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太行山地区侧柏人工林主要养分元素分配及循环特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解侧柏(Platycladus orientalis)人工林养分循环特征,以太行山丘陵区侧柏人工林为研究对象,采用样地标准木收获法,对其生物量和养分循环进行了研究.结果表明:(1)侧柏人工林(26 a)生物量约45.55t/hm2,林分净生产力为2.07 t/hm2;生物量分配排序为;树干树根树皮树枝树叶.(2)林分营养元素积累量为455.23 kg/hm2,积累量的排序为:CaNP.(3)灌草植被层营养元素积累量顺序为:CaNP,灌草层3种元素总贮量仅占乔木层的5.5%.(4)凋落物营养元素年归还量为337.12 kg/hm2,3种营养元素归还量排序为:CaNP,Ca的年归还量最高,为271.66 kg/hm2,分别是N和P的4.42倍和69.12倍.(5)年吸收量、年存留量、养分年归还量和富集系数排序均为CaNP;吸收系数排序为CaNP;利用系数、循环系数排序是NCaP,侧柏对N的利用系数最大;Ca的富集能力最强.分别是N,P的1.9和2.8倍.侧柏的N周转时间最短(1.22 a),P周转时间最长(3.63 a),Ca周转时间居中(1.43 a).  相似文献   

为了解刺槐人工林养分循环特征,以太行山丘陵区刺槐人工林为研究对象,采用样地标准木收获法,对其生物量和养分循环进行研究。结果表明:1)刺槐林乔木层总生物量为39.87 t/hm^2,各器官生物量排序为树干〉树根〉树皮〉树枝〉树叶,树干所占生物量比例最大,叶生物量最小。2)3种元素在各器官中含量表现出较大差异,在树干、树根和树皮中的含量大小排序是N〉Ca〉P,枝、叶中含量排序为Ca〉N〉P。3)各器官营养元素积累量、年存留量分配关系为树干〉树叶〉树枝〉树根〉树皮,林分3种营养元素积累量为633.20 kg/hm^2,积累量和年存留量大小排序为Ca〉N〉P,Ca积累量最多(368.36 kg/hm^2),P最少(18.19 kg/hm^2),N居中(276.65 kg/hm^2)。4)凋落物营养元素年归还量为286.52 kg/hm^2,3种营养元素年归还量大小排序为Ca〉N〉P,Ca最高(196.48 kg/hm^2),分别是N和P的2.31倍和40.26倍。5)刺槐人工林吸收系数排序为N〉P〉Ca,富集系数为N〉P〉Ca,刺槐对N吸收系数、富集系数均高于P、Ca,利用系数、循环系数排序是Ca〉N〉P,Ca周转时间最短(1.87 a),P最长(3.73 a),N居中(3.25 a)。  相似文献   

刚果桉人工林营养元素生物循环研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
对刚果12号桉无性系W5人工林营养元素积累、分布和生物循环进行了研究。结果表明,刚果桉W5不同组分的营养元素含量存在差异。树叶的主要营养元素N、P、K、Ca、Mg含量均较高,树皮的Ca、K含量较高,树干主要营养元素的含量均较低;刚果桉W5人工林主要营养元素年净积累量随林龄增长而增加,2年生的主要营养元素净积累量的增幅最大;刚果桉W5人工林的N、K或Ca的年吸收量与总存留量较高,Mg次之,P最小。植后第5年,Ca的吸收与存留增加明显;刚果桉W5人工林归还林地的主要营养元素比例很低,2~5年生林木以凋落物形式归还的营养元素在12%~15%,其中N、Mg的归还率在20%以上,Ca的在8%~14%,P的在6.5%~9%,K的不足5%。与热带半落叶季雨林比较,刚果桉W5人工林的养分循环率要小得多,说明这一人工林土壤养分趋向于减少。  相似文献   

通过对杉木、马尾松、红荷木、格木四种人工林的三年定位研究,初步获得了四种林木对主要营养元素的生物吸收和归还特点、对土壤养分状况、水分状况、微生物状况和土壤酶活性的影响等一系列资料。初步阐明了四种林木凋落物的数量及主要营养元素含量,研究了四种林木凋落物的分解特点。从而为进一步研究林木混交提供了科学依据。研究表明,阔叶树种与针叶树种相比,在改善土壤理化性状、提高土壤生产力等方面都表现出明显的优点。  相似文献   

厚荚相思人工林营养元素生物循环的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
对1.5~4.5年生厚荚相思人工林5种营养元素(N、P、K、Ca和Mg)的含量、积累、分配和生物循环以及它们随林分年龄的变化趋势进行了研究.结果表明,厚荚相思人工林不同器官中营养元素含量排序大致为树叶>于皮>树枝>树根>干材,林木各器官中营养元素含量均以N最高,其次是Ca,然后是K和Mg,P最低;厚莫相思人工林营养元素贮存量依次为145.00~611.70 kg/hm2,随生长过程中生物量的增加而增大;不同器官微量元素贮存量的分配随林分年龄的增长发生变化,1.5年生时营养元素贮量主要集中在树叶和树枝,2.5~4.5年生时营养元素贮量则主要集中在树干和树根;林分营养元素年净积累量为96.66~135.93 kg/(hm2·a),林木各组分营养元素年净积累量总的变化趋势以树干最高,树皮最低,年吸收量为116.50~258.10 kg/(hm2·a),年归还量分剐为19.83,117.21,114.83,122.17 kg/(hm2·a),利用系数分别为0.80,0.78,0.55和0.42,循环系数分别为0.17,0.49,0.48和0.47,周转期分别为7.34,2.64,3.73,5.01年.  相似文献   

通过样地调查观测和室内样品分析,对位于山西吉县的23年生华北落叶松人工林生态系统中13种元素的循环特征进行研究。测算得到研究区域人工林生态系统的生物量在各器官的空间分布,结合林木各器官养分含量,得出养分元素在空间变异上的积累与分布;测算四大分室(林木、土壤、枯落物和大气)中其余分室的养分含量和养分积累与分布,得到养分循环过程中华北落叶松人工林养分年归还量134.719kg/(hm~2·a),年存留量53.409kg/(hm~2·a)和年吸收量188.129kg/(hm2·a);最后综合上述的各分室养分循环状况,得出反映该森林生态系统的养分生物循环特征的参数和指标。研究区华北落叶松人工林生态系统内N,P,K的循环系数均值(0.68),表明研究区生态系统循环速率较快;利用系数偏小,储存效率慢,土壤养分利用效率较高;养分元素通过林冠后均明显增加(林冠截留量142.1mm),并且对降水量(587.8mm)要求一般。较高的富集系数使其适应瘠薄自然环境,养分消耗量低。总体来看,华北落叶松是很有潜力的森林更新和荒山造林树种。  相似文献   

研究结果表明 :13年生刺槐林的总生物量为 2 4 16 5 .4 8kg/hm2 ;刺槐林 5种养分元素贮存量为 4 39.76 8kg/hm2 ,各器官中不同养分元素的含量差异较大 ,不同器官中 5种养分元素贮存量大小排序结果是树干 >叶 >枝 >根。若以各养分元素的贮存量来计 ,N的贮存量为 16 4 .92 2 kg/hm2 ,P的贮存量为 9.371kg/hm2 ,K的贮存量为 31.814 kg/hm2 ,Ca的贮存量为 2 2 5 .35 3kg/hm2 ,Mg的贮存量为 17.5 76 kg/hm2 ;刺槐林生态系统乔木层每年从土壤中吸收的 5种养分元素量为 15 7.310 kg/hm2 ,吸收量占土层 5种养分元素总量的 0 .2 2 % ,占土层有效养分含量的 2 .18% ,吸收量中存留量为 2 3.84 2 kg/hm2 ,归还量为 133.4 6 8kg/hm2 ,加上雨水输入到森林生态系统的养分元素量 ,则刺槐林生态系统的养分元素归还量略大于吸收量。  相似文献   

北京密云油松人工林凋落物营养元素归还特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006-2007年对北京密云水库库西33年生的油松人工林凋落物的数量及其营养元素归还特征进行了研究。结果表明,油松人工林凋落物年凋落量为2193.75kg/hm2;N、P、K通过凋落物归还土壤的年归还量分别为13.86,0.75,3.39kg/hm2;油松凋落物各组分中N、P、K归还总量大小顺序为:叶枝皮、果、花;N、P、K年归还量大小顺序为:NKP。凋落物现存量为13.7t/hm2,凋落层年平均分解率为0.16t/hm2,凋落物层N、P、K总贮量为162.44kg/hm2。  相似文献   

对湖南汨罗桤木人工林5种营养元素(N、P、K、Ca、Mg)的季节动态、空间分布及生物循环进行研究。结果表明:桤木叶片营养元素含量均为春季最高,干材养分含量偏低,且大部分元素在春季达最低点,所以建议桤木干材在春季采伐;树皮有大量Ca富集,根系中营养元素季节变化不明显。林下植被元素含量从春季到冬季有下降的趋势,枯落物、土壤层中元素含量季节变化趋势不明显,K元素各个土层各个季节含量变化都不是很大。桤木人工林生态系统各组分养分含量变化差异较大,以树叶中养分含量最高,30-60cm土壤层中含量最低;乔木层各器官排序为树叶>树皮>树枝>树根>树干,各器官中养分元素含量以N最高,P最低。桤木人工林生态系统养分总贮量为167 809.80kg/hm2,其中乔木层5种元素总量为754.77kg/hm2,占生态系统养分总贮量的0.45%,林下植被与枯落物层二者的养分积累量为254.04kg/hm2,占生态系统养分总贮量的0.15%。营养元素的年积累量为350.18kg/hm2,以N的积累量最大。桤木年吸收量、归还量、存留量分别为449.38,348.23,101.15kg/hm2。营养元素的循环系数为0.77,利用系数为0.60,周转期为2.17年,循环速率依次为N>Ca>Mg>K>P。  相似文献   

通过对海南刚果12桉、尾叶桉、窿缘桉3种桉树Cu元素的积累、循环进行比较研究。结果表明,刚果12桉、尾叶桉、窿缘桉3种桉树Cu元素平均含量为4.61,3.45,4.36 m g/kg;林分积累量为0.350 3,0.397 6,0.1167kg/hm2。年存留量尾叶桉>刚果12桉>窿缘桉;年归还量刚果12桉>尾叶桉>窿缘桉;刚果12桉、尾叶桉年吸收量分别是窿缘桉的2.7,2.6倍;刚果12桉、窿缘桉、尾叶桉循环系数分别为0.66,0.63,0.53。两种林分特征下尾叶桉Cu元素的含量存在差异,林下有植被的林分和林下无植被的林分Cu元素含量分别为17.15,13.48 m g/kg,林分积累量为0.534 4,0.336 8 kg/hm2。林下有植被的林分和无林下植被的林分Cu元素年存留量分别为0.106 8,0.067 3 kg/(hm2.a);年归还量为0.247 4,0.160 0 kg/(hm2.a);年吸收量分别为0.354 2,0.227 3 kg/(hm2.a);循环系数分别为0.70和0.71。  相似文献   

Conversion of natural forests into pure plantation forests is a common management practice in subtropical China. To evaluate the effects of forest conversion on soil fertility, microbe numbers and enzyme activities in topsoils (0-10 cm) were quantified in two 33-year-old monoculture plantations of Castanopsis kawakamii Hayata (CK) and Cunninghamia lanceolata Lamb. (Chinese fir) (CF), and compared to a neighboring relict natural C. kawakamii forest (NF), in Sanming, Fujian. Five soil samples were collected once each in January, April, July, September and November in 2000 in each forest for laboratory analysis. Over the sampling year, there were significant differences for bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes between forests and between seasons (P < 0.05). The largest bacteria and fungi populations were in NF, while CF contained the greatest number of actinomycetes. There were also significant differences (P < 0.05) with microbial respiration for forests and seasons. Additionally, compared with NF, urease and acid phosphatase were significantly lower (P < 0.05) in CK and CF. Also, the correlations of soil hydrolysable N and available P to soil microbial and enzymatic activities were highly significant (P < 0.01). Thus, to alter the traditional Chinese fir monoculture so as to mimic the natural forest conditions, managing mixed stands of Chinese fir and broadleaf trees or conducting crop rotation of conifers and broadleaf trees as well as minimizing forest disturbances like clear-cutting, slash burning and soil preparing, could be utilized.  相似文献   

北京密云水库地区2种人工林生态系统水文效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在2006年雨季,对北京密云水库库西试验区的人工林林冠层、枯落物层和土壤层的水文特征进行观测研究。结果表明:单次降雨过程中,林冠截留量、穿透降水量和树干茎流量占大气降水量的比例,油松人工林分别为8.46%~68.97%3、0.80%~90.63%和0.12%~1.62%,栎柏人工混交林分别为0.53%~29.35%6、8.48%~93.71%和2.17%~5.76%,2种林分的平均截留率分别为29.23%和18.21%,2种林分枯落物的最大持水量分别为1.51和1.76 mm。油松人工林地0~30 cm土层的最大贮水能力和有效贮水能力分别为204.90和68.23 mm,栎柏人工混交林地的分别为160.80和41.87 mm;油松人工林地和栎柏人工混交林林地的稳渗速率分别为0.68和0.22 mm/min。  相似文献   

对密云水库北京集水区油松水源保护林主要养分元素积累与分配的研究结果表明:29年生油松林的生物量为92 627 kg/hm2.油松林不同器官中各养分元素的含量差异较大,在叶、枝和干中各养分元素的含量顺序分别为N(K)>K(N、Ca)>Ca(K)>Mg(P)>P(Mg).根系中的养分元素随着根系直径的增加呈各养分元素的含量降低.油松林生态系统5种养分元素的贮存量为695.17 kg/hm2.若以各养分元素在油松林生态系统中的贮存量来计,则N的贮存量最大,P的最小,不同养分元素贮存量的顺序N>Ca>K>Mg>P.油松林生态系统对N元素的富集能力最强,不同器官中各养分元素的富集系数排序均为N>P>K>Ca>Mg.油松林每积累1 t干物质需N、P、K、Ca和Mg等5种养分元素共计7.51 kg.  相似文献   

Among several environmental factors shaping soil microbial communities the impact of soil nutrients is of special interest. While continuous application mainly of N and P dramatically shifts community composition during fertilization, it remains unclear whether this effect is consistent in generic, unfertilized beech forest ecosystems of Germany, where differences in nutrient contents are mostly a result of the parental material and climatic conditions. We postulate that in such ecosystems nutrient effects are less pronounced due to the possibility of the soil microbiome to adapt to the corresponding conditions over decades and the vegetation acts as the major driver. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the bacterial community composition in five different German beech dominated forest soils, representing a natural gradient of total‐ and easily available mineral‐P. A community fingerprinting approach was performed using terminal‐Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism analysis of the 16S rRNA gene, while abundance of bacteria was measured applying quantitative real‐time PCR. Bacterial communities at the five forest sites were distinctly separated, with strongest differences between the end‐members of the P‐gradient. However the majority of identified microbial groups (43%) were present at all sites, forming a core microbiome independent from the differences in soil chemical properties. Especially in the P‐deficient soil the abundance of unique bacterial groups was highly increased, indicating a special adaption of the community to P limitation at this site. In this regard Correspondence Analysis elucidated that exclusively soil pH significantly affected community composition at the investigated sites. In contrast soil C, N and P contents did mainly affect the overall abundance of bacteria.  相似文献   

To understand the spatial and temporal dynamics of soil microbial biomass and its role in soil organic matter and nutrient flux in disturbed tropical wet-evergreen forests, we determined soil microbial biomass C, N and P at two soil depths (0–15 and 15–30 cm), along a disturbance gradient in Arunachal Pradesh, northeastern India. Disturbance resulted in considerable increase in air temperature and light intensity in the forest and decline in the soil nutrients concentration, which affected the growth of microbial populations and soil microbial biomass. There were significant correlations between bacterial and fungal populations and microbial biomass C, N and P. Soil microbial population was higher in the undisturbed (UD) forest stand than the disturbed forest stands during post-monsoon and less during rainy season due to heavy rainfall. Greater demand for nutrients by plants during rainy season limited the availability of nutrients to soil microbes and therefore, low microbial biomass C, N and P. Microbial biomass was negatively correlated with soil temperature and pH in all the forest stands. However, there were significant positive relationships among microbial biomass C, N and P. Percentage contribution of microbial C to soil organic C was higher in UD forest, whereas percentage contribution of microbial biomass N and P to total N and total P was higher in the moderately disturbed site than in the highly disturbed (HD) site. These results reveal that the nutrient retention by soil microbial biomass was greater in the selective logged stand and would help in the regeneration of the forest upon protection. On the other hand, the cultivated site (HD) that had the lowest labile fractions of soil organic matter may recover at a slower phase. Further, minimum and maximum microbial biomass C, N and P during rainy and winter seasons suggest the synchronization between nutrient demand for plant growth and nutrient retention in microbial biomass that would help in ecosystem recovery following disturbance.  相似文献   

The conversion of secondary forests to larch plantations in Northeast China has resulted in a significant decline in soil available nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), and thus affects plant productivity and ecosystem functioning. Microbes play a key role in the recycling of soil nutrients; in turn, the availability of soil N and P can constrain microbial activity. However, there is little information on the relationships between available soil N and P and the microbial biomass and activity in larch plantation soil. We studied the responses of soil microbial respiration, microbial biomass and activity to N and P additions in a 120-day laboratory incubation experiment and assessed soil microbial properties in larch plantation soil by comparing them with the soil of an adjacent secondary forest. We found that the N-containing treatments (N and N + P) increased the concentrations of soil microbial biomass N and soluble organic N, whereas the same treatments did not affect microbial respiration and the activities of β-glucosidase, N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase and acid phosphatase in the larch plantation. In addition, the concentration of microbial biomass P decreased with N addition in larch plantation soil. In contrast, N and N + P additions decreased microbial respiration, and N addition also decreased the activity of N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase in the secondary forest soil. The P treatment did not affect microbial respiration in either larch plantation or secondary forest soils, while this treatment increased the activities of β-glucosidase and acid phosphatase in the secondary forest soil. These results suggested that microbial respiration was not limited by available P in either secondary forest or larch plantation soils, but microbial activity may have a greater P demand in secondary forest soil than in larch plantation soil. Overall, there was no evidence, at least in the present experiment, supporting the possibility that microbes suffered from N or P deficiency in larch plantation soil.  相似文献   

不同森林植被下土壤活性有机碳含量及其季节变化   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
通过对湖南省会同县地区不同季节地带性常绿阔叶林、杉木纯林、火力楠纯林以及杉木火力楠混交林土壤各活性有机碳的含量测定,分析了森林植被对土壤活性碳库及其季节变化的影响.结果表明,常绿阔叶林转变为人工林后,土壤活性有机碳含量明显降低;与杉木纯林相比,火力楠与杉木混交可提高土壤活性有机碳含量,但只有土壤水溶性有机碳含量显著提高;各林地土壤活性有机碳具有明显的季节变化,一年中土壤水溶性有机碳含量的大小始终为常绿阔叶林>杉木火力楠混交林>火力楠纯林>杉木纯林,土壤微生物量碳、热水浸提有机碳和碳水化合物则表现为常绿阔叶林>火力楠纯林>杉木火力楠混交林>杉木纯林.与杉木纯林相比,杉木火力楠混交林可提高林地质量,但不同林地活性有机碳的季节变化规律表现不尽一致,表明土壤活性有机碳的季节差异不仅与温度、降雨等气候因素有关,还受到植被类型的影响.  相似文献   

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