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Infection of the cartilages of the foot is an uncommon condition, occurring usually secondary to wounds just above the coronary band. Effective treatment relies on surgical debridement of necrotic cartilage, but following this the prognosis for complete recovery is good.  相似文献   

Penetrating injuries to the foot are potentially serious injuries in the horse. Diagnosis is usually straightforward and a combination of radiography (including positive contrast studies) and synoviocentesis usually is necessary to determine which structures within the foot are involved. Superficial punctures usually carry a good prognosis but involvement of deep structures such as the distal phalanx or deep digital flexor tendon and navicular bursa adversely influence this. Knowledge of wound healing in the foot and a rational approach to antimicrobial selection and surgical intervention are all necessary for successful case management.  相似文献   

Foot pain is the most common cause of lameness in horses. In sport horses, podotrochlear syndrome (‘navicular syndrome’) is reported to be the most frequent condition affecting the front foot. Ultrasonography has the potential to detect damage to the soft tissues as well as the bone surfaces; in some clinics it has become the technique of choice for the identification and documentation of many podotrochlear injuries. The purpose of this paper is to review the main pathological conditions of the proximal part of the podotrochlear apparatus (PTA) that can be diagnosed ultrasonographically, focusing on the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT), podotrochlear bursa (PTB) and distal digital annular ligament (DDAL). Potentially significant ultrasonographic findings of the DDFT include thickening of one or both lobes, longitudinal tears, focal or diffuse changes in echogenicity, irregularities of the dorsal border and adhesions between the DDFT and the proximal sesamoidean ligament and/or distal sesamoid bone. Deep digital flexor tendon injuries are often associated with concurrent lesions of the PTB (acute to chronic bursitis) and of the DDAL (desmopathy). Both feet should be routinely examined as lesions of the PTA are often bilateral. We currently consider that ultrasonography should be routinely employed as the primary diagnostic procedure to complement radiography of the equine foot.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: There are ethical concerns regarding the loss of horses from various equine industries and their corresponding slaughter. However, to date, no empirical evidence regarding the extent of this loss, nor of the condition of horses involved, exists within Australia. Objectives: To determine the approximate ages, brand type and condition of feet of horses relinquished to an export abattoir in Australia. Method: Data were collected from 340 horses processed at an Australian abattoir from November 2007‐January 2008. Foot abnormalities, injuries and hoof indicators of overgrown and untrimmed hooves were assessed together with a dental inspection. Observations of brand were used to determine horse origin. Results: The dental age of 60% of horses was ≤7 years, and 53% originated from the racing industry (40% Thoroughbred and 13% Standardbred). A total of 81% of the horses had overgrown or untrimmed hooves. Standardbred horses had fewer grass cracks and more injuries to the coronary band than Thoroughbreds, probably due to pacing and trotting activities. Conclusions: Just over half of the horses slaughtered at an Australian abattoir on 3 working days were aged ≤7 years and emanated from the racing industry. Foot problems were common. Potential relevance: Future research should identify means of reducing the number of horses slaughtered and preventative measures for foot disorders.  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) in equine orthopaedics is currently limited because of the price, availability, impossibility to transport the scanner into surgical theatre, and the contraindications of general anaesthesia in some patients. A pQCT (peripheral quantitative computerised tomography) scanner was designed by the authors to image the limbs of the horse, both in standing or recumbent position. Standing computed tomography of the foot with a pQCT scanner is feasible and well tolerated by the horse. It enables good visualisation of bony structures but is not suitable to evaluate soft tissues. The technique can also assist surgery by assessing the 3D configuration of bone lesions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the frequency of occurrence of severe ossification of the collateral cartilages (sidebone) coexistent with collateral desmitis of the distal interphalangeal joint (DIPJ) in lame horses. Sidebone was diagnosed and graded on standard radiographs and soft tissue injuries of the foot were diagnosed using standing low‐field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Of 15 horses with forelimb lameness and severe sidebone, 9 had evidence of concurrent collateral desmitis of the DIPJ. All 15 horses had damage to other structures (including the deep digital flexor tendon, distal sesamoidean impar ligament, collateral sesamoidean ligament, navicular bone and distal phalanx) within the affected feet as identified on MRI. The clinical and pathophysiological significance of concurrent collateral desmitis of the DIPJ and sidebone is currently uncertain. However, this study shows that injuries to multiple structures within the foot are common and that collateral desmitis of the distal interphalangeal joint is frequently seen in lame horses in conjunction with severe ossification of the collateral cartilages.  相似文献   

Tendonopathy of the distal portion of the deep digital flexor tendon is a newly recognised, important cause of foot lameness in horses. Although the pathological morphology of lesions has been well described, the aetiopathogenesis remains uncertain. A conclusive diagnosis can only be made with magnetic resonance imaging, but the results of a thorough clinical examination, including regional analgesia and other imaging modalities may lead to a strong suspicion of deep digital flexor tendonopathy in the foot. The prognosis for return to soundness is guarded but new treatment modalities are currently being investigated for an improved outcome.  相似文献   

Six Finnhorse cadaver forefeet were selected to represent radiographically different types and grades of ossification of the collateral cartilages of the distal phalanx. These cartilages and adjacent tissues were evaluated with computed tomography (CT) and high field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In CT the internal structure of the cartilages was consistent, but in MRI some differences were noted. The shape of the collateral cartilages and their ligamentous attachments varied. The border between ossified and non-ossified cartilage appeared distinct, with considerable variation in the extent of the ossified area in regard to the cross-sectional area of the cartilage. Ossification originating from the palmar processes and extending in the proximaVpalmaroproximal direction, without separate centers of ossification, generally appeared smooth and inactive. Palmar ossification followed the irregular shape of the cartilage. Separate centers of ossification had a medullary cavity or were sclerotic. Presence ofamedullary cavity or sclerosis were also found at the base of the cartilages. The incomplete fusion lines between separate centres of ossification and the ossified base of the cartilage varied from congruent and inactive to reactive with marked sclerosis, flared margins and parachondral changes. Incomplete fusion may be clinically significant. Local conformational adaptations of the hoof were also documented with extensive ossification of the collateral cartilage.  相似文献   

This report describes a rare case of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in a 10-year-old Shetland pony. The pony was presented for evaluation of a chronic, ulcerating mass of the foot associated with a nonweightbearing lameness of the right forelimb. Foot radiographs revealed an aggressive bone lesion with severe osteolysis of the distal phalanx. Amputation of the digit was performed under general anaesthesia at the level of the metacarpophalangeal joint using a palmar flap technique and a transfixation cast for protection of the stump. Avascular necrosis, infection and dehiscence of the stump occurred 3 weeks later and a second amputation was performed at the level of the proximal third of the third metacarpal bone. Histopathology revealed a squamous cell carcinoma. After healing of the stump, a prosthesis was fitted to the limb for improved ambulation of the pony. Two years after the amputation, telephone follow-up with the referring veterinarian and the owner, revealed that the pony was healthy and able to go out daily in a paddock with its prosthesis. SCC represents an unusual indication for limb amputation. Successful outcome is rarely reported in horses.  相似文献   

Limited information exists regarding associations between distal interphalangeal joint (DIPJ) abnormalities and synovial invagination changes in the distal sesamoid (navicular) bone. This retrospective, analytical study aimed to measure specific characteristics of the synovial invaginations of the navicular bone to determine whether any single characteristic was associated with abnormalities in the DIPJ or navicular apparatus (NA) using high field MRI and a sample of 200 horses’ feet. The DIPJ and NA were graded independently by three scorers. The grades were averaged, creating a global pathology score for the DIPJ, NA, and synovial invaginations. Higher global scores represented more severe pathology. The number of invaginations, depth of penetration, invagination shape, and cross-sectional area (CSA) of the largest invagination were recorded. Interobserver agreement was measured using Cohen's Kappa. Associations of global scores of the DIPJ and NA with individual invagination characteristics were assessed using linear mixed modeling. A significant relationship was found between the number of invaginations and global DIPJ score, with higher invagination numbers associated with higher DIPJ scores. For invagination depth and CSA, a significant relationship was noted with global scores of both the DIPJ and NA. Reliable relationships between the shape of synovial invaginations and global scores of DIPJ and NA were not found, likely due to poor interobserver scoring (0.305). These findings suggest that primary DIPJ disease and NA pathology should be considered when noticing alterations to navicular synovial invaginations on MRI. This contrasts traditional views that synovial invagination abnormalities are indicative solely of NA pathology.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Radiographic examination of the cartilages of the foot is well documented; however, there is limited information about their scintigraphic assessment. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the scintigraphic appearance of the cartilages of the foot using subjective and quantitative image analysis and to correlate radiographic and scintigraphic findings. HYPOTHESES: An ossified cartilage would have similar radiopharmaceutical uptake (RU) to the ipsilateral aspect of the distal phalanx; RU would extend throughout the length of the ossified cartilage; a separate centre of ossification (SCO) would be identified on a scintigraphic image; and fracture or trauma to an ossified cartilage would manifest as increased RU (IRU). METHODS: Front feet (n = 223) of horses (n = 186) that had dorsopalmar radiographic views and dorsal scintigraphic images were included in the study. The cartilages of the foot were graded radiographically and scintigraphically. Quantitative evaluation of the scintigraphic images was carried out using region of interest (ROI) analysis. For statistical analysis RU ratios were used. Correlations between a radiographically detected SCO and focal RU and between IRU and radiographic abnormalities were assessed. RESULTS: There was a good correlation and an excellent agreement between radiographic and scintigraphic grades. ROI analysis showed a proximal to distal increase in RU ratios within each cartilage of the foot. A radiographically identified SCO could be detected scintigraphically in 12/17 feet (70.6%). Thirty-eight feet had IRU in the region of a cartilage, 25 of which (65.8%) had corresponding radiographic abnormalities. Fracture of an ossified cartilage was associated with IRU in all horses. CONCLUSIONS AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Scintigraphy may give information about the potential clinical significance of ossification of the cartilages of the foot and associated lesions, therefore prompting further investigation by use of a uniaxial ipsilateral palmar nerve block and imaging, using either magnetic resonance imaging and/or computed tomography.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Rigorous evaluation of practicable methods for the objective assessment of foot conformation has not been performed. Objectives: To assess the practicability, precision and accuracy of the process of obtaining measurements of horses' feet using photography and image processing software. Methods: Precision study: Lateral photographs of horses' feet were obtained twice by 2 veterinary surgeons (image acquisition ‐ IAc). Photographs were analysed by 2 masked veterinary surgeons on 2 occasions (image analysis ‐ IAn). Measurements were compared within and between operators for self and non‐self acquired photographs. Agreement indices (AIs) and 95% limits of agreement (LOA) were calculated for the IAn process alone and for the combined IAc + IAn processes. Accuracy study: Measurements obtained from lateral photographs were compared with those obtained from lateromedial radiographs. AIs and 95% LOA were calculated for each measurement. Results: Precision study: Mean intra‐ and interoperator AIs for the IAn process alone were ≥0.90 while those for the combined IAc + IAn processes were ≥0.89 for all measurements. Similar mean AIs and 95% LOA were calculated regardless of image origin. The 95% LOA for hoof angle, heel height/toe height% and coronary band angle for all comparisons were within target values. Accuracy study: Mean AIs were ≥0.89 for all measurements. The 95% LOA for heel height/toe height% and coronary band angle were within target values. Conclusions: Excellent precision was identified within and between operators regardless of image origin. High levels of accuracy were also identified, especially for heel height/toe height% and coronary band angle, indicating that photography and radiography may be used interchangeably. Potential relevance: Acquisition and analysis of photographic images is an appropriate method for the objective measurement of foot conformation, both in clinical and research settings.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Currently, there are limited data regarding the long‐term outcome of horses with foot pain treated with corrective shoeing, rest and rehabilitation, and intrasynovial anti‐inflammatory medication to target lesions detected with MRI. Objective: To report the long‐term (≥12 months) outcome of horses with foot lesions following medical therapy. Hypotheses: 1) There is no association between clinical parameters considered and a poor response to therapy. 2) Horses with a deep digital flexor tendinopathy are less likely to respond to medical therapy than horses without a deep digital flexor tendinopathy. Methods: The medical records of horses with foot pain subjected to MRI examination and medical therapy (2005–2007) were evaluated retrospectively. Data collected included history, signalment, occupation, duration and severity of lameness at the time of MRI, radiological and MRI abnormalities. Number of treatments, complications and long‐term response to treatment were obtained by detailed telephone questionnaires. Association between clinical and MRI findings and long‐term lameness were investigated. Results: Frequent abnormal structures included the navicular bone, the deep digital flexor tendon, the navicular bursa and the distal interphalangeal joint. Thirty‐four of 56 horses (60.7%) failed to return to previous level of exercise due to persistent or recurrent lameness or owners' decision to decrease the horse's athletic level; however, 11 horses (32.3%) were being used for light riding. Prognosis for horses with concurrent deep digital flexor tendon, navicular bone and navicular bursa lesions was worse than horses with individual lesions. Deep digital flexor tendinopathy was strongly associated with persistent or recurrent lameness. Conclusions: Horses with multiple foot lesions managed with conservative therapy have a guarded prognosis for long‐term soundness. Deep digital flexor tendinopathies negatively influence prognosis.  相似文献   

This case series describes 3 horses rescued from flooded areas, hospitalised and treated at the Louisiana State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital in the wake of Hurricane Isaac. The purpose of the paper is to familiarise practitioners with the injuries that may be found in flood‐afflicted horses and livestock. Case 1 presented with a degloving injury of the right hindlimb. The gelding developed neurological signs and was subjected to euthanasia; necropsy was consistent with Salmonella sepsis and disseminated mycosis due to Candida krusei, the first case reported in a horse. Case 2 presented with dermatitis attributable to chemical exposure and pneumonia and was subjected to euthanasia due to severe bilateral laminitis. Case 3 sustained a degloving injury of the left hindlimb and was subjected to euthanasia due to intractable pain. This case series illustrates the need for preparation and evacuation to avoid life‐threatening injuries in equids and livestock caused by hurricanes and their aftermath.  相似文献   

The Friesian horse breed is a beautiful breed for showing, riding and driving. However, some clinical problems seem to have a higher incidence in the Friesian breed compared to other breeds and this raises suspicions that these clinical entities may have a genetic basis.  相似文献   

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