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In order to combat certain notifiable diseases eradication programs have been developed, which include the destruction of an infected or suspected herd. Experiments were conducted to develop a method for euthanasia of large numbers of pigs. The electrocution experiments under laboratory conditions were performed in a wooden sided box with a steel floor and a curtain of chains. When the pigs touched the chain curtain with their noses, they received a current flow which lasted for more than 2 seconds, and they developed cardiac arrest or fibrillation. The pigs which touched the chain curtain with their rumps vocalised and became recumbent immediately. An automatic electrocution unit was constructed with a conveyor (negative electrode) and 3 curtains of chains (positive electrodes). Over 6000 pigs infected with a notifiable disease were killed with the apparatus. Only 2 piglets younger than 1 week old were not killed by the current (1000 V, greater than 2 s.). From the point of view of animal welfare the automatic electrocution apparatus is an efficient method for killing large numbers of pigs (older than 1 week of age) infected with a notifiable disease.  相似文献   


In order to combat certain notifiable diseases eradication programs have been developed, which include the destruction of an infected or suspected herd. Experiments were conducted to develop a method for euthanasia of large numbers of pigs.

The electrocution experiments under laboratory conditions were performed in a wooden sided box with a steel floor and a curtain of chains. When the pigs touched the chain curtain with their noses, they received a current flow which lasted for more than 2 seconds, and they developed cardiac arrest or fibrillation. The pigs which touched the chain curtain with their rumps vocalised and became recumbent immediately.

An automatic electrocution unit was constructed with a conveyor (negative electrode) and 3 curtains of chains (positive electrodes). Over 6000 pigs infected with a notifiable disease were killed with the apparatus. Only 2 piglets younger than 1 week old were not killed by the current (1000 V, > 2 s.). From the point of view of animal welfare the automatic electrocution apparatus is an efficient method for killing large numbers of pigs (older than I week of age) infected with a notifiable disease.  相似文献   

Four previously-well horses experienced electrical exposure due to unsuspected buried electrical wiring on entering a wet indoor barn arena surface. Two horses died. Electrocution was determined to have resulted from deterioration in the wiring and conductance through the wet arena. Horses shod on all four hooves were more severely affected than horses shod on front hooves only. An affected horse owner and two surviving horses recovered uneventfully. Inadvertent electrical exposure from buried wires in a wet (arena) surface may be an important consideration for sudden unexplained deaths, convulsions, or avoidance of an area in horses. Guidelines for electrical placement in areas used by horses are reviewed.  相似文献   

Miniature pigs.     
Miniature pigs have become popular pets in North America, and veterinarians of a variety of clinical specialties may be called on for their care. Successful collection of blood from these animals requires familiarity with the location of sites for venipuncture and knowledge of adequate methods of restraint. In this article, restraint and techniques for venipuncture are described, as well as techniques for cerebrospinal fluid collection, semen collection, and vaginal cytologic examination. Interpretation of hematologic, serum biochemical, and urinalysis data are also discussed. Methods for diagnosis of skin diseases, gastrointestinal parasitism, and enteric infectious diseases are included in order to provide the practitioner with the essential knowledge and skills for a variety of clinical pathologic studies of this unique pet.  相似文献   

The clinical signs and pathological features of back muscle necrosis (BMN) in four pigs from three English pig herds were similar to those recorded in pigs from mainland Europe. The observations made support the view that BMN is a special manifestation of the porcine stress syndrome. Diagnosis of acute BMN can be made clinically supported by the analysis of plasma creatine phosphokinase activity and can be confirmed post mortem by macroscopic and microscopic observation on the back muscles.  相似文献   

Pigs are clean, intelligent, and entertaining animals. Because they are domesticated animals, they are not even as unusual a pet as a hedgehog or snake. The animal lover that buys a pig on impulse, however, is likely to have a disappointing experience. Those who acquire a pet pig with the most common preconceived but inaccurate notions are even more likely to be quickly disenchanted with their "exotic pet." Many pet owners will complain of the size that their pig attains; but if the pig were more manageable and better behaved, its ultimate size would probably be of less concern. Given the proper environment, diet and veterinary care, the miniature pig can be a terrific pet.  相似文献   

冯占雨 《养猪》2012,(3):17-19
小麦是美国一种主要农作物,作为能量饲料其饲喂价值与玉米相当。当饲喂生猪时,小麦的能值相当于玉米能值的91%~97%。然而,小麦中标准回肠可消化(standardized ileal digestible,SID)氨基酸,特别是色氨酸、赖氨酸和苏氨酸含量比玉米中的含量更高。当可消化能和氨基酸平衡时,与饲喂玉米饲粮的生猪相比,饲喂小麦饲粮的生猪可以同样高效生长,并且肉品质与其相当。小麦中含有多种非淀粉多糖(NSP),主要是阿拉伯木聚糖,这可能会妨碍营养物质的消化。然而,小麦NSP对猪的影响好像比家禽要小。最近的报告表明不同种类小麦的消化能(DE)存在较大差异。因此,应该根据小麦的总化学成分和预测方程对其能量含量进行准确估算。生猪可以忍受的小麦粒度范围较大,但500~1 000微米的粒度更好。与玉米相比,生猪对小麦中磷的消化率更高,但如果饲粮中添加了植酸酶,磷的消化率会提高。检测小麦中的霉菌毒素如脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇和玉米赤霉烯酮的浓度,并且测定损害粒和外壳破损粒的总量也应该作为评估猪饲料用小麦的一部分。  相似文献   

The blood serum levels of glucose, hemoglobin, insulin, cortisol, albumin, alpha-fetoprotein, alpha 2-macroglobulin f and s, alpha 2-antitrypsin inhibitor and alpha 1-protease inhibitor were determined at birth in 5 clinically and morphologically identified mortality groups of pigs. These were compared with the levels observed in unaffected, apparently normal newborn unsuckled pigs. The blood serum profile of the pigs in the stillborn intra partum, weak, splayleg and trauma groups, respectively, as well as that of clinically normal splayleg littermates, differed significantly from that of the unaffected pigs. This was especially true for the levels of hemoglobin and the two macroglobulins. The importance of placental insufficiency causing chronic episodes of hypoxia which ultimately lead to a disturbance in organ development in the etiology of the mortality groups is discussed.  相似文献   

Sedative effects of medetomidine, a potent selective and specific alpha 2-adrenoceptor agonist, were evaluated in pigs using 5 different doses (30, 50, 80, 100 and 150 micrograms/kg of body weight) and compared with those of xylazine (2 mg/kg). Atropine (25 micrograms/kg) was mixed with both drugs to prevent severe bradycardia. All drugs were administered intramuscularly. Medetomidine at a dosage of 30 micrograms/kg produced more potent sedation than xylazine. The depth of sedation induced by medetomidine was dose dependent within the range from 30 to 80 micrograms/kg. At 100 or 150 micrograms/kg, the depth of sedation was mostly the similar level to that at 80 micrograms/kg but the duration was prolonged. The degree of muscle relaxation produced by medetomidine also seemed to be dose dependent from 30 to 80 micrograms/kg and was stronger than that produced by xylazine. An increase in the duration of muscle relaxation was dose dependent up to 150 micrograms/kg. No analgesic effect was produced by xylazine, however moderate analgesia was obtained by medetomidine. There were no marked changes in heart rate and respiratory rate during the observation period in pigs of any groups, however mild hypothermia after the administration of both drugs was observed. From these results, medetomidine has a significant and dose-dependent sedative effects which are much more potent than that of xylazine, and a combination of 80 micrograms/kg of medetomidine and 25 micrograms/kg of atropine is suitable for sedation with lateral recumbency and moderate muscle relaxation without notable side effects in pigs.  相似文献   

The therapeutic activity of difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), diminazene aceturate (Berenil) and their combination against chronic trypanosomiasis was investigated in experimental Trypanosoma brucei brucei infections of growing pigs. DFMO (300 mg/kg/day orally for 10 days), diminazene aceturate (7 mg/kg in single intramuscular injection) and a combination of the two agents at the above dosages produced varied periods of aparasitaemia in the treated pigs. Relapse parasitaemia occurred in all treatment groups, with diminazene aceturate providing the longest relief period of 17 days, combination treatment 11 days and DFMO 6 days. The packed cell volume, blood haemoglobin concentration and red cell count values decreased after the pigs were infected with the parasites. The values improved following treatment with the agents and their combination.  相似文献   

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