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In the more than 50 years that the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey has operated on a regular monthly basis in the north-east Atlantic and North Sea, large changes have been witnessed in the planktonic ecosystem. These changes have taken the form of long-term trends in abundance for certain species or stepwise changes for others, and in many cases are correlated with a mode of climatic variability in the North Atlantic, either: (1) the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), a basin-scale atmospheric alteration of the pressure field between the Azores high pressure cell and the Icelandic Low; or (2) the Gulf Stream Index (GSI), which measures the latitudinal position of the north wall of the Gulf Stream. Recent work has shown that the changes in the GSI are coupled with the NAO and Pacific Southern Oscillation with a 2 year lag. The plankton variability is also possibly linked to changes observed in the distribution and flux of water masses in the surface, intermediate and deep waters of the North Atlantic. For example, in the last two decades, the extent and location of the formation of North Atlantic Deep Water, Labrador Sea Intermediate Water and Norwegian Sea intermediate and upper-layer water has altered considerably. This paper discusses the extent to which observed changes in plankton abundance and distribution may be linked to this basin-scale variability in hydrodynamics. The results are also placed within the context of global climate warming and the possible effects of the observed melting of Arctic permafrost and sea ice on the subpolar North Atlantic.  相似文献   

Density-independent redistribution in response to changing temperature conditions and density-dependent redistribution in response to changing temperature preferences are two contrasting hypotheses to explain changes in the distribution of cod populations. I tested these hypotheses using survey data on the distribution of cod during the feeding season in the southern Gulf of St Lawrence. These tests used indices of cod distribution as the dependent variable and indices of cod abundance and bottom temperature as explanatory variables. Both hypotheses were often supported in univariate tests that ignored confounding between the two explanatory variables. Tests that accounted for this confounding indicated an effect of cod abundance on distribution for ages 4–8+ years, and 3+, but provided no support for an effect of environmental conditions on distribution except for age 3. Variation in the temperature distribution of cod was consistent with an effect of abundance on interannual variation in distribution and with no effect of environment except for age 3 cod. Age 3 cod were consistently under-represented in areas of very cold bottom water but older cod were not. As predicted by bioenergetic considerations, cod tended to occupy colder water at high levels of abundance, suggesting a mechanism for density-dependent shifts in distribution. Shifts in cod distribution during the feeding season in the southern Gulf appear to be more closely linked to density-dependent changes in environmental preferences than to density-independent responses to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The livelihoods of people dependent on the Tonle Sap floodplain ecosystem in Cambodia are expected to be affected by changes in economic conditions, social circumstances, environmental perturbations, demographic shifts and political climates. This study assesses how small‐scale fisheries’ livelihoods are changing in response to social and environmental conditions using the opinions of fishers collected through an intensive family survey of 514 households from Pursat and Battambang Provinces in Cambodia. Probit modelling approach was used to assess whether a fisher would continue fishing or not in the future when subjected to a variety of shifting conditions and identify the factors associated with their response. It was found that in any future condition about 50% of fishers would likely continue to fish, which suggests how much they love their traditional livelihood of fishing. The remaining 50% considered to diversify their livelihood strategy by shifting towards a combination of fishing, farming, and off‐farm jobs. Furthermore, the analysis found that the fishers will change their fishing practices depending on how other sectors in the region develop. The model showed increasing access to agricultural activities decreased the likelihood of continuing to fish, whereas finding an off‐farm job corresponded to increased likelihood of continuing to fish.  相似文献   

The nonnative rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss has been an unsuccessful invader in North European streams, although it has been widely introduced. Here we studied whether early life history stages (egg incubation and hatching, first overwintering) act as filters for the establishment of hatchery rainbow trout. Survival of hatched alevins was approximately 80%, whereas only 47% of the embryos survived. However, the latter value was impacted by the high number of unfertilized eggs. Correlation coefficients with embryo survival rate and environmental variables (pH and temperature) were statistically insignificant. In the overwintering experiments, the survival of rainbow trout was 93%. The growth was generally slowed during the winter, but in the spring the growth of rainbow trout exceeded that of the native brown trout. Our data demonstrated that the survival and growth of rainbow trout during early life-history stages were relatively high and comparable to those of the native brown trout. Based on the variables considered in our study, our results suggest that environmental conditions during early life-history stages are not detrimental for rainbow trout in the study streams.  相似文献   


The notable increase of aquaculture production in recent decades has in many instances been matched by growing concern for its impacts. Environmentalists, consumers and members of the general public are increasingly demanding to account for its resource use and to balance its proposed benefits with its environmental sustainability. Although conventional financial and economic analyses have demonstrated a broadly positive impact for many forms of aquaculture, including the more intensive resource‐demanding systems, the use of economic tools embracing wider measurements of social and environmental costs and benefits might provide different and possibly more critical perspectives. However, although these techniques hold promise for such analyses, their development and application in sectors such as aquaculture are as yet limited. This paper reviews the relevant issues, considers the tools and applications of environmental economics and proposes ways in which these may be more effectively be applied in strategic and local decision‐making for aquaculture development.  相似文献   

Soon after feeding, fish metabolism increases, resulting in high rates of oxygen consumption (OC) and ammonia excretion (AE). In intensive aquaculture, these peaks must be treated as they occur, requiring water-conditioning equipment of high installed capacity. Shaving off the peaks by more frequent feeding reduces the required capacity, but to do that properly, a dynamic prediction model of fish OC and AE is required. Recent experimental OC and AE data from the literature are used to fit a simple, four-compartment (four-state variable) mechanistic digestion–assimilation model to three feeding-frequency treatments. As the AE data are well correlated with the OC data, the dynamic model is used first to predict OC, and then the correlation is used to calculate the corresponding AE. The OC model is composed of a five-parameter, static submodel and a dynamic part with five additional parameters. The latter are fitted with the time-varying data. The resulting fit, to all treatments with the same set of parameters, is good. The dynamic model mimics properly the plateau evident in the once-per-day feeding treatment, as well as the curvatures of the ascending and descending segments. The static portion of the model, based mostly on daily totals, predicts a linear dependence of daily OC and AE on the size of the daily feed ration, in agreement with the data. Notation: Time unit in this list is day (d). Some of the rates in the text are presented per hour, for convenience. Components of the energy balance are presented here in kJ. In the text, they are evaluated in terms of oxygen equivalents. Temperature is specified here in K, but the empirical equations in the text require °C.  相似文献   

Climate change, ocean acidification (OA) and the subsequent changes in marine productivity may affect fisheries and eventually the whole economy in the Arctic. We analysed how changes in climate and ocean pH under scenarios of anthropogenic CO2 emissions are likely to affect the economics of marine fisheries in the Arctic. We applied a Dynamic Bioclimate Envelope Model (DBEM) and outputs from four different Earth System Models (ESMs) to project future changes in the distribution and maximum catch potential of exploited marine fishes and invertebrates. We projected that total fisheries revenue in the Arctic region may increase by 39% (14–59%) by 2050 relative to 2000 under the Special Reports on Emission Scenario (SRES) A2. Simultaneously, total fishing costs, fishers’ incomes, household incomes and economy‐wide impacts in the Arctic are also projected to increase. Climate change with OA is expected to reduce the potential increases in catch and the economic indicators studied herein. Although the projections suggest that Arctic countries are likely to be ‘winners’ under climate change in comparison with tropical developing countries, the effects of OA will lower the expected future benefits in the Arctic. The predicted impacts are likely to be conservative as we consider only the direct effects of OA on fishes and calcifiers, of which there are only a few in the Arctic. Results of this study would be useful for designing effective adaptation strategies to climate change and measures to mitigate the potential negative impacts of OA in the Arctic.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment (LCA), a tool used to assess the environmental impacts of products and processes, has been used to evaluate a range of aquaculture systems. Eighteen LCA studies were reviewed which included assessments of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), flow-through systems, net cages, and pond systems. This review considered the potential to mitigate environmental burdens with a movement from extensive to intensive aquaculture systems. Due to the diversity in study results, specific processes (feed, energy, and infrastructure) and specific impact categories (land use, water use, and eutrophication potential) were analyzed in-depth. The comparative analysis indicated there was a possible shift from local to global impacts with a progression from extensive to intensive systems, if mitigation strategies were not performed. The shift was partially due to increased electricity requirements but also varied with electricity source. The impacts from infrastructure were less than 13 % of the environmental impact and considered negligible. For feed, the environmental impacts were typically more dependent on feed conversion ratio (FCR) than the type of system. Feed also contributed to over 50 % of the impacts on land use, second only to energy carriers. The analysis of water use indicated intensive recirculating systems efficiently reduce water use as compared to extensive systems; however, at present, studies have only considered direct water use and future work is required that incorporates indirect and consumptive water use. Alternative aquaculture systems that can improve the total nutrient uptake and production yield per material and energy based input, thereby reducing the overall emissions per unit of feed, should be further investigated to optimize the overall of aquaculture systems, considering both global and local environmental impacts. While LCA can be a valuable tool to evaluate trade-offs in system designs, the results are often location and species specific. Therefore, it is critical to consider both of these criteria in conjunction with LCA results when developing aquaculture systems.  相似文献   

This paper examines freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farming in southwest Bangladesh where a large number of farmers have converted their rice fields to export oriented prawn farms, locally known as gher. The gher design potentially provides good opportunities for diversified production of prawn, fish, rice and dike crops, that has brought about a ‘blue revolution’. The average annual yield of prawn, fish and rice was estimated at 467, 986 and 2,257 kg ha−1, respectively. Large farmers produced higher production due to more inputs, larger farm size and longer experience of prawn farming than others. All farmers in different gher size categories (i.e., small, medium and large) made a profit, with seed and feed dominating variable costs. Despite a higher production costs per hectare, the average annual net return was higher in large farms (US2,426), compared with medium (US2,426), compared with medium (US1,798) and small (US$1,420) farms. Prawn production in gher systems has been accompanied by a great deal of social and economic benefits. Most farmers associate the blue revolution with increases in income and living standards. Socio-economic benefits of the households of prawn farmers depend on resource ownership (i.e., farm size) and are very apparent. Nevertheless, a number of significant challenges, particularly social and environmental issues, are vital in translating its benefits effectively to the thousands of rural poor.  相似文献   

Behavioural thermoregulation enables ectotherms to access habitats providing conditions within their temperature optima, especially in periods of extreme thermal conditions, through adjustments to their behaviours that provide a “whole-body” response to temperature changes. Although freshwater fish have been detected as moving in response to temperature changes to access habitats that provide their thermal optima, there is a lack of integrative studies synthesising the extent to which this is driven by behaviour across different species and spatial scales. A quantitative global synthesis of behavioural thermoregulation in freshwater fish revealed that across 77 studies, behavioural thermoregulatory movements by fish were detected both vertically and horizontally, and from warm to cool waters and, occasionally, the converse. When fish moved from warm to cooler habitats, the extent of the temperature difference between these habitats decreased with increasing latitude, with juvenile and non-migratory fishes tolerating greater temperature differences than adult and anadromous individuals. With most studies focused on assessing movements of cold-water salmonids during summer periods, there remains an outstanding need for work on climatically vulnerable, non-salmonid fishes to understand how these innate thermoregulatory behaviours could facilitate population persistence in warming conditions.  相似文献   

1. Many marine protected areas (MPAs) around the world are ‘paper parks’. A key factor contributing to their ineffectiveness is non‐compliance with the rules in place. 2. This paper contributes to the existing academic discussion on ‘paper parks’ by drawing on critical regulation scholarship to develop a theoretical framework to assess and address compliance gaps in MPAs. 3. The theoretical insights are then explored using a case study of the second largest Italian MPA (the ‘Penisola del Sinis‐Isola di Mal di Ventre’), employing a multidisciplinary perspective built on both biological and socio‐legal expertise. 4. The biological study consists of a review including existing unpublished data on biological resources in the MPA coupled with new analyses on the effects of sea urchin harvesting restrictions. The socio‐legal research consists of the analysis of primary qualitative research in the form of semi‐structured interviews conducted with key stakeholders at the local and regional level in 2014, followed by two workshops (one with stakeholders and one with the general public) in 2015 to discuss the research findings collectively. 5. The results show that the Sinis MPA is not achieving its conservation goals, primarily because of actors' non‐compliance with the rules. The interviews with key stakeholders reveal a number of interlinked social, normative and calculative motivations at the basis of non‐compliance. Policy solutions are then offered. 6. This study offers a novel analysis on ‘paper parks’ that may be applicable to other MPAs experiencing similar compliance issues. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Local fisher knowledge is an important source of information for the adjustment of environmental baselines relative to anthropogenic impacts on marine ecosystems. This knowledge is also susceptible to the shifting baseline syndrome. Four generations of fishers neighbouring a marine park in Eastern Brazil, were surveyed regarding the conservation status of nine reef fish species. Shifts in environmental baselines were detected among fisher generations. Fishers older than 50 years not only caught larger individual fish, but catches of large fish occurred four decades ago, suggesting that bigger fish are in decline in the region. Of nine reef fish species, seven exhibited significant declining catch trends based on information provided by fishers. Such declining status was not reported by all informants of younger generations, so the ability to identify such species increases significantly with fisher age. The fish species most cited as overexploited were Mycteroperca bonaci (Poey), Epinephelus morio (Valenciennes) and Ocyurus chrysurus (Bloch), emphasising that special attention should be given to the management and conservation of these species in Eastern Brazil. These results also showed that knowledge acquired by elder fishers (> 50 years old) can provide valuable insights into the conservation status of reef fish and the adjustment of environmental baselines for proper management of a marine park.  相似文献   

Fish live in complex volumetric habitats, and as such, face a challenging environment through which to navigate. This problem might be simplified if fish could monitor their depth and determine their position within the water column. One possible cue that they could use to ascertain their vertical position is hydrostatic pressure, which varies linearly with depth. Until recently it was assumed that fish were incapable of using hydrostatic pressure to measure depth as they do not possess a mechanism to sense absolute pressure. However, in a recent article by G. Taylor et al., we describe a novel mechanism whereby fish could determine their depth by using the rate in change of pressure mediated by changes in swim‐bladder volume, together with their vertical speed. This mechanism requires fish to be able to sense changes in pressure using their swim‐bladder. Here, we examine fish sensitivity towards hydrostatic pressure by reviewing the literature from behavioural and physiological experiments. This research suggests that fish are acutely sensitive to the magnitude and sign of hydrostatic pressure changes, via changes in the volume of the swim‐bladder. We argue that fish have the necessary physiological measurements to sense the rate in change of pressure, meaning they are able to use the mechanism proposed by Taylor et al. to determine their vertical location. This has profound implications for the study of navigation through volumes, by providing a reliable global cue that fish can use to determine their depth.  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates the mortality associated with the potential stressor effect induced by application of artificial photoperiods in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). After application of artificial photoperiods, high mortalities of trout subjected to this management were recorded (36% in LD 14:10 and 25% in LD 24:0) as compared to controls (7%). The recorded signology related to diseased trout included darkening, lethargy and erratic swimming. Among the morphological changes, skin lesions and ulcerative-type necrosis could be observed. Blood tests, histopathology and isolation of pathogens identified as Flavobacterium psychrophilum, associated with Aeromonas, Pseudomonas and Saprolegnia sp., were performed. The application of artificial photoperiods suggests that fish may be more susceptible to opportunistic diseases; thus, it is advisable to emphasize preventive measures in fish subjected to this management.  相似文献   

Floodplain lakes are ecosystems characterised by annual flood and dry cycles. Fish ecology is influenced by the flood pulse due to the large influx of allochthonous food resources and diversification of habitats during the flood cycle, while during the dry cycle, fishes tend to be confined in reduced habitat. The aim of this study was to evaluate the seasonal variation in trophic niche width and overlap of four species—Mylossoma duriventre, Prochilodus nigricans, Cichla.pleiozona and Serrasalmus rhombeus—in an Amazonian floodplain lake. Stable isotope analyses were used to estimate trophic niche width and overlap during the flood and dry seasons. We hypothesised broader niche width for all species during the flood cycle and a higher degree of overlap between the two piscivorous fishes during the dry cycle. Isotopic niche width was 72% broader for P. nigricans, 61% for S. rhombeus and 54% for C. pleiozona during the dry cycle, which did not support our hypothesis. Core niche width overlaps were not observed between piscivorous species in either flood or dry cycle. The results indicate that seasonal variation in isotopic niche width is specific to feeding habit. Understanding how fish trophic ecology responds to changes in the hydrological regime during the seasons is crucial for sustainable fishery management in a region where many people rely heavily on fish for nutritional and economic purposes.  相似文献   

  • 1. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are being used increasingly to manage and protect marine resources. Most studies of MPAs have focused on fish. In this study, the influence of MPA protection on coral reef benthic organisms on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) was investigated. In addition, the interaction between protection and natural disturbance history was examined.
  • 2. Differences in benthic cover inside and outside MPAs were assessed at 15 pairs of Protected and General Use reefs on the GBR using annual monitoring data from the Australian Institute of Marine Science's Long‐Term Monitoring Programme (LTMP). At each reef, benthic cover was determined using a benthic video survey at three sites, with each site consisting of five 50 m transect lines separated by at least 250 m running parallel to the reef crest at 6–9 m depth.
  • 3. Benthic cover was related to both protection status and disturbance history, but natural perturbations exerted a stronger influence on benthic cover than did protection status. The influence of natural perturbation was most noticeable for hard coral.
  • 4. Most reefs where no natural disturbance events had occurred (‘undisturbed reefs’) had higher hard coral cover and lower soft coral cover than General Use reefs. While the high levels of hard coral on Protected reefs may be a result of protection status, it might also have resulted from selection bias that occurred during the initial zoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (i.e. managers may have given protection status to reefs with high coral cover).
  • 5. These results are likely influenced by the relatively low intensity of human use, both on the Great Barrier Reef in general and at the particular monitoring sites studied. Over time, as local populations and tourism increase, the effect of protection may become more evident at LTMP sites. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Biological indicators are frequently used to assess the effects of anthropogenic stressors on freshwater ecosystems. The structure of fish communities and their response to stressors have been commonly described by taxonomic richness, diversity and evenness. More recently, functional structure of communities has also been suggested to be a reliable indicator of disturbance. This article aimed at testing whether taxonomic and functional diversity metrics can provide comparable or complementary information on the response of fish communities to eutrophication and abundance of non‐native species in reservoirs. Comparison of the responses of taxonomic and functional diversities to biogeography, habitat and stressors was made in 112 French reservoirs. Widely observed effects of biogeographic and habitat variables on taxonomic and functional diversities were identified. Taxonomic and functional richness metrics notably increased with lake area and temperature respectively. Taxonomic diversity metrics did not respond to any stressor, while all functional diversity metrics were found to be impacted by non‐native species. Eutrophication was further found to decrease the impact of non‐native species on two functional diversity metrics: evenness and divergence. Our study therefore reveals that functional metrics are more sensitive than taxonomic metrics to anthropogenic stressors in the studied reservoirs. Still, the multiple linear regressions tested had overall low explanatory power. Further refinements will thus be needed to use this type of metrics in an impact assessment scheme.  相似文献   

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