the stimulation of seed germination in the aerial seed bank and in the different strata of the soil seed bank.


Our results indicate that A. melanoxylon produced millions of seeds per ha and per year, half of which germinated and the other half went to the soil seed bank, maintaining the viability many years. The germination was the most critical step in the population dynamics of this species, and fire stimulates germination up to 90%.


A. melanoxylon adults and seedlings removal, followed by colonization of rapid growth and high competitive native species that cover the ground very quickly would be a good control action.

The Raman spectrum of Artocarpus heterophyllus heartwood, which proved to be a rich source of flavonoids, exhibited two characteristic bands, at 1247cm–1 and 745cm–1. The bands also appeared in the Raman spectrum of the yellow-brown needles extracted from the heartwood with methanol. Based on the Raman measurements of flavones and related compounds, it was predicted that the Raman band at 1247cm–1 may be attributed to flavonoid-type compounds. No vibrational band corresponding to the characteristic Raman bands was observed by diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy. Thus, it was suggested that observation of the characteristic bands is an advantage of Fourier transform-Raman spectroscopy for nondestructive analysis of wood.  相似文献   

Germplasm of the calabash tree (Crescentia cujete L.) was collected in five major regions of Colombia, i.e. the Andes, Caribbean, Amazon, Orinoco, and Pacific regions. Collecting this multipurpose tree was guided by the indigenous knowledge of farmers and artisans in each region. Large variation in fruit shapes and sizes was found, of which some forms were typical for certain regions. Overall 56 accessions were collected and roughly classified into 22 types by eight fruit shapes and eight sizes. Molecular markers (Amplified fragment length polymorphisms) were applied to leaf tip tissue originating from vegetatively propagated plants in order to assess the diversity available in the germplasm collected as well as to detect patterns of geographical or morphological similarity. One accession each of C. alata H.B.&K. and C. amazonica Ducke were used as outgroups. Overall, genetic diversity was high (mean Nei and Li’s coefficient of 0.43). No relations could be established between either geographical provenance or fruit morphology and patterns of genetic diversity. Concerning the outgroups, the C. amazonica accession appeared to be a distinct species. The C. alata accession, however, did not seem to be sufficiently distinct from C. cujete to merit species status. The latter material may in fact be a hybrid or serve to challenge the validity of interspecific organization of the genus Crescentia.
Brigitte L. Maass (Corresponding author)Email:

This study evaluated oxalic acid accumulation and bioremediation of chromated copper arsenate (CCA)-treated wood by three brown-rot fungi Fomitopsis palustris, Coniophora puteana, and Laetiporus sulphureus. The fungi were first cultivated in a fermentation broth to accumulate oxalic acid. Bioremediation of CCA-treated wood was then carried out by leaching of heavy metals with oxalic acid over a 10-day fermentation period. Higher amounts of oxalic acid were produced by F. palustris and L. sulphureus compared with C. puteana. After 10-day fermentation, oxalic acid accumulation reached 4.2 g/l and 3.2 g/l for these fungi, respectively. Fomitopsis palustris and L. sulphureus exposed to CCA-treated sawdust for 10 days showed a decrease in arsenic of 100% and 85%, respectively; however, C. puteana remediation removed only 18% arsenic from CCA-treated sawdust. Likewise, chromium removal in F. palustris and L. sulphureus remediation processes was higher than those for C. puteana. This was attributed to low oxalic acid accumulation. These results suggest that F. palustris and L. sulphureus remediation processes can remove inorganic metal compounds via oxalic acid production by increasing the acidity of the substrate and increasing the solubility of the metals.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to develop a stage-structured within-patch model describing predator-prey interactions of Cheyletus eruditus (Schrank) and Acarus siro L. on stored grain. Parameterisation of the model was done using data from the literature. Due to considerable variance in these data, statistical methods were used to extrapolate the parameters. The results of the simulations were compared with the experimental control of A. siro by C. eruditus on wheat. The results indicated that all life-history studies of A. siro yielded overestimated parameters leading to an unnaturally rapid population growth of A. siro on grain. The main reason seems to be the use of high quality food (wheat germs), which considerably increased fecundity. A new model with reduced fecundity was found to correspond well with the observed dynamics in a granary. The model of C. eruditus, including parameters from different sources, produced dynamics quite similar to the observed one. A simulation of biological control under laboratory conditions, on 45 g of wheat, showed that C. eruditus is able to control A. siro within the observed period. In contrast, simulation of the control in a granary showed a marked difference in comparison with the observed dynamics. The discrepancy is attributed to the effects of spatial factors, such as immigration. The predator-prey model developed here appears to be valid for the prediction of the local (within-patch) population dynamics of A. siro and C. eruditus on wheat grain at 20 °C and 80% RH.
Stano PekárEmail:

Cordia africana is a very important indigenous tree species for timber and other products and services in Ethiopia. Seed traits and seedling vigour of seeds from 12 provenances of the species were compared. Mean seed mass for each provenance was assessed for 1000 seeds in 10 replications, and seed length and width were measured for 100 seeds in four replications per provenance. Germination was assessed in a glasshouse taking 400 seeds from each provenance. Root collar diameter and height of 440 seedlings grown in a nursery for 290 days in Addis Ababa were measured. Seed length, seed width, seed mass, and shoot height and root collar diameter of seedlings showed significant differences (P < 0.001) among provenances. Correlation analysis between seed and seedling traits and environmental variables revealed significant positive correlations between seed width and germination percentage, seed width and altitude, seed width and longitude and seed length and latitude. Negative correlations were obtained between seed width and temperature, seed width and rainfall, seed mass and temperature, and germination and temperature of the seed source. As expected, differences in seed trait did not explain the variability in seedling vigour. Determining quantitative variations in seed traits and seedling vigour among provenances and the patterns along environmental gradients are essential for informing decisions on the tree improvement programme of the species.  相似文献   

The known propelargonidin, afzelechin-(48)-afzelechin (1), the known lignans 7-hydroxynortrachelogenin (2), epinortrachelogenin (3), nortrachelogenin (4), hydroxymatairesinol (5), allohydroxymatairesinol (6), matairesinol (7), oxomatairesinol (8), and isotaxiresinol (9), and the known taxoids taxinine M (10), taxayuntin (11), and 10-deacetyltaxol (12), and 10-deacetylbaccatin III (13) were isolated from the roots of Taxus cuspidata (Japanese yew, Taxaceae). The propelargonidin was isolated from Taxus spp. for the first time, and was detected in the roots, bark, and twigs.  相似文献   

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