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  1. The coast of Fujian Province is a key area for the Indo‐Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis), but the characteristics of their preferred habitats are poorly defined.
  2. The species distribution model, MaxEnt, was used to predict suitable habitat distributions of humpback dolphins in Fujian, China. The model indicated that the distance to the coastline (63.5% contribution), chlorophyll‐a levels (20.2%) and the bathymetry (15.6%) were important predictors of humpback dolphin habitats.
  3. The model predicted 2,043.96 km2 of highly suitable habitat that was concentrated in five areas. Four are known to be within the area of the current distribution of humpback dolphins; Putian was identified as a new area with suitable habitat, however, it is unclear if dolphins are present.
  4. The predicted locations of suitable humpback dolphin habitats provided in this study should be the focus of future research and nature reserve designs.

  • 1. Throughout Europe, populations of anadromous fish and lampreys have declined over the past centuries due to human activities. River lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis are representative of such species and are listed in international conservation agreements.
  • 2. Historic (1908–09 to 1913–14) and modern (1995–96 to 2003–04) data were available on commercial catches of river lampreys in the tidal Ouse, north‐east England. During 2003–04, additional traps were operated by the University of Durham, downstream of the commercial fishery.
  • 3. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) in the modern commercial fishery showed considerable variation between fishing seasons, ranging from a median CPUE of 0.5 lampreys per trap per day in 2000–01 to a median of 22.3 lampreys per trap per day in 2003–04.
  • 4. The estimated catch of adult river lampreys each season in the historic fishery ranged between 25 500 (1913–14) and 54 500 (1910–11). Recent catches tended to be smaller, with a minimum catch of 9083 lampreys (2000–01) and a maximum of 30 992 lampreys (2003–04).
  • 5. CPUE increased with discharge, up to a point above which CPUE declined with further increase in discharge. Migratory activity may be reduced at high flows and not stimulated at low flows, although the fishing efficiency of the traps themselves was probably reduced during high flows.
  • 6. Samples of river lampreys caught in the university's traps were marked and released. Based upon the number of recaptures, the absolute minimum relative exploitation level of the commercial traps, over the whole fishing season, was estimated as 9.9%. The effect of such a reduction in the spawning population upon future recruitment is at present unknown.
  • 7. The population of river lampreys in the tidal Ouse is potentially threatened by an unregulated increase in fishing effort. Current legislation needs to be modified to allow effective fishery management.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract Scale samples from crucian carp, Carassius carassius (L.), collected over a 10‐year period from a population in an ornamental pond were used to examine patterns in growth as a function of environmental factors, including water temperatures. Back‐calculated standard lengths (SL) at age differed between year classes in most cases. Annual SL increments were related to temperature and age using a non‐linear growth model. Growth declined with increasing age, whereas annual SL increments increased with increasing water temperature. The best‐fit model was with the total number of summer days when air temperature exceeded 20 °C (using water temperature equivalents of air temperature). A growth model including water temperature, age, year class, relative condition and rainfall was a better fit than other models. Year‐class strength was positively correlated with water degree‐days, and year‐class strength negatively affected annual SL increments. The results indicate that within a strong year class of crucian carp, the growth of individual fish is reduced compared with weak year classes, suggesting that density negatively affects growth in ponds where resources are limited.  相似文献   

  • 1. The structure and composition of fish communities in rivers of central Mexico have been altered as a result of water over‐exploitation, habitat fragmentation, introduction of exotic species, and pollution. However, the specific pattern and degree of change are poorly documented.
  • 2. Long‐term information from the Laja River (Guanajuato, Mexico) in the Lerma River basin was used to explore trends in fish species richness and community composition (species origin, trophic niche, tolerance, and preferred habitat) from the 1960s to the present in both river and reservoir sites.
  • 3. Declines in native, sensitive, benthic native and carnivore species ranging from 11% to 30% per decade, and increases in the number of tolerant and exotic species by 9–20% per decade, are documented. Repeated measures ANOVA and sign tests revealed significant declines in the number of benthic, native, carnivore and sensitive species. Species richness, number of exotics, tolerant species and omnivore species did not change statistically, though statistical power was low. Some important changes occurred in these variables, such as the expansion and establishment of exotics such as Xiphophorus variatus and Micropterus salmoides, which pose a serious potential threat to native species.
  • 4. The changes in fish community composition for the Laja portray how the fish communities in other rivers in central Mexico, for which long‐term data do not exist, have changed or could change if environmental deterioration continues.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP), a region of high fishing activity, olive ridley (Lepidochelis olivacea) and other sea turtles are accidentally caught in fishing nets with tuna and other animals. To date, the interaction between fishing activity, ocean conditions and sea turtle incidental catch in the ETP has been described and quantified, but the factors leading to the interaction of olive ridleys and fishing activity are not well understood. This information is essential for the development of future management strategies that avoid bycatch and incidental captures of sea turtles. We used Generalized additive models (GAM) to analyze the relationship between olive ridley incidental catch per unit effort (iCPUE) in the ETP purse‐seine fisheries and environmental conditions, geographic extent and fishing set type (associated with dolphins, floating objects or in free‐swimming tuna schools). Our results suggest that water temperature, set type and geographic location (latitude, longitude and distance to nesting beaches) are the most important predictor variables to describe the probability of a capture event, with the highest iCPUE observed in sets made over floating objects. With the environmental predictors used, sea surface temperatures (SST) of 26–30°C and chlorophyll‐a (chl‐a) concentrations <0.36 mg m?3 were associated with the highest probability of an incidental catch. Temporally, the highest probability of an incidental catch was observed in the second half of the year (June to December). Four regions were observed as high incidental catch hotspots: North and south of the equator between 0–10°N; 0–10°S and from 120 to 140°W; and along the Colombian coast and surrounding regions.  相似文献   

Abstract – Introductions of large, non‐native, carnivorous fishes continue to occur worldwide and represent a substantial management concern to global biodiversity. One of the most recent non‐native fishes to successfully establish in North America is the northern snakehead (Channa argus), found in the lower Potomac River catchment. Dispersal of the northern snakehead throughout this system has been well documented since its original discovery in May 2004; however, little is known about the foraging habits of this species and its interactions with co‐occurring predators. Here, we quantify northern snakehead diet in comparison with the diets of naturalised largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), and native American eel (Anguilla rostrata) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) collected from tidal freshwaters bordering Virginia and Maryland near Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Over 97% of northern snakehead gut contents were fishes, with fundulid and centrarchid species consumed most frequently. Dietary overlap was biologically significant only between northern snakehead and largemouth bass. Aquatic invertebrates were >10 times more common in native predator diets, reducing dietary overlap with northern snakehead. Ontogenic shifts in adult northern snakehead diet were also detected, which may be explained by optimal foraging rather than true prey specificity. Northern snakehead may be occupying a novel niche based on a piscivorous diet, therefore limiting competition with resident predators in the lower Potomac River. Further research into interactions between largemouth bass and northern snakehead is needed to inform management decisions and understand the ecological impacts of this non‐native species.  相似文献   

Abstract Dam removal has been increasingly proposed as a river restoration technique. In 2011, two large hydroelectric dams will be removed from Washington State’s Elwha River. Ten anadromous fish populations are expected to recolonise historical habitats after dam removal. A key to understanding watershed recolonisation is the collection of spatially continuous information on fish and aquatic habitats. A riverscape approach with an emphasis on biological data has rarely been applied in mid‐sized, wilderness rivers, particularly in consecutive years prior to dam removal. Concurrent snorkel and habitat surveys were conducted from the headwaters to the mouth (rkm 65–0) of the Elwha River in 2007 and 2008. This riverscape approach characterised the spatial extent, assemblage structure and patterns of relative density of Pacific salmonids. The presence of dams influenced the longitudinal patterns of fish assemblages, and species richness was the highest downstream of the dams, where anadromous salmonids still have access. The percent composition of salmonids was similar in both years for rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), coastal cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii (Richardson) (89%; 88%), Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum) (8%; 9%), and bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus (Suckley) (3% in both years). Spatial patterns of abundance for rainbow and cutthroat trout (r = 0.76) and bull trout (r = 0.70) were also consistent between years. Multivariate and univariate methods detected differences in habitat structure along the river profile caused by natural and anthropogenic factors. The riverscape view highlighted species‐specific biological hotspots and revealed that 60–69% of federally threatened bull trout occurred near or below the dams. Spatially continuous surveys will be vital in evaluating the effectiveness of upcoming dam removal projects at restoring anadromous salmonids.  相似文献   

River–floodplain complexes represent some of the most variable and diverse habitats on earth, yet they are among our planet's most threatened ecosystems. Use of these habitats by large‐bodied fishes is especially poorly understood, particularly in temperate regions. To provide insight into the factors that affect floodplain assemblages and migration, we sampled large‐bodied fishes with a fyke trap for 7 years in the Yolo Bypass, the primary flood basin of the Sacramento River, California. We collected a total of 18,336 individual fish comprised of 27 species, only 41% of which were native. Year‐round resident species white catfish Ameiurus catus, channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus and common carp Cyprinus carpio (all alien species) were the most abundant and comprised 74% of the total catch. Splittail Pogonichthys macrolepidotus (3.8%), white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus (2.3%) and Sacramento sucker Catostomus occidentalis (1.1%) were the primary native species. We found that seasonal variation in water temperature and flood stage were important factors affecting the fish assemblage structure and the presence of migratory species. American shad Alosa sapidissima, an alien species, showed highest abundance during the early summer upstream migration, when temperatures were warmer. For native species, the abundances of white sturgeon, splittail, Sacramento pikeminnow Ptychocheilus grandis and Sacramento sucker were all highest during flood pulses. While our results suggest that flow alone is not sufficient to control alien species, the strong linkage between native fish migration and flow pulses highlights the importance of river–floodplain connectivity for the conservation of native fishes.  相似文献   

The culture‐based fishery of Liangzi Lake, Yangtze River Basin, established in 1992, yielded 2,652 t/year (±167) between 2005 and 2015, dominated by stocked carps [Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Val.) and Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (Richardson)] and mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis (Milne Edwards), accounting for 53% and 23% of the production and 20% and 52% in value, respectively. The lake had a macrophyte cover dominated by Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara with a cumulative biomass of 10,647 g/m2 that disappeared after a major flood in 2010 and changed its ecology. Management changes in stocking strategies introduced in the post‐flood period enabled the culture‐based fishery to maintain viability and sustainability to combat the major ecological change in the lake. The stocked species contributed significantly to nutrient removal of 24.71 ± 5.12 t/yr and 6.29 ± 0.87 t/yr of total nitrogen and total phosphorus, respectively.  相似文献   

  • 1. Generalized additive models of sighting data for cetaceans collected during two surveys of waterways in the Sundarbans mangrove forest of Bangladesh indicated that Ganges River dolphin Platanista gangetica gangetica distribution was conditionally dependent (P<0.05) on low salinity, high turbidity, and moderate depth during both low and high freshwater flow; and Irrawaddy dolphin Orcaella brevirostris distribution was conditionally dependent (P<0.05) on low salinity during high freshwater flow, high and moderate depths during low and high freshwater flow, respectively; low and high‐low extremes of turbidity during low and high freshwater flow, respectively; and high temperature and increasing numbers of large–small channel confluences during low freshwater flow.
  • 2. According to sighting data collected over a 3‐year period by the captains of three nature tourism vessels, there were significant differences between the actual and expected frequencies of Ganges River dolphin sightings and individuals according to various channel types (chi‐square=64.22, P<0.0001 and chi‐square=134.14, P<0.0001, respectively, df=6) and of Irrawaddy dolphin sightings and individuals (chi‐square=15.28, P=0.0182, and chi‐square=29.42, P<0.0001, respectively, df=6), with shared preferences for wide sinuous channels with at least two small confluences or one large confluence.
  • 3. The dependency exhibited by both species for environmental characteristics associated with abundant freshwater flow, including low salinity and the availability of confluences, make them particularly vulnerable to habitat loss due to upstream water abstraction and sea‐level rise.
  • 4. Although the results of this study may not affect plans for construction in India of large‐scale, inter‐basin water transfer projects that will result in further declines in freshwater flows, or decisions within the international community about CO2 emissions affecting global sea levels, they can be used to prioritize locations where protective measures could be employed to benefit the long‐term conservation of both species.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Flow regime is one of the major determinants of establishment success for non‐native aquatic organisms. Here, we examine the influence of flow variability associated with snowmelt flood on the establishment success of non‐native brown trout in 10 streams in northern Japan. We regarded the presence of Age‐0 brown trout as the index of the successful establishment. The emergence of Age‐0 brown trout in our study region begins in May, a time that overlaps with the occurrence of snowmelt flood. The presence of Age‐0 brown trout was negatively associated with flow variability, and it was also negatively associated with summer water temperature. Our results indicate that the non‐native brown trout tends to establish in the streams with smaller snowmelt floods and lower summer water temperatures. Brown trout is an invasive, non‐native species that is problematic all over the world, and effective management strategies for preventing their further expansion are urgently needed. This study suggests that river managers should recognise that stable streams such as spring‐fed streams (i.e., low flow and summer water temperature) and flow‐regulated streams, have a higher potential risk of brown trout invasion.  相似文献   

One way to attain more sustainable aquaculture systems is through the species diversification and optimization of the feed input, such as obtained by integrated multi‐trophic aquaculture (IMTA). Macrobrachium borellii is a native freshwater prawn that reunites many useful features to be implemented in an IMTA. The aim of this study was to gather information about to which extent M. borellii can survive, grow and maintain body composition against feed limitation. The C:N ratios of feedstuffs were variable in order to simulate a hypothetical scenario of an integrated culture with fish of different trophic habits. The nutritional aspects (amino acid profile and proximal composition) of feeds and prawns were also analysed. Macrobrachium borellii could grow, survive and maintain the proximal content and C:N ratio of its muscle tissue with all feedstuffs but exhibited higher biomass gain and specific growth rate consuming feeds with lower C:N ratios. In this view, the integration of this prawn with omnivore or carnivore fish species should be recommended. The amino acid profile exhibited little variation before and after the experimental period, and was rich in lysine, leucine and arginine. In this study, it was also discussed the nutritional aspects of M. borelliii as a valuable by‐product to human and animal nutrition.  相似文献   

  1. Species distribution modelling has been used to identify critical habitats for the delimitation of Marine Protected Areas. Although Marine Protected Areas may often overlap with the distribution of key marine species, illegal human activities often continue within these areas, causing negative impacts on the local biodiversity.
  2. A generalized linear model with spatial eigenvector mapping was used to investigate, for the first time, the influence of environmental variables and anthropic activities on the number of Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis sightings/grid, and to determine whether a Marine Reserve, in south‐eastern Brazil, is adequate for the protection of the local population. Data were collected between May 2007 and October 2013 onboard a 7.5‐m vessel with an inboard engine.
  3. The models for the different periods (annual, dry, and rainy seasons) all indicated that depth, the distance to seafood farms and fishing grounds, and mean sea surface temperatures influenced the distribution of the dolphins within the study area. The annual and seasonal models predicted that the dolphins prefer a continuous area between Cedro and Pico Islands, a large area that lies outside the limits of the Marine Reserve.
  4. Although the habitat of Ilha Grande bay is still much less degraded than that inhabited by other nearby Guiana dolphin populations, the results of the present study indicate that anthropic activities in this area influence habitat use by the dolphins. Less than 30% of the area used by the dolphins is protected by the Tamoios Ecological Station (ESEC Tamoios).
  5. Sotalia guianensis is classified as ‘Vulnerable’ in Brazil, although the marine reserve (ESEC Tamoios) does not protect the core area used by the local dolphin population. The results of the present study provide specific locations for the creation of a new multiple‐use MPA, as suggested by the Brazilian National Action Plan for the Conservation of Small Cetaceans, or the inclusion of a special management programme for the area between Cedro and Pico islands to better protect the dolphins in the ESEC Tamoios buffer zone. The continuation of surveys to better understand the current and future impacts of human activities, and the development of a closer interaction with both the local community and local stakeholders will help to safeguard Ilha Grande Bay and the local Guiana dolphin population.

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