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粘虫板诱杀温室白粉虱成虫技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对温室番茄中的温室白粉虱黄板诱杀技术进行了研究,分别对粘虫板的颜色、方向、高度做了筛选。结果表明:温室白粉虱对所选10种颜色,中黄色趋性最强。粘虫板悬挂高度20cm最佳,粘虫板面朝不同方向挂置诱虫量无明显差异,温室北面(靠后墙)诱虫量最高。  相似文献   

通过研究北京地区地黄栌丽木虱[Calophya rhois(Loew,1879)]黄板诱杀防治试验。结果显示:黏性黄板在黄栌(Cotinus coggygria Scop.)林间可诱到黄栌丽木虱、潜叶蛾、巢蛾、黄栌胫跳甲等害虫其中对黄栌丽木虱成虫具有良好的诱杀效果。黄板的悬挂高度以黄板底边低于黄栌植株顶部20cm和与黄栌植株顶部顶部持平,对黄栌丽木虱成虫诱杀效果最佳,黄板的悬挂方式以黄板悬挂在植株外缘效果最好,而每日各时段诱集虫量基本一致,无明显差异。黄板诱杀可以作为黄栌林区日常养护中防治黄栌丽木虱1种比较有效的无公害防治措施。  相似文献   

通过室内行为试验测试了17个相同光照强度、不同波长的单光源对柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri成虫的诱杀效果,筛选出效果最好的特异性单光源,将其与高效矿物油乳剂组成拒避-诱杀组合技术进行诱杀试验。结果表明:368 nm(黄)诱杀效果最好,诱虫率高达48.33%,显著高于其它光源;其与高效矿物油乳剂的组合诱虫率为58.67%,而单独使用诱虫灯的诱虫率为27.33%,两者差异显著;且组合技术处理的柑橘苗虫口减退率为100%,其他处理均低于90%。  相似文献   

为探索灯诱栗山天牛成虫更加经济有效的方法,利用太阳能灯诱灭虫器装上诱集效果最好波长的灯管和食物源引诱剂,对栗山天牛成虫进行了林间诱杀试验。结果表明:2017年栗山天牛成虫在辽宁省宽甸县出现的高峰期是7月21日,每日单灯平均诱集量最高达212.7头。7月12日的雌性比率均值最低(0.50),栗山天牛发生前期诱集雄虫较多;而7月16日至8月9日的雌性比率均值都大于0.50,诱集雌虫较多;7月26日以后诱虫数量开始下降;诱杀成虫的最佳时间是7月16-26日。采用太阳能灯诱灭虫器并结合使用食物源引诱剂能自动淹杀诱来的天牛成虫,诱杀效率高,值得在生产中大面积推广应用。  相似文献   

[目的]明确APF-Ⅰ型诱剂样品(A)和F型诱剂样品(C)对松墨天牛的诱捕效果。[方法]以生产上使用的APF-Ⅰ持久增强型诱剂(B)和F1型诱剂(D)为对照,在林间进行了诱杀松墨天牛成虫试验。[结果]表明:诱剂A的平均诱虫量最高,分别为诱剂B、诱剂C和诱剂D的1.17倍、1.41倍和1.58倍,且显著高于诱剂C和诱剂D。在持效试验中,诱剂A平均诱虫量也高于其他3种诱剂。在161 d诱捕期内4种诱剂诱到的松墨天牛雌虫是雄虫的1.65 1.93倍,平均1.76倍。诱剂C也优于同类产品的诱剂D。[结论]诱剂A释放信息素均匀稳定,诱虫活性和持效作用强,最适合用于林间松墨天牛的测报及诱杀防治,因此建议在松材线虫病防治工作中优先选用。  相似文献   

应用7种不同颜色的粘虫板林问诱捕松阿扁叶蜂成虫.结果表明:7种粘虫板具有不同引诱效果,其中以绿色效果最好,诱虫量可达2248.3头/板,黄色、红色次之,白色、蓝色、紫色、黑色效果较差.南北方向诱虫量显著高于东西方向.阳坡诱虫数量最多,阴坡次之,山脊处最少.在所诱集的成虫中,以雄性成虫为主,占92.8%;利用粘虫板诱集成虫的方法可用于松阿扁叶蜂羽化期的预测预报和防治.  相似文献   

为探索无公害防治老鹰窝山自然保护区鳞翅目害虫的方法,该项研究利用太阳能灯比较不同波长诱虫灯诱杀鳞翅目昆虫的数量,不同时期诱杀鳞翅目昆虫种类和数量的变化,每天3个时段的诱虫量变化。试验结果显示:340 nm诱虫灯的诱杀总量最大,显著大于380、420、480、545 nm诱虫灯和对照灯的诱杀总量。从7月13日至9月10日,灯诱鳞翅目蛾类昆虫的种类和数量都随日期呈现先增加后减少的趋势。7月13日至8月8日,20:00-21:00、21:00-22:00时段的诱虫量占比超过总量的81.5%;8月11-18日,19:00-20:00、21:00-22:00两个时段诱虫量占比相对平衡,都为20%左右,20:00-21:00时段的诱虫量占比大于50.0%;8月21日至9月10日,19:00-20:00时段的诱虫量占比超过总量的38.9%,且19:00-20:00、20:00-21:00两个时段诱虫量之和超过总量的75.0%。掌握了保护区内重点监测的10种鳞翅目昆虫的消长规律。  相似文献   

温室不仅是白粉虱越冬繁殖的温床,还会给温室花卉、蔬菜造成灾难性的危害。花农、菜农深受其害后,逐步摸索出了3条较有效的防治方法。1.黄板诱杀。具体方法是利用白粉虱的趋黄习性,每公顷设置45()~41()块linX().2。的橙黄色板,并在黄板表面涂上1()号机油,白粉虱就会慕黄板蜂拥而至,以致被牢牢粘住,诱杀效果极为显著。7~1(。d(天)后除净黄板上的白粉虱虫休,又重涂一次机油,周而复始,最后达到杀灭白粉虱的目由勺。2.药剂熏杀、选择晴好天气,密闭好温室大棚,按每公顷7.-…敌敌畏乳油的比例接入适量锯末并点燃,…  相似文献   

饵木诱虫在云南松纵坑切梢小蠹防治中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经 2 0 0 1年在曲靖市麒麟区翠峰公园开展了云南松纵坑切梢小蠹虫的诱虫试验 ,并通过不同设置时间、不同规格及饵木所在的不同堆放位置对云南松纵坑切梢小蠹诱杀效果的分析 ,结果表明 :在曲靖市麒麟区饵木的最佳设置时间为 9月上旬至 10月上旬 ,饵木直径以 12~ 13 9cm的诱虫效果最好 ,堆放层数以两层为佳 ,其中第 2层诱虫效果较好。此结果对指导饵木诱集云南松纵坑切梢小蠹虫的防治具有十分重要的参考价值  相似文献   

为了明确不同信息素诱剂和诱捕器对松墨天牛(Monochamus alternatus Hope)的诱捕效果,以APF-Ⅰ持久型(A)、APF-Ⅰ持久增强型(B)和F1型(C)3种诱剂、以及ZM-60型(D)和BF-1型(E)2种撞板式诱捕器为研究对象在林间进行了诱杀松墨天牛试验。结果表明:使用D诱捕器,B诱剂诱捕量为A诱剂和C诱剂的1.53倍和1.84倍,差异显著;使用E诱捕器,B诱剂诱捕量为A诱剂和C诱剂的1.97倍和2.16倍,差异显著;使用相同诱剂,D诱捕器和E诱捕器的诱捕量均无显著差异。3种诱剂诱到的松墨天牛雌虫分别是雄虫的1.51~1.67倍,平均1.60倍。因此认为,诱剂B优于A诱剂和C诱剂;建议生产上能优先选其用于松墨天牛监测与防治。  相似文献   

Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) is an important pest in cucumber greenhouses in Izmir, Western Turkey. This study was carried out during the spring and autumn seasons of 1999 and 2000 in two adjacent cucumber greenhouses, each 1,000 m2 in size. Population densities of adult L. huidobrensis in insecticide-treated and non-treated greenhouses were compared by using yellow sticky traps. Ten traps were placed in the non-treated greenhouse and ten traps in the insecticide-treated greenhouse. Yellow sticky traps were changed weekly and the number of flies counted in order to compare the two greenhouses. In addition to monitoring the leaf miner population, in each greenhouse 100 plants were checked and the ratio of infested plants, the ratio of infested leaves per plant and the number of mines per leaf were recorded weekly. The population density of the leaf miner was almost the same in both insecticide-treated and non-treated greenhouses. Thus, it was concluded that using yellow sticky traps will be healthier and more cost effective than using pesticides. Furthermore using pesticides is risky for the environment and the use of yellow sticky traps can easily reduce the number of pesticide applications. If yellow sticky traps are used in the greenhouse in a completely isolated environment and the appropriate insecticide is used when it is necessary, this will provide successful and integrated management against L. huidobrensis.  相似文献   

柳蜷叶蜂Amauronematus saliciphagus Wu在北京地区危害多种柳属植物,是北京地区新记录种。该虫在北京地区1 a发生1代,以老熟幼虫在l~5 cm的表土内结茧越夏越冬,翌年3月上旬开始化蛹,3月中旬成虫开始羽化、产卵,3月下旬至5月上旬为幼虫为害期。即时贴膜上涂粘虫胶防治成虫试验结果表明,用黄绿色即时贴膜并刷涂粘虫胶,防效好,成本低。  相似文献   

Damages caused by the larvae of Byturus tomentosus (Coleoptera: Byturidae) are a big problem of European raspberry production. Under integrated pest management conditions in Switzerland, B. tomentosus is controlled by chemical-synthetic insecticides. In organic production, no corresponding insecticides are permitted. White sticky traps (type Rebell® bianco) are used for monitoring purposes. Can glue-traps also be used for mass-trapping and damage control? In this study, the attractiveness for adult B. tomentosus of one yellow and several white glue-traps was compared by counting the trapped individuals. Trapped beneficial insects like honey bees, Coccinellidae, Syrphidae and Chrysopidae were also counted. The contamination of the traps caused by other non-target arthropods was measured by a computer-assisted method. The white sticky trap type Rebell bianco was the most attractive for B. tomentosus. The attractiveness for the beneficials was relatively low, except when too much glue was applied on the traps, then the attractiveness for honey bees increased significantly. In this study, traps, which were placed in high densities (17 traps per 100 m2), significantly decreased the damages caused by larvae by around 40%. The trapping method does not cause any residuals of pesticides on the fruits or soil. Therefore, the trapping method could be an alternative to control B. tomentosus, especially in organic production.  相似文献   

Trapping of Lymantria monacha L. (Lep., Lymantriidae) in various pheromone traps Five type of traps containing the Disparlure-pheromone were tested on the nun moth in two regions of Bohemia. Two of these traps, with the sticky inner surface of 330 and 400 qcm, were made by the Zoecon Corporation, the other three were plates with one stikcy side (2500, 5000 and 10 000 qcm).Catches on the 10 000 qcm plates were 11 times higher than in the traps with a small sticky surface. This finding indicates that catches in small traps do not give an accurate picture of the population density of males throughout their flight. This could be explained by a high concentration of the pheromone in the immediate vicinity of the trap, preventing the attracted males from finding the source of attraction in the trap.  相似文献   

不同光质对美国红栌叶色表达的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以美国红栌为研究材料,使用4种不同颜色的转光膜对其进行35 d的遮光处理,然后测定其叶片内色素含量与营养物质组成。结果表明,不同光质处理会影响叶片的色素含量:1)红光和绿光处理下,叶绿素与类胡萝卜素含量显著高于对照,花色素苷的含量显著低于对照。2)蓝光处理下,叶绿素b含量显著低于对照,花色素苷含量高于其他3种光质处理的。3)黄光处理下叶片的叶绿素、类胡萝卜素及花色素苷含量均低于其他处理。4)叶片中氮在红光处理下含量最高,在黄光处理下含量最低;磷在蓝光、红光和绿光处理下含量均高于自然光处理,在黄光处理下含量最低;钾含量在蓝光处理下最高。5)除绿光外,其他3种光质处理下的可溶性糖含量均显著高于自然光处理。  相似文献   

[目的]为有效地监测苹小吉丁林间发生动态,寻找无公害防治的新途径。[方法]本研究首先在室内利用5种波长单色光对苹小吉丁进行了敏感波长的选择性试验,然后在野外苹果园内悬挂9种波长粘虫板对苹小吉丁进行了诱集对比试验。[结果]室内试验结果表明,苹小吉丁对5种波长单色光具有不同程度的趋性,依次为:530 nm>590 nm>450 nm>380 nm>650 nm,雌虫的趋光反应率显著高于雄虫。从光强度试验结果来看,苹小吉丁对5种单色光的趋性随着光强的增强而增高。从林间诱集试验结果来看,9种波长粘虫板对苹小吉丁诱集效果有一定的差异,其中绿色(550 nm)和蛋黄色(580 nm)粘虫板对苹小吉丁的诱集效果最好,3d最大诱捕量分别达到7头·张^-1、6头·张^-1,单位时间平均诱捕数量分别为2.86头·张^-1、2.70头·张^-1;对紫色和红色粘虫板趋性最弱。[结论]苹小吉丁对530-590 nm范围内的波长比较敏感。波长为550~590 nm粘虫板可作为苹小吉丁林间种群动态观测十分有效的手段。  相似文献   

性信息素诱捕器对槐小卷蛾雄蛾诱捕效果的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了性信息素诱捕器的颜色、形状、粘胶面积以及在树冠内放置的位置对槐小卷蛾Cydia trasias (Mayrick)雄蛾诱捕效果的影响。结果表明,白、绿和黄3种颜色的诱捕器的诱捕效果明显优于蓝颜色的诱捕效果;三角形诱捕器诱捕雄蛾的效果明显优于双层圆盘形和双层船形的诱捕效果;粘胶面积为500.0cm^2的三角形诱捕器的诱捕效果明显优于250.0cm^2和166.7cm^2的诱捕效果;悬挂于树冠中上部的诱捕器的诱捕效果明显优于悬挂于树冠中部及中下部的诱捕效果。在槐小卷蛾性信息素监测与防治系统中,悬挂在树冠中上部、粘胶面积为500.0^2的白颜色的三角形诱捕器的诱蛾效果最佳。  相似文献   

利用信息素黄板和普通黄板对 7 种油茶 Camellia oleifera 林内的害虫进行诱捕,掌握试验林内 主要害虫的种类和数量。结果表明:在供试的油茶林内诱捕到了茶黄蓟马 Scirtothrips dorsalis、八点广翅 蜡蝉 Ricania speculum、东方丽沫蝉 Cosmoscarta heros 和茶小绿叶蝉 Empoasca pirisuga 4 种油茶害虫。而 信息素黄板和普通黄板 2 种黄板在诱捕茶黄蓟马、八点广翅蜡蝉、东方丽沫蝉和茶小绿叶蝉的数量上没 有显著差异(P>0.05)。岑软 2 号油茶 Cengruan 2 林内诱捕的茶黄蓟马数量较陆川油茶 C. vietnamensis、 博白大果油茶 C. gigantocarpa、岑软 3 号油茶 Cenruan 3、越南抱茎油茶 C.amplexicaulis、南荣油茶 C.nanyongensis 多,达到了 1 502.8 头 / 板,差异显著(P<0.05),而普通油茶林内诱捕到的茶黄蓟马数量 较陆川油茶多,为 1 141.6 头 / 板。诱捕数量最少的为陆川油茶,为 173.6 头 / 板,差异显著(P<0.05); 岑软 2 号油茶林内诱捕到的八点广翅蜡蝉较普通油茶、陆川油茶、岑软 3 号油茶和越南抱茎油茶多,为 6.8 头 / 板,差异显著(P<0.05);岑软 2 号油茶林内诱捕到的东方丽沫蝉的数量较越南抱茎油茶和南荣油 茶多,为 10.6 头 / 板,差异显著(P<0.05);岑软 2 号油茶林内诱捕到的茶小绿叶蝉的数量较博白大果油 茶和南荣油茶多,为 9.2 头 / 板,差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

Pest monitoring is an important tool for successful integrated pest management programmes. Blue sticky traps are important for monitoring western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, in greenhouses. However, blue sticky traps have three major weak points: (1) efficacy depends on reflection of light, which varies in intensity with fluctuating light conditions (season, diurnal rhythmic pattern), (2) they reflect broad wavelength pattern not optimally matching with maximum sensitivity of WFT photoreceptors, and (3) they offer no olfactory cues which are important for thrips orientation. This study explored the most attractive wavelength range for WFT using broad range of narrow-bandwidth light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in order to improve the attractiveness of blue sticky traps. Subsequently, trapping efficacy of the most attractive blue LED in combination with blue sticky trap and addition of an attractive lure (Lurem-TR) was evaluated in flight cages under greenhouse conditions. Release-capture studies revealed that LEDs with peak emission of 445 nm were clearly more effective than conventional blue sticky traps. In choice experiments, up to 2.7-fold and in no-choice experiment up to 2.1-fold more WFT were captured by LED-blue sticky traps compared to conventional reflecting blue sticky traps. Lurem-TR improved the performance of blue sticky traps and LED-blue sticky traps 2.3-fold and 2.0-fold, respectively, as compared to those without Lurem-TR. The addition of LEDs and kairomone lure to blue sticky traps seems promising for improving WFT trapping, specifically at low population densities especially during early infestation. However, these results should be further validated under more complex, large field conditions.  相似文献   

Adults of Cephalcia lariciphila emerge and start their activity at Vetrny Jenikov village (Czech Republic) during mid-April. First specimens were collected from Malaise traps at the same time as from emergence traps. Last specimens flew at the beginning of May or even the beginning of June. Adult occurrence typically lasted about 20 (–30) days. One Malaise trap and five yellow sticky boards were placed on three plots, and sawflies were collected at 1 hour intervals in two two-day periods. The variables with the best explanatory power for activity of imagos were temperature in interaction with humidity. Sawflies were most active at 16°C with 20% air humidity and numbers caught decreased steeply up to 0°C and 80% air humidity. The daily flight activity began at 10 a.m. and ended after 5 p.m. Both methods, the Malaise traps and the yellow sticky boards, should be used in forest practices from the middle of April.  相似文献   

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