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Fish differentially provision resources to eggs and larvae to optimise survival during the critical early life‐history period. Resource allocation is limited by a trade‐off between egg size and fecundity, and the optimal strategy varies with habitat type. This study examines the consequences of egg size differences for the early life‐histories of four closely related galaxiid species which occur in contrasting habitat types on the South Island, New Zealand. Headwater species had substantially larger water‐hardened eggs, longer incubation times, and newly hatched larvae were on average up to 41% longer than lower catchment species. Significant interspecific differences in gape diameter, eye diameter and myomere depth were also observed. Swimming ability was positively associated with larval length at hatch. Interspecific differences in length and swimming ability were generally maintained throughout the larval period, despite larvae being reared under relatively benign conditions where many other studies suggest initial differences should disappear. These results demonstrate the consequences of differential maternal provisioning to the egg for larval traits. The larger larvae of headwater species are likely to be more resistant to starvation and have improved foraging ability compared to lower catchment species; traits which are likely to confer them survival advantages in the low productivity, food‐scarce environments they occupy. The smaller larvae of lower catchment species are likely to be a consequence of females investing in fecundity in these relatively resource‐rich streams.  相似文献   

Abstract Fish can undergo changes in their life‐history traits that correspond with local demographic conditions. Under range expansion, a population of non‐native fish might then be expected to exhibit a suite of life‐history traits that differ between the edge and the centre of the population’s geographic range. To test this hypothesis, life‐history traits of an expanding population of round goby, Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas), in early and newly established sites in the Trent River (Ontario, Canada) were compared in 2007 and 2008. Round goby in the area of first introduction exhibited a significant decrease in age at maturity, increased length at age 1 and they increased in GSI from 2007 to 2008. While individuals at the edges of the range exhibited traits that promote population growth under low intraspecific density, yearly variability in life‐history traits suggests that additional processes such as declining density and fluctuating food availability are influencing the reproductive strategy and growth of round goby during an invasion.  相似文献   

We investigated the independent effects of age at smolting and body condition at the time of spawning on egg production by female Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). For a given body size, female salmon that had smolted as juveniles after 2 years in fresh water produced smaller, more numerous eggs than females that smolted 1 year later. Furthermore, fecundity (but not egg size) was related positively to maternal body condition at spawning. Given that age at smolting is closely related to juvenile growth rate; results from this study suggest that conditions experienced by female Atlantic salmon during both early life and adulthood have implications for the size and number of eggs that they produce.  相似文献   

Life history theory seeks to explain how environmental variation selects for patterns of investment in growth and survival relative to production and survival of offspring. Seasonal variations in rainfall and temperature provide environmental cues for spawning by many tropical freshwater fishes. To investigate environment–life history associations, we conducted a one‐year study of Astyanax intermedius in an Atlantic Forest stream of southeastern Brazil. Our analysis focused on temporal variation in feeding, body condition and reproduction in relation to rainfall and water temperature. For mature females, food intake was not significantly correlated with rainfall or temperature; however, body condition was negatively correlated with rainfall and water temperature. Female reproductive effort was positively correlated with water temperature, but did not vary with rainfall. For males and juveniles, there was no significant relationship between food intake or body condition and either environmental variable. Testis weight was negatively correlated with rainfall, but was not significantly correlated with water temperature. We detected a negative correlation between gonad mass with body condition and food intake for females but not for males. Our results differed from other studies in tropical and subtropical areas where rainfall has been shown to be positively correlated with fish reproductive effort. Our results indicate that reproductive effort of males is relatively constant throughout the year, whereas for females, it increases with increasing water temperature. This increase in reproductive investment in concert with an increasing temperature and metabolic rate may incur a trade‐off with somatic growth and survival for this small stream fish.  相似文献   

Salmon from different locations in a watershed can have different life histories. It is often unclear to what extent this variation is a response to the current environmental conditions an individual experiences as opposed to local‐scale genetic adaptation or the environment experienced early in development. We used a mark–recapture transplant experiment in the Shasta River, CA, to test whether life‐history traits of juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha varied among locations, and whether individuals could adopt a new life history upon encountering new habitat type. The Shasta River, a Klamath River tributary, has two Chinook salmon spawning and juvenile rearing areas, a lower basin canyon (river km 0–12) and upper basin spring complex (river km 40–56), characterised by dramatically different in‐stream habitats. In 2012 and 2013, we created three experimental groups: (i) fish caught, tagged and released in the upper basin; (ii) fish caught at the river mouth (confluence with the Klamath River, river km 0), tagged and released in the upper basin; and (iii) fish caught at the river mouth, tagged and released in the lower basin. Fish released in the upper basin outmigrated later and at a larger size than those released in the lower basin. The traits of fish transplanted to the upper basin were similar to fish originating in the upper basin. Chinook salmon juvenile life‐history traits reflected habitat conditions fish experienced rather than those where they originated, indicating that habitat modification or transportation to new habitats can rapidly alter the life‐history composition of populations.  相似文献   

Individual variation in early life-history traits in brown trout   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract – We studied the variability of early life history traits in individually raised progeny of brown trout Salmo trutta L. Eggs from two dams were each fertilized with sperm from 10 sires, producing 20 full-sib families. Each individual progeny was followed from fertilization until death without exogenous food. Egg size was positively correlated with a number of life-history traits, especially length and yolk sac volume at hatching and length at death, and these traits were strongly influenced by maternal effects. We found significant additive genetic variance for growth rate, length at death and life span without external food. Thus these early life-history traits may be modulated by natural selection. We found positive phenotypic and genetic correlations between most early life-history traits. However, life span without external food was negatively correlated with growth rate, indicating a genetic trade-off. Note  相似文献   

Maternal characteristics typically affect the recruitment of an exploited fish population. The size and age at maturity, as well as the effects of maternal traits on relative fecundity and egg dry weight, were studied in six exploited pikeperch populations in Finnish lakes. The among‐lake variation in the maternal characteristics was substantial. The estimated total length at maturity (L10, L50, L90) varied between 318–444, 403–423 and 444–527 mm, respectively, largely depending on the average growth rate and body condition of pikeperch. The estimated L50 was generally close to the recently imposed national minimum size limit (42 cm). The estimated age at maturity (A50) ranged from 4.2 to 6.9 year. Both relative fecundity and egg dry weight significantly increased with female size and age, indicating size‐ and age‐dependent maternal effects on egg characteristics and quantity, and emphasising the importance of large individuals for reproduction. The observed among‐population differences in the size‐dependent maternal influences highlight the need for stock‐specific management of pikeperch fisheries. The conservation of large females should be promoted to increase recruitment and reduce its variability.  相似文献   

The formation of social groups has important impacts on fitness for many animal species, with differences in group compositions resulting in a range of fitness outcomes for individuals. Recent interest in mixed‐species grouping, which extends from a large body of literature invested in understanding single‐species grouping, highlights novel complexities of group formation which relate to phenotypic, behavioural and physiological differences that naturally exist between species. Among fishes, mixed‐species shoaling is a common form of social grouping behaviour displayed across a range of marine and freshwater ecosystems. Research explaining mixed‐species shoaling shows some overlap with explanations for single‐species shoaling; however, it also demonstrates that distinct differences between species give rise to unique cost‐benefit trade‐offs which need to be incorporated into conceptual models of mixed‐species shoaling behaviour. Unique predation related trade‐offs may arise from inefficiency of the confusion effect, variation in vigilance between species and unequal species‐preferences shown by predators, whilst unique foraging‐related trade‐offs may arise from diet partitioning, variations in foraging behaviour and differences in competitive abilities between species. We review the literature on fitness outcomes associated with mixed‐species shoaling and present a new theoretical framework to explain the cost‐benefit trade‐offs for individuals within mixed‐species shoals. The framework incorporates both trade‐offs arising from differences between species and those arising from group size, the former having been largely ignored due to a focus on single‐species shoaling. Our framework is designed to inform future research striving to explain mixed‐species shoaling behaviour.  相似文献   

Sequential ichthyoplankton surveys were used to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of eggs and larvae over coastal spawning grounds of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in Smith Sound, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, during the spring and summer of 2006 and 2007. Egg densities showed similar patterns for both years with two peaks in abundance in spring (March–April) and late summer (late July). A clear progression of development stages (1–4) was observed in spring and summer in 2006 and summer in 2007, suggesting retention of eggs within the Sound during these periods. Modelled predictions of vertical egg distributions indicated eggs were broadly distributed near the surface during spring (March–April), but were concentrated below the pycnocline (>10 m) within the inner portions of the Sound during the summer months (July–August). Back‐calculated peaks in spawning based on water temperatures were estimated at 11 and 4 April for 2006 and 2007, respectfully, with late season peaks centred on 21–24 July for both years. Environmental data indicated cooler water temperatures and periods of high wind stress in spring, and warmer, calmer periods late summer, consistent with higher retention and faster development times on the spawning grounds later in the season. We conclude that spring and summer spawning events result in different distributions of early life stages and may lead to different distributions of juvenile and adult fish.  相似文献   

  • 1. Variation in age, shell growth, and demographic responses of two endangered mussel species, Epioblasma brevidens and Epioblasma capsaeformis, and a third non‐listed species, Lampsilis fasciola, were studied from 2004–2008 in a 32‐km reach of the Clinch River, TN.
  • 2. Observed maximum age and length of E. brevidens was 28 yr and 71.5 mm for males and 15 yr and 56.6 mm for females; of E. capsaeformis, 12 yr and 54.6 mm for males and 9 yr and 48.6 mm for females; and of L. fasciola, 45 yr and 91.3 mm for males and 24 yr and 79.8 mm for females.
  • 3. Estimated population size was ~46 000 individuals for E. brevidens, ~862 000 individuals for E. capsaeformis, and ~33 000 individuals for L. fasciola.
  • 4. Mean recruitment per year of 1 yr‐olds ranged from 12.0% to 24.0% for E. brevidens, 4.2% to 56.6% for E. capsaeformis, and 10.0% to 38.5% for L. fasciola, and mean annual population growth rate was 21.0%, 31.3%, and ? 24.3%, respectively.
  • 5. Juveniles were detectable but temporally and spatially variable in occurrence, and a significant proportion of the age‐class structure of each species. Recruitment was exceptionally high for E. capsaeformis during years when discharge was low in spring and summer.
  • 6. Population size, growth, recruitment, and mortality rates of the shorter‐lived E. capsaeformis were correspondingly higher than those of E. brevidens and L. fasciola.
  • 7. The federal recovery plan for E. brevidens and E. capsaeformis identifies quantification of demographic variables as a critical step toward meeting the recovery needs of each species. The data collected in this study begin to meet these needs and can be used to monitor and evaluate population performance of each species. Published in 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Egg strings of salmon lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer 1837), collected from farmed and wild Atlantic salmon had similar length and number of eggs string?1. Egg production was investigated at water temperatures from 7.1 °C to 12.2 °C. A regression model indicated that at low temperatures egg strings were longer and had more eggs. Mean length of single eggs was significantly smaller and the percentage of non‐viable eggs in the strings was higher at 7.1 °C than at 12.2 °C. Adult females survived for up to 191 days at 7.2 °C, and during this period 11 pairs of egg strings were produced.  相似文献   

A comprehensive knowledge of migratory behaviour is paramount for the effective management and conservation of fishes in coastal drainages. The Australian smelt (Retropinna semoni) is a common fish distributed throughout coastal and inland drainages in south‐eastern Australia. Multiple life history patterns (potamodromy, facultative diadromy, estuarine residence) in the southern regions of its geographic distribution have been reported, and it is possible that some of these differences reflect characteristic behaviours of cryptic species within the group. To elucidate the life history patterns of smelt at the northern extent of their range and to identify any differences in migratory behaviour between two genetically distinct lineages (“SEQ‐N”, “SEQ‐S”) in this region, the movement patterns of Australian smelt were assessed using otolith chemistry. No evidence of marine residence was found based on otolith Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca transects for either group, suggesting that both are non‐diadromous. Significant differences in multi‐elemental otolith chemistry signatures were found among rivers and between paired sites within some rivers, suggesting no connectivity among drainages and limited dispersal of individuals over large spatial scales within rivers. These findings provide key insights into the migratory patterns of northern Australian smelt populations and, in combination with previous research, suggest that life history variation in the Australian smelt complex may occur primarily at the intra‐population level rather than among genetically distinct lineages. Conservation and management strategies for Australian smelt should take limited dispersal and individual life history variation into consideration in order to protect the components of this important species complex.  相似文献   

Fisheries scientists use biological models to determine sustainable fishing rates and forecast future dynamics. These models require both life‐history parameters (mortality, maturity, growth) and stock‐recruit parameters (juvenile production). However, there has been little research to simultaneously predict life‐history and stock‐recruit parameters. I develop the first data‐integrated life‐history model, which extends a simple model of evolutionary dynamics to field measurements of life‐history parameters as well as historical records of spawning output and subsequent recruitment. This evolutionary model predicts recruitment productivity (steepness) and variability (variance and autocorrelation in recruitment deviations) as well as mortality, maturity, growth, and size, and uses these to predict intrinsic growth rate (r) for all described fishes. The model confirms previous analysis showing little correlation between steepness and either natural mortality or asymptotic maximum size (). However, it does reveal taxonomic patterns, where family Sebastidae has lower steepness () and Salmonidae has elevated steepness () relative to the prediction for bony fishes (class Actinopterygii, ). Similarly, genus Sebastes has growth rate (0.09) approaching that of several shark families (Lamniformes: 0.02; Carcharhiniformes: 0.02). A cross‐validation experiment confirms that the model is accurate, explains a substantial portion of variance (32%–67%), but generates standard errors that are somewhat too small. Predictive intervals are tighter for species than for higher‐level organizations (e.g. families), and predictions (including intervals) are available for all fishes worldwide in R package FishLife. I conclude by outlining how multivariate predictions of life‐history and stock‐recruit parameters could be useful for stock assessment, decision theory, ensemble modelling and strategic management.  相似文献   

Egg size variation among 16 Gulf Coast populations of Cyprinella venusta, the Blacktail Shiner, previously was shown to be significantly correlated with annual stream runoff. In this study, we examined egg size across multiple years and seasons in a subset of the original populations, focusing on three streams that differed widely in annual stream runoff. These populations appear to have been derived independently, possibly nearly synchronously in geological time, from an ancestral form. Thus, they can be considered statistically independent. Most of the variation in egg size was attributable to differences across the three populations. Although annual and seasonal variation was present, the three populations shifted similarly on both of these time scales. The results support an earlier hypothesis that streamflow, quantified using mean annual runoff, is a strong selective influence on egg size, hence offspring size, favouring larger egg size in populations inhabiting streams with greater levels of runoff.  相似文献   

International trade in vulnerable marine species is regulated once they are listed in CITES Appendices (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). Parties to the Convention submit proposal(s) 150 days prior to the CITES Conference for voting on the inclusion of new species in Appendices I and II, making a case for why CITES listing criteria are met in each case. Before the vote, Parties receive advice from (a) the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, (b) the International Union for Conservation of Nature—TRAFFIC and (c) the CITES Secretariat, among others. This paper offers an expert review of listing processes, which are the subject of much debate in fishery and environment‐protection communities, looking at two specific cases: silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis, Carcharhinidae) and bigeye thresher shark (Alopias superciliosus, Alopiidae). The reviewers determine that the evidence made available to voting Parties is substantial, but suffers from non‐standard presentation across assessments. The best available data are not always presented or described transparently in relation to CITES criteria. An extension of the assessment period, as well as the opportunity to refute evidence, has been suggested as ways to support more informed and effective decision‐making by CITES Parties, whose composition of delegations varies greatly in their experience of marine species management and trade. Experts welcomed a greater coherence of advice between fishery and non‐fishery sources in the long term, and proposed a range of suggested improvements for the delivery of information and advice to CITES Parties.  相似文献   

Otolith Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca profiles were used in parallel with age data to investigate the life‐history characteristics of ide, Leuciscus idus (L.) (= 111), in the Väinameri Sea, West Estonia. Sr:Ca profiles were more variable and useful than Ba:Ca profiles. Flexible life‐history patterns were observed within and among the three study sites. Most of the individuals (72%) hatched in semi‐enclosed bays that are fresh water during spring spawning but are often flooded with brackish water during other seasons. The importance of lotic spawning varied among sites and was the highest (88%) in Matsalu Bay, moderate in Saunja Bay (33%) and lowest (0%) in Käina Bay. Young of the year emigrated from natal sites and entered the sea within the first summer; 95% did so during the first month post‐hatch. Juvenile ide undertook non‐spawning, freshwater migrations in the following spring; however, the reasons behind this phenomenon remain unknown. As the importance of lotic spawning has significantly decreased and multiple historically important ide spawning rivers lack anadromous runs altogether, it is suggested that actions should be taken to aid the recovery of those imperilled spawning stocks.  相似文献   

Abstract– The female reproductive traits of a small, North American catfish were studied over a two-year period in a population at the southern extreme of the species'range. The reproductive season was long for Noturus , possibly from February to September. Females matured at age 1 and probably reproduced in only a single year. Clutch sizes were 16–68 oocytes in females 33–47 mm SL, and only one lifetime clutch may be produced. Clutch size, dry mass and volume were related to female size, but ripening oocyte size was not. Clutch mass averaged 23% of total body mass just prior to spawning. Compared to a northern population, females had greater SL-adjusted body masses, clutch sizes and clutch volumes but smaller oocytes. Oocyte size accounted for 73% of the difference in clutch sizes and clutch volume 14%. Concerns about the comparability of present data for Noturus are expressed. The need to include many life-history traits, from several populations of each species, using standardized methods in analysis of functional responses is discussed.  相似文献   

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