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For three weeks after emergence, micro-swards of Lolium rigidum were defoliated to a height and at a frequency which represented a range of set stocking rates of less than, similar to, and more than 7–8 sheep/ha as based on the results of Greenwood and Arnold (6) and referred to as D1, D2 and D3 respectively. The effects of these defoliation regimes on the growth and development of emergent swards were evaluated according to their effect on increments of DM from plant parts, rate of appearance of leaves and tillers, concentration of soluble carbohydrates, and on the uptake and concentration of inorganic nutrients. Defoliation began five days after emergence, when the dry weight of the shoot was 3g/m2. After 20 days of treatment, 6±7 g/m2 of DM had been removed from D1, 5±5 g/m2 from D2 and 51 g/m2 from D3; and the dry weight of shoot remaining was 13, 7 and 4±5 g/m2 on D1, D2 and D3 respectively. The effect of defoliation on dry weight of plant parts increased in severity in the order leaf 1, stem+sheaths, leaf 2, roots, leaf 3, tiller 1, tiller 2, leaf 4. Average relative growth rate of the sward was reduced from 17% per day on D1 to 13% per day on D3. There was no necrosis of root tissue. Emergence of the later leaves and of the tillers was retarded by up to three days by more frequent defoliation. Alcohol-soluble carbohydrates in the root fell from over 6% to about 1±5% on all treatments. Uptake of N. P and K was limited by increasing intensity of defoliation and because concentrations of those elements were not greatly affected, the limitation could be ascribed mainly to the effects of defoliation on plant size. The plausibility of the technique for the experimental simulation of grazing of emergent annual grass swards in Western Australia is discussed. It is concluded that for set-stocking rates of less than about 12 sheep/ha, grazing, while reducing DM production just after emergence, is unlikely to produce severe physiological stresses in the sward.  相似文献   

Thirty-one sets of N yield data were considered, taken from seven experiments grazed by sheep. N yield could be explained in terms of fertilizer N rate, an estimate of soil N and an interaction between the two. Fertilizer N increased grass N yield more on grazed swards than on cut swards, and this effect was greatest on soils with high available soil-N. It is concluded that N recircula-tion can be substantial on heavily-stocked swards receiving high rates of fertilizer N, so increasing the efficiency of fertilizer as a source of N in these conditions.  相似文献   

The eflFects of various systems of winter-grazing management on pasture production in the following spring and summer were studied in four trials in the Pentland Hills, Scotland. Winter grazing reduced the yield of herbage in spring, but growth in May and June was primarily influenced by the level of nitrogen application in spring, irrespective of winter-grazing treatments.  相似文献   

Grassland plots were dressed with different amounts of cow slurry in January or March and grazed by dairy heifers at intervals from late April to August. In the first experiment slurry was applied at levels up to 56 tonnes/ha (22±4 tons/ac) in March. Total herbage DM production was directly proportional to the amount of slurry applied. There was no effect of treatment on percentage herbage utilization. In the second experiment slurry was applied at levels up to 100 t/ha (40 tons/ac) in January or in March. There was no significant effect of time or level of slurry application on herbage production or on animal intake, but the behaviour of the heifers was modified during the first eight weeks after plots had been dressed with 75 or 100 t/ha (30 or 40 tons/ac).  相似文献   

Liveweight and wool production data are presented from a grazing management experiment in which continuous stocking was compared with a four-paddock rotational system at three stocking rates on a sown pasture. Significant differences were recorded in liveweight and wool production between stocking rates. The overall effect of management was non-significant but its interaction with stocking rate and year were both significant. At the intermediate stocking rate (8 wethers/ac, 20 wethers/ha) increases in both liveweight and wool production were recorded for the rotational management system; in this treatment there was also less need for supplementary feeding. Greater wool production was recorded from the continuously grazed treatments at both the high and the low stocking rates but there was little effect on liveweight or the need for supplementary feeding.  相似文献   

Estimates of forage production and consumption were made, using dry-weight differences between samples from protected and grazed areas. Two sizes of cage for protecting areas from grazing were compared in four forages: brome grass (Bromus inermis Leyss.)/Iucerne (Medicago sativa L.); crested wbeatgrass (Agropyron crista-tum L.)/lucerne; intermediate wbeatgrass (A. intermedium (Host.) Beauv.)/Iucerne; and Russian wild-rye (Elymus junceus Fisch.). Production, over a three-year period, ranged from 1985 to 6286 kg/ha when estimated from 0.84 m2 cages. Consumption ranged from 1584 to 5878 kg/ha. Yield estimates wben using 2.51 m2 cages averaged 8% less than estimates from 0.84 m2 cages. The number of caged sites needed in each plot to estimate a 95% confidence interval for annual production were 14 for four replicates, and over 30 for fewer replicates. Requirements for consumption estimates were similar. To estimate production within a 90% confidence interval 19, 10 and 4 caged sites were required from two, three, and four replicates, respectively. Consumption estimates within tbis confidence interval required 22, 10, and 5 samples from two, tbree, and four replicates, respectively. Caging requirements were tbe same for all combinations of plot size and forage species. Large cages increased precision sligbtly wben used on Russian wild-rye, probably because the forage was in rows 0.91 m apart.  相似文献   

S23 and S24 Lolium perenne and S37 and S143 Dactylis glomerata were cut to heights of 1 1/2 and 4 1/2 in. in a replicated experiment, using: a flail harvester, a reciprocating mower, and a reciprocating mower followed by a flail harvester to collect the wilted grass.
At the short cutting height there was a marked depression of regrowth of all grasses following the use of the flail harvester (P<0.01), compared with the other mowing treatments. No such effect was observed at the higher level of cutting. Close cutting with a flail forage harvester was shown to be detrimental to regrowth, but the reasons for this effect are not clear.  相似文献   

A newly sown sward of Lolium rigidum was set-stocked from one week after emergence onwards at 7.4 sheep/ha.
The proportion of dry matter removed from the sward by grazing each week fell from 20 to 1%/day over the first 7 weeks after emergence.
Time-lapse stereo photography showed that in the immediate post-emergence period sheep tended to graze the elongating, or incremental, component of dry matter rather than the fully expanded butts of previously defoliated mature leaves.
Frequency of defoliation decreased with time. 97% of plants were defoliated in the second week after emergence, but only 44% in the eighth week.  相似文献   

Pure stands of S24 ryegrass and S37 cocksfoot were grazed by groups of 6–8 cows for 5 periods spread over 3 years. Three periods were in the spring and two in the summer. The ryegrass was 4–5 percentage units more digestible than the cocksfoot and generally contained more soluble carbohydrate. In the spring periods, the organic-matter intakes and milk yields of the cows were much the same for the two herbage species, but in the summer they were both higher for the ryegrass. There were no important differences in milk composition due to herbage species, or in the liveweight changes of the cows.  相似文献   

Different grazing treatments applied to pastures in which perennial ryegrass was dominant had little influence on DM production during the main reproductive growth period in late spring and early summer. Lax and infrequent grazing at this time did, however, reduce tiller density. During the dry summer period lax infrequent grazing increased production by 20%, while in the vegetative growth period in autumn those pastures which were alternately lax- and hard-grazed outyielded those which were hard grazed by 63%. In all treatments, initial recovery growth resulted almost exclusively from the production of leaf tissue. The rate of leaf growth declined three to five weeks after grazing, depending on treatment and season, and subsequent yield increase was dominated by sheath and stem growth.  相似文献   

The herbage intake and grazing behaviour of 4 dry cows on autumn grass receiving 2, 4, 6 or 8 kg concentrates/day, was assessed in a 4×4 Latin Square experiment. Total OM intake increased from 11±5 kg/day with 2 kg concentrates to 13±6 kg/day with 8 kg concentrates. The average supplementary effect was 0±46 kg increase in OM intake/kg OM fed as concentrates. Minutes per day spent grazing decreased from 495 with 2 kg concentrates to 359 with 8 kg. The mean decline was 22 min./kg concentrates or 28 min./kg OM in concentrates eaten. Herbage was eaten at an average rate of 47 min./kg OM.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments nitrogenous fertilizer was applied at 3 levels (0, 46 and 92 lb N/ac) to a permanent pasture and a ryegrass/clover ley and the swards were harvested before ear emergence and conserved as either artificially dried grass or tetrapod hay. Apparent dry matter digestibility and voluntary food intake of the conserved herbages were measured with sheep.
N caused a small but significant depression in apparent DM digestibility but did not affect voluntary food intake. It increased yields of DM and digestible DM significantly.
The DM digestibility and voluntary food intake of hay were always significantly lower than those of the corresponding dried grass. Voluntary food intake of all fodders was directly related to herbage digestibility and inversely related to herbage crude fibre content.  相似文献   

《Grass and Forage Science》1958,13(3):222-228
Results are given of analyses made over a three-year period, 1955–57, on swards produced from a standard seeds mixture sown under a wide range of ecological conditions. The results are related lo available moisture on the different soils in the areas examined.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in 1967 and 1968 in which HerefordXFriesian (Experiment 1) and Friesian (Experiment 2) steer calves horn in April were turned out to graze at one week or 3 months of age, respectively, and maintained at three stocking densities in the ratio 1:2:3 animals per unit area. The calves grazed paddocks of S23 perennial ryegrass in rotation, and were moved when the height of grazed stubble at the medium stocking density was reduced to 8 cm. The rate of liveweight gain and herbage intake per head declined as stocking rate increased. When the results of the two experiments were compared, the weight gain of the calves was more closely related to the weight of herbage residues than to the height of the grazed sward. The rate of liveweight gain was depressed when the amount of herhage left after grazing fell helow 2000–2500 kg OM/ha (1800–2250 Ib/ac).  相似文献   

Silage was made from wilted and unwilted grass in May 1965, 1966 and 1967. The silage was made in sealed silos, but these were not evacuated and additives were not used.
The silages were fed as follows: in 1965 to milking dairy cows and 1-year-old beef steers; in 1966 to steers coming into the experiment at 3, 9 and 15 months of age; in 1967 to weaned steer calves, with or without rolled barley (1 or 2 kg/head per day). In all years the silages were of high in vivo digestibility. The intake of wilted silage was higher than that of unwilted silage. There was no significant difference between the milk yields of cows fed on wilted and unwilted silage only. Liveweight gains were higher with wilted silage in 1965 and 1966, but not in 1967. In 1966 gains increased with age of animal and in 1967 gains were higher at successively higher levels of concentrate feeding.  相似文献   

The effect of a range of N rates on herbage production from grass/white-clover and grass swards was investigated in two long-term grazed experiments. The mixed sward yielded more than the grass swards over the range of fertilizer rates tested which were 0–120 lb N/ac (134.5 kg/ha), but the response of the mixed sward to fertilizer N was less than that of tbe grass sward. Tbis was due to the direct and indirect effect of clover, which was considerable with no fertilizer N but decreased witb increasing rates of application. However, clover was not completely suppressed by N at eitber site and contributed to berhage yields at all N rates. Rate and time of N application and the amount of clover in tbe sward affected tbe seasonal distribution of DM yields. The mid-season decline was less marked at bigb- tban at intermediate-levels of N supply.  相似文献   

The frequency and severity of defoliation of small sample areas, 8 × 8 cm, was studied in swards of S37 cocksfoot which were maintained at different levels of leaf-area index by continuous grazing with lambs. By varying the number of lambs grazing a plot, the LAI was maintained at three approximately constant levels, 5.3 (H), 4.1 (M), and 3.0 (L). Any one 8 × 8 cm area was grazed on average once every 36 days in treatment H, 24 days in treatment M and 19 days in treatment L. Approximately 24% of the total length of leaf present per tiller was removed each time a tiller was grazed, under all treatments. The lambs tended to graze patches of herbage about 16 × 16 cm, then move to a different place in the sward. These results are discussed in relation to grazing practices aimed at securing the maximum harvested yield.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on ryegrass swards using different amounts of N fertilizer applied as a single early dressing (S) or in repeated applications during the season (R). Over three years, the yield from R was generally higher, but under dry conditions (using plot covers) S gave the greater yield. The latter result is ascribed to the bigb yield obtained from S at the first cut, at which time N uptake was not limited by a lack of soil water. Irrigation at less than the full requirement resulted in lower total yields but it increased water-use efficiency by up to 70% (R) and 94% (S).  相似文献   

Six calves, six heifers and six dry cows grazed a mature sward (treatments A and B) and a leafy aftermath (treatment C) in succession. The yields of herbage on the two swards were 7100 lb and 1950 lb DM per acre (7950 kg and 2180 kg per ha), respectively. The amounts of herbage offered daily were 47 lb (21–5 kg) DM per head (treatment A), 70 lb (32 kg) (treatment B), and 60 lb (27 kg) (treatment C), Two estimates of herbage organic–matter intake (O,M,I,) were made on each treatment; records of grazing behaviour were made on treatments B and C, The digestibility of the diet selected on treatment C was higher than that selected on treatments A and B, and the animals ate significantly more O,M, on treatment C, The total grazing times on treatments B and C were similar, but the animals found it more difficult to graze on treatment B
Herbage O.M.I. increased significantly from treatment A to treatment B, even though the quantity of herbage offered per day on treatment A greatly exceeded the amount eaten. The increase in O,M,I, was found to be associated with an increase in faecal 0,M, output, but the digestibility of the diet did not change.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to measure the effects of differrat ryegrass companion grasses and red-clover varieties on the productivity of red-clover swards. Three silage harvests per year were taken over a 2-year period. The addition of a companion grass increased total herbage yields; S24 perennial ryegrass gave the highest herbage yield over the two years, followed by Reveille perennial ryegrass. Because of lack of persistence, Tetila Italian ryegrass yielded poorly the second year. A companion grass had little effect on red-clover yields in the mixed swards but improved percentage digestibility of the OM of the total herbage and lowered the CP percentage. Its presence also reduced the ingress of unsown species. The variety of red clover used had little effect on total herbage yields or red-clover yields in the first harvest year. In the second year, Hungaropoly and Tilo persisted better and so gave higher total herbage yields and red-clover yields than Dorset Marl or Essex. The fall in total herbage yields from the first to the second year was entirely due to a fall in red-clover yield since yields of the ‘non-red clover’ fraction of the total herbage increased. A red-clover/grass sward may have advantages over a pure red-clover sward nutritionally, for silage-making and for its effect in diluting the oestrogenic activity of a pure clover sward. A major reappraisal of the role and potential of red-clover swards in the UK is warranted because of their many valuable attributes, particularly their ability to give high herbage yields of high nutritive value without the addition of fertilizer N. The improved persistency of some of the tetraploid varieties of red clover enhances the value of the plant.  相似文献   

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