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Complement-fixation (CF) tests with sonicated aqueous extracts of adult forms of five species of gastrointestinal nematodes as antigens have been made on serial biweekly bleedings from two groups of parasitized calves grazing on infected pastures during the 1963 or 1964 seasons. Three of these nematode species, Cooperia oncophora, Ostertagia ostertagi and Nematodirus helvetianus, were found in large numbers in most of these animals. The calves were negative serologically before being placed on pasture but within 2 to 4 weeks some had developed considerable CF activity with Cooperia and other nematode antigens. Ten calves died, however, before significant CF titres had been attained. Eight control calves in the 1963 or 1964 groups which were grazed on “clean” pastures, remained serologically negative during the summer and autumn months. Four of the six surviving exposed animals in the 1964 group showed a fall in CF activity during the winter months when they were stabled, whereas the six surviving controls developed low CF titres suggesting that they were becoming mildly parasitized. In the spring of 1965 CF titres began to rise in some of the previously exposed and control yearlings even before they were placed on infected pasture in June.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic examinations were made on sera collected monthly for a period of eleven months from ten cattle naturally or experimentally infected with Johne''s bacilli and from ten contact sheep. With one exception, the percentage estimates for the four major classes of serum proteins, albumin, alpha1-, alpha2-, beta- and gamma-globulins did not differ significantly in sera from infected and non-infected, presumably healthy cattle. One cow with a persistently high complement-fixing titre with Johne''s bacillus antigen, showed an exceptionally high proportion of gamma-globulin in its serum. The percentage of gamma-globulin tended to be higher in sera of contact sheep than in that of normal sheep sera but the monthly variation in the relative proportion of these and other globulins showed no evident relationship to the fluctuations observed in the specific complement-fixing and anti-complementary properties of these sera.  相似文献   

Examinations of the electrophoretic behaviour in cellulose acetate were made on the proteins of sera from 18 field cases of brucellosis, 15 calves recently vaccinated with strain 19 Brucella abortus and from 28 normal cattle. The total protein and γ-globulin content of the sera of the naturally infected, serologically positive cattle tended to be somewhat higher than that of sera from most normal cattle. A few of the serologically-negative normals also had defenitely elevated serum γ-globulin values. In the vaccinated calves there was an increase both in total serum protein and γ-globulin but its magnitude in different individuals was not directly related to the rise in their antibody titre.  相似文献   

为了解青海省民和县奶牛布鲁氏菌病的分布和流行情况,净化布鲁氏菌病,对来自12个乡镇的10308份奶牛血清采用试管凝集反应试验(SAT)进行了血清学检测,检出阳性血清23份,阳性率为0.223%,表明青海民和地区存在奶牛布鲁氏菌的感染。  相似文献   

Sixty-two strains of E. insidiosa isolated from joints or regional lymph nodes of pigs with arthritis were examined for their antigenic characteristics. HCl and CH3COOH extracts were made from all strains and precipitation tests performed with these extracts and rabbit anti-sera for types A1, A2, B1, B2, C, D, E, and G.The type distribution of the strains was as follows: 1 belonged in type A, 46 in type B, while 15, which did not contain demonstrable acid-soluble antigen, were designated N strains. The 46 type B strains could be divided into 4 subtypes on the basis of the patterns of reaction between, on the one hand HCl and CH3COOH extracts, and, on the other hand, B1 and B2 sera. Thirty-two strains reacted with both B1 and B2 sera in CH3COOH extracts, but not in HCl extracts; these strains were referred to a new subtype, B3. Nine strains, which reacted with B1 serum in HCl and CH3COOH extracts and with B2 serum in CH3COOH extracts only, were referred to subtype B1. Four strains that reacted with B1 and B2 sera in both extracts were referred to subtype B2. The only representative of the 4th subtype was an interesting strain which in previous studies had been shown to differ from the rest of the strains in other ways, too. This strain reacted with both B1 and B2 sera, but only in HCl extract.  相似文献   

From 1995 to 1997, the prevalence of serum antibodies against Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (M. av. ssp. ptbc.) – the causal agent of paratuberculosis (Johne’s Disease) – was examined in 11 028 Austrian cattle. Samples from the four oldest cattle on 2757 farms were collected according to a specific sampling schedule for this epidemiological study. District, age and breed of animals were included as variables in this study. For antibody screening against M. avium subspecies paratuberculosis, a modified, commercially available ELISA (ALLIED Monitors, Fayette, USA) was employed. A total of 2253 samples that were found to be positive or questionable were subjected to further testing with a more specific ELISA (Institute of Microbiology and Infectious Animal Diseases). Results of this study were used for statistical analysis. The average prevalence of antibodies to M. avium subspecies paratuberculosis was 1.99 % in Austria. The highest prevalence was seen in 6-year-old cattle (2.84 %) and Holstein Frisian cattle (3.51 %). Sero-positive animals were found on 6.96 % of farms tested, and the prevalence was highest in Vorarlberg, followed by Salzburg, the Tyrol, Styria and Carinthia. This study is unique in Europe in the use of an adequate random sampling plan for an investigation of this magnitude.  相似文献   

采集440头奶牛血清,分别采用 RBPT、SAT 和 cELISA 检测布病非免疫抗体情况,结果采用 RBPT 和 SAT检测的阳性率为2.5%,两种方法的结果符合率为100%,采用 cELISA 检测的阳性率为4.1%,其 RBPT 的结果符合率为98.4%。本结果表明 cELISA 具有较高的敏感性。本研究可为本地区奶牛布病防控工作提供依据。  相似文献   

为了探明不同感染状态结核病牛血清蛋白质水平的差异,揭示结核病牛在不同感染状态下的生理状态.本研究通过皮内变态反应、IFN-γ释放试验从临床筛选结核病阳性牛(TB)和阴性牛(NC),根据牛鼻拭子巢式PCR检测结果将临床阳性牛(TB)分为PCR阳性结核病牛(TBP)和PCR阴性结核病牛(TBN),每组20头,采集血清.应用...  相似文献   

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