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The studies showed that herbicides i. e. Treflan had side effects in controllingMeloidogyne javanica (38.1% reduction in nematode population) followed by Gramoxone (15.1% reduction), while Dowpon “S” and Cotoran showed lethal phytotoxic effects on the tomato plants.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Malathion = Dimethyl-dicarbethoxyaethyl-dithiophosphat.  相似文献   

40% lactic acid was sprayed 3 times into each of two bee colonies. The rate of infestation was determined, before beginning the experiment and after each of the applications. The treatments showed a mean percentage reduction in the brood infestation byVarroa of 76,7% in the first colony and 85,2% in the second. These data indicate that it is possible to control the Varroasis by means of lactic acid successfully and without side effects.  相似文献   

Effect of some host plants on development and reproduction of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) (Lep., Noctuidae) Investigations were performed to study the effect of some hostplants on development and reproduction capacity of the Egyptian cotton leaf-worm,Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd,), Larval and pupal weights, life span, average number of eggs laid per female and percent digestability for fifth instar larvae were measured. Cotton leafworm was able to complete its life cycle only when reared on eigher castor bean leaves, clover, sweet potato leaves, or the outer green cabbage leaves. Chlorophyl-free inner white cabbage leaves, maize, and grape vine are nutritionally insufficient to support growth and development of larvae and, in turn, cause increase in span of survived larvae and none of these larvae metamorph to pupae. It seems that there is a positive correlation between larval and pupal weights and average number of eggs laid per female; the greater the weight of larvae and pupae the higher the number of eggs laid. Castor bean leaves seem to be the most favorable host plant for rearing cotton leafworm in the laboratory. The differences and variations in the growth and development of cotton leafworm due to feeding on different host plants are discussed.  相似文献   

A study was carried out on the preference to some types of sugars by worker honey bees, and their effect on bee longevities. Honey syrup was preferred as food by the bees, followed by inverted sugar, common sugar syrup, and molasses. Worker honey bees fed on honey had the longest life-span (13.7 days), while those fed on commercial glucose had the earliest deaths.  相似文献   

Effect of Dimilin prohibiting the moulting of insects on larvae of Yponomeuta ssp. and their parasites Field and laboratory studies made in 1974 showed that Dimilin [1-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-(2,6-difluorobenzoyl)uera] prohibited the moulting ofYponomeuta larvae and caused 100% mortality of L1-L3 at a concentrration of 0.06 ppb. Compared with this the L4 and L5 were very less susceptible.All of the pupae growing out of L5 treated with Dimilin in the field died. But from these puape a considerable number of parasitic Hymenoptera and Diptera emerged, in the course of which the spectrum of species emerging, from treated and unterated hosts was nearly the same one.  相似文献   

Von allen einheimischen Baumarten liegen über die Bewurzelung der Kiefer (Pinus silvestris) die meisten Untersuchungen vor (Liese, 1926;Hilf, 1927;Vater, 1927;Laitakari, 1929;Wagenhoff, 1938). Das Interesse hierbei galt bisher besonders der Wurzelentwicklung auf Sandböden. In jüngster Zeit erfuhren die Erkenntnisse eine wesentliche Vertiefung durch Arbeiten vonEhwald (1948),Köstler (1956),Wagenknecht (1960) undKreutzer (1961). Trotzdem sind die Vorstellungen von der Bewurzelung der Kiefer auf verschiedenen Standorten, ihrer genetischen Veranlagung und ihrem Wachstum noch lückenhaft. Die folgenden Ergebnisse stammen aus Untersuchungen, die im Rahmen eines größeren Forschungsvorhabens über die Wurzeltracht der einheimischen Baumarten, an dem im Münchener Waldbauinstitut gearbeitet wird, erhoben wurden.  相似文献   

The anti-hormone compounds, precocene-2 (anti-juvenile hormone) and fenarimol (anti-ecdysone) were evaluated against the green cabbbage aphid,Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) alone and for their compatibility with the endoparasiteDiaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh). The results revealed that precocene-2 provided more than 90% control ofB. brassicae acted on larvae within 72 h after the treatment, while fenarimol was less effective. Moreover, either precocene-2 or fenarimol extremely reduced the reproductive potentiality ofB. brassicae surviving adults. Both anti-hormone compounds demonstrated compatibility withD. rapae, a parasitoid ofB. brassicae. No considerable difference was detected when parasite emergence was compared from treated and untreated individuals.  相似文献   

Out of three fungicides namely Bavistin, Benlate and Saprol, Benlate was best of protectant and eradicant against powdery mildew of apple followed by Bavistin and Saprol. Saprol was best at post inoculation and at symptom expression but other two were better when the disease was in higher intensity. All the fungicides did not allow the new spores to be produced on existing lesions for 26 days. Saprol was more tenacious than the other two.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Von Sommer- und Winterbienen zweier rassisch verschiedener Bienenvölker wurden nach Insektizidkontakt mit verschiedenen Wirkstoffen Lipoidextrakte gewonnen und diese im Biotest mitDrosophila melanogaster M. auf ihre Kontaktwirkung geprüft.2. Aceton- und Chloroform-Extrakte von Sommer- und Winterbienen beider Völker waren ohne Insektizidkontakt nicht deutlich unterschieden. Äthylalkohol-Extrake hingegen ließen erhebliche Unterschiede erkennen.3. Durch Wirkstoffkontakt wurden die Extraktionsmengen im Vergleich zu den Kontrollen fraktionsweise unterschiedlich verändert, ohne daß auf die spezifische Wirkungsweise eines Wirkstoffes geschlogsen werden konnte.4. Im Biotest erwiesen sich Aceton-Extrakte durchweg stärker kontaktwirksam aufDrosophila melanogaster M. als Chloroform- und Äthylalkohol-Extrakte.Im Botanischen Institut der Universität Freiburg i. Br.Abteilung Bienenkunde des Tierhygienischen Instituts Freiburg i. Br.  相似文献   

The effect of carrion smell on the catching-efficiency of pheromone baited flight barriere traps for the spruce bark beetleIps typographus L. was studied from June to September 1989 in a spruce forest near Göttingen. We compared the number of spruce bark beetles and carrion beetles catched with 6 pairs of Theysohn-Slit-Traps, baited with Pheroprax®. The first trap of each pair controlled in regular time intervals of 14 days. The second controlled singulary at the end of the study. If the traps aren't controlled at regular intervals, the catching-efficiency of the traps decreases caused by the dead beetles in the trap. Contemporarily the number of carrion beetles in the traps increases. During the flight of the second generation ofIps typographus controll intervals of 14 days lead to an increased impact of carrion beetles in the traps.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung zur I. und II. Mitteilung 1. Es wurden einige Pflanzenschußmittel als Aktivsubstanzen auf ihre Bienenwirksamkeit untersucht.2. Beim Kontakt auf Papier (I. Mitteilung) wurde eine in etwa der vonBeran (1958) entsprechende Abstufung der Wirksamkeit der Aktivsubstanzen auf Bienen festgestellt.3. Bei Kontakt von Bienen auf Blattunterlagen (II. Mitteilung) wurde bei Acetonauftragung eine deutliche Schä digung der Bienen durch das Lösungsmittel neben der Insektizidwirkung beobachtet.4. Bei Auftragung der Aktivsubstanzen auf Blättern in einer Emulsion (II. Mitteilung) und Kontakt der Bienen 14–16 Stunden nach Spraybehandlung der Pflanzen waren die verwendeten Insektizide — ausgenommen Diazinon und Parathion — in dem der Biologie der Bienen entsprechenden Kurzzeitkontakt verträglich.5. Von diesen Untersuchungen kann nicht auf mögliche Vergiftungen durch die Blütensprißungen geschlossen werden.  相似文献   

Isolated pairs ofH. nigrorepletus did not show hastened mating behaviour like those in the crowd. The early mating points towards an expedited secretion of certain sex hormones responsible for inducing early mating under crowding stress.Insects in cages put permanently in open air appeared healthy and vigorous while those in cages in rooms appeared run down. It was found that oxygen consumption in insects of open air cages was 13.3 × 10–4 ml./sec/adult in average. But there was no significant difference between crowded and isolated insects regarding oxygen consumption.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Thiodan erwies sich zur Bekämpfung der Blutlaus (Eriosoma lanigerum Hausm.) in Gewächshaus-Exaktversuchen als sehr gut geeignet. Selbst dort, wo bei niedrigem Spritzdruck (0,2, 0,1 atü) die Blutlauswolle erhalten blieb, gingen die Blutläuse sämtlich ein (0,01 bzw. 0,02% Wirkstoff). Es zeigte sich bei diesen Versuchen außerdem, daß Thiodan als ungefährlich für die Blutlauszehrwespe (Aphelinus mali) anzusehen ist, wenn parasitierte Blutläuse behandelt werden.  相似文献   

Whole and intact wheat grains or those broken into 2 or 8 equal pieces and supplemented with yeast provided as adult food to individuals ofTribolium castaneum considerably reduced the egg output in these beetles although their larvae were reared on finely powdered yeast-supplemented whole wheat flour. However, egg fertility in all the three dietary situations was 100%.  相似文献   

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