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Methane emitted from the livestock sector contributes to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Understanding the effects of diet on enteric methane production can help refine GHG emission inventories and identify viable GHG reduction strategies. Our study focused on measuring methane and carbon dioxide emissions, total-tract digestibility, and ruminal fermentation in growing beef cattle fed a diet supplemented with various additives or ingredients. Two experiments, each designed as a 4 x 4 Latin square with 21-d periods, were conducted using 16 Holstein steers (initial BW 311.6 +/- 12.3 kg). In Exp. 1, treatments were control (no additive), monensin (Rumensin, Elanco Animal Health, Indianapolis, IN; 33 mg/kg DM), sunflower oil (400 g/d, approximately 5% of DMI), and proteolytic enzyme (Protex 6-L, Genencor Int., Inc., CA; 1 mL/kg DM). In Exp. 2, treatments were control (no additive), Procreatin-7 yeast (Prince Agri Products, Inc., Quincy, IL; 4 g/d), Levucell SC yeast (Lallemand, Inc., Rexdale, Ontario, Canada; 1 g/d), and fumaric acid (Bartek Ingredients Inc., Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada; 80 g/d). The basal diet consisted of 75% barley silage, 19% steam-rolled barley grain, and 6% supplement (DM basis). Four large chambers (two animals per chamber) were equipped with lasers and infrared gas analyzers to measure methane and carbon dioxide, respectively, for 3 d each period. Total-tract digestibility was determined using chromic oxide. Approximately 6.5% of the GE consumed was lost in the form of methane emissions from animals fed the control diet. In Exp. 1, sunflower oil decreased methane emissions by 22% (P = 0.001) compared with the control, whereas monensin (P = 0.44) and enzyme had no effect (P = 0.82). However, oil decreased (P = 0.03) the total-tract digestibility of NDF by 20%. When CH(4) emissions were corrected for differences in energy intake, the loss of GE to methane was decreased by 21% (P = 0.002) using oil and by 9% (P = 0.09) using monensin. In Exp. 2, Procreatin-7 yeast (P = 0.72), Levucell SC yeast (P = 0.28), and fumaric acid (P = 0.21) had no effect on methane emissions, although emissions as a percentage of GE intake were 3% (non-significant, P = 0.39) less for steers fed Procreatin-7 yeast compared with the control. This study demonstrates that sunflower oil, ionophores, and possibly some yeast products can be used to decrease the GE lost as methane from cattle, but fiber digestibility is impaired with oil supplementation.  相似文献   

The individual and combined effects of 3-nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP) and canola oil (OIL) supplementation on enteric methane (CH4) and hydrogen (H2) emissions, rumen fermentation and biohydrogenation, and total tract nutrient digestibility were investigated in beef cattle. Eight beef heifers (mean body weight ± SD, 732 ± 43 kg) with ruminal fistulas were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square with a 2 (with and without 3-NOP) × 2 (with and without OIL) arrangement of treatments and 28-d periods (13 d adaption and 15 d measurements). The four treatments were: control (no 3-NOP, no OIL), 3-NOP (200 mg/kg dry matter [DM]), OIL (50 g/kg DM), and 3-NOP (200 mg/kg DM) plus OIL (50 g/kg DM). Animals were fed restrictively (7.6 kg DM/d) a basal diet of 900 g/kg DM barley silage and 100 g/kg DM supplement. 3-NOP and OIL decreased (P < 0.01) CH4 yield (g/kg DM intake) by 31.6% and 27.4%, respectively, with no 3-NOP × OIL interaction (P = 0.85). Feeding 3-NOP plus OIL decreased CH4 yield by 51% compared with control. There was a 3-NOP × OIL interaction (P = 0.02) for H2 yield (g/kg DM intake); the increase in H2 yield (P < 0.01) due to 3-NOP was less when it was combined with OIL. There were 3-NOP × OIL interactions for molar percentages of acetate and propionate (P < 0.01); individually, 3-NOP and OIL decreased acetate and increased propionate percentages with no further effect when supplemented together. 3-NOP slightly increased crude protein (P = 0.02) and starch (P = 0.01) digestibilities, while OIL decreased the digestibilities of DM (P < 0.01) and neutral detergent fiber (P < 0.01) with no interactions (P = 0.15 and 0.10, respectively). 3-NOP and OIL increased (P = 0.04 and P < 0.01, respectively) saturated fatty acid concentration in rumen fluid, with no interaction effect. Interactions for ruminal trans-monounsaturated fatty acids (t-MUFA) concentration and percentage were observed (P = 0.02 and P < 0.01); 3-NOP had no effect on t-MUFA concentration and percentage, while OIL increased the concentration (P < 0.01) and percentage (P < 0.01) of t-MUFA but to a lesser extent when combined with 3-NOP. In conclusion, the CH4-mitigating effects of 3-NOP and OIL were independent and incremental. Supplementing ruminant diets with a combination of 3-NOP and OIL may help mitigate CH4 emissions, but the decrease in total tract digestibility due to OIL may decrease animal performance and needs further investigation.  相似文献   

Methane emissions from feedlot cattle fed barley or corn diets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Methane emitted from the livestock sector contributes to greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Understanding the variability in enteric methane production related to diet is essential to decreasing uncertainty in greenhouse gas emission inventories and to identifying viable greenhouse gas reduction strategies. Our study focused on measuring methane in growing beef cattle fed corn- or barley-based diets typical of those fed to cattle in North American feedlots. The experiment was designed as a randomized complete block (group) design with two treatments, barley and corn. Angus heifer calves (initial BW = 328 kg) were allocated to two groups (eight per group), with four cattle in each group fed a corn or barley diet. The experiment was conducted over a 42-d backgrounding phase, a 35-d transition phase and a 32-d finishing phase. Backgrounding diets consisted of 70% barley silage or corn silage and 30% concentrate containing steam-rolled barley or dry-rolled corn (DM basis). Finishing diets consisted of 9% barley silage and 91% concentrate containing barley or corn (DM basis). All diets contained monensin (33 mg/kg of DM). Cattle were placed into four large environmental chambers (two heifers per chamber) during each phase to measure enteric methane production for 3 d. During the backgrounding phase, DMI was greater by cattle fed corn than for those fed barley (10.2 vs. 7.6 kg/d, P < 0.01), but during the finishing phase, DMI was similar for both diets (8.3 kg/d). The DMI was decreased to 6.3 kg/d with no effect of diet or phase while the cattle were in the chambers; thus, methane emissions (g/d) reported may underestimate those of the feedlot industry. Methane emissions per kilogram of DMI and as a percentage of GE intake were not affected by grain source during the backgrounding phase (24.6 g/kg of DMI; 7.42% of GE), but were less (P < 0.05) for corn than for barley during the finishing phase (9.2 vs. 13.1 g/kg of DMI; 2.81 vs. 4.03% of GE). The results indicate the need to implement dietary strategies to decrease methane emissions of cattle fed high-forage backgrounding diets and barley-based finishing diets. Mitigating methane losses from cattle will have long-term environmental benefits by decreasing agriculture's contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

The clinical and laboratory findings of a group of 9 dairy cattle that accidentally ingested large volumes of canola oil are described. Four of the animals died, and 3 were necropsied. No specific cause of death was found, although a number of theories are advanced. This is the first report of such an occurrence.  相似文献   

Emissions of ammonia, as well as other gases and particulates, to the atmosphere are a growing concern of livestock producers, the general public, and regulators. The concentration and ruminal degradability of CP in beef cattle diets may affect urinary and fecal excretion of N and thus may affect ammonia emissions from beef cattle feed yards. To determine the effects of dietary CP concentration and degradability on potential ammonia emissions, 54 steers were randomly assigned to nine dietary treatments in a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement of treatments. Treatments consisted of three dietary CP concentrations (11.5, 13, and 14.5%) and three supplemental urea:cottonseed meal ratios (100:0, 50:50, and 0:100 of supplemental N). Steers were confined to tie stalls, and feces and urine excreted were collected and frozen after approximately 30, 75, and 120 d on feed. One percent of daily urine and feces excretion were added to polyethylene chambers containing 1,550 g of soil. Chambers were sealed, and ammonia emissions were trapped in an acid solution for 7 d using a vacuum system. As the protein concentration in the diet increased from 11.5 to 13%, in vitro daily ammonia emissions increased (P < 0.01) 60 to 200%, due primarily to increased urinary N excretion. As days on feed increased, in vitro ammonia emissions also increased (P < 0.01). Potential ammonia losses were highly correlated (P < 0.01) to urinary N (r2 = 0.69), urinary urea-N (r2 = 0.58) excretion, serum urea-N concentration (r2 = 0.52), and intake of degradable protein N (r2 = 0.23). Although dietary composition can affect daily ammonia losses, daily ammonia emissions must be balanced with effects on animal performance to determine optimal protein concentrations and forms in the diet.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of NaHCO3 and trona in beef cattle diets. Trace element (n = 28) analysis revealed no toxicological or safety concerns with the use of trona. Trona was more (P less than .05) soluble in ruminal fluid than Na2CO3, and NaHCO3 and had greater (P less than .05) buffering capacity (9.6 meq/g) than NaHCO3 (6.1 meq/g) but less (P less than .05) than Na2CO3 (11.1 meq/g). Calcium carbonate was insoluble and did not buffer ruminal fluid. Six yearling (avg 272 kg) Hereford X Angus steers, each with ruminal, duodenal and ileal cannulas, were fed 50:50 (cracked corn-based concentrate:cottonseed hulls) or 90:10 concentrate diets with no buffer, 1% NaHCO3 or with 1% trona. Intake, across all treatments, averaged 2.4% of body weight. Propionate (mmol/liter) increased (17.6 vs 13.5; P less than .05) and butyrate decreased (3.5 vs 5.2; P less than .05) with trona in the 90:10 diet as compared with no buffer. Propionate (16.8) increased (P less than .05) with NaHCO3 in the 90:10 diet. Average ruminal pH was greater (P less than .05) in 90:10 diets with trona or NaHCO3 than with no buffer (5.61, 5.61 vs 5.55); duodenal pH was greater (P less than .01) with trona than with no buffer (2.66 vs 2.55). Trona reduced ruminal pH-hours (P less than .05) and pH-area (P less than .12; time and area below mean pH of control) below control for both concentrate levels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mineral and amino acid composition of beef cattle hooves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty-three Hereford X Shorthorn cattle were used to evaluate the effects of seasonal and dietary changes on the mineral composition (Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, and S) of hooves. A seasonal pattern was found in the Ca, Mg, and Zn composition of hooves in the 12 cattle evaluated in 1982 and in the 11 cattle evaluated in 1983, with the concentrations of 3 minerals decreasing in winter when dietary change did not occur. Copper concentrations significantly decreased during the 1st year (1982) and had a tendency to decrease during the 2nd year. During the 1983 pasturing season, when effects of seasonal vs dietary change could not be distinguishable, hoof concentrations of Ca and Mg decreased, whereas the inverse trend was observed for Cu and Zn. Seasonal patterns for hoof concentrations of S were not found. Results of mineral analysis of hooves indicated strong correlations between calcium and the other minerals (except S), and between Zn and Cu. Amino acid analyses of hooves of the 11 cattle in 1983 indicated differences in their composition related to dietary changes (winter feeding vs pasture) or to management.  相似文献   

【目的】为了解现阶段肉牛到牛肉之间的联系现状和产出能力,掌握主要经济指标,确定计算肉牛产值的依据。 【方法】以张掖市肉牛与牛肉之间的联系现状为例,从中选取1个能够代表现阶段生产水平的随机样本(n=11777),利用统计分析方法进行分类和分组,列出次数分布表与分布图,研究宰前重、胴体重、净肉重、屠宰率和净肉率5个变量的频率分布,并根据平均数() 和标准差(S)及其分布规律推算出总体平均数u的概率置信区间代表群体生产水平,作为计算肉牛产值的依据。【结果】现阶段进行肉牛生产的主要品种为西门塔尔、安格斯和荷斯坦,公牛育肥产肉占84.54%。其中西门塔尔占74.61%居主导地位,安格斯占16.08%,荷斯坦占9.31%。西门塔尔牛以宰前重在500~700kg的小架子牛育肥产肉占56.12%居主导地位,依次为大架子育肥占39.28%、小牛肉占2.57%和成年牛占2.03%。肉牛宰前重、胴体重、净肉重和屠宰率、净肉率5个指标样本分组频率与正态分布理论概率相关度高、绝对差值小,概率相近。 【结论】现阶段生产牛肉的主要品种有西门塔尔、安格斯和荷斯坦,以公牛育肥为主。主导品种西门塔尔牛生产周期有缩短趋势,小牛肉生产起步。 西门塔尔牛群的宰前重、胴体重、净肉重和屠宰率、净肉率均值为:684.94kg、385.16kg、316.85kg和56.47%、45.71%时,区间为:581.33≦x≦788.55、321.9≦x≦448.40、266.09≦x≦367.61、53.85≦x≦59.09、42.57≦x≦48.85。 大群体宰前重、胴体重和屠宰率的均值为:678.13kg、379.54kg和55.81%%,区间为572.63≦x≦783.63 、311.42≦x≦447.66、52.34≦x≦59.28 。 反映肉牛生产水平的5个经济指标的概率分布为正态分布,平均值()一倍标准差左右取值概率为0.6827,可用概率密度函数公式进行相应的计算。根据正态分布特点,平均值左右一倍标准差范围内取值的概率最大为,平均值即为群体盈亏平衡点,且主导品种的宰前重、胴体重和屠宰率较大群体分别高6.81kg、5.62kg和0.66%。 祁连牧歌实业有限公司为张掖市规模最大肉牛屠宰加工企业,屠宰牛源为周边规模养殖场育肥牛,该结果能够代表张掖市域内肉牛大群体生产水平,指标平均值()可以作为计算肉牛产值的统计依据。 生产中可以此为标准对经营情况进行分析,当个体牛只或经营单位的宰前重、胴体重、净肉重和屠宰率、净肉率高于平均值时说明该牛只育肥状况较好或该经营单位经营状态良好,大概率保持盈利。  相似文献   

Crossbred progeny from females, 3 yr old and older, representing Brown Swiss (B), Red Poll (R), Hereford (H) and Angus (A) maternal grandsires and maternal granddams in a diallel crossing experiment were evaluated to estimate breed mean maternal heterosis (mean hMi) for each breed, maternal heterosis for specific breed cross females (hMij), average maternal heterosis for all crosses (mean hM) and breed grandmaternal effects (gM'i) for preweaning calf traits. Estimates of mean hM were significant for birth date and weight, 200-d weight and 200-d weight/cow exposed. Even though calves with crossbred dams weighed more at birth, they did not differ from calves with straightbred dams in frequency of calving assistance. The estimates of hMij were similar for most crosses and most traits, except 200-d weight and 200-d weight/cow exposed. The largest heterotic advantage was exhibited by progeny of BH reciprocal cross females, which exceeded crossbred progeny from BB and HH females for 200-d weight/cow exposed by 35.9 kg. The smallest heterotic effect was exhibited by crossbred progeny of RA reciprocal cross females. Progeny with R maternal granddams exhibited a higher (P less than .05) live calf born and weaned percentage than progeny with H maternal granddams. Progeny with B maternal granddams were born later (P less than .05) in the calving season than progeny with R maternal granddams. Progeny with A maternal granddams exhibited a lower frequency of calving assistance than progeny with H maternal granddams, and progeny with H maternal granddams were heavier (P less than .05) at 200 d than progeny with R maternal granddams. There was a tendency for estimates of breed grandmaternal effects (gMi) to exhibit an inverse relationship with estimates of breed maternal effects (gMi).  相似文献   

Two consecutive trials were carried out to study the effects of dietary crude protein (CP) and tannic acid (TA) on nitrogen (N) metabolism of beef cattle and consequently, the N2O emissions from the urine of cattle. In Trial I, eight growing castrated cattle were used as the experimental animals. Two levels of dietary CP (110.6 and 135.7 g/kg dry matter [DM]) and two levels of TA (0 and 16.9 g/kg DM) were allocated in a replicated 2 × 2 crossover design. In Trial II, the N2O emissions from the urine of cattle collected from Trial I were determined using the static incubation technique. An interaction between dietary CP and TA on the urinary N excretion (p < .05) was found but not on the N2O‐N emission of cattle urine. Increasing dietary CP level from 110.6 g/kg DM to 135.7 g/kg DM increased the total N excretion (p < .001), the N retention (p < .05) and the ratio of urinary urea‐N/urinary N (p < .01), did not affect the N use efficiency (NUE; p > .05) and shifted the N excretion from faeces to urine. Increasing the dietary CP level increased the N2O‐N emission of cattle urine. Dietary addition of TA decreased the urinary excretions of urea (p < .001) and shifted the N excretion from urine to faeces, did not affect the NUE of beef cattle (p > .10), and decreased the N2O‐N emission of cattle urine. Pyrogallol and resorcinol of the TA metabolites were detected in urine with dietary addition of TA. Feeding beef cattle with relatively low CP level and adding TA in rations are effective approaches to mitigate the N2O‐N emissions from cattle urine.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of rumen-protected oil (soybean and palm oil) in supplements for beef cattle during the fattening...  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas emissions from the beef industry are largely attributed to the grazing sector, specifically from beef cattle enteric methane emissions. Therefore, the study objective was to examine how forage diversity impacts forage productivity, nutritive value, animal performance, and enteric methane emissions. This study occurred over three consecutive grazing seasons (2018 to 2020) and compared two common Midwest grazing mixtures: 1) a simple, 50:50 alfalfa:orchardgrass mixture (SIMP) and 2) a botanically diverse, cool-season species mixture (COMP). Fifty-six steers and heifers were adapted to an Automated Head Chamber System (AHCS) each year (C-Lock Inc., Rapid City, SD) and stratified into treatment groups based on acclimation visitation. Each treatment consisted of four pastures, three 3.2-ha and one 1.6-ha, with eight and four animals each, respectively. Forage production was measured biweekly in pre- and postgrazed paddocks, and forage nutritive value was analyzed using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Shrunk body weights were taken monthly to determine animal performance. Forage availability did not differ between treatments (P = 0.69) but tended lower in 2018 (P = 0.06; 2.40 t dry matter ha−1) than 2019 (2.92 t dry matter ha−1) and 2020 (P = 0.10; 2.81 t dry matter ha−1). Crude protein was significantly lower for COMP in 2018 compared with SIMP. Forage acid detergent fiber content was significantly lower for the COMP mixture (P = 0.02). The COMP treatment resulted higher dry matter digestibility (IVDMD48) in 2018 and 2019 compared with the SIMP treatment (P < 0.01). Animal performance did not differ between treatments (P > 0.50). There was a tendency for the COMP treatment to have lower enteric CH4 production on a g d−1 basis (P = 0.06), but no difference was observed on an emission intensity basis (g CH4 kg−1 gain; P = 0.56). These results would indicate that adoption of the complex forage mixture would not result in improved forage productivity, animal performance, or reduced emission intensity compared with the simple forage mixture.  相似文献   

 试验选用36头12月龄左右、体况良好、体重相近的西门塔尔牛,随机分为4组,测定异丁酸(0,0.02,0.04和0.06g/kg· d)对日粮养分消化率、增重性能和甲烷排放的影响。结果表明,日粮添加异丁酸后,0.04和0.06g/(kg· d)组有机物(organicmatter,OM)消化率显著高于对照组,处理组粗蛋白(crudeprotein,CP)消化率显著高于对照组,无氮浸出物(nitrogenfreeextract,NFE)消化率差异不显著,0.04g/(kg· d)组中性洗涤纤维(neutraldetergentfibre,NDF)消化率显著高于对照组和0.02g/(kg· d)组(P<0.05),0.04g/(kg· d)组酸性洗涤纤维(aciddetergentfibre,ADF)消化率显著高于对照组和其他处理组(P<0.05);试验期间0.04g/(kg· d)组和0.06g/(kg· d)组日增重显著高于对照组(P<0.05),但与0.02g/(kg· d)组差异不显著;肉牛干物质采食量在试验期间0.04g/(kg· d)组显著低于对照组(P<0.05),其他组间差异不显著,0.04g/(kg· d)组和0.06g/(kg· d)组每千克增重消耗饲料显著低于对照组和0.02g/(kg· d)组(P<0.05);此外,玉米秸秆日粮中添加异丁酸后,甲烷能呈降低趋势,0.04g/(kg· d)和0.06g/(kg· d)组显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。由此推断日粮添加异丁酸后对增重性能\营养物质消化和降低甲烷排放有显著促进作用,适宜添加水平为0.04g/(kg· d)。  相似文献   

Thirty-six Angus x Hereford heifers were used in a 3 x 2 factorial (3 dietary treatments; 2 supplementation times) to examine the effect of dietary lipid supplementation on lipid oxidation, lipid composition, and palatability of ribeye steaks and ground beef. Lipid was supplied in the diets as corn oil or a partially rumen-protected CLA salt for 2 specific treatment periods of the final 32 or 60 d on feed, corresponding to a total time on feed of 89 or 118 d. After an initial 56-d feeding period (basal diet), the heifers were fed 1 of 3 dietary treatments (DM basis): 1) a basal diet containing 88% concentrate and 12% grass hay (CON), 2) the basal diet plus 4% corn oil (OIL), or 3) the basal diet plus 2% partially rumen-protected CLA (RPCLA) containing 31% CLA. Heifers were randomly allotted to dietary treatments at the initiation of the study and fed individually. At 48 h postmortem, the right forequarter of each carcass was fabricated into retail cuts. Steaks (2.54-cm thick) were obtained from the posterior end of the ribeye roll (NAMP 112), and beef trim was ground for all subsequent analyses. Dietary treatment did not affect (P > 0.05) lipid oxidation in ground beef or ribeye steaks. Total trans-octadecenoate fat and trans-10 octadecenoic acid content in ribeye steaks increased (P < 0.05) with RPCLA compared with CON. Total CLA and the cis-9 trans-11 isomer of CLA contents in ribeye steaks were unchanged (P > 0.05) by lipid supplementation. In ground beef, RPCLA supplementation increased (P < 0.05) the amount of trans fat and trans-10 octadecenoic acid compared with CON or OIL; supplementation of RPCLA increased (P < 0.05) the amount of CLA cis-9 trans-11 isomer and total CLA. Lipid supplementation did not alter (P > 0.05) off-flavor ratings in ground beef or ribeye steaks. Supplementation of corn oil increased (P < 0.05) total PUFA content of ribeye steaks compared with CON and RPCLA. Dietary RPCLA supplementation increased the amount of trans fat per serving (85.5 g, broiled) by 110 and 88% in ribeye steak and ground beef, respectively, and CLA cis-9 trans-11 by 58% in ground beef compared with CON. Supplementing OIL or RPCLA resulted in minimal changes in lipid oxidation and sensory attributes of steaks and ground beef.  相似文献   

Thirty-six Angus x Hereford heifers (365 +/- 60 kg) were used to determine the effects of supplemental dietary lipid sources on fatty acid composition of i.m., perianal (p.a.), and s.c. lipid depots. Lipid was supplied to diets as either corn oil or a rumen-protected conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) salt for two specific treatment periods of either the final 32 or 60 d on feed. Following an initial 56-d feeding period, heifers were fed one of three dietary treatments (DM basis): 1) basal diet containing 88% concentrate and 12% grass hay (CON), 2) basal diet plus 4% corn oil (OIL), or 3) basal diet plus 2% rumen-protected CLA salt (RPCLA) containing 31% CLA. The trans-10, cis-12 CLA concentration was greatest (P < 0.05) for heifers fed RPCLA and OIL diets and least (P < 0.05) for CON, regardless of time on dietary treatment. Heifers fed supplemental RPCLA had greater (P < 0.05) total CLA content than either CON- or OIL-fed heifers. Adipose tissue concentration of trans-11 vaccenic acid (TVA) was less (P < 0.05) for CON than OIL or RPCLA, which did not differ (P > 0.05). Percentages of C18:1 trans-10 were least (P < 0.05) in i.m. lipid compared with p.a. and s.c., which did not differ (P > 0.05). Following 60 d of lipid supplementation, heifers fed OIL and RPCLA had lower (P < 0.05) concentrations of oleic acid and total monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) compared with CON. The ratio of cis-9, trans-11 CLA:TVA was higher (P < 0.05) for heifers fed 60 vs. 32 d, but did not differ (P > 0.05) between adipose depots. Feeding OIL increased (P < 0.05) adipose concentration of C18:2 fatty acid, whereas feeding RPCLA increased (P < 0.05) total CLA isomers by 22%. Intramuscular lipid contained the lowest (P < 0.05) percentage of cis-9, trans-11 CLA, total CLA, C18:1 cis-9, C18:1 trans-10, and TVA. Total CLA and cis-9, trans-11 CLA isomers were increased (P < 0.05) in p.a. and s.c. adipose depots, whereas i.m. adipose tissue contained increased (P < 0.05) amounts of total PUFA. Results from this study indicate that short-term lipid supplementation to feedlot cattle can increase adipose tissue CLA concentrations, but only marginally (8.3 to 17.5%). Moreover, observed decreases in oleic acid and total MUFA concentrations of adipose tissues from heifers fed rumen-protected CLA or corn oil suggest that lipid supplementation may decrease delta9 desaturase activity in adipose tissues, which in turn would lower the conversion of TVA to cis-9, trans-11 CLA isomer.  相似文献   

文章旨在评估复合植物精油对肉牛生长性能、营养物质表观消化及氮代谢的影响.试验将平均体重为(203.16±0.29)kg的108头肉牛随机分为3组,每组36头,每6头牛为1个重复.对照组饲喂全混合日粮,同时自由采食小麦秸秆,T1组和T2组分别饲喂全混合日粮+30和60 mg/kg植物精油,自由采食小麦秸秆.经过28周的饲...  相似文献   

Cow mature weight (MWT) is heritable and affects the costs and efficiency of a breeding operation. Cow weight is also influenced by the environment, and the relationship between the size and profitability of a cow varies depending on production system. Producers, therefore, need tools to incorporate MWT in their selection of cattle breeds and herd replacements. The objective of this study was to estimate breed and heterotic effects for MWT using weight-age data on crossbred cows. Cow’s MWT at 6 yr was predicted from the estimated parameter values—asymptotic weight and maturation constant (k)—from the fit of the Brody function to their individual data. Values were obtained for 5,156 crossbred cows from the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (USMARC) Germplasm Evaluation Program using 108,957 weight records collected from approximately weaning up to 6 yr of age. The cows were produced from crosses among 18 beef breeds. A bivariate animal model was fitted to the MWT and k obtained for each cow. The fixed effects were birth year-season contemporary group and covariates of direct and maternal breed fractions, direct and maternal heterosis, and age at final weighing. The random effects were direct additive and residual. A maternal additive random effect was also fitted for k. In a separate analysis from that used to estimate breed effects and (co)variances, cow MWT was regressed on sire yearling weight (YWT) Expected Progeny Differences by its addition as a covariate to the animal model fitted for MWT. That regression coefficient was then used to adjust breed solutions for sire selection in the USMARC herd. Direct heterosis was 15.3 ± 2.6 kg for MWT and 0.000118 ± 0.000029 d−1 for k. Maternal heterosis was −5.7 ± 3.0 kg for MWT and 0.000130 ± 0.000035 d−1 for k. Direct additive heritabilities were 0.56 ± 0.03 for MWT and 0.23 ± 0.03 for k. The maternal additive heritability for k was 0.11 ± 0.02. The direct additive correlation between MWT and k was negligible (0.08 ± 0.09). Adjusted for sire sampling, Angus was heaviest at maturity of the breeds compared. Deviations from Angus ranged from −8.9 kg (Charolais) to −136.7 kg (Braunvieh). Ordered by decreasing MWT, the breeds ranked Angus, Charolais, Hereford, Brahman, Salers, Santa Gertrudis, Simmental, Maine Anjou, Limousin, Red Angus, Brangus, Chiangus, Shorthorn, Gelbvieh, Beefmaster, and Braunvieh. These breed effects for MWT can inform breeding programs where cow size is considered a key component of the overall profitability.  相似文献   

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