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During 1 year, the association between microbiological and pathological findings in 72 lungs from calves submitted to the Danish Veterinary Laboratory for diagnostic purposes was studied. All cases were evaluated pathologically and bacteriologically, whereas only 68 cases were examined for the presence of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), parainfluenza-3 virus (PI-3 virus) and bovine coronavirus, 62 cases for bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVD), 45 cases for bovine adenovirus and 51 cases for mycoplasmas. Based on histopathological examination, the cases were diagnosed as fibrinous and/or necrotizing bronchopneumonia, suppurative bronchopneumonia, embolic pneumonia and others. The diagnoses were based on the dominating and most severe lesions in each lung. Haemophilus somnus, Pasteurella multocida, Actinomyces pyogenes, P. haemolytica and BRSV were the most commonly found bacterial and viral lung pathogens, respectively. Pasteurella spp. and H. somnus were often associated with the more severe fibrinonecrotizing type of bronchopneumonia, whereas BRSV was primarily detected in cases of suppurative bronchopneumonia. Mycoplasma bovis was isolated from one case only, whereas M. dispar, M. bovirhinis and Ureaplasma diversum were present, often concomitantly, in the majority of cases. Aspergillus fumigatus was isolated from one case.  相似文献   

The directional (chemotactic) and random migration activities of neutrophils from cows and newborn and 2-week-old calves were determined by use of the chemotaxis-under-agarose assay. Blood samples were stored for 2, 24, or 48 hours and at 4 or 25 C before testing. During the assay, cells were incubated at 17, 27, or 37 C. The assay was found suitable for testing the directional and random migration activities of neutrophils from cattle. Directional migration of neutrophils was diminished (P less than or equal to 0.05) when cells were incubated at 17 or 27 C, compared with data from incubation at 37 C. Random migration of neutrophils was unaffected by test incubation temperature. Significant (P less than or equal to 0.05) differences were found between cows and calves regarding the percentage number and viability and the directional and random migration activities of neutrophils. Neutrophils from cows were adversely affected to a greater extent by prolonged sample storage times or low storage temperature than were neutrophils from calves. Results indicate that a sample storage time of up to 24 hours, a sample storage temperature of 25 C, and a test incubation temperature of 37 C provided optimal conditions for testing the migratory activities of neutrophils from cattle.  相似文献   

Omphalophlebitis, generally referred to as navel ill, is a common post-mortem meat inspection finding in very young calves slaughtered in New Zealand, and a gross pathological, histopathological and bacteriological evaluation of 147 carcasses condemned for this condition at routine post-mortem meat inspection was undertaken. Localised lesions restricted to the umbilicus alone were present in 29.9% of cases. The majority of cases included gross pathological change in the umbilical vessels and other tissue sites beyond the umbilicus. Most hepatic nodes were grossly normal but histological examination revealed that 61.5% of nodes from other than localised cases of navel ill were hyperplastic. However, there was little difference in the prevalence of hyperplastic hepatic nodes from cases of localised navel ill (21.4%) compared with normal calves (15.9%). Despite the wide range of bacteria isolated from umbilical lesions, Salmonella typhimurium recovered from the navel, liver and hepatic nodes of a single extended case of navel ill was the only isolation of known public health importance. Given the separation of cases of navel ill into different gross pathological, histopathological and microbiological categories, current meat inspection judgments whereby all calves with navel ill are condemned should be revised. In particular, routine condemnation of the carcass and viscera in all cases of localised navel ill (lesions restricted to the umbilicus alone) should be reassessed.  相似文献   

The microbial content of 1,180 samples of fluff from hatchers at 18 chick and 6 turkey hatcheries has been determined. The samples were taken (a) 12–15 hr before removal of birds from the hatchers, (b) just before or after theremoval of chicks orpoults, (c) after fumigation and (d) inreplicate from the same hatcher.

Fifty‐eight per cent of the samples of chick fluff contained one million or more bacteria but only 24 per cent contained more than 100,000 coli‐aerogenes bacteria. Moulds were not found in 68 per cent of the samples. Some samples of fluff were examined for coagulase positive staphylococci and fluorescent pseudomonads but these organisms were generally not detected. Bacillus cereus was recovered in very large numbers from a few samples. Bacterial and coli‐aerogenes counts from poult fluff were generally higher than those from chick fluff but the numbers of pseudomonads and coagulase positive staphylococci recovered were generally negligible.

In an intensive study of samples of fluff from one turkey hatchery, it was found that the level of contamination of fluff increased during hatching and the laying season and was accompanied by a decrease in poult quality. Sampling from any location in the hatcher appears to provide a representative indication of overall contamination at that time. Fumigation of fluff and debris generally caused a reduction in the level of contamination in the fluff.

A suggested assessment of hatchery hygiene based on the microbial examination of fluff is given and the advantages and disadvantages of this method are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of vaccinating pregnant cows with an inactivated vaccine against Mannheimia haemolytica, BRSV and PI3V infections on selected immune responses in their offspring was examined. Blood samples were collected weekly for 12 weeks from six newborn calves from each of vaccinated (experimental) and unvaccinated (control) dams. Specific antibodies to M. haemolytica, BRSV and PI3V and mean values of IgA, IgG concentrations were significantly higher in the experimental calves compared with the controls. However, specific antibody titres to adenovirus type 3, BHV1 and BVDV in the experimental calves had constant levels while the control group levels changed. The IgM, Hp and SAA concentrations generally increased until week 8 in the experimental group, but the control group titres became higher after week 9. This study demonstrates that specific immunisation of cows pre-partum significantly stimulated parameters associated with immunity and it also controlled the acute phase response intensity in their offspring. Therefore the vaccination of dams may provide additional antibody protection against infection to their offspring.  相似文献   


The kinetics of sulphamethoxazole (SMZ) in plasma and milk, and its metabolism, protein binding and renal clearance were studied in three newborn calves and two dairy cows after intravenous administration. SMZ was predominantly acetylated; no hydroxy and glucuronide derivatives could be detected in plasma and urine. Age‐dependent pharmacokinetics and metabolism of SMZ were observed. The plasma concentration‐time curves of the N4‐acetyl metabolite in the elimination phase were parallel to those of the parent drug; the N4‐acetyl metabolite plasma percentage depended on age and ranged between 100% (new‐born) to 24.5% (cow). SMZ was rapidly eliminated (elimination half‐lives: 2.0–4.7 h) and exhibited a relatively small distribution volume (VDarea: 0.44–0.57 l/kg). SMZ was excreted predominantly by glomerular filtration, while its N4‐acetyl metabolite was actively eliminated by tubular secretion.  相似文献   

The kinetics of sulphamethoxazole (SMZ) in plasma and milk, and its metabolism, protein binding and renal clearance were studied in three newborn calves and two dairy cows after intravenous administration. SMZ was predominantly acetylated; no hydroxy and glucuronide derivatives could be detected in plasma and urine. Age-dependent pharmacokinetics and metabolism of SMZ were observed. The plasma concentration-time curves of the N4-acetyl metabolite in the elimination phase were parallel to those of the parent drug; the N4-acetyl metabolite plasma percentage depended on age and ranged between 100% (new-born) to 24.5% (cow). SMZ was rapidly eliminated (elimination half-lives: 2.0-4.7 h) and exhibited a relatively small distribution volume (VDarea: 0.44-0.57 l/kg). SMZ was excreted predominantly by glomerular filtration, while its N4-acetyl metabolite was actively eliminated by tubular secretion.  相似文献   

Objectives : To evaluate the efficacy of amiodarone in dogs with refractory supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias and to document the side effects in treated dogs. Methods : Records of 28 dogs were retrospectively searched to document indication for amiodarone administration, heart rate, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, thyroxine (T4) and thyroid stimulating hormone values before and after starting treatment and during follow‐up periods. Results : Sixteen dogs with supraventricular and 12 dogs with ventricular arrhythmias were treated with amiodarone. Amiodarone treatment significantly reduced the heart rate (P<0.001) and resulted in improvement in the severity of the arrhythmia and clinical signs in 26 dogs. There were no significant differences in alkaline phosphatase (P=0.596), alanine aminotransferase (P=0.842), T4 (P=0.789) and thyroid stimulating hormone (P=0.064) before and after starting amiodarone. On maintenance therapy, median amiodarone blood levels were within the accepted reference range (0.5 to 2.0 mg/L) at 0.8 mg/L (range 0.2 to 11.6 mg/L), but the majority of the desethylamiodarone levels were below normal at 0.1 mg/L (range 0.1 to 0.9 mg/L), based on human reference intervals (0.5 to 2.0 mg/L). Clinical Significance : Amiodarone may be an effective and safe alternative to treat supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias in dogs, when common anti‐arrhythmic drugs are not effective or contraindicated.  相似文献   

A total of 100 samples of poultry meat were collected in poultry farms in the vicinity of the Mbeubeuss landfill in the Niayes (Senegal) for microbiological and chemical analysis. Fifty-four (54) samples were collected in farms located less than 1 km from the landfill and 46 samples were collected in farms located a bit further (more than 1 km from the landfill). Microbiological quality was determined using techniques recommended by Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR). Lead and cadmium concentration in poultry meat was measured by flame spectrometry while total mercury was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. Three percent (3%) of the samples’ quality were unsatisfactory for E. coli, 1% for Staphylococci and 7% for Salmonella spp. Poor meat quality was found either in farms located less than 1 km of the landfill or in farms located at more than 1 km of the landfill. Except for Salmonella, only meat samples from poultry receiving drinking water from well showed unsatisfactory microbiological quality. The samples were free of cadmium and lead but were contaminated by mercury. Sixty-eight percent (68%) of the samples contained mercury with a high contamination level (>0.011 mg/kg) in 20% of the samples. No significant difference was found between the farms that were nearest to and further away from the landfill while the source of drinking water seemed to be the main cause of contamination of poultry meat by mercury.  相似文献   


Mastitis may be caused by a wide range of microorganisms able to induce distinct lesions in mammary tissues. This study aims to characterize the gross and microscopic features of mastitis in dairy cows and to correlate them with the pathogens involved. The udders of slaughtered dairy cows were inspected and milk samples from each mammary quarter or fragments of the parenchyma were sent for microbiological analysis, and tissue collected for histopathological evaluation. A total of 148 cows and 592 mammary quarters were collected. From these, 432 quarters (73%) had mastitis and in 160 (27%), no changes were observed. Mastitis was classified into seven patterns based on the histopathological findings, of which mixed, lymphoplasmacytic, and suppurative mastitides were the most prevalent with 35.9% (155/432), 27.1% (117/432), and 14.3% (62/432) of the cases, respectively. These patterns were associated with the same set of pathogens: Streptococcus spp., coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CNS), Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus uberis, and Corynebacterium bovis. The pyogranulomatous pattern represented 7.2% (31/432) of the cases with distinct distribution based on the agent involved, mostly S. aureus and Nocardia sp. Abscedative mastitis accounted for 6.0% (26/432) of the cases; it was characterized by multiple abscesses in the parenchyma and was mainly caused by Trueperella pyogenes. Necrosuppurative mastitis represented 5.8% (25/432) of the cases which were characterized by severe parenchyma necrosis and were caused by bacteria such as CNS and Escherichia coli. The granulomatous pattern represented 3.7% (16/432) of the cases and was occasionally associated with Mycobacterium sp.


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