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以5种观赏植物为材料,研究不同遮荫0%、50%、75%和90%条件下叶片相对含水量、叶绿素总含量、净光合速率、过氧化物酶和可溶性糖等生理指标的变化。结果表明,遮荫对5种观赏植物的光合生理指标都有不同程度的影响,利用隶属函数评价5种观赏植物的耐阴性强弱顺序依次为八角金盘>大叶黄杨>阔叶十大功劳>金银木>红王子锦带。  相似文献   

中亚热带2种原始兰科植物对变化光环境的响应与适应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金佛山兰为国家二级保护植物 ,个体数极少 ,仅见于南川金佛山及附近的稀疏马尾松林下 ,并只与其亲缘种金兰生长在一起。在温室内 ,模拟研究了金佛山兰和金兰对不同强度变化光环境的响应与适应。结果表明 :①在强光下利用便携式光合仪长时间观测植物的光合速率时 ,由于温度的影响 ,应使用温控系统才能获得更准确结果。②对于PAR 80 0到 2 0 0 μmolphotons·m- 2 s- 1 之间任何强度的光照变化 ,金佛山兰和金兰的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、胞间CO2 浓度、气孔导度和水分利用率均保持相对稳定 ,表现出对大幅度变化光环境较好的适应性 ;对于逐渐遮荫至 10 0 μmolphotons·m- 2 s- 1 左右 ,金佛山兰和金兰均以降低水分利用率、提高光能利用率来适应变化的光环境。③不同强度的间断遮荫对二者光合速率等的影响程度不同。 2种原始兰花的净光合速率随间断遮荫均先迅速降至最低 ,然后逐渐回升 ,在恢复光照后 ,金兰比金佛山兰能更快地恢复光合作用 ;蒸腾速率随间断遮荫迅速降低 ,恢复光照后 ,大多能迅速恢复至遮荫前水平。恢复光照后 ,二者的气孔导度出现不同程度的降低。间断遮荫能导致二者胞间CO2 浓度升高约 2 0 %以上 ,恢复光照后 ,大多能迅速恢复到原有水平。所有这些 ,都反映了金佛山兰和金兰对所在地区变化光  相似文献   

<正>发财树是一种寓意吉祥、招财进宝的观叶盆景植物。叶色常绿,偏瓣成型,深受人们喜爱。注意温度发财树原产于中南美洲,喜温暖湿润,向阳或稍荫的环境,生长适温是20至30℃,冬季越冬温度需达到5℃以上,否则容易发生冻害。  相似文献   

熊掌木等3种植物耐荫性的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对上海市崇明岛上熊掌木、八角金盘、常春藤3种耐荫植物的叶片气孔密度和解剖结构的比较研究,结果表明:(1)叶绿素a含量大小序列为八角金盘>常春藤>熊掌木;叶绿素b含量大小序列为八角金盘>常春藤>熊掌木;叶绿素a/b值大小序列为熊掌木>常春藤>八角金盘;叶绿素(a+b)含量的大小序列为八角金盘>常春藤>熊掌木;3种植物海绵组织的厚度大小顺序是八角金盘、常春藤、熊掌木,最终推断出三者耐荫性大小顺序依次是八角金盘、常春藤、熊掌木。(2)3种耐荫植物气孔大小顺序为熊掌木>八角金盘>常春藤;3种耐荫植物气孔密度的大小顺序为常春藤>八角金盘>熊掌木,与耐荫性之间无明显的规律性。  相似文献   

【目的】研究不同遮荫强度对中华金叶榆和鑫叶栾叶片呈色及相关生理指标的影响,探索2种黄叶植物对遮荫胁迫的响应机制,为黄叶植物栽植在日照不足或遮荫地应用提供理论参考。【方法】以中华金叶榆和鑫叶栾当年生苗为试验材料,通过不同强度遮荫处理(20%、50%、90%),以全光照环境为对照,在遮荫60天后测定这2种黄叶植物在各遮荫处理下的叶片颜色、色素含量、光合荧光参数、叶片反射光谱、叶片大小和有机物含量,并在亚细胞水平上观察其叶绿体超微结构。【结果】1)在全光环境下,中华金叶榆叶片为明亮的金黄色,鑫叶栾呈黄绿色,遮光环境下2种黄叶植物出现不同程度复绿。中华金叶榆叶色复绿明显,90%遮荫度下黄蓝参数(b*)值由70. 42下降到47. 27;鑫叶栾遮荫后叶色复绿程度较轻,90%遮荫度下b*值由65. 69下降到58. 34,叶片仍为黄绿色。2)随遮荫程度增加,2树种叶绿素含量显著上升,光合速率显著降低,Chl a/b、叶片比叶重、PSⅡ最大光化学效率(F_v/F_m)、最大荧光(F_m)显著升高。3) 2树种遮荫环境下叶片光谱特征反射率下降,红边参数指示中华金叶榆全光照环境下出现光胁迫。4)中华金叶榆遮荫后可溶性糖含量无显著变化,可溶性蛋白含量显著降低,叶片面积显著增大,叶片长宽比无显著变化;鑫叶栾在20%环境下可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量与对照无显著差异,90%遮荫度下可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量相比对照显著降低,叶片面积和叶片长宽比在遮荫前后无显著差异。5) 2树种遮荫后叶绿体结构也发生较大变化,类囊体数目和垛叠层数增加,由最初的弯曲片层变为平行的垛叠基粒。【结论】中华金叶榆和鑫叶栾在全光环境下叶色更亮、更黄,受到一定程度光抑制。随着遮荫程度增加,2植株光合速率下降,类囊体垛叠,叶片不同程度复绿。20%遮荫对中华金叶榆生长和叶色影响较小,叶片保持黄绿色,50%和90%遮荫环境下不利于其叶片呈色和光合产物积累。鑫叶栾在各遮荫处理下叶色轻微复绿,叶色仍在黄叶范畴,但90%遮荫度对其光合生理影响较大。因此,从生长和叶片呈色角度考虑,中华金叶榆和鑫叶栾栽植在全光环境最佳,也可根据各自生理特性,种植在适当的遮荫环境。  相似文献   

夏季温室遮荫对榕树和三雄蕊槟榔光合作用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在夏季温室遮荫前后测定榕树和三雄蕊槟榔气体交换以及叶绿素荧光的变化。结果表明:榕树耐强光和高温,而三雄蕊槟榔对强光和高温敏感。遮荫前的高温强光下,三雄蕊槟榔的光系统Ⅱ最大光化学效率明显下调,榕树光系统Ⅱ最大光化学效率只有轻微下调。遮荫后,这种下调都得以减缓;但伴随日均光合有效辐射的大幅降低,三雄蕊槟榔和榕树的日均净光合速率也降低,榕树的降低幅度略大于三雄蕊槟榔。以上结果说明,尽管夏季遮荫能够减轻光系统Ⅱ最大光化学效率的下调,但遮荫也使植物日均净光合速率下降,对喜光植物生长不利。  相似文献   

为解决高大乔木树种遮天蔽日,其下植物因光照不足生长不良,导致黄土裸露严重,乔灌草比例不协调,景观价值下降的问题,文章针对八角金盘、洒金桃叶珊瑚、亮叶忍冬等8种耐阴灌木,开展了物候及生长量观测、耐阴性、耐寒性、耐热性、观赏性及病虫害等的综合研究。结果表明,八角金盘、洒金桃叶珊瑚、亮叶忍冬、粗榧4种植物适应郑州市的气候条件,总体生长良好,对环境的适应能力较强。这为解决林下植被缺失及调整郑州市城市绿化乔灌草结构,提供了理论依据,丰富了植物种类。  相似文献   

利用LI-6400便携式光合仪对长梗黄精、多花黄精、黄精、玉竹的光合生理特性进行测定,结果表明:(1)4种黄精属植物净光合速率(Pn)日变化均呈明显的单峰曲线,气孔导度、蒸腾速率与光合速率呈正相关,胞间CO2浓度与光合速率呈负相关。(2)光合有效辐射是影响4种黄精属植物生长的最主要因子,其他因子是蒸腾速率和胞间CO2浓度。(3)多花黄精为中性草本植物,长梗黄精、黄精、玉竹为中偏阳性草本植物。  相似文献   

"八角金盘"是我国民间的一种中草药,清《本草从新》收录时误与"八角枫"混淆,即存在"同名异物";清《植物名实图考》却认为"八角金盘"与"八角枫"为"同物异名",殊欠详考;近代以来,将日本产而中国无的五加科植物Fatsia japonica(Thunb.)Decne.et Planch.考订为"八角金盘",则更加谬误。经反复考证确认,今小檗科我国特有植物六角莲Dysosma pleiantha(Hance)Woodson应是八角金盘的正品,同属植物八角莲D.versipellis(Hance)M.Cheng ex Ying和川八角莲D.veitchii(Hemsl.et Wils.)Fu ex Ying,在古代和民间,亦作"八角金盘"入药,也是其原植物之一;它们至今均有八角金盘之称,亦可佐证。  相似文献   

遮荫对唐菖蒲光合特性及切花质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该试验对唐菖蒲进行不同程度的遮荫处理,利用ECA-PB0402光合测定仪测定其叶片的光合特性。结果表明不同遮荫处理的唐菖蒲净光合速率(Pn)日变化曲线存在明显差异,Ck、20%、30%遮荫处理的唐菖蒲光合日变化Pn曲线为双峰型,60%遮荫处理唐菖蒲光合日变化曲线为单峰型,遮荫程度高的处理使唐菖蒲克服了"午休"现象;不同遮荫处理的唐菖蒲净光合速率(Pn)季节性变化曲线也不相同,Ck遮荫处理的唐菖蒲光合季变化的Pn曲线为"双峰型",出现了明显的光抑制,而60%遮荫处理有效的缓解了光抑制现象。另外,遮荫后的唐菖蒲株高有所增高,但切花率下降。  相似文献   

As the meristems of eastern larch (Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch) mature, they produce long-shoot foliage with progressively higher chlorophyll content and net photosynthesis and progressively lower specific leaf area (Hutchison et al. 1990). Despite the apparent increase in foliar vigor, both shoot height and diameter growth rates declined during maturation. These changes were associated with changes in xylem morphology of the vascular tissue of both the long-shoot foliage and the main stem. Although the number of xylem cells remained constant in a cross section of the foliage, their diameters increased with age. With increasing maturation, the same number of xylem cells were produced per radial file in the annual rings of the main stem, but their radial diameters decreased, which accounted for the decrease in diameter growth. There was no change in tracheid length during maturation. We conclude that the decrease in growth rate with increased maturation is not due to a decrease in physiological vigor of the foliage, but is a function of reduced sink strength of the growing shoots.  相似文献   

Net photosynthetic rates of developing foliage and one-year-old foliage of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) were measured under field conditions. In the subsequent year, net photosynthesis and dark respiration rates of current-year and one-year-old foliage were measured under controlled environmental conditions. Loblolly pine foliage grows slowly, reaching its final size 3.5 to 4 months after bud burst. Positive rates of net photosynthesis were recorded when the foliage was 13 and 18% of final length, in the controlled-environment and field study, respectively. However, because of high rates of dark respiration during the initial growth period, a positive diurnal carbon balance did not occur until foliage was about a third of final length (40 days after bud burst). Two months after bud burst, when foliage was about 55% of final length, its photosynthetic capacity exceeded that of one-year-old foliage. The highest rates of net photosynthesis were achieved when foliage was more than 90% fully expanded.  相似文献   

以野生和栽培光慈姑植株为材料,研究了光慈姑叶片光合速率日变化规律和环境因子对其的影响,比较了不同生育期光合速率的大小。结果表明:3月份结果的光慈姑叶片净光合速率日变化呈单峰曲线,4月结果的光慈姑叶片净光合速率日变化呈双峰曲线,光合“午睡”现象明显;开花期与结果期的净光合速率日变化差异显著,开花期的净光合速率大于结果期的净光合速率。栽培条件下,叶片净光合速率大于野生状态下的光合速率。  相似文献   

Foliar ozone uptake rates of different-sized black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) trees were compared within a deciduous forest and adjacent openings in north-central Pennsylvania during one growing season. Study trees included open-grown seedlings and saplings, forest understory seedlings and saplings, and sunlit and shaded portions of mature canopy tree crowns. Instantaneous ozone uptake rates were highest in high-light environments primarily because of higher stomatal conductances. Low ozone uptake rates of seedlings and saplings in the forest understory could be attributed partially to lower average ambient ozone concentrations compared to the canopy and open environments. Among the tree size and light combinations tested, ozone uptake rates were highest in open-grown seedlings and lowest in forest-grown seedlings. Despite lower ozone uptake rates of foliage in shaded environments, ozone uptake per net photosynthesis of foliage in shaded environments was significantly higher than that of foliage in sunlit environments because of weaker coupling between net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in shaded environments. The potential for greater ozone injury in shaded environments as a result of greater ozone uptake per net photosynthesis is consistent with previous reports of greater ozone injury in shaded foliage than in sunlit foliage.  相似文献   

在生长季节对红榉的光合等生理特性日动态变化进行了测定。结果表明,红榉的净光合速率(Pn)日变化呈双峰型,呈轻微的光合"午休"现象,其峰值分别出现在上午8:00和下午14:00。根据日变化参数Pn、胞间CO2摩尔分数(Ci)和气孔限制值(Ls)的变化方向,推断红榉的光合"午休"主要受非气孔因素限制。相关分析和多元逐步回归分析表明,影响红榉光合速率日变化的主要生理生态因子为Tr、Vpdl、Ca和Ci等。  相似文献   

模拟酸雨对樟树光合日变化的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以不同pH值的模拟酸雨对樟树进行处理,研究酸雨对樟树光合作用日变化的影响.结果表明:(1)模拟酸雨处理的樟树净光合速率日变化均呈不对称的双峰形,峰值分别出现在10:00、14:00,12:00表现“光合午休.”(2)模拟酸雨处理的樟树“午休”表现更加明显,“午休”时净光合速率下降幅度增大,模拟酸雨降低了其净光合速率的日变幅.(3)pH 3.0、pH 4.0的模拟酸雨增大了樟树日均净光合速率.(4)3种酸雨均降低了樟树气孔导度最小值,而pH 3.0、pH 4.0的酸液增大了其气孔导度最大值、日变幅.(5)3种酸液均增高了樟树气孔限制值的最小值,降低了其气孔限制值的最大值和日变幅.(6)3种模拟酸雨均增大了樟树胞间CO2浓度最小值,而pH 4.0酸雨增大了其胞间CO2浓度最大值和日变幅.  相似文献   

Law BE  Cescatti A  Baldocchi DD 《Tree physiology》2001,21(12-13):777-787
Leaf area and its spatial distribution are key canopy parameters needed to model the radiation regime within a forest and to compute the mass and energy exchange between a forest and the atmosphere. A much larger proportion of available net radiation is received at the forest floor in open-canopy forests than in closed-canopy forests. The proportion of ecosystem water vapor exchange (lambda E) and sensible heat exchange from the forest floor is therefore expected to be larger in open-canopy forests than in closed-canopy forests. We used a combination of optical and canopy geometry measurements, and robust one- and three-dimensional models to evaluate the influence of canopy architecture and radiative transfer on estimates of carbon, water and energy exchange of a ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) forest. Three-dimensional model simulations showed that the average probability of diffuse and direct radiation transmittance to the forest floor was greater than if a random distribution of foliage had been assumed. Direct and diffuse radiation transmittance to the forest floor was 28 and 39%, respectively, in the three-dimensional model simulations versus 23 and 31%, respectively, in the one-dimensional model simulations. The assumption of randomly distributed foliage versus inclusion of clumping factors in a one-dimensional, multi-layer biosphere-atmosphere gas exchange model (CANVEG) had the greatest effect on simulated annual net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and soil evaporation. Assuming random distribution, NEE was 41% lower, net photosynthesis 3% lower, total lambda E 10% lower, and soil evaporation 40% lower. The same comparisons at LAI 5 showed a similar effect on annual NEE estimates (37%) and lambda E (12%), but a much larger effect on net photosynthesis (20%), suggesting that, at low LAI, canopies are mostly sunlit, so that redistribution of light has little effect on net photosynthesis, whereas the effect on net photosynthesis is much greater at high LAIs.  相似文献   

Changes in net carbon assimilation and water status were studied during leaf development in the deciduous, tropical species Brachystegia spiciformis Benth. In this upland savanna African tree, bud-burst and leaf development occur approximately two months before the rainy season. The newly formed leaves synthesize anthocyanin until the fully expanded leaves of the whole canopy are red. This foliage is referred to as "spring flush" foliage. Subsequently, the anthocyanins are metabolized and the pre-rain leaves become green. Carbon dioxide assimilation exhibited a bimodal diurnal pattern and was similar for pre-rain green leaves and fully expanded flushing leaves, although pre-rain green leaves showed a net uptake of carbon throughout the daylight period, whereas flushing leaves exhibited only brief periods of net photosynthesis in the morning and early afternoon. Measurements of leaf water potential and relative water content showed a diurnal pattern with considerable variation throughout the day. Leaf water potential and relative water content values decreased soon after sunrise reaching a minimum at a time corresponding to the afternoon peak in CO(2) assimilation. Stomatal conductance was closely related to transpiration rate in both flushing and pre-rain green leaves, although flushing leaves had lower stomatal conductances than pre-rain green leaves. Pre-rain green leaves exhibited a compensation irradiance of approximately 180 micro mol m(-2) s(-1), whereas flushing leaves had positive net photosynthesis only at PPFDs greater than 300 micro mol m(-2) s(-1). Rate of photosynthesis (expressed per leaf area or chlorophyll unit) increased as anthocyanin concentration decreased, although the photosynthetic rate continued to increase long after the leaf anthocyanins had been degraded to low, visually undetectable amounts. Post-rain green leaves had chlorophyll concentrations, transpiration rates and stomatal conductances similar to those of pre-rain green leaves; however, photosynthetic rates in post-rain leaves were more than three times higher. Thus, during the early stages of the spring flush, carbon asimilation rates of the flushing leaves were inversely related to leaf anthocyanin concentrations. In pre-rain green leaves, photosynthesis was limited by other non-stomatal factors.  相似文献   

云南松(Pinus yunnanensis Franch.)是常绿针叶乔木,云南的重要乡土树种.在云南的亚热带高原,从南到北,从东到西,海拔700~3200m都有大面积分布,其森林面积约占云南森林面积的70%[1],是云贵高原荒山造林的先锋树种,不仅具有较强的水土保持、水源涵养、改善环境,同时提供大量的建筑用材和林副产品,在生态经济建设中发挥了重大作用[2].有关云南松形态特征、分子遗传、良种选育、木材利用等多方面的研究取得了一些成果[3-8],对其光合生理生态特性方面研究较少.光合作用是植物一切生理活动的基础,其大小不仅与自身遗传特性有关,而且受众多环境因子的影响[9].  相似文献   

蓝果树光合生理生态特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用LCA-4型光合测定系统对蓝果树成熟叶片的光合生理、生态特征进行了研究,结果表明:蓝果树的光合速率日进程呈"双峰"曲线,峰值出现在8:00和14:00左右,有明显的光合"午休"现象;暗呼吸日进程变化为明显的"单峰"曲线,在10:00时达到最大值;胞间CO2浓度呈"W"形变化趋势,早晚高,中午有一回升;气孔阻力早上随光强增加,气孔张开,气孔阻力下降,中午的高光强、高温、低湿环境导致部分气孔关闭,气孔阻力增大,以后随着光强的降低,气孔阻力下降,到14:00降到最低,此后随光强降低气孔阻力又开始增大。应用逐步多元回归方法对光合速率(Pn)和光合有效辐射(PAR)、大气CO2浓度(Ca)、大气相对湿度(RH)、大气温度(Ta)、叶面温度(T1)作逐步多元回归,结果表明,影响蓝果树光合速率的主要环境因子是PAR、RH和Ca,蓝果树Pn与Ta呈极显著的相关性,与PAR和Ca具有显著相关。  相似文献   

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