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Raffaelea quercus‐mongolicae is a mycangial symbiont of a wood‐boring ambrosia beetle, Platypus koryoensis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Platypodidae), which is believed to be associated with oak mortality in South Korea. Since the first discovery of the disease in 2004, oak mortality has continued to spread across the country, and the pathogen has had a significant impact on forest ecosystems in the country; however, little is known regarding the biology of the fungus. The aim of this study was to develop markers to determine the mating types of individual isolates of R. quercus‐mongolicae collected across the country and then determine the mating‐type ratio in natural populations. To achieve this, partial sequences of MAT1‐1–3 and MAT1‐2–1 genes were amplified using degenerate primers and cloned. The new primer sets, which were specific to each mating‐type idiomorph, identified isolates as MAT1‐1 and MAT1‐2 mating types. The roughly equal frequencies of the two mating types suggest that sexual reproduction might have occurred in natural populations of Rquercus‐mongolicae in South Korea.  相似文献   

The recently discovered oak‐specific fine root plant pathogen Phytophthora quercina is a significant factor in the current phase of European oak decline but its origins and ecology are poorly understood. A genome‐wide analysis of 260 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers was used to examine the genetic diversity of 72 isolates from five oak species at 28 sites in Germany (particularly Bavaria), Italy, France, Hungary and the UK. Within‐site diversity was examined at 16 sites. The limited genetic diversity (within and between sites) and lack of genetic substructuring according to geographic origin or host species suggest the rapid spread of a relatively recently introduced species. Two subgroups were distinguished and these may reflect an initial introduction of isolates of two different genetic backgrounds. The relatively low genetic diversity is probably because of the predominantly inbreeding (homothallic) nature of P. quercina. However, evidence of limited intra‐site diversity, temporal variation and the lack of clonality within the European population suggest that some diversity is being maintained by occasional outcrossing and turnover of a reservoir of long‐lived soil‐borne oospore (sexually derived) inoculum.  相似文献   

The Burmese python(Python bivittatus) has recently suffered large population declines in the wild in China due to illegal capture, overexploitation, deforestation and the loss of its natural habitat. Greater knowledge of the genetic diversity and structure of wild P. bivittatus populations is needed to help ensure its effective management.In this study, we investigated the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of wild P. bivittatus in China in detail. 109 P. bivittatus individuals from five distribution areas in Guangdong(GD), Guangxi(GX), Hainan(HN),Fujian(FJ) and Yunnan(YN) province of China were collected, and their genetic structure and diversity were analyzed. Eight highly polymorphic microsatellite loci were utilized to reveal high levels of genetic diversity in the P. bivittatus population. Genetic diversity was highest in GX, and lowest in GD. All geographic populations demonstrated a bottleneck effect indicating recent population decline. Fstand AMOVA analyses revealed that there was moderate genetic differentiation among the five populations, and that only 10.59 % of total genetic diversity occurred among populations. Fstvalues between populations were positively correlated with their geographical distances. Genetic structure analyses revealed that the HN,GX and GD populations, which were geographically closest, were assigned to a genetic cluster, while the YN and FJ populations constituted a single cluster,respectively.  相似文献   

Mass mortality of Fagacean tree species caused by Raffaelea quercivora has occurred widely in Japan. Because conidia or other propagules of the pathogen have not been found in infected trees, pathogen spread is assumed to occur primarily by hyphae. To clarify the relationship between hyphal growth of the pathogen within trees and their vessel arrangements, we examined two native Japanese oaks, Quercus crispula and Quercus glauca, and three exotic American oaks, Quercus coccinea, Quercus palustris and Quercus rubra. Quercus glauca is a radial‐porous species, whereas the other four species have a ring‐porous wood structure. Hyphal growth within inoculated potted living seedlings and in cut, sterilized stem segments of these species was examined microscopically after fungal inoculation. Water conductance in the seedlings was examined using transverse stem sections. The proportion of non‐conductive sapwood in Q. crispula, Q. coccinea and Q. palustris differed between inoculation and control treatment, being much higher in inoculated seedlings. The proportions were positively correlated with the extent of the hyphal growth. In sterilized stem segments, the extent of fungal colonization varied among the foreign ring‐porous species Q. coccinea, Q. palustris and Q. rubra. It is hypothesized that the extent of colonization by R. quercivora reflects the extent of non‐conductive sapwood irrespective of tree species, but is little affected by vessel arrangements.  相似文献   

Sudden oak death is a disease affecting coastal forests in California and southern Oregon. The spatial pattern of disease dynamics is important for forest and landscape pathology; in this work we investigated the interaction across landscape scales of disease symptomology in coast live oaks, Quercus agrifolia, (trunk bleeding, presence of beetles, and presence of the fungus Hypoxylon thouarsianum) and tree mortality through time. We used two-dimensional spatial analysis tools with data gathered in point-centered-quarter format in 2001 and 2004 to quantify the population density of the disease through time; to examine the spatial pattern of tree mortality across scales through time; and to examine the spatial co-occurrence of disease symptoms with crown mortality through time. Early in the study period dead trees were strongly clustered at smaller scales (~300 m) and after three years this clustering was less pronounced. Bleeding on trees occurred in clusters away from dead trees, particularly in 2004, likely indicating a new cohort of infected trees. The presence of H. thouarsianum was strongly related to overstory mortality through time. Beetle-infested trees co-occurred with mortality in 2001. By 2004, they occurred throughout the forest, and were less strongly correlated with overstory tree mortality, suggesting a future peak of tree mortality.  相似文献   

Oak decline and related mortality have periodically plagued upland oak–hickory forests, particularly oak species in the red oak group, across the Ozark Highlands of Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma since the late 1970s. Advanced tree age and periodic drought, as well as Armillaria root fungi and oak borer attack are believed to contribute to oak decline and mortality. Declining trees first show foliage wilt and browning, followed by progressive branch dieback in the middle and/or upper crown. Many trees eventually die if severe crown dieback continues. In 2002, more than 4000 living oak trees ≥11 cm dbh in the relatively undisturbed mature oak forests of the Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project (MOFEP) were randomly selected and inventoried for tree species, dbh, crown class, crown width, crown dieback condition (healthy: <5% crown dieback, slight: >5–33%, moderate: 33–66%, and severe: >66%) and number of emergence holes created by oak borers on the lower 2.4 m of the tree bole. The same trees were remeasured in 2006 to determine their status (live or dead). In 2002, about 10% of the red oak trees showed moderate or severe crown dieback; this was twice the percentage observed for white oak species. Over 70% of trees in the red oak group had evidence of oak borer damage compared to 35% of trees in the white oak group. There was significant positive correlation between crown dieback and the number of borer emergence holes (p < 0.01). Logistic regression showed oak mortality was mainly related to crown width and dieback, and failed to detect any significant link with the number of oak borer emergence holes. Declining red oak group trees had higher mortality (3 or 4 times) than white oaks. The odds ratios of mortality of slightly, moderately, and severely declining trees versus healthy trees were, respectively, 2.0, 6.5, and 29.7 for black oak; 1.8, 3.8, and 8.3 for scarlet oak; and 2.6, 6.5 and 7.1 for white oaks.  相似文献   

Mixed-evergreen forests of central coastal California are being severely impacted by the recently introduced plant pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum. We collected forest plot data using a multi-scale sampling design to characterize pre-infestation forest composition and ongoing tree mortality along environmental and time-since-fire gradients. Vegetation pattern was described using trend surface analysis, spatial autocorrelation analysis and redundancy analysis. Species-environment associations were modeled using non-parametric multiplicative regression (NPMR). Tanoak (Lithocarpusdensiflorus) mortality was analyzed with respect to environmental and biotic factors using trend surface analysis and multivariate regression. Mixed-evergreen forest occurs throughout the Big Sur region but is most widespread in the north, on north facing slopes, at mid-elevations near the coast. Relative basal area of the dominant tree species changes fairly predictably from north to south and from coast to interior in relation to mapped patterns of precipitation, temperature factors and soil characteristics. Most dominant tree species sprout vigorously after fire. The forests experience a mixed-fire regime in this region ranging from low severity understory burns to high severity crown fires, with the latter increasing above the marine inversion layer and at more interior locations. Ceanothus spp. can dominate mixed-evergreen sites for several decades after severe fires. All of the dominant broadleaf evergreen tree species are hosts of P. ramorum, although not all will die from infection. Tanoak mortality decreases from northwest to southeast and is significantly correlated with climate, especially growing degree days and mean annual precipitation, and with basal area of the foliar host bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) in a 0.5–1 ha neighborhood. Adaptive management of mixed-evergreen forest to mitigate P. ramorum impacts in the region will need to consider large local and regional variation in forest composition and the potentially strong interactions between climate, fire, forest composition and disease severity.  相似文献   

Growth traits and genetic diversity of 23 provenances of Quercus rubra introduced from North America were analyzed in a provenance trial established with a randomized block design in Hwaseong,Gyeonggi,South Korea in 1993.Growth variables and survival at age 25 were compared with results from early stages.Height,DBH,volume and stem straightness of Q.rubra was better than those of the domestic oak(Quercus accutissima).Growth of the Dunham Island provenance from New York was the best among the 23 provenances that of the Eagle River provenance from Wisconsin was poorest.Survival rate at age25 was on average 52%.The longitude of seed origin and growth of provenance were consistently significantly negatively correlated at all ages.Growth of coastal provenances was superior to that of the inland provenances,which were separated by the Appalachian Mountains.Genetic diversity and genetic distance among the provenances were evaluated using micro satellite markers.The allelic frequencies showed high polymorphism in 10 microsatellite loci,and 292 alleles were found.Of 10 loci,two were commonly found in the 23 provenances.The mean allelic diversity and heterozygosity observed among the provenances were similar to those from the native populations of Q.rubra in North America.Nei's genetic distance among the 23 was estimated and showed that a clear trend between geographic and genetic distances,indicating that some provenances have high genetic diversity with superior growth performance.  相似文献   

Mass mortality of oak trees has been occurring in Japan since the late 1980s. The fungus Raffaelea quercivora has been frequently isolated from discoloured sapwood in dead or wilting trees and inoculation experiments have shown it to be capable of causing wilting and xylem discoloration in several oak species, notably Quercus crispula and Q. serrata. In this study, we inoculated seedlings of six Fagaceae species with R. quercivora and, after 56 days, measured the vertical length of the discoloration and the areas of discoloured and non‐conducting sapwood on stem cross‐sections. The sapwood discoloration and the water non‐conduction areas were larger in Q. crispula and Q. serrata than in the other species.  相似文献   

The road effect on small rodent population is investigated at 8 fragmented forest areas in the Baekdudaegan moun-tain range, South Korea in September 2001, We especially focused on the distribution and body condition of small rodents near the roads, Korean field mouse (Apodemus peninsulae) seems to be more sensitive to the existence of a road than striped field mouse (Apodemus agradus), Korean field mouse prefers interior forest area to around road. Striped field mouse is a habitat generalist and has wide distributional range around road, but Korean field mouse is forest-inhabiting species and their distribu-tion is limited in forest area. These results suggest the effect of road is different on each small rodent species and their habitat preferences.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3):155-167
The measurement and statistical analysis of data from eight Eucalyptus nitens trials, established in the summer rainfall forestry region of South Africa during the 1980s and 1990s, have enabled the characterisation of the Institute for Commercial Forestry Research's breeding population. Provenance testing showed that the more northerly New South Wales (Australia) Eucalyptus nitens provenances of Barren Mountain and Barrington Tops are distinctly better suited to the summer rainfall areas of South Africa than the southern New South Wales provenances and the Victorian provenance, Penny Saddle. Generally, the species was not badly affected by Coniothyrium canker. High type B genetic correlations for all site pairs, except one comparison, ranged from 0.75 to 0.99 for diameter at breast height (dbh), indicating very little or no genotype × environment interaction for dbh for the genotypes tested in this study. Narrow-sense heritability coefficients ranged from 0.01 to 0.34, indicating that the species generally exhibited sufficient breeding opportunity for improvement of diameter growth. High genetic correlations of greater than 0.90 between diameter measurements at 52 to 62 months after establishment and diameter measurements at 94 or 113 months were found, indicating that selections can be reliably made at five or six years. Predicted genetic gains were highest in the trials at Goedehoop and Arthur's Seat, with increases in dbh of 3.07 cm (17.1%) and 3.17 cm (20.7%), respectively, at full rotation.  相似文献   

Avicennia marina (Forrsk.) Vierh. was planted in 1969 at Nahoon Estuary, East London, followed a few years later by the planting of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.) Lam. and Rhizophora mucronata (L.) among the larger A. marina trees. This study tested the hypothesis that mangroves have expanded and replaced salt marsh over a 33-year period (1978–2011). It provides important information on mangroves growing at higher latitudes, where they were thought to not occur naturally due to lower annual average temperatures. It further provides insights on future scenarios of possible shifts in vegetation types due to climate change at one of the most southerly distribution sites worldwide. The expansion of mangroves was measured using past aerial photographs and Esri ArcGIS Desktop 10 software. In addition, field surveys were completed in 2011 to determine the population structure of the present mangrove forest and relate this to environmental conditions. The study showed that mangrove area cover increased linearly at a rate of 0.06 ha y?1, while the salt marsh area cover also increased (0.09 ha y?1) but was found to be variable over time. The mangrove area is still relatively small (<2 ha) and expanded mostly over a bare sandflat area. Avicennia marina was the dominant species and had high recruitment (seedling density was 33 822 ± 16 364 ha?1). Only a few Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Rhizophora mucronata individuals were found (<10 adult trees), although observations indicate that some young plants are becoming established away from the parent plants. The site provides opportunities for studies on mangrove/salt marsh interactions in response to a changing climate. Mangroves should not be planted in non-native areas as they may become invasive outside their natural range. However, future increases in temperature will certainly lead to a southerly expansion of mangoves in South African estuaries.  相似文献   

This paper examines the results of plantings of the Mediterranean pine species, Pinus halepensis and Pinus pinea, in a degraded Mediterranean kermes oak (Quercus coccifera) shrubland in Northern Greece, which were accomplished in order to mitigate ecosystem degradation. Plant establishment and the vegetation differences between the degraded ecosystem’s previous state and the new state following reforestation were measured in order to evaluate the effect of reforestation. Monitoring of the seedling survival and growth of the planted species was carried out during the next five years. In the fifth year we conducted botanical inventories in 18 and 15 plots (50 m2 in size) from the reforested and control area, respectively. Plant community parameters estimated were: vegetation composition, total plant cover, planted species cover, native woody, herb and grass species cover, plant species richness, Shannon-Weiner index, community structure and dominant plant height. P. halepensis exhibited higher survival and growth than P. pinea. The reforested area exhibited higher plant diversity, higher vegetation cover, taller plants and more complex community structures than the control area, which concludes that plantings of pines can be successfully used in degraded ecosystem reforestation projects, in areas with similar site conditions.  相似文献   


The ecological literature has documented the effects of plant hybridization on phenotypic variation, and dominant, intermediate, or novel morphological, chemical and physiological traits in hybrids. It is important to understand the ecological consequences of hybridization by evaluating their impact on phenotypic expression of functional traits. We evaluated the relationship between genetic diversity of Quercus laurina and functional foliar traits along an oak diversity gradient. We selected five study sites that represent an oak diversity gradient where Q. laurina is present. Using chloroplast and nuclear microsatellites, we evaluated genetic diversity, measured functional foliar traits of Q. laurina in each site and assessed the effects of local climate variables on the oak community and functional traits. We found a greater abundance of Q. laurina in all study sites. We did not find a relationship between the number of accompanying red oak species and the population genetic diversity in Q. laurina, but higher genetic diversity was found in all study sites in comparison with European oak species. Sites with more oak species had more variation of foliar functional traits. Our results do not support the hypothesis that predicts higher levels of genetic diversity of Q. laurina in communities with greater oak diversity from the same section, but we demonstrated an increase in the foliar functional traits of Q. laurina associated with oak richness and climate variables. We highlight the need to consider environmental and ecological variables linkages as regulatory mechanisms of the phenotypic plasticity expressed in changes of some functional attributes of oaks.


The native cacao trees (Theobroma cacao L.) in south-eastern French Guiana represent a noteworthy fraction of the genetic diversity of this species. Several scientific surveys have led to the collection of numerous accessions, which provides an opportunity for investigating the pattern of genetic diversity in natural populations. Using a capillary electrophoresis genotyping system, we fingerprinted 189 wild trees in 18 natural populations. Based on the 15 loci SSR profiles, we analyzed the intra- and inter-population variation and their relationship with control clones. The global allelic richness was 4.87 alleles per locus, but was 2.4 on average within individual populations; gene diversity was 0.368 and observed heterozygosity was low (0.160). Major structuring was discovered in the metapopulation of French Guianan wild cacao trees (Fst = 0.20), which could be explained by the biological characteristics of the cacao tree and the climatic events that affected the Guianan forests in the Quaternary period.  相似文献   

Mortality of Nothofagus trees in the southern‐central Chile region has been observed for over 30 years. A field survey conducted in 2013 detected partial defoliation and bleeding cankers on Nothofagus obliqua in a pure stand in the Nahuelbuta coastal ranges of the Biobío region. A Phytophthora sp. was isolated from stem cankers and soil samples around symptomatic N. obliqua trees: All isolates were identified as Phytophthora pseudosyringae. These isolates were pathogenic on 1‐year‐old N. obliqua and Nothofagus alpina, and on detached twigs of adult N. obliqua and Nothofagus dombeyi trees. This paper is the first to report association and pathogenicity of P. pseudosyringae with N. obliqua, N. alpina and N. dombeyi native to the Biobío region of Chile. The potential of P. pseudosyringae to cause damage in natural Nothofagus stands in Chile must be determined.  相似文献   

张微微  张钰铭  王强  李枫 《林业研究》2010,21(3):361-366
采用线粒体控制区(807bp)序列分析对中国境内斑背大尾驾3个繁殖种群及1个越冬种群的遗传多样性及种群遗传结构,结果表明:斑背大尾莺的单倍型歧义度(Hd)为0.759&#177;0.056,核苷酸多样性较(π)为0.002。三个地理种群的FST值以及繁殖种群同越冬种群之间的ΦST值表明不同地理单元之间无显著遗传分化。对不同单倍型的聚类分析(UPGMA)结果以及网络图(Network picture)结果也支持不同种群之间无显著分化。分子变异分析 (AMOVA)显示斑背大尾莺汉口亚种不同地理种群间遗传差异不大,98.5%的差异源自种群内部,仅1.5%源自种群间。中性检验结果Fu’sFS值为负值,错配分布分析结果呈单峰,表明斑背大尾驾在我国的进化史经历了种群扩张。这一假设也得到Tajima’D检验和Fu’s检验结果的支持(D=-1.80,p=0.02;Fs=-22.11,p=0.001),该扩张大约发生在28,700年前。  相似文献   

Genetic diversities and genetic differentiations of the four Pinus koraiensis populations (Gaofeng Forestry Farm at Tangwanghe in Yichun City, Erdaobaihe Town in the Changbai Mountains, Shcngshan Forestry Farm in Heihe City, in China, and the suburb of Vladivostok City in Russia) were analyzed by using ISSR PCR technique. The results of 15 primers amplification showed that the ratio of polymorphic site of P koralensis population was 60.7%. Euch primer had 3.6 polymorphic sites, The diversity levels of the four P. koraiensis populations were rather higher compared with those of other Pinaceae species. The genetic diversity levels of t: koraiensis populations grown in the center region were higher than those grown in the edge zone. The genetic diversity of r3 koraiensis mainly came from the interiot of the population, accounting for 73% of total genetic diversity. There were no positive correlation between genetic distances and geographical distances for the four P koraiensis populations. The gradual decrease of natural distribution region of P. koraiensis was due to anthropic destroy and environmental factors (i.e. fire and wind throw), rather than the lower genetic diversity.  相似文献   

To reveal the relationship between the susceptibility of Fagaceae species to Raffaelea quercivora Kubono et Shin‐Ito and the tangential expansion of regions of discoloured and non‐conductive sapwood among the species, we inoculated branches of three Quercus species and one Castanopsis species with the fungus. The sapwood around the inoculation hole in all four species became non‐conductive in response to the infection before the discolouration. The expansion of the region of non‐conductive sapwood ceased within 2 weeks after the inoculation. The region of non‐conductive sapwood in Q. crispula and Q. serrata was larger than that in Q. glauca and C. cuspidata var. sieboldii. These results suggest that the region of non‐conductive sapwood expanded soon after the infection by R. quercivora. It was also clear that the transverse non‐conductive sapwood has close relationship with the susceptibility among Fagaceae species to R. quercivora.  相似文献   

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