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Responses of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) to nitrogen (N) fertilizer application rates and timings vary widely, because water is often limiting. Yield response to N fertilizer application during autumn, late‐winter and spring, and the associated efficiency of use of these inputs, was assessed under conditions of non‐limiting soil moisture during two, one‐year lysimeter studies in Canterbury, New Zealand. There were significant (P < 0·05) increases in seed and herbage yields with increasing N fertilizer application. Seed yields differed with year; greatest yields were 300 g m?2 in 1996 and 450 g m?2 in 1997. Seed head numbers (r2=0·77), seeds head?1 (r2=0·92) and herbage yield (r2=0·92) were the major determinants of seed yield in both years. Irrigation required to maintain the soil between 70% and 90% of field capacity was directly related (r2=0·94 and 0·99 in 1996 and 1997 respectively) to increases in herbage yield. Seed yield, seed quality (thousand seed weight and percentage of seed > 1·85 mg), efficiency of water use, efficiency of N fertilizer use and apparent N fertilizer recovery were greatest when N fertilizer was applied at a rate of 50 kg N ha?1, 50 or 100 kg N ha?1 and 150 kg N ha?1 in autumn, late‐winter and spring respectively; further increases in spring N fertilizer stimulated vegetative growth, but not seed yield. As a management strategy, applying N fertilizer to match the N requirements of the crop during the reproductive stage of growth will result in high yields of high quality seed while minimizing environmental impact.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of using a trailing‐shoe system to apply cattle slurry, under different conditions of grass height (low [LG]: freshly cut sward [4–5 cm height] vs. high [HG]: application delayed by 7–19 d and applied to taller grass sward [4–11 cm] height) and month of application (June vs. April), on the nitrogen fertilizer replacement value (NFRV) and apparent N recovery (ANRS) of cattle slurry applied to grassland. NFRV was calculated using two methods: (i) NFRVN based on the apparent recovery of slurry‐N relative to that of mineral‐N fertilizer; and (ii) NFRVDM based on DM yield. The effect of applying slurry into HG swards, relative to LG swards, decreased the DM yield by 0·47 t ha?1 ( 0·001), N uptake by 5 kg ha?1 (P = 0·05), ANRS by 0·05 kg kg?1 (P = 0·036), NFRVN by 0·05 kg kg?1 (P = 0·090) and NFRVDM by 0·11 kg kg?1 (< 0·001). It was concluded that the main factor causing these decreases with HG, compared with LG applications, was wheel damage affecting subsequent N uptake and growth of the taller grass sward.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of defoliation frequency (either at two‐ or three‐leaf stage) and nitrogen (N) application rate (0, 75, 150, 300, 450 kg N ha?1 year?1) on herbage carbohydrate and crude protein (CP) fractions, and the water‐soluble carbohydrate‐to‐protein ratio (WSC:CP) in perennial ryegrass swards. Crude protein fractions were analysed according to the Cornell carbohydrate and protein system. Carbohydrate fractions were analysed by ultra‐high‐performance liquid chromatography. Sward defoliation at two‐leaf stage increased the total CP, reduced the buffer‐soluble CP fractions and decreased carbohydrate fractions of herbage (P < 0·001). The effect of defoliation frequency was less marked during early spring and autumn (P < 0·001) than for the rest of the seasons. An increase in N application rate was negatively associated with WSC, fructans and neutral detergent fibre (P < 0·001), and positively associated with CP and nitrate (N‐NO3) contents of herbage. Nitrogen application rate did not affect CP fractions of herbage (P > 0·05). The fluctuations in CP and WSC contents of herbage resulted in lower WSC:CP ratios during early spring and autumn (0·45:1 and 0·75:1 respectively) than in late spring (1·11:1). The herbage WSC:CP ratio was greater (P < 0·001) at the three‐leaf than the two‐leaf defoliation stage and declined as the N application increased in all seasons (P < 0·001). The results of this study indicate that CP and carbohydrate fractions of herbage can be manipulated by sward defoliation frequency and N application rate. The magnitude of these effects, however, may vary with the season.  相似文献   

This study compared the profitabilities of systems of dairy production based on N‐fertilized grass (FN) and grass‐white clover (WC) grassland and assessed sensitivity to changing fertilizer N and milk prices. Data were sourced from three system‐scale studies conducted in Ireland between 2001 and 2009. Ten FN stocked between 2·0 and 2·5 livestock units (LU) ha?1 with fertilizer N input between 173 and 353 kg ha?1 were compared with eight WC stocked between 1·75 and 2·2 LU ha?1 with fertilizer N input between 79 and 105 kg ha?1. Sensitivity was confined to nine combinations of high, intermediate and low fertilizer N and milk prices. Stocking density, milk and total sales from WC were approximately 0·90 of FN. In scenarios with high fertilizer N price combined with intermediate or low milk prices, WC was more (P < 0·05) profitable than FN. Based on milk and fertilizer N prices at the time, FN was clearly more profitable than WC between 1990 and 2005. However, with the steady increase in fertilizer N prices relative to milk price, the difference between FN and WC was less clear cut between 2006 and 2010. Projecting into the future and assuming similar trends in fertilizer N and milk prices to the last decade, this analysis indicates that WC will become an increasingly more profitable alternative to FN for pasture‐based dairy production.  相似文献   

The effects of levels of application of potassium (K) fertilizer, and its interactions with both nitrogen (N) fertilizer and the growth interval between fertilizer application and harvesting on ryegrass herbage yield and chemical composition, and the fermentation, predicted feeding value, effluent production and dry-matter (DM) recovery of silage were evaluated in a randomized block design experiment. Twenty plots in each of four replicate blocks received either 0, 60, 120, 180 or 240 kg K ha?1, each at either 120 or 168 kg N ha?1. Herbage from the plots was harvested on either 24 May or 8 June and ensiled (6 kg) unwilted, without additive treatment, in laboratory silos. Immediately after harvesting, all plots received 95 kg N ha?1 and were harvested again after a 49-day regrowth interval. From the primary growth, herbage DM yields were 6·31, 6·57, 6·74, 6·93 and 6·93 (s.e. 0·091) t ha?1, herbage K concentrations were 15·5, 16·2, 19·1, 22·4 and 26·1 (s.e. 1·06) g kg?1 DM and herbage ash concentrations were 57, 63, 71, 73 and 76 (s.e. 0·9) g kg?1 DM, and for the primary regrowth herbage DM yields were 2·56, 2·73, 2·83, 2·94 and 2·99 (s.e. 0·056) t ha?1 for the 0, 60, 120, 180 and 240 g K ha?1 treatments respectively. Otherwise, the level of K fertilizer did not alter the chemical composition of the herbage at ensiling. After a 120-day fermentation period the silos were opened and sampled. The level of K fertilization had little effect on silage fermentation and had no effect on estimated intake potential, in vitro DM digestibility (DMD), DM recovery or effluent production. Increasing N fertilizer application increased silage buffering capacity (P < 0·05) and the concentrations of crude protein (P < 0·001), ammonia N (P < 0·01) and effluent volume (P < 0·01), and decreased ethanol concentration (P < 0·05) and intake potential (P < 0·05). Except for the concentrations of lactate and butyrate, delaying the harvesting date deleteriously changed the chemical composition (P < 0·001) and decreased intake potential (P < 0·001) and DMD (P < 0·001) of the silages. It is concluded that, other than for K and ash concentration, increasing the level of K fertilizer application did not alter the chemical composition of herbage from the primary growth or the resultant silage. Also, the level of K fertilizer application did not affect predicted feeding value, DM recovery or effluent production. Herbage yield increased linearly with increased fertilizer K application. Except for acetate and ethanol concentrations, there were no level of K fertilizer application by level of N fertilizer application interactions or level of K fertilizer application by harvest date interactions on silage fermentation or predicted feeding value. Increasing N fertilizer application from 120 to 168 kg ha?1 had a more deleterious effect on silage composition and feeding value than increasing K fertilizer application from 0 to 240 kg ha?1. Delaying harvesting was the most important factor affecting herbage yield and composition, and silage composition and had the most deleterious effect on silage feeding value.  相似文献   

This study examined the quantity of mineral N in soil and nitrate‐N losses to groundwater from grassland‐based dairy production in 2001 and 2002. There were four treatments with different inputs of N, through fertilizers, concentrates and biological fixation, and four associated stocking densities. Nitrogen inputs were 205, 230, 300 and 400 kg ha?1, respectively, and annual stocking densities were 1·75, 2·10, 2·50 and 2·50 cows ha?1. There were 18 cows per treatment. Grazed herbage accounted for 0·64, grass‐silage for 0·26 and concentrates 0·10 of annual DM consumed by the cows. Quantities of mineral N (nitrate‐N and ammonium‐N) in soil were measured, following extraction in 2 M KCl (1:2 w/v) shaken continuously for 2 h, on three occasions between late September and early February each winter. Concentrations of nitrate‐N in groundwater from wells inserted vertically to a depth of 1 m were determined throughout both winters. Quantities of mineral N in the soil increased (P < 0·001) with higher N inputs and declined (P < 0·001) with later sampling date. There were no relationships between nitrate‐N concentrations in groundwater and N inputs, N surpluses, deposition of excreta‐N at the soil surface and soil mineral N during both winters. Low losses of nitrate‐N to groundwater were primarily attributed to high rates of denitrification associated with a heavy soil texture, wet anaerobic soil conditions, relatively high organic carbon contents throughout the soil profile and mild soil temperatures throughout the year. Uptake of N by herbage made an important contribution to low N losses over the winter.  相似文献   

The effects of sowing date and nitrogen (N) fertilizer on the inter‐specific competition between dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) in the humid Pampas of Argentina were investigated in two pot experiments where a constant soil moisture content was maintained. Tall fescue and dallisgrass seeds were sown either in the spring (October 2000) or in the autumn (March 2001) in mixed and mono‐specific stands with 0 or 100 kg N ha?1. In the spring, competition from tall fescue depressed dry‐matter (DM) yield of dallisgrass from 1·53 to 0·36 g DM per plant and tiller number from 9·4 to 3·7 tillers per plant in mixed and in mono‐specific stands, respectively, while tall fescue had 3–4 times higher DM yields in mixed stands. Leaf extension rate (LER) of tall fescue was higher (1·3 mm d?1) than that of dallisgrass (0·53 mm d?1). In the autumn, inter‐specific competition did not affect DM yield of dallisgrass and N fertilizer increased DM yield from 0·53 to 2·07 g DM per plant, tiller number from 6·8 to 14·2 tillers per plant and LER at the beginning of autumn from 1·2 to 2·12 mm d?1 in both species. As temperature decreased, LER was reduced in both species to 0·31 mm d?1 by late autumn. The number of leaves per tiller was not affected by treatment. Nitrogen fertilizer increased N concentration of above‐ground tissues of both species (18 g kg?1 DM in autumn and 20 g kg?1 DM in spring). It was concluded that a productive mixed pasture of dallisgrass and tall fescue can be obtained by sowing early in the autumn. The application of N fertilizer in this season is essential to ensure a high herbage yield and quality.  相似文献   

A small‐plot experiment was carried out in Northern Ireland on a predominantly perennial ryegrass sward over the period July 1993 to March 1994 to investigate the effect of timing and rate of fertilizer nitrogen (N) application on herbage mass and its chemical composition over the winter period. Eighty treatment combinations, involving four N fertilizer application dates (28 July, 9 and 30 August and 20 September 1993), four rates of N fertilizer (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha?1) and five harvest dates (1 October, 1 November, 1 December 1993, 1 February and 1 March 1994), were replicated three times in a randomized block design experiment. N application increased herbage mass at each of the harvest dates, but in general there was a decrease in response to N with increasing rate of N and delay in time of application. Mean responses to N applications were 13·0, 11·5 and 9·5 kg DM kg?1 N at 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha?1 respectively. Delaying N application, which also reduced the length of the period of growth, reduced the mean response to N fertilizer from 14·3 to 7·4 kg DM kg?1 N for N applied on 28 July and 20 September respectively. Increasing rate of N application increased the N concentration and reduced the dry‐matter (DM) content and water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) concentration of the herbage but had little effect on the acid‐detergent fibre (ADF) concentration. Delaying N application increased N concentration and reduced DM content of the herbage. The effect of date of N application on WSC concentration varied between harvests. A decrease in herbage mass occurred from November onwards which was associated with a decrease in the proportion of live leaf and stem material and an increase in the proportion of dead material in the sward. It is concluded that there is considerable potential to increase the herbage mass available for autumn/early winter grazing by applying up to 60 kg N ha?1 in early September.  相似文献   

Warm‐season pasture residue may create problems for no‐till overseeding with cool‐season grasses in the USA Southern Plains. Removal of residue to facilitate overseeding, however, represents additional cost and labour that may not be available on small livestock farms. Field experiments were undertaken to assess the effects of above‐surface residues of warm‐season pasture averaging 1·62, 2·48 or 3·36 t DM ha?1 on establishment and herbage production of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) or tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) overseeded by broadcasting or by no‐till drilling into dormant warm‐season pasture. On average, no‐till drilling was more effective than broadcasting in establishing both grass species, but it was no more effective than broadcasting when used with the greatest amount of residue. Cool‐season grass production was increased by 0·16 when no‐till drilled, but combined yearly total herbage production of cool‐ and warm‐season grasses was increased by 0·07 when cool‐season grasses were established by broadcasting. Amount of residue at sowing did not significantly affect herbage yield of cool‐season grass, but increased residue in autumn resulted in a 0·16 increase in total herbage production in the year following sowing. Residue amount did not affect over‐winter survival of grass seedlings, and productivity benefits of increased residue are small compared with reduced harvest arising from underutilization of warm‐season pasture residue in autumn.  相似文献   

Timothy–meadow fescue herbage was ensiled with formic acid (FA) (expressed as 100% solution) at the rates of 0, 2, 4 or 6 L t?1. The silages were fed along with concentrates to bulls fitted with cannulae in the rumen and duodenum. The ration comprised grass silage (700 g kg?1), barley (240 g kg?1) and rapeseed meal (60 g kg?1). The application rate of FA had no effect on the site or extent of the digestion of dietary organic matter (OM) and neutral‐detergent fibre. The flow of total N at the duodenum increased linearly (P < 0·05) with application rate of FA, reflecting mainly an increased (P < 0·01) flow of microbial N. The apparent efficiency of net microbial protein synthesis in the rumen increased (P < 0·05), the proportion of propionate in the volatile fatty acids (VFA) in the rumen was not affected (P > 0·05) but that of butyrate increased (linear and quadratic effects, P < 0·01) with increasing rate of FA. It is concluded that an increase in the rate of FA at ensiling leads to a higher utilization of energy and/or protein‐yielding substrates for rumen microbes and to a modified rumen VFA pattern with an increased proportion of butyrate.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in 2006 and 2007 to determine the agronomic performance and nutritive value of Sorghum almum for introduction in the derived savannah area of Nigeria. The experiment was arranged in a 2 × 4 factorial design with 2 plant spacings (0·5 × 0·5 m and 1·0 × 1·0 m) and 4 nitrogen (N) fertilizer levels (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg N ha?1). Plant height, tiller number, leaf proportion, biomass yield and nutritive value of the herbage were evaluated as part of the search for alternatives (especially drought tolerant) to local forages for dry season feeding of ruminants. Herbage yield data were tested for linear, quadratic and cubic trends to identify the optimal fertilizer levels for both spacings. Spacing × N interactions (P < 0·05) were observed for plant height and tiller number in both years. Agronomic performance was marginally better in 2007 compared with 2006. The maximum dry‐matter (DM) yield of 3500 and 3740 kg ha?1 for the more dense row spacing (0·5 × 0·5 m) was achieved at N fertilizer levels of 144 and 149 kg N ha?1 for 2006 and 2007 respectively. For the less dense (1·0 × 1·0 m) row spacing, the maximum DM yield of 3020 and 3240 kg ha?1 was achieved at 51 and 97 kg N ha?1 for 2006 and 2007 respectively. The crude protein content of the grass ranged from 61 to 89 g kg?1 DM, while the neutral detergent fibre (NDF) content ranged from 700 to 734 g kg?1 DM. The ability of S. almum to persist into the second year in this region is seen as a promising index as persistence is one of the characteristics of a good forage plant. Considering the exorbitant price of N fertilizer, less dense row spacing with N fertilizer rate in the range of 50–100 kg N ha?1 is hereby recommended for this region.  相似文献   

There is scope of increasing the nitrogen (N) efficiency of grazing cattle through manipulation of the energy and N concentrations in the herbage ingested. Because of asymmetric grazing by cattle between individual plant parts, it has not yet been established how this translates into the concentrations of N and water‐soluble carbohydrates (WSC) in the herbage ingested. A model is described with the objective of assessing the efficacy of individual tools in grassland management in manipulating the WSC and N concentrations of the herbage ingested by cattle under strip‐grazing management throughout the growing season. The model was calibrated and independently evaluated for early (April), mid‐ (June, regrowth phase) and late (September) parts of the growing season. There was a high correlation between predicted and observed WSC concentrations in the ingested herbage (R2 = 0·78, P < 0·001). The correlation between predicted and observed neutral‐detergent fibre (NDF) concentrations in the ingested herbage was lower (R2 = 0·49, P < 0·05) with a small absolute bias. Differences in the N concentration between laminae and sheaths, and between clean patches and fouled patches, were adequately simulated and it was concluded that the model could be used to assess the efficacy of grassland management tools for manipulating the WSC and N concentrations in the ingested herbage. Model application showed that reduced rates of application of N fertilizer and longer rotation lengths were effective tools for manipulating herbage quality in early and mid‐season. During the later part of the growing season, the large proportion of area affected by dung and urine reduced the effect of application rate of N fertilizer on herbage quality. In contrast, relative differences between high‐sugar and low‐sugar cultivars of perennial ryegrass were largest during this period. This suggests that high‐sugar cultivars may be an important tool in increasing N efficiency by cattle when risks of N losses to water bodies are largest. The model output showed that defoliation height affects the chemical composition of the ingested herbage of both the current and the subsequent grazing period.  相似文献   

Growth of grass herbage in Ireland is highly seasonal with little or no net growth from November to February. As a result, feed demand exceeds grass supply during late autumn, winter and early spring. At low stocking rates [≤2 livestock units (LU) ha?1], there is potential to defer some of the herbage grown in autumn to support winter grazing. This study examined the effects of four autumn‐closing dates and four winter‐grazing dates in successive years on the accumulation of herbage mass and on tiller density in winter and subsequent herbage production at two sites in Ireland, one in the south and one in the north‐east. Closing swards from grazing in early and mid‐September (north‐east and south of Ireland respectively) provided swards with >2 t DM ha?1 and a proportion of green leaf >0·65–0·70 of the herbage mass above 4 cm, with a crude protein (CP) concentration of >230 g kg?1 DM and dry matter digestibility (DMD) of >0·700. The effects of autumn‐closing date and winter‐grazing date on herbage production in the subsequent year varied between the two sites. There was no significant effect of autumn‐closing date in the north‐eastern site whereas in the south earlier autumn closing reduced the herbage mass in late March by up to 0·34 t DM ha?1 and delaying winter grazing reduced the herbage mass in late March by up to 0·85 t DM ha?1. The effects of later grazing dates in winter on herbage mass continued into the summer at the southern site, reducing the herbage mass for the period from late March to July by up to 2 t DM ha?1. The effects of imposing treatments in successive years did not follow a consistent pattern and year‐to‐year variation was most likely linked to meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

The provision of grass for early spring grazing in Ireland is critical for spring calving grass‐based milk production systems. This experiment investigated the effect of a range of autumn closing dates (CD), on herbage mass (kg DM ha?1), leaf area index (LAI) and tiller density (m?2) during winter and early spring. Thirty‐six grazing paddocks, closed from 23 September to 1 December 2007, were grouped to create five mean CD treatments – 29 September, 13 October, 27 October, 10 November, 24 November. Herbage mass, tiller density and LAI were measured every 3 weeks from 28 November 2007 to 20 February 2008; additionally, herbage mass was measured prior to initial spring grazing and tiller density was measured intermittently until September 2008. Delaying CD until November significantly (P < 0·05) reduced herbage mass (by approximately 500 kg DM ha?1) and LAI (by approximately 0·86 units) in mid‐February. On average, 35% of herbage mass present on swards on 20 February was grown between 28 November and 30 January. LAI was positively correlated with herbage mass (R2 = 0·78). Herbage mass increased by approximately 1000 kg DM ha?1 as spring grazing was delayed from February to April. Tiller density increased from November to February, although it did fluctuate, and it was greatest in April (9930 m?2). This experiment concludes that in the south of Ireland adequate herbage mass for grazing in early spring can be achieved by delaying closing to early mid‐October; swards required for grazing after mid‐March can be closed during November.  相似文献   

Abstract The recovery of nitrogen (N) from, and the fertilizer‐N value of, low dry‐matter (DM) cattle slurry and farm yard manure (FYM), applied annually to perennial ryegrass swards grown at two sites, on sandy loam and shallow calcareous silty clay loam soils, were studied over a 4‐year period. Slurry or FYM, applied at target rates of either 150 kg N ha?1 or 300 kg N ha?1 in either October, February or May/June, in combination with 150 kg N ha?1 inorganic fertilizer‐N (applied as split dressings before the first and second grass cut), were compared with a set of inorganic fertilizer‐N response treatments. DM yield, N offtake, apparent manure‐N recovery (in herbage) and manure‐N efficiency (compared with inorganic fertilizer‐N) were determined at two silage cuts each summer. Soil mineral nitrogen (SMN) measurements in autumn and spring were used to assess potential N leaching loss over winter and to quantify available N residues in the soil in spring. Apparent manure‐N recovery and manure‐N efficiency were usually greater from slurry applications in February than from those in October, but the timing of the application of FYM had a much smaller effect, compared with the timings of the application of slurry, on the utilization of N from manure by grass. Spring assessment of SMN was useful in quantifying available N residues from October slurry applications. Manure‐N recovery for all application timings was, on average, higher from the sandy loam than the shallow calcareous clay loam. The application of slurry to grass in early spring, at a rate of 150 kg total N ha?1, with the addition of a supplementary 50 kg inorganic fertilizer‐N ha?1, was the most suitable strategy for utilizing slurry‐N effectively and for supplying the N requirement for first‐cut silage.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of an early (February; F) or delayed (April; A) primary spring grazing date and two stocking rates, high (H) and medium (M), on the grazing management, dry matter (DM) intake of grass herbage and milk production of spring‐calving dairy cows grazing a perennial ryegrass sward in the subsequent summer. Sixty‐four Holstein‐Friesian dairy cows (mean of 58 d in milk) were assigned to one of four grazing treatments (n = 16) which were imposed from 12 April to 3 July 2004. Cows on the early spring‐grazing treatment were grazed at 5·5 cows ha?1 (treatment FH) and 4·5 cows ha?1 (treatment FM) while cows on the late‐grazing treatment were grazed at 6·4 cows ha?1 (treatment AH) and 5·5 cows ha?1 (treatment AM). The organic matter digestibility and crude protein concentration of the grass herbage were higher on the early‐grazing treatment than on the late‐grazing treatment. The cows on the FM treatment had significantly (P < 0·001) higher milk (24·5 kg), solids‐corrected milk (22·5 kg), fat (P < 0·01, 918 g) and protein (831 g) yields than the other three treatments. Cows on the FM treatment had a higher (P < 0·001) DM intake of grass herbage by 2·3 kg DM per cow per day than cows on the AH treatment, which had a DM intake significantly lower than all other treatments (15·2 kg DM per cow per day). The results of the present study showed that grazing in early spring has a positive effect on herbage quality in subsequent grazing rotations. The study also concluded that early spring‐grazed swards stocked at a medium stocking rate (4·5 cows ha?1; FM) resulted in the highest DM intake of grass herbage and milk production.  相似文献   

The redistribution of herbage production during the growing season to synchronize herbage supply with feed demand by livestock by altering the application pattern of a range of nitrogen (N) fertilizer rates was studied. Application rates of N were 50, 150 and 250 kg N ha?1 per annum and patterns were with 0·60 of N fertilizer applied before June (treatment RN) and with only 0·20 of N fertilizer before June (treatment IN). Treatments were imposed in a cutting (simulated grazing) experiment (Experiment 1), which was conducted for 2 years and a grazing experiment (Experiment 2) which was conducted for 3 years. In both experiments, herbage production was reduced in April and May and increased in the June–October period on treatment IN relative to RN, but annual herbage production was not significantly affected except in the third year of Experiment 2, when treatment RN had significantly (P < 0·05) higher herbage production than treatment IN. Crude protein (CP) concentration of herbage was lower in April and May on treatment IN than treatment RN. However, CP concentration of herbage was rarely below 150 g kg?1 DM and so it is unlikely that livestock productivity would be compromised. On treatment IN, concentrations of CP in herbage were higher in the late summer than on treatment RN, which may increase livestock productivity during July and August when livestock productivity is often lower. Altering the strategy of application of N fertilizer did not affect in vitro dry matter digestibility of herbage.  相似文献   

The impact of deferred grazing (no defoliation of pastures for a period generally from spring to autumn) and fertilizer application on plant population density, ground cover and soil moisture in a hill pasture (annual grass dominated, with Australian native grasses being the major perennial species) were studied in a large‐scale field experiment from 2002 to 2006 in southern Australia. Three deferred grazing strategies were used: short‐term deferred grazing (no defoliation between October and January each year), long‐term deferred grazing (no defoliation from October to the autumn break, that is the first significant rainfall event of the winter growing season) and optimized deferred grazing (withholding time from grazing depends on morphological development of the plants). These treatments were applied with two fertilizer levels (nil fertilizer and 50 kg P ha?1 plus lime) and two additional treatments [continuous grazing (control) and no grazing for year 1]. Deferred grazing increased (P < 0·05) perennial grass tiller density compared with the control. On average, the tiller density of the three deferred grazing treatments was 27–88% higher than the control. There was a negative (P < 0·01) relationship between perennial and annual grass tiller density. Fertilizer application increased (P < 0·05) legume plant density. The densities of annual grasses, legumes, onion grass (Romulea rosea) and broadleaf weeds varied between years, but perennial grass density and moss cover did not. The ground cover of the deferred grazing treatments in autumn was on average 27% higher than the control. Soil moisture differed between treatments at 15–30 cm depth, but not at 0–15 depth over autumn and winter. The results imply that deferred grazing can be an effective tool for rejuvenating degraded native pastures through increases in native grass tiller density and population and through improving farm productivity and sustainability.  相似文献   

Abstract In 1993 and 1994, 40 cows in early lactation in early spring were assigned randomly to four feeding treatments. One group of cows was kept indoors with access to grass silage ad libitum, plus 6 kg of concentrate daily. The other three groups had access to grass pasture (5–6 h per day in 1993 and 11–12 h per day in 1994) plus grass silage similar to that fed to the previous group while indoors plus 6, 4 or 2 kg of concentrate daily. The average daily allocations of herbage (> 3·5 cm) were 8·5 and 14·0 kg DM cow?1 day?1 in 1993 and 1994 respectively. The treatments were applied for 8 weeks (26 February to 23 April) in 1993, and 7 weeks (11 March to 29 April) in 1994. Cows with access to pasture had lower (P < 0·001) silage dry‐matter (DM) intakes and higher (P < 0·001) total forage DM intakes in both years than those kept indoors. This resulted in significantly higher yields of milk, fat, protein and lactose. Similarly, milk protein concentration was higher (P < 0·05 in 1993; P < 0·001 in 1994). There was a significant linear increase in total DM intake in both years with increased concentrate supplementation. In 1993, there was a linear increase in milk (P < 0·01), fat (P < 0·01), protein (P < 0·001) and lactose (P < 0·01) yields with increased concentrate supplementation. In 1994, only milk protein yield (P < 0·05) was increased. Concentrate supplementation had no effect on milk composition or liveweight change. Cows with access to grazed grass had higher liveweight gains (P < 0·05) than those kept indoors in both years. In 1993, increasing the energy intake increased the processing qualities of the milk produced. The results showed that access to grass pasture resulted in higher milk production, in reduced silage requirement and in reduced level of concentrate supplementation required for a given level of milk production with spring‐calving cows in early lactation compared with those kept indoors.  相似文献   

In 1988 and 1989, swards of grass (G0), while clover (C0) and grass/white clover (GC0) receiving no N fertilizer, and a grass sward supplied with 420 kg N ha?1 (G420), were grazed by non-lactating sheep to maintain a sward surface height of 6 cm. Herbage organic matter (OM) intakes averaged between 1200 and 1700 g OM ewe?1 d?1. For treatments G0, C0, GC0 and G420 respectively, the ewes' live weight gain was 102, 112, 100 and 110 g d?1 and changes in body condition scores were +0·28, +0·52, +0·36 and +0·44 units season?1. However, the effect of treatment was not significant for either variable. There were similar levels of output of faecal N ewe?1 but significantly more urinary N ewe?1 was excreted on treatments C0 and G420, where the concentrations of N in herbage laminae were also higher. For example, in 1989, total daily N excreted was 39·7, 64·4, 44·0 and 63·3 g N ewe?1 for G0, C0, GC0 and G420 respectively. Taking into account the mean daily stocking rates, which were 19·4, 26·6, 27·2 and 36·5 ewe ha?1, the total faeces and urine returns over the season were 161, 358, 249 and 484 kg N ha?1 for each treatment respectively. The herbage OM intakes ewes?1 d?1 measured in September and October were similar for C0 and G420, and so the intake of herbage OM ha?1 d?1 was related to stocking rate, i. e. the estimated herbage intake ha?1 over the growing season for the white clover monoculture was 73% of that for N-fertilized grass. Excretal nitrogen returns to the pasture from grazed mono-cultures of clover were high, and similar to those from a grass sward receiving 420 kg fertilizer N ha?1. Consequently potential losses of N to the environment are high under these management systems.  相似文献   

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