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1生产线概况黑龙江省山河屯林业局为了发展木片生产、降低运输成本,自行设计研制了可安装在森铁车辆上的削片设备及与之配套的枝丫削片生产线。1.1设备采用BX1710盘式削片机一台;XS1200型筛选机1台;90GF5-2D6135柴油发电机组1套和MR3120A磨刀机1台,分别安装在3辆15t森铁板车上。生产线上还配置了6辆SX12木片车、3辆自制木片槽车、3辆宿营车和1辆餐车,整列车由28t蒸汽机车牵引。1.2生产工艺人工拆枝丫堆→枝丫整形→投料→削片→筛选→装车→运输→卸车→入库→销售。1.3原料枝丫、风倒木和藤条灌木。1.4产品生产的木片主要用于纸浆、刨…  相似文献   

伐区削片的削片机可深入伐区腹部,削片工艺组织较简单,且运木片比运采伐剩余物的载量高一倍,因而,过去受收集和运输能力限制,丢弃在伐区的小径枝丫也能被削片利用,提高了采伐剩余物利用率。哈尔滨林机所根据承担国家攻关课题,研制了成套伐区采伐剩余物削片和森运木片  相似文献   

森铁移动式枝丫削片生产线在黑龙江省山河屯林业局进行了初步生产试验,通过近二个月的生产使用,取得了可喜的成果,已显示出强大的生命力。该生产线是由削片机、筛选机、电站等三节装备板车和六辆木片车组成。  相似文献   

节约蒸汽机车的能源消耗是当前森铁部门的一项重要工作。为了达到节能目标,首先应从管理上下功夫,制订先进合理、切实可行的机车能源消耗定额,并认真贯彻执行;其次是提高机车的旅行速度,减少不必要的停车次数,并且充分利用机车牵引力,提高机车工作效率;再次是司机和司炉密切协作,使保证司机的操纵方法和司炉的焚火方式得到最优化结合。最后是加强机车及锅炉的检修保养,使其经常处于良好的工作状态。  相似文献   

在黑龙江省松花江林业管理局主持下,《森铁移动式山上枝丫削片生产线》技术鉴定会,于1985年7月10日至11日在黑龙江省五常县山河屯林业局召开。参加会议的有来自黑龙江省教学、科研、管理、生产等部门10个单位的教授专家共22人。  相似文献   

小径木削片制方机的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小径木削片制方机的研制(150040)东北林业大学邢力平,马岩,汤晓华,蔡立新,金维珠,张建华目前,国内制材是以传统的带锯制材为主,由于带锯制材加工小径原木生产率低,功耗大,经济效益差,致使用带锯锯割小径木的企业普遍亏损。所以,现在国内带锯的制材工艺...  相似文献   

当前,结合我国林木资源特点和技术的发展,借鉴世界先进国家制材工业发展经验,采用新设备,新技术更新改造旧落后的传统制材设备和工艺,针对人工林,中,小径级原木发展削片制材,扩大产品品种,提高木材的综合利用,直超世界先进水平,是我国制材工业正确的发展方向。  相似文献   

当前,结合我国林木资源特点和技术的发展,借鉴世界先进国家制材工业发展经验,采用新设备、新技术更新改造旧有落后的传统制材设备和工艺,针对人工林,中、小径级原木发展削片制材,扩大产品品种,提高木材的综合利用率,赶超世界先进水平,是我国制材工业正确的发展方向。  相似文献   

森铁机车的闸瓦要具有低磨耗,高的磨擦系数,而同时又具有一定强度,闸瓦的磨损主要是由疲劳剥落和粘着磨损所致,所以选用普通灰铸铁经过孕育处理后,加一定的合金(Si、Mn、P 等)来提高闸瓦的耐磨性,文中详细论证了其试验条件及方法,和实验结果与分析,从而做出结论:含磷铸铁闸瓦耐磨性最佳;含 Si、Mn 的铸铁闸瓦其综合机械性能好;含磷闸瓦随含磷量增加,其硬度上升,强度却下降;从耐磨及硬度,抗拉强度方面考虑选含磷铸铁闸瓦为合适,且含磷在0.5—1.0%之间。  相似文献   

本文在介绍兴隆局50余座森铁自制桥梁及自制焊接梁技术经济效果的基础上,就具体施工中焊接皋艺、吊装、组织等问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

肖生灵 《森林工程》1999,15(4):9-11,19
本文概要介绍了国内外全树削片的情况。论述了全树木片的生产、应用、存在的问题、解决的办法和我国开展全树削片的前景。指出,我国在30多年木片生产的基础上,可开展全树削片试验,进而建造全树削片生产基地,利用扶育伐、低产林改造等林木或营造速生纤维林进行全树削片。它将成为林业企业新的经济增长点。是发展、振兴森林工业,使森工企业走出低谷的一项重要措施。  相似文献   

金叶莸绿枝扦插育苗技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金叶莸 (Caryopteris×clandonensis‘WorcesterGold’)是莸的芽变品种 ,为马鞭草科莸属植物落叶灌木 ,单叶对生 ,叶长卵形 ,叶面光滑 ,鹅黄色 ,叶背具银色毛。花兰紫色 ,聚伞花序 ,花期始于 6月中旬 ,花期 2~ 3个月。耐寒、耐旱、耐粗放管理。耐修剪 ,每次剪后新发叶愈加亮黄鲜艳。园林绿化上作为大面积色块、绿篱及基础栽植 ,具有一定应用前景。根据近两年的生产实践 ,总结出如下育苗经验。1 做床与覆沙选地势较平坦地块 ,南北行向 ,作高 0 .1m ,宽 1 .2~1 .5m ,长 1 0~ 2 0m的高床。步道宽 0 .4m。翻动床面土壤1 0cm深 ,搂平。向床…  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3):129-136
The chipping operation is an important component of harvesting systems producing biomass and pulp chips. This paper aimed to develop a valid model to predict the productivity of chipping as part of these operations. Over a number of years more than 200 different time studies were conducted on chipping operations in Italy and Australia. Multiple regressions and backward stepwise data analysis methods were applied to develop a productivity prediction equation, considering the following variables: machine power (kW), piece size (m3), crew size, harvesting method, species, tree part, wood condition, wood lay-out, chipping type, propulsion, feeding method, point of chipping, season, location of chip discharge, country (Italy or Australia) and type of operation (biomass chip operation or pulp chip operation). The final productivity model included machine power, average piece size, location of chip discharge and type of operation as significant variables. The internal validation test was conducted using five witness samples from Italy and Australia, which confirmed the validity at α=0.05. Additional international case studies from North America, South America, and central and northern Europe were used to test the accuracy of the model, in which 15 studies confirmed the model's validity and two failed to pass the test.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and moisture content on selected mechanical properties associated with the chipping process were evaluated. In chipping, mechanical properties such as shear parallel to the grain, cleavage, and bending are involved. Matched samples of heartwood and sapwood were obtained from freshly harvested logs of black spruce and balsam fir to determine the variation of the studied mechanical properties between ?30 and 20 °C, at intervals of 10 °C. Moisture content (MC), basic density (BD), and annual ring width (RW) were measured for each sample. For both wood species, temperature had a significant effect on all mechanical properties under freezing conditions (below 0 °C). This effect was more important for sapwood than for heartwood, which was explained by the difference in MC between these two types of wood. Between 0 and 20 °C, temperature and type of wood did not show any significant effect on the mechanical properties. Multiple regression models were obtained to predict the mechanical properties. These regressions showed that MC was the most important factor to explain the mechanical properties below 0 °C. However, for temperatures of 0 °C and higher, BD was the principal factor to predict the mechanical properties. RW was not a significant factor to predict any mechanical property. Cleavage was the most sensitive one to changes in temperature followed by shear, modulus of rupture, and modulus of elasticity. These results could be of great importance in the chipping process.  相似文献   

Novel fire mitigation treatments that chip harvested biomass on site are increasingly prescribed to reduce the density of small-diameter trees, yet the ecological effects of these treatments are unknown. Our objective was to investigate the impacts of mechanical thinning and whole tree chipping on Pinus ponderosa (ponderosa pine) regeneration and understory plant communities to guide applications of these new fuel disposal methods. We sampled in three treatments: (1) unthinned forests (control), (2) thinned forests with harvested biomass removed (thin-only), and (3) thinned forests with harvested biomass chipped and broadcast on site (thin + chip). Plots were located in a ponderosa pine forest of Colorado and vegetation was sampled three to five growing seasons following treatment. Forest litter depth, augmented with chipped biomass, had a negative relationship with cover of understory plant species. In situ chipping often produces a mosaic of chipped patches tens of meters in size, creating a range of woodchip depths including areas lacking woodchip cover within thinned and chipped forest stands. Thin-only and thin + chip treatments had similar overall abundance and species richness of understory plants at the stand scale, but at smaller spatial scales, areas within thin + chip treatments that were free of woodchip cover had an increased abundance of understory vegetation compared to all other areas sampled. Relative cover of non-native plant species was significantly higher in the thin-only treatments compared to control and thin + chip areas. Thin + chip treated forests also had a significantly different understory plant community composition compared to control or thin-only treatments, including an increased richness of rhizomatous plant species. We suggest that thinning followed by either chipping or removing the harvested biomass could alter understory plant species composition in ponderosa pine forests of Colorado. When considering post-treatment responses, managers should be particularly aware of both the depth and the distribution of chipped biomass that is left in forested landscapes.  相似文献   

利用幼龄母树嫩枝中内含生长素和辅助因素较多的原理,使用全光照电子喷雾设备,进行嫩枝扦插育苗,文章从插穗采集与处理、插床准备与扦插及苗期管理等方面概述了锦带花嫩枝扦插技术,以期对生产有指导作用。  相似文献   

测定果梅枝条电导率的取样研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以果梅(Prunus mume Sieb.et Zucc)枝条为试材对不同取样时期、不同取样部位及不同枝龄枝的电导率测定值大小的差异进行了研究。结果表明:相同时期1年和2年生枝条的电导率之间存在显著性差异;不同时期所取1年生枝条的电导率之间也存在显著性差异;而同时期树冠不同部位的1年生枝的电导率间差异不显著。  相似文献   

杨树切枝杂交技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林木杂交是选育优良品种最直接有效的途径之一,并能为现代高新技术育种提供原始材料。杨树杂交育种在全世界范围开展以来,选育出了大量的优良品种,对提高杨树生产力起到了非常重要的作用。章就杨树切枝杂交技术作一简单的阐述,主要包括材料的准备、室内切枝杂交、播种育苗等。  相似文献   

核桃1年生枝条的抗寒性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了减少全国范围内不断出现的低温、晚霜等对核桃生产造成的危害,尤其是核桃栽培中普遍存在的新梢冻害现象,通过电导法和人工诱导法,对核桃1年生枝条的抗寒性做了初步研究。研究结果表明:核桃1年生枝条上各器官抗寒力表现为:木质部叶芽花芽;芽体的抗寒力在早、晚实品种间存在较大差异;成龄树枝条活性在-20℃低温时开始发生改变;不同低温伤害下早、晚实品种成龄树的枝条反应各有差异,-30℃时差异最明显。  相似文献   

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