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Apart from his direct tasks like treating diseased animals, preservation of animal health, recognition of mal-feeding and failures, recognition of unsuitable keeping systems and acknowledgement of animal welfare the veterinary practitioner can be the environmental-hygienic consultant of the farmer in following areas in particular: management and technique of feeding; management and technique of water supply; management and technique of air quality and ventilation; management and technique of manure handling and hygiene; cleaning and disinfection; deratting and pest control. The aim of these tasks is to diminish the risks/hazards for food products (food control act), the air (emission control act), surface water (law on the water household), ground water (waste control act, law on the water household) and vegetation and soil (waste control act, nature conservation act). Some examples will be given and comments are made on how to run a practice in an environmentally friendly way.  相似文献   

Starting from the general provisions of Section 24 federal law concerning nature conservation the essential contents of different provisions of land law about licence of animal preserves are summarized and cleared up. Sectors of priority are the interpretation and exact definition of the term "animal preserve", explanation of special licensing requirements of law concerning protection of animals (housing and feeding must be adequate to standards of conduct; rearing of animals must be competent), and considerations about lawful contents as well as legal investigations of the definitive administrative act.  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的深入发展,我国畜牧业得到快速发展,但是持续曝光的畜牧饲料安全和动物性食品安全问题不仅威胁广大消费者的身体健康,还不利于畜牧业有序发展。该文主要论述饲料安全和动物性食品安全定义,并对其不安全因素进行具体分析,最后结合自身工作经验,从执法监管、检测评价和加工工艺等方面提出加强饲料安全与动物性食品安全的对策。以期更好地推动我国畜牧饲料和动物性食品安全工作开展。  相似文献   

The 'Livestock Revolution' and globalization with enormous increases in free trade of animals and food products are not a choice but a reality (Thiermann, J. Vet. Med. Educ., 28, 2001, 56). Conditions of modern life, some of them related to or being the result of globalization, ensure that factors responsible for disease emergence are more prevalent than ever. Categorization of the factors is somewhat arbitrary but are representative of the underlying processes that cause emergence. Major responsible factors include ecological changes, such as changes due to agriculture or economic development or to anomalies in climates, human demographical changes and behaviour, travel and commerce, technology and industry, microbial adaptation and change, and the breakdown of public health measures (Morse, Emerg. Infect. Dis., 1, 1995, 7). Furtheron, concerning pathogens, their most striking feature emerging and re-emerging is their diversity, ranging from viruses and prions, over bacteria and rickettsia, fungi, protozoa to helminths. As presently the epidemiological perspective does not permit reliable prediction and prevention of most damaging new pathogens, and as the evolutionary perspective only provides rough theoretical estimates for selective processes in pathogen populations, surveillance and monitoring remain the most important methods to recognize early that 'something has happened'. In light of the complexity and diversity of likely new emerging diseases, such surveillance may be more broadly targeted and aimed more realistically at early recognition of disease syndromes rather than at identifying microbial diseases. The complex and rapid-paced development of international trade, coupled with increasing societal demands for not only abundant and inexpensive food as well as for protection from diseases originating from animals, demands immediate attention from the veterinary community. The inter-relationship at the minimum between animal production, animal diseases and human diseases demands that we consider our concepts, methods and structures. There exists a huge growth area for the veterinary profession; substantial need exists for trained individuals who understand the science of foreign diseases, who can facilitate emergency management operations against diseases (Brown, J. Vet. Med. Educ., 30, 2003, 112) and who can contribute to adjust and strategically develop animal production systems further.  相似文献   

This paper summarises information on the current inspection procedures for pig heads on the slaughterline and their impact on food safety, and considers the implications for food safety of certain lesions. It is argued that although a modified slaughter and inspection technique would decrease the contamination of the carcase with pathogenic microorganisms, leaving lesions in the head undiscovered would be of little or no importance either for human health or for the overall supervision of animal health.  相似文献   

高职《动物性食品卫生检验》课程的教学应以培养合格的从事动物性食品生产、经营、加工和卫生检验的综合性人才为目标.以具体的动物性食品为支点、以教学效果为评价指标提出改革的思路,利用现有的资源充分发掘学生的学习积极性和实践动手能力,强化基本技能的训练,并结合食品卫生界的最新研究思路,培养学生对食品安全系统的综合控制理念,以实现对该课程较为全面地掌握。  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌病(以下简称布病)是由布鲁氏菌引起的严重危害人民健康和影响畜牧业发展的人畜共患传染病,我国将其列为二类动物疫病,同时也被《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》列入乙类传染病。2019年12月,中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所发生的因实验室操作不规范,而引起的布病感染事件,为畜牧兽医工作者的布病防控再一次敲响了警钟。本文结合畜牧兽医行业实际,对畜牧兽医工作者的布病防控进行了探讨,提出了一些具有针对性和可操作性的对策建议。  相似文献   

The killing of cattle in order to support the market price, the millions of sorted male pullets or the killing of surplus animals in zoological gardens or breeds which do not have the right colour--the human way to deal with sentient creatures becomes more and more bizarre. How far is our treatment of animals compatible with the legal demand for killing a vertebrate animal only if a reasonable reason (also called good reason = vernünftiger Grund) according section 17 no. 1 of the German Animal Protection Act exists. An offence against this act could be punished with imprisonment up to three years or a fine. However, to constitute an offence is not necessarily illegal. The legislator has created the expression "reasonable reason" as an indefinite legal term. Therefore the animal protection law can further develop the legal term "reasonable reason" with the help of interpretation and dispensation of justice and adapt it to all social realities. Therefore an appropriate judgement on the killing of a vertebrate animal only is possible by viewing each individual case taking into regard all important factors of the relation between the animal and its owner. The killing of a vertebrate animal, which is found to be illegal according to section 17 no. 1 Animal Protection Act can not be punished in case special Community Law exists which has priority over national law. Community Law which cancels national law exists in the scope of housing, slaughtering and transporting of farm animals. There are loopholes in Community Law concerning the killing of domestic animals in their breeding that could be closed by national law. A solution to secure animal protection could be the creation of a strict law for the breeding of domestic animals in Germany.  相似文献   

The article looks at the legal situation concerning the permission for commercial activities with animals due to Article 11 par. 1 no.3 (d) of the German Animal Welfare Act, in particular in combination with activities at changing places. Regardingly the German legislator has recently (especially since 1998) started to approach the problems of animal welfare by adopting specific regulations, e. g. by enacting an obligation to inform the authority of the planned change of place of activity. Currently the legislator discusses an extension of the enabling act for an ordinance by the Federal Government on the central register for circusses. Standardized data collection and transmission shall contribute to an effective control of the companies' compliance with animal welfare law. Article 11 par. 2a of the German Animal Welfare Act is an important regulation concerning activities at changing places. It allows to combine the permission with time limits, conditions and impositions of duties. Such collateral clauses can be set down to keep an animal stock book or--in a wider sense--a documentation of the company's activities to guarantee an effective control by the authority. In the case of American rodeo shows it is to mention that collateral clauses to introduce more animal welfare are imposed by the local authorities responsible for the area where the shows will take place rather than by the authority which actually has given the permission. The authorities have to distinguish subsequent collateral clauses or directives on one hand and the revocation of the permission on the other hand, since in this case the requirements are more strict. The recent preliminary judicial decisions of the administrative courts concerning this legal problem are contradictory so that they cannot serve as a guideline for the authorities.  相似文献   

饲料“禁抗”势在必行,行业如何应对?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘国信 《猪业科学》2020,37(6):118-121
抗生素自问世以来,在防治动物疾病、促进畜禽健康生长,提高养殖效益方面发挥了重要作用。但随着抗生素的不规范使用甚至滥用,药物残留和动物源细菌耐药性等问题逐渐浮出水面,给动物源性食品安全和公共卫生安全带来风险隐患。对此,农业农村部发布公告,实施促生长类药物饲料添加剂退出行动(简称饲料"禁抗")。从长期发展来看,饲料"禁抗"对行业可持续发展有积极正向作用,但短期对饲料养殖行业会带来一定的冲击。饲料"禁抗"是提高动物源性食品安全和公共卫生安全水平,促进畜牧业持续健康发展的必然要求,无论是饲料企业,还是养殖场户,应以冷静积极的心态面对,积极找寻饲用抗生素减量替代方案,并加速推广应用,以助力养殖业绿色健康发展,满足人们对安全优质动物源性食品的需求。  相似文献   

养殖场是动物源性食品安全监管的源头,而养殖场兽医工作至关重要,只有依法保护养殖场兽医合法权益,提高兽医社会地位,确保兽医相对独立开展工作,明确养殖场兽医的动物性食品安全保护职责,才能真正使养殖环节动物源性食品安全落到实处。本文就养殖场兽医监管过程中存在的问题提出建议。  相似文献   

The new European food hygiene legislation which will apply from 1 January 2006 on brings massive changes in the implementation of the ante- and post-mortem in-spection about. Key element in this new regulation is the introduction of a risk-based inspection of graduated intensity which in particular cases may be reduced to a document check and a visual inspection. Important changes also concern responsibility assignment between official veterinarian and official auxiliary in inspection tasks. Furthermore, the official veterinarian is assigned additional responsibility (animal welfare, animal health check). Regarding the extended competence of the official auxiliaries through the new regulation, food industry is requiring a diminution of the inspection costs. In this article, the future scope of duties of the official veterinarian at the ante- and post-mortem inspection is presented, as well as the practical consequences the implementation of the new meat hygiene regulation will have.  相似文献   

Diseases resulting from zoonotic transmission of parasites are common. Humans become infected through food, water, soil and close contact with animals. Most parasitic zoonoses are neglected diseases despite causing a considerable global burden of ill health in humans and having a substantial financial burden on livestock industries. This review aims to bring together the current data available on global burden estimates of parasitic zoonoses and indicate any changes in the trends of these diseases. There is a clear need of such information as interventions to control zoonoses are often in their animal hosts. The costs of such interventions together with animal health issues will drive the cost effectiveness of intervention strategies. What is apparent is that collectively, parasitic zoonoses probably have a similar human disease burden to any one of the big three human infectious diseases: malaria, tuberculosis or HIV in addition to animal health burden. Although the global burden for most parasitic zoonoses is not yet known, the major contributors to the global burden of parasitic zoonoses are toxoplasmosis, food borne trematode infections, cysticercosis, echinococcosis, leishmaniosis and zoonotic schistosomosis. In addition, diarrhoea resulting from zoonotic protozoa may have a significant impact.  相似文献   

This article describes the Finnish meat-inspection curriculum and presents an expert-panel evaluation of meat-inspection education. The work tasks of the meat-inspection veterinarian are challenging and include classical meat inspection, meat hygiene, hygiene control, and animal disease and welfare. The meat-inspection veterinarian is not only an inspector, which by itself is very demanding, but also an expert or "consultant" on food safety. The significant role of the meat-inspection veterinarian in society puts high demands on meat-inspection education, which should provide veterinary students with sufficient tools to perform meat inspection and hygiene control in slaughterhouses, cutting premises, and further processing plants. To be of high quality, such education must be evaluated from time to time. An expert panel evaluated Finnish undergraduate meat-inspection education and found that it provides veterinary students with good knowledge of meat inspection. The structure of the curriculum, with theoretical studies followed by four weeks of practice in a slaughterhouse, was considered vital for learning and for creating interest in meat inspection. The evaluation also revealed that certain subjects should receive greater emphasis and some new subjects should be introduced. Hygiene-control tasks, in particular, have increased and should receive more emphasis in education. Personnel management and interaction skills should be introduced into the curriculum as these skills influence all the duties of the meat-inspection veterinarian. This article outlines the subjects to be included in the modern, high-quality meat-inspection curriculum recommended by the expert panel.  相似文献   

Veterinarians play a pivotal role in public health control, in particular in the management of risks deriving from pharmacological treatments of food-producing animals. Veterinary medicinal products can represent a risk for animal health and welfare (side effects, decreased efficacy), for farmers and practitioners administering the drug, for consumers of food of animal origin (presence of residues, occurrence of antibiotic resistance) and for the environment. According to pending European guidelines, risk management starts from marketing authorisation that must be based on risk evaluation and can be denied when the risk/benefit ratio is not favourable considering the advantages for animal health and welfare and for safety of consumers. Veterinarians can prevent and control risks by using correct pharmacological criteria to choose and administer medicinal products and undertaking risk-based inspection of residues of drugs in food of animal origin. Moreover, a major tool for veterinarians to prevent and control drug-borne risk is “pharmacovigilance”. Risks for the environment are usually assessed during the pre-marketing approval process, however veterinarians, as risk managers, should educate farmers about correct drug handling and disposal, and periodically verify that suggested measures are applied.  相似文献   

The reduction of the entry of pathogens in the food chain is an important premise in improving the safety of food of animal origin. Since food animals are the main reservoir for pathogens, the prevalence of pathogens in livestock is of great importance. Unfortunately, classical measures to improve animal health can not exclude the presence of the main food-borne zoonotic agents (Salmonella, Campylobacter, Listeria monocytogenes, verotoxinogene Escherichia coli, Toxoplasma gondii) in "clinically healthy" animals. Absence of pathogens in livestock must be regarded as an unrealistic aim. To achieve an effective improval of product safety through logistical, hygienic or technological measures both farmers and food producers need valid data about the prevalence of pathogens in livestock, in each animal and in raw material of animal origin, respectively. Yet available data are insufficient. New European directives and regulations concerning monitoring and control of zoonosis demand the systematic control of presence of zoonotic agents in livestock and later steps of the food chain.  相似文献   

It is popular in some quarters to say that there is no food crisis; that there is food aplenty; and that the problem is one of distribution or other over-arching technical difficulty. To the starving, however, there is a food crisis; and it neither speaks well nor bodes well for humanity if we dismiss their plight so glibly. The United Nations has called for a large and rapid increase in food production. Veterinary parasitologists and industry leaders can contribute to the production of healthier livestock and the expansion of aquaculture, but enhanced production and better delivery of plant foods may provide faster relief. Although livestock farming is not the most energy-efficient way of producing food, meat will remain a significant component of the global diet for the foreseeable future. New measures for parasite control will be needed, and we must improve our methods of inventing them. They need not act directly against the parasite. In the distant future lie other threats to the inhabitants of planet Earth, and here we must acknowledge the cogency of the no-food-crisis argument. In the long term, the production of animal foods and animal feeds will be revamped in ways that depend on how (or whether) we solve the energy crisis, the environmental crisis, the increasingly dire regional population crises, and the current world financial crisis. Throughout the 20th century, the animal health industry had to adapt to industrialization and expansive agribusiness. It will have to adapt to even greater changes in the 21st century and beyond.  相似文献   

Australia, a major exporter of meat, has met and continues to meet the import requirements of various countries. It is free of many epizootic and zoonotic diseases and is eradicating bovine brucellosis and tuberculosis. Frequently, individual country requirements have not been relevant to the animal and public health status in Australia. Such a situation is unscientific, wasteful and unnecessary, and may divert priorities away from areas of major public and animal health significance which should be the main concern of consumers both in Australia and overseas. In recent years the Inspection Service of the Department of Primary Industry has reviewed meat inspection procedures necessary to protect public and animal health in Australia and in countries importing Australian meat. Priorities include attention to national or regional occurrence of disease in Australia and to the use of scientific principles in inspection, including disease identification, concepts of pathogenesis and effectiveness in removal of diseased tissue from meat. Revised post-mortem procedures for cattle, pigs, sheep and goats more relevant to disease occurrence and consideration of public health are described. In particular, this involves a reduction in the number of lymph node incisions. Future directions for meat inspection in Australia are postulated. Concern is expressed that the requirements of some importing countries are fixed in their legislation and consequently might inhibit desirable developments. In this context it is important that scientifically sound national codes for meat inspection of the exporting country be accepted by importing countries as providing public and animal health safeguards.  相似文献   

Veterinarians play a pivotal role in public health control, in particular in the management of risks deriving from pharmacological treatments of food-producing animals. Veterinary medicinal products can represent a risk for animal health and welfare (side effects, decreased efficacy), for farmers and practitioners administering the drug, for consumers of food of animal origin (presence of residues, occurrence of antibiotic resistance) and for the environment. According to pending European guidelines, risk management starts from marketing authorisation that must be based on risk evaluation and can be denied when the risk/benefit ratio is not favourable considering the advantages for animal health and welfare and for safety of consumers. Veterinarians can prevent and control risks by using correct pharmacological criteria to choose and administer medicinal products and undertaking risk-based inspection of residues of drugs in food of animal origin. Moreover, a major tool for veterinarians to prevent and control drug-borne risk is "pharmacovigilance". Risks for the environment are usually assessed during the pre-marketing approval process, however veterinarians, as risk managers, should educate farmers about correct drug handling and disposal, and periodically verify that suggested measures are applied.  相似文献   

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