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Logging is an integral component of most conceptual models that relate human land-use and climate change to tropical deforestation via positive-feedbacks involving fire. Given that grass invasions can substantially alter fire regimes, we studied grass distributions in a tropical dry forest 1–5 yr after selective logging, and experimentally tested the effect of forest fire on populations of invasive grasses. In unlogged forests and in microhabitats created by selective logging we found a total of four alien and 16 native grass species. Grasses covered 2% of unlogged and 4% of logged forest, with grass cover in logged forest concentrated in areas directly disturbed by logging; log landings and roads had relatively greater grass cover (37% and 17%, respectively) than did skid trails (10%) and felling gaps (8%). Total grass cover and grass species richness increased with canopy openness and were greatest in sites most severely disturbed by logging. The grass flora of these disturbed areas was composed mostly of native ruderal species (e.g., Digitaria insularis, Leptochloa virgata), a native bamboo (Guadua paniculata), and Urochloa (Panicum) maxima, a caespitose C4 pasture grass introduced from Africa. Urochloa maxima formed monodominant stands (up to 91% cover and 2–3 m tall) and grew on 69% of log landings and 38% of roads. To better understand the potentially synergistic effects of logging and fire on the early stages of grass invasion, we tested the effect of a 12-ha experimental fire on U. maxima populations in a selectively logged forest. Three years after the fire, the area covered by alien grass in burned forest increased fourfold from 400 m2 (pre-fire) to 1660 m2; over the same period in a logged but unburned (control) area, U. maxima cover decreased from 398 m2 to 276 m2. Increased canopy openness due to fire-induced tree mortality corresponded with the greater magnitude of grass invasion following fire. Selective logging of this dry forest on the southern edge of the Amazon Basin promotes alien grass invasion; when coupled with fire, the rate of invasion substantially increased. Recognition of the grass-promoting potential of selective logging is important for understanding the possible fates of tropical forests in fire-prone regions.  相似文献   


Single-tree selection logging will likely result in a 4.3% loss in the relative abundance and a 4.1% loss in basal area of trees of commercial species in one cutting cycle due to their removal by harvesting combined with their potential recolonization of only 31% of logging gaps in a Bolivian tropical dry forest. Densities of the most valuable species, Amburana cearensis and Cedrela fissilis, were particularly reduced by logging. To sustain the current harvesting rate, uses need to be developed for more non-commercial species and/or silvicul-tural treatments employed that increase regeneration of commercial species and remove non-commercial species using timber stand improvement techniques.  相似文献   

Predispersal seed predation among individual Acacia macrostachya trees over two sites in Burkina Faso was assessed. In addition, the effects of seed predation on seed viability; germination responses to scarification (mechanical, hot water at 60, 70 and 80°C, and sulphuric acid for 10, 20 and 30 min) and dry heat (at 60, 70 and 80°C for 15, 30 and 60 min each) treatments were investigated under laboratory conditions. The results indicated a large difference in predation intensity among individual trees, as well as between sites. Predispersal predation significantly decreased seed germination, particularly when the number of insect larvae per seed increased. Scarified and unscarified seeds germinated equally well, except for hot water treatments of high temperature. This indicates lack of physical dormancy and dispersed seeds can readily germinate provided that conditions for germination are conducive. Seeds exposed to dry heat treatments also germinated close to 97% under low intensity and short exposure times. This suggests that fire, under natural condition, plays a key role in triggering germination of A. macrostachya seeds.  相似文献   

Drought, salinity and forest fires are adverse abiotic factors responsible for the failure of plant regeneration in the Mediterranean regions. The objective of this study was to evaluate Pinus pinea seed germination in response to heat, osmotic and salinity stress. Separate experiments were conducted, using polyethylene glycol (PEG) as an osmotic agent to reproduce drought stress, and sodium chloride (NaCl) and diluted seawater as salinizing agents to simulate salinity stress. Different temperatures were used to reproduce the effects of different fire regimes. Seed germination and the activities of the main enzymes involved in Pinus seed reserve utilization (glyoxylate cycle enzymes) decreased with increasing PEG, NaCl and seawater concentrations. Seawater appears to be the least toxic salinizing agent on Pinus pinea seed germination. The present study indicates that the germination of Pinus pinea seeds is influenced by the concentrations and even more by the nature and interactions of the ions present in the solutions. As regard heat treatments, the maximum germination percentage (80%) was obtained at 80°C and short exposure time (3 min). Increasing exposure time and temperature led to the germination percentage progressively decreasing.  相似文献   

Germination tests in the three sympatricCarpinus species,C. laxiflora, C. tshonoskii, andC. cordata, were carried out to clarify their germination traits in relation to the regeneration strategies. Seeds did not germinate just after ripening under any conditions in the three species. After one or two rounds of cold stratification, however,C. laxiflora andC. tshonoskii showed high germination percentages (>80%) at alternating temperature in light whileC. cordata did not. After a long-term (10 months) cold stratification, about 100% ofC. cordata seeds germinated, although about 70% of these seeds were in “conditional dormancy” and cannot germinate in the dark. Seed germination in the threeCarpinus species was enhanced by alternating temperature, but not by light exposure. These results suggest that the seeds of the three species are dormant just after ripening and the dormancy is broken by cold stratification. with intra-generic variations in the breakage. Germination traits in each species may be closely related to the regeneration strategy;C. cordata maintains a persistent seed bank with seed dormancy and regenerates after disturbances as a seed bank strategist, whereas the other two species germinate in the next spring after seedfall and regenerate depending either on existing disturbed-sites or sites of recent disturbances after seedling establishment as a seed rain strategist (C. tschonoskii) or seedling bank strategist (C. laxiflora). This study was supported by grants from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (BCP-97-III-A).  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of selective logging on stand structure and regeneration in selectively logged subboreal forests in Taisetsuzan National Park in Hokkaido in northern Japan. The basal area decreased and the size structure of trees altered in the stands studied due to repeated, intense selective logging, in which larger trees were cut down as a priority. Sapling density in the stands was much lower than that in primary forests. In the simple and multiple regression analyses that were used to estimate the effects of selective logging on sapling density, sapling density had a significant positive correlation with tree density and had little correlation with the density of logged stumps or the height ofSasa (dwarf bamboo) growing on the forest floor. These results suggest that the establishment sites around canopy trees influenced the establishment of saplings, rather than the gaps caused by selective logging. However, both the coefficient of determination and the standardized partial regression coefficient of multiple regression analysis were higher for the stand with a dense cover ofSasa than for the stand with a sparse cover ofSasa. Thus, the success of regenerating forests with selective logging depends on both the site of advanced regeneration and the light conditions that regulate growth.  相似文献   

Ngugi  Michael R.  Hunt  Mark A.  Doley  David  Ryan  Paul  Dart  Peter 《New Forests》2003,26(2):187-200
Effects of soil water availability on seedling growth, dry matter production and allocation were determined for Gympie (humid coastal) and Hungry Hills (dry inland) provenances of Eucalyptus cloeziana F. Muell. and for E. argophloia Blakely (dry inland) species. Seven-month-old seedlings were subjected to well-watered (100% field capacity, FC), moderate (70% FC) and severe (50% FC) soil water regimes in a glasshouse environment for 14 wk. There were significant differences in seedling growth, biomass production and allocation patterns between species. E. argophloia produced twice as much biomass at 100% FC, and more than three times as much at 70% and 50% FC than did either E. cloeziana provenance. Although the humid provenance of E. cloeziana had a greater leaf area at 100% FC conditions than did the dry provenance, total biomass production did not differ significantly. Both E. cloeziana provenances were highly sensitive to water deficits. E. argophloia allocated 10% more biomass to roots than did E. cloeziana. Allometric analyses indicated that relative biomass allocation patterns were significantly affected by genotype but not by soil water availability. These results have implications for taxon selection for cultivation in humid and subhumid regions.  相似文献   

Temperate conifer seeds are often considered to be shallowly dormant because a dormancy breakage treatment such as incubation of moist seeds at 4°C (prechilling) for 3–6 weeks improves germination. However, longer prechill durations can induce germination during the cold phase. Since the delicate radicles of prematurely germinated seeds are easily damaged and killed during sowing, potential benefits of extended prechilling are unknown.Described here for the first time is a target moisture content (TMC) prechill. In this dormancy breakage method the seeds are chilled at moisture contents high enough for removal of dormancy but low enough to produce surface dry, free flowing seeds that do not germinate during chilling. The method is a simple, effective and practical way to restrict the amount of water available to seeds from the start of a prechill treatment. The TMC prechill was applied to three conifer species, Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco), Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Douglas), and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bongard) Carrière). All three species benefited from the TMC prechill. Extending the prechill period progressively improved germination by widening the range of temperatures over which germination occurred, raising germination capacity at most temperatures and increasing germination rate at all temperatures. The optimum prechill period combining high germination capacity and low mean germination time was 36 weeks for Douglas fir, from 36 to 76 weeks for Lodgepole pine and 36 or 76 weeks for Sitka spruce depending on incubation temperature. None of the seeds of any of the species germinated during the TMC prechill of up to 76 weeks at 4°C.This work is Crown copyright, reproduced by Kluwer Academic Publishers by permission of the Forestry Commission.  相似文献   

Salvage logging after natural disturbance has received increased scrutiny in recent years because of concerns over detrimental effects on tree regeneration and increased fine fuel levels. Most research on tree regeneration after salvage logging comes from fire-prone systems and is short-term in scope. Limited information is available on longer term responses to salvage logging after windstorms or from forests outside of fire-prone regions. We examined tree and shrub regeneration after a stand-replacing windstorm, with and without salvage logging and prescribed fire. Our study takes place in northern Minnesota, USA, a region where salvage logging impacts have received little attention. We asked the following questions: (i) does composition and abundance of woody species differ among post-disturbance treatments, including no salvage, salvage alone, and salvage with prescribed burning, 12 years after the windstorm?; (ii) is regeneration of Populus, the dominant pre-blowdown species, inhibited in unsalvaged treatments?; and (iii) how do early successional trajectories differ among post-blowdown treatments? Twelve years after the wind disturbance, the unsalvaged forest had distinctly different composition and abundance of trees and woody shrubs compared to the two salvage treatments, despite experiencing similar wind disturbance severities and having similar composition immediately after the blowdown. Unsalvaged forest had greater abundance of shade tolerant hardwoods and lower abundance of Populus, woody shrubs, and Betulapapyrifera, compared to salvage treatments. There was some evidence that adding prescribed fire after the blowdown and salvage logging further increased disturbance severity, since the highest abundances of shrubs and early successional tree species occurred in the burning treatment. These results suggest that salvage treatments (or a lack thereof) can be used to direct compositional development of a post-blowdown forest along different trajectories, specifically, towards initial dominance by early successional Populus and B.papyrifera with salvage logging or towards early dominance by shade tolerant hardwoods, with some Populus, if left unsalvaged.  相似文献   

The potential allelopathic effect ofCupressus lusitanica, Eucalyptus globulus, E. camaldulensis andE. saligna on seed germination, radicle and seedling growth was investigated with four crops:Cicer arietinum (chickpea),Zea mays (maize),Pisum sativum (pea) andEragrostis tef (teff). Aqueous leaf extracts of all the tree species significantly reduced both germination and radicle growth of the majority of the crops mostly starting from concentrations of 1% or 2.5%. The shoot and root dry weight increase of the crops was significantly reduced after 10 weeks treatment with leaf extracts. Among the four crops, chickpea and teff were most susceptible with respect to germination, and teff with respect to growth. From the overall data the leaf extracts of the four tree species can be arranged according to increasing allelopathic potential:C. lusitanica, E. globulus, E. saligna andE. camaldulensis. It is suggested that the planting ofE. camaldulensis andE. saligna in integrated land use systems should be minimized, whereas the use ofC. lusitanica andE. globulus seems less environmentally damaging in this respect.  相似文献   

The management of burnt wood after a fire may affect seed predation by vertebrates due to the change produced in habitat structure. We analyze the effect of burnt wood management on post-dispersal seed predation in the Holm oak. Three plots were established in a burnt forest, with three treatments per plot: (1) non-intervention (NI, all trees left standing), (2) “partial cut plus lopping” (PCL, felling 90% of trees, cutting their main branches, leaving all the biomass in situ), and (3) “salvage logging” (SL, felling the logs for their removal and masticating the woody debris). Acorns were buried to mimic dispersal by jays or rodents two and three years after fire, with two trials per year (7200 monitored acorns), and the predation rate was evaluated until the time of seedling emergence. The spatial patterns of acorn predation were assessed by computing a transformed-Ripley's K function and Moran's I correlograms. There was a large spatial and temporal variability in acorn predation, with differences among trials, plots, and replicates within treatments and plots. Overall, PCL showed the lowest predation values (83.0% versus 87.4 in NI and 88.0 in SL). Predator species (mice versus wild boar) also differed among treatments, wild boar having a negligible effect in PCL, presumably due to the physical barrier of felled logs and branches. The results support that: (1) salvage logging offers no advantage against predators and (2) that post-fire burnt wood management alters the guild of acorn predators and may reshape the pattern of seedling establishment.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate dynamics and pattern of natural regeneration and the influence of seedbed and light on germination and initial seedling survival of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) during three growing seasons. Four 5-m2 plots in a natural Scots pine forest in central Spain were randomly established at the beginning of the regeneration process. Germination and seedling survival were recorded in 100 regeneration sampling subplots (0.25 m2) per plot, while seedbed type and the relative light intensity reaching the forest floor was characterised in 1-m2 subplots. The spatial correlations between survival, light conditions and organic matter depth were analysed through cross-variograms. Germination and survival were highly variable both within and between plots (ranging from 0 to 89%) and affected by high summer temperatures (33–35°C) in 2003. The spatial pattern characterisation of survival by Ripley’s K function showed a dominant cluster distribution. Occurrence tended to be clumped when abundance was greater than 15 seedlings, whereas for lower densities, seedlings were randomly distributed. Seedlings and herbs occupied the same sites where environmental conditions were appropriate for them to live. Spatial association occurred frequently for light and organic matter depth. Results suggested that the Scots pine seedlings in our study in central Spain preferred moderate light conditions (Global Site Factor <0.40). Thus, if this forest is to be naturally regenerated with Scots pine, the shelterwood system (whereby some mother trees are left to provide shelter for at least 5 years), along with mechanical disturbance of the seedbeds, would promote seed germination, as long as a seed source is present. However, regeneration success is affected by year-to-year conditions.  相似文献   

Five chemical and four non-chemical presowing treatments were tested on seeds of three conifers (Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr, Pinus sylvestris L. var. mongolica Litv, and Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.). By itself, cold stratification with snow for 60 days did not significantly improve the germination percentage over that of soaking the seed in warm water (45 °C) for 12 hours. However, including either one or two dehydration-rehydration cycles after the cold stratification did improve both the percentage and speed of germination of seed from all three species. Soaking seed for 12 hours in various chemicals (KNO3, CaCl2, CuSO4, KMnO4 and GA3) before germination was less effective than the snow stratification followed by double dehydration-rehydration treatments (Chang and Lin, 1989).  相似文献   

Studies of regeneration in African rain forests suggest that without silvicultural treatments, natural succession in logging gaps may not result in the establishment of timber species. In this paper we present the results of an experimental enrichment planting with moabi (Baillonella toxisperma Pierre), a valuable and important timber species harvested in Central Africa. Although forest gaps are generally considered as favourable for the regeneration of this species, a survey conducted in a forest concession in south-eastern Cameroon provided an estimate of only 12.7 seedlings ha−1, suggesting that the species was, in fact, poorly represented in logging gaps within the study area. To further investigate the dynamics of the moabi in logging gaps, 795 seeds were sown in 15 logging gaps and 410 nursery-raised seedlings were planted in 15 other gaps. A biannual monitoring program over a 30-month period showed a lower survival rate for seedlings from sowing (75.9%) compared to that of nursery-raised seedlings (95.3%). Planted seedlings reached an average of 229.3 cm tall whereas seedlings from sowing were 167.5 cm tall, with the observed difference roughly corresponding to the average height of the nursery-raised seedlings at the time they were introduced to the logging gaps. After 30 months, the diameters of planted seedlings (16.8 mm) were also greater than those of the directly sown individuals (12.5 mm). Forest gap characteristics significantly influenced the growth of the plants. Factors accounting for the differences were total solar radiation, the soil content of coarse sand, the topographic position of the gap, the vegetation cover and the density of Macaranga spp. Whilst total solar radiation had a positive influence on growth, the remaining factors had impacted growth negatively. A streamlined technique was tested by planting 7 seedlings in 250 gaps. Without additional site maintenance, 29.3% of the moabi seedlings emerged naturally from the competing vegetation after 24 months. With biannual maintenance some 89.4% of seedlings became successfully established. Clearance operations had no significant influence on the height of plants whilst plant diameter was greater in cleared gaps. The total cost of the enrichment technique was 5.5 EUR per gap without maintenance and 7.5 EUR per gap with a single maintenance measure. Whilst long-term monitoring is needed, this study suggests a high survival rate of moabi introduced in logging gaps, and a growth rate 10 times higher than previously reported under canopy cover. These findings, combined with the low costs of the enrichment technique, support the use of silvicultural measures in logging gaps to restore the forest.  相似文献   

Effects of drought stresses induced by polyethylene glycol (PEG) (0.0%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%, with four replicates) on germination of Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) seeds produced in plantations (southern Keerqin sandy land) and natural forests (Hulunbeier sandy plain) were observed. The results indicated that the seeds from both provenances did not germinate when PEG concentration was more than 25%. The time of initial germination and that of its completion of stressed seeds from both provenances were delayed when compared with the unstressed seeds. The germination capacity and germination rate of natural seeds were significantly higher than those of plantation seeds for all treatment levels (P < 0.05). The mean growth rates of radicle and hypocotyl from natural seeds were significantly higher than those from plantation seeds at all treatment levels below 20% PEG treatment (P < 0.05). The ratios of radicle to hypocotyl of 20% PEG treatment were significant higher than those of the corresponding controls for both provenances (P < 0.05). These results suggested that Mongolian pine seeds/seedlings had stronger resistance to PEG drought stresses; 10% PGE stress did not significantly influence germination. Natural seeds exhibited more resistance to PEG stress than plantation seeds. It was concluded that drought stress on seed germination might be one cause of obstructed natural regeneration of Mongolian pine plantations on sandy land. It is recommended that natural seeds be used for afforestation, and light drought stress (e.g., 10% PEG stress) may be useful in improving seed germination and the growth of radicles and hypocotyls.  相似文献   

To evaluate what prevents seed germination and why ingestion by birds enhances germination, we carried out germination experiments using bird-dispersed seeds of twoPrunus species (Prunus sargentii andP. ssiori) in the laboratory. Germination of seeds with following four treatments was compared: “Ingested seeds” excreted after feeding of fruits to birds; “Extracted seeds” deliberately extracted from the fruit pulp; “Juiced seeds” which were supplemented with the juice of the pulp after seeds had been deliberately extracted from the pulp; and “Intact seeds” in untreated whole fruits. Many ingested (27%, 23% inP. sargentii, 18% inP. ssiori) and extracted seeds (24% inP. sargentii, 17% inP. ssiori) germinated, and difference in germination percentages between ingested and extracted seeds were not significant, for eitherPrunus species. The Juiced seeds rarely germinated (2% inP. sargentii, 6% inP. ssiori), and seeds within intact fruits did not germinate. These results suggest that the fruit pulp and the juice of the pulp inhibit germination and the seeds could germinate without ingestion by birds once they had been manually extracted from pulp. Therefore, it is considered that bird ingestion enahnces germination by removing pulp, especially juice of the pulp, in these twoPrunus species.  相似文献   

One of the arguments against using prescribed fire to regenerate oak (Quercus spp.) forests is that the improvement in species composition of the hardwood regeneration pool is temporary and multiple burns are necessary to achieve and maintain oak dominance. To explore this concern, I re-inventoried a prescribed fire study conducted in the mid-1990s to determine the longevity of the effects of a single prescribed fire on hardwood regeneration. The initial study was conducted in three oak shelterwood stands in central Virginia, USA. In 1994, each stand was divided into four treatments (spring, summer, and winter burns and a control) and the hardwood regeneration was inventoried before the fires. During the burns, fire intensity was measured and categorized in each regeneration sampling plot. Second-year postfire data showed marked differences in species mortality rates, depending on season-of-burn and fire intensity: oak and hickory (Carya spp.) regeneration dominated areas burned by medium- to high-intensity fire during the spring and summer while yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) and red maple (Acer rubrum) seedlings dominated unburned areas and all areas treated with low-intensity fire regardless of season-of-burn. The treatments were re-inventoried in 2006 and 2007 to determine whether these fire effects were still present. The new data show that the species distributions by season-of-burn and fire intensity found in 1996 still existed 11 years after the treatments. The fact that fire effects in oak shelterwood stands can last at least a decade has important management implications for resource professionals interested in sustaining oak forests in the eastern United States.  相似文献   

Twenty different methods of seedcoat scarification were tested on Gleditsia triacanthos L. and Robinia pseudoacacia L. to find an alternative to acid scarification for these species. For germination testing, nicking or burning were best, and these same methods could be used in small nurseries with adequate labor. For larger quantities, hot water soaks or heat shock soak treatments yielded satisfactory, though lower, germination.  相似文献   

Understanding the germination traits of plants is important not only for understanding natural regeneration processes but also for developing seedling production techniques for planting. Sabina vulgaris Ant. is a common species used for reforestation in semi-arid areas of the Mu-Us Desert, in Inner Mongolia, China, but its extremely low germination rate, both in situ and in vivo, is a bottleneck for seedling production. Sulfuric acid pretreatment was applied to improve germination, and the germination rate was compared for different soaking time (10, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min), different temperatures (10, 15, 20, 30, and 35°C) and under different lighting conditions (dark and light). Sulfuric acid treatment gave a high germination rate, reaching 60% at 30 days after sowing. However, the non-treated seeds produced no germination. The optimal treatment time in sulfuric acid was 120 min. Germination after sulfuric acid treatment increased at incubation temperatures from 10 to 30°C, but decreased at 35°C. Incubation at 25–30°C gave maximum germination of more than 50%. Light treatment had little effect on germination. Pretreatment with sulfuric acid improved water absorption by the embryo by creating cracks and cavities in the seed coat tissue. These results indicated that S. vulgaris seeds have physical dormancy caused by their hard seed coats, which prevents absorption of water into the embryo. A combination of pretreatment with sulfuric acid and incubation at 25–30°C was most effective in improving the germination of S. vulgaris seeds.  相似文献   

Successful regeneration of coastal montane sites harvested using alternative silvicultural systems may depend on the degree to which tree species can acclimate morphologically and physiologically to a variety of light environments. In a study to determine shade acclimation in montane conifers, one-year-old amabilis fir (Abies amabilis (Dougl.) Forbes) and western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) seedlings were grown in a nursery under four shade treatments: full sunlight (0% shade), 60% and 30% shade using shade cloth, and 30% shade using lath slats. Shading influenced shoot development, foliar physiology and morphological characteristics of both amabilis fir and western hemlock but in general, the effects were small. Shade levels of 60% were required to induce significant acclimation, and western hemlock appeared to respond more positively than amabilis fir and therefore was considered more shade tolerant than amabilis fir. Light quality had little influence on growth and development, as indicated by a lack of significant differences in physiology or morphology between seedlings grown under shade cloth or lath slats. There were indications that adequate nutrition levels may mitigate the effects of shade on seedling morphology and physiology.  相似文献   

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