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Cattle grazing tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) often develop fescue toxicosis. This condition is thought to be caused by ergot alkaloids produced by the endophyte Neotyphodium coenophialum. Endophytes from wild tall fescue plants, which do not produce ergot alkaloids, were transferred into the endophyte-free tall fescue germplasm, HiMag. The novel associations also lacked the ability to produce ergot alkaloids. Our objective was to determine whether cattle grazing these novel endophyte associations showed signs of fescue toxicosis. At the Fayetteville, Arkansas location, tester steers (n = 72) were assigned to one of four pasture treatments: endophyte-free HiMag tall fescue (HiMag-); 'Kentucky-31' tall fescue infected with its native, toxic endophyte (KY+); and two novel endophyte-infected tall fescue associations, HiMag4 and HiMag9. At the Mount Vernon, Missouri location, steers (n = 54) were used to test three of the four cultivars (HiMag9 was not tested). Ergot alkaloid concentrations in the forage of HiMag4 and HiMag9 were low or undetectable. Respiration rate, rectal temperature, ADG, and hair scores were measured during the grazing period. Blood was collected via jugular venipuncture and used for prolactin, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), cholesterol, triglyceride, and creatinine analysis. Weight gains by steers grazing HiMag4 and HiMag9 did not differ from those of steers grazing HiMag-, but were greater than gains (P < 0.05) by steers on the KY+ treatment. Steers grazing KY+ had higher (P < 0.05) respiration rates, rectal temperatures, and hair scores than did steers grazing novel endophyte and HiMag- pastures. Prolactin, ALP, cholesterol, LDH, and triglycerides all were suppressed (P < 0.05) in steers grazing KY+ compared with steers grazing novel endophyte and HiMag- pastures. Steers grazing the novel endophyte tall fescues did not suffer from the decreased weight gains and toxicities associated with fescue toxicosis, resulting in enhanced animal production.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis was used to relate dietary quality and herbage species to the behavior of grazing steers. Four .3-ha paddocks were established with either 'AU-Triumph' tall fescue (F; Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), 'Apollo' alfalfa (A; Medicago sativa L.), 1/3 fescue and 2/3 alfalfa (2/3A), or 2/3 fescue and 1/3 alfalfa (1/3A). Each paddock was stocked with 10 to 16 steers and defoliated in 5 d. Three steers on each paddock carried vibracorders to monitor grazing time. Daily forage samples were taken in 10-cm layers and weighed. Esophageal extrusa were collected from fistulated steers to measure diet quality. Daily grazing time did not differ (P = .37) among treatments; however, steers grazing mixtures grazed numerically longer (1.4 h/d) than steers on monocultures. Spectral analysis revealed that steers grazing A and 2/3A had many daily meals of short duration, but steers grazing 1/3A and F consumed three meals daily at 8-h intervals. Throughout the 4.67-d grazing period, quality of the diet linearly declined in crude protein and herbage digestibility, linearly increased in neutral detergent fiber and cellulose, and exhibited quadratic changes in lignin and ash. For most quality values, the tall fescue monoculture differed from the others (P < .05). Steers selected diets with similar quality for the A, 2/3A, and 1/3A treatments. This study illustrates how differences in forage diets alter grazing behavior of steers.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to compare the effects of a progesterone-estradiol implant (PEI) with no implant (NI) and 20 g of copper oxide needles (CuON) with no CuON on grazing, subsequent feedlot performance, and selected serum constituents of steers. In Exp. 1, 114 Limousin crossbred yearling steers (317 kg average initial BW) were stocked continuously on Acremonium coenophialum-infected tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)-ladino clover (Trifolium repens L.) pastures (C) or were rotated to bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon [L.] Pers.) during summer months (R) of two consecutive years. Implant and copper treatments were applied within pasture. Blood samples were collected four times during each grazing season. Continuously stocked steers had greater (P less than .05) grazing gain, less (P less than .10) feedlot gain, and heavier (P less than .05) carcass weights than R steers did. Implanted steers had greater (P less than .05) pasture but lesser (P less than .05) feedlot gains than did NI steers. Prolactin concentrations were greater (P less than .05) from R than from C steers in late summer 1988. Ceruloplasmin was greater (P less than .01) with CuON than without on the last three and last two sampling dates in 1988 and 1989, respectively. In Exp. 2, blood samples were collected twice from 40 mixed-breed steers (283 kg average initial BW) receiving the same implant and copper treatments as in Exp. 1 and grazing infected fescue for one season. Serum ceruloplasmin and copper concentrations were increased (P less than .01) by CuON, but other measurements did not differ among treatments. Summer grazing of bermuda grass increased serum copper, ceruloplasmin, and prolactin but decreased grazing performance. Implanting increased grazing performance. Copper oxide needles increased serum ceruloplasmin and copper concentrations but did not affect steer performance.  相似文献   

Kikuyu pastures at the Ukulinga research farm near Pietermaritzburg were fertilized with 150 and 300 kg nitrogen (N) ha?1 in the summer periods of 1985–86 and 1986–87, and were continuously grazed with steers at stocking rates of 5.4, 8.0 and 10.7 steers ha?1. In the second season the high N level pasture was also grazed under 12‐paddock rotational grazing at stocking rates of 5.4, 8.0 and 13.4 steers ha?1. In the first season the high N level provided higher (P≤0.05) animal weight gains, but there was no difference between N levels in animal weight gain during the second season. Rotational grazing provided higher weight gains than continuous grazing in the second season. The increased weight gains obtained from high N fertilization and rotational grazing were probably caused by higher forage availability rather than higher forage quality.  相似文献   

The dopamine antagonist metoclopramide (MC) was administered to steers grazing on endophyte-infected fescue. Yearling Angus steers (n = 24) were assigned randomly to pasture treatments including high (74%) and low (33%) endophyte levels and low (134 kg N.ha-1.yr-1) and high (335 kg N.ha-1.yr-1) N fertilization rates. One steer of the pair in each paddock (n = 12) received MC, whereas the other received sucrose (S) (15 mg/kg body weight, orally, three times a week for 10 wk). Blood for basal and maximal TRH-stimulated serum prolactin (PRL) concentrations was obtained before animals grazed fescue, after grazing for 1 mo, and after 3, 6 and 9 wk of animal treatment. Grazing endophyte-infected fescue decreased (P less than .05) basal serum PRL concentrations (less than 1.0 vs 5.3 ng/ml, high vs low endophyte). Basal serum PRL increased after 3, 6 and 9 wk of MC treatment (58.1 vs 5.4, 46.0 vs 12.0 and 50.8 vs 16.9 ng/ml, MC vs sucrose, respectively). After 6 wk of animal treatments, MC increased (P less than .05) serum cholesterol (84.7 vs 60.8 mg/dl, MC vs S). Animals treated with MC spent more (P less than .05) time between 1200 and 1600 grazing (22.4% vs 6.2%, MC vs S respectively) and had faster ADG (.314 vs .150 kg/d, MC vs S). The results implicate dopaminergic processes in fescue toxicosis.  相似文献   

A grazing trial was conducted with six half-sib yearling Angus steers (average initial weight 281 kg) to quantitate nutrient composition and voluntary intake of vegetative regrowth forage in low-endophyte (Acremonium coenophialum Morgan-Jones and Gams) Kentucky-31 tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) pasture. A new .6-ha section in each of two 3.0-ha pastures (three steers/pasture) was clipped to a 5-cm height on five consecutive days to establish a series of plots that could be grazed continuously during 5-d test periods at uniform stages of vegetative regrowth; each period represented a specific regrowth stage (7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 d). Steers were conditioned by training them to graze to satiety while tethered with an adjustable-length rope to a 1-m galvanized steel post. Grazing time was limited to two sessions daily beginning at 0800 and 1400, and satiety was achieved after no more than 2.5 h of continuous grazing in each session. Forage DM availability was controlled by adjusting tether length and was set each day at 4% of steer BW. Fecal DM output was measured by chromic oxide dilution. A quadratic (P less than .05) effect of regrowth stage was observed for forage contents of NDF and ADF due to abrupt increases in both fractions at wk 5; values for ADL were unaffected by stage of forage regrowth. Forage contents of CP and ash showed a cubic (P less than .05) response to advancing stage of regrowth, with highest (23.6 and 11.0%, respectively) and lowest (14.7 and 9.1%, respectively) values for both fractions occurring at wk 1 and 5, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Effects of grazing low-endophyte (Acremonium coenophialum Morgan-Jones and Gams, less than 1% infection) Johnstone (J) or high-endophyte (60% infection) Kentucky-31 (K) tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) on grazing behavior and voluntary intake were studied. Six Angus steers (average initial BW = 326 kg) grazed 1.21-ha plots of each forage cultivar (three steers per cultivar) in four 28-d periods beginning May 27. Daytime observations (0630 until 2130) revealed that J steers spent more (P less than .10) time grazing and lying down and took more (P less than .05) prehensile bites than K steers did; conversely, steers grazing K spent more (P less than .10) time standing and idling than J steers did. Idling time showed a forage x period interaction (P less than .10). Mean OM bite size (grams per bite) was not affected (P greater than .10) by forage but differed (P less than .10) among periods. Limited nighttime observations (2130 until 0630) revealed no effects (P greater than .10) of forage on grazing time or number of prehensile bites taken. Voluntary intakes of OM and NDF did not differ (P greater than .10) between steers grazing J and K; however, a forage x period interaction (P less than .10) existed such that, during Period 1, steers grazing J had greater (P less than .01) OM and NDF intakes than did steers grazing K. These data suggest that cattle grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue display altered daytime grazing behavior and that reduction of voluntary intake attributable to endophyte infection may be less severe under free-grazing than has been reported for controlled environmental conditions.  相似文献   

This study investigated the performance of steers grazing rhizomatous birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) (RBFT) compared to nonrhizomatous birdsfoot trefoil (BFT) in pure stands or when interseeded with endophyte-free tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.; TF). Five forage treatments of RBFT, BFT, TF, RBFT+TF, and BFT+TF (four replicate paddocks per treatment) were continuously stocked in spring and fall of 1998 and spring of 1999. Grazing for individual treatments was terminated when pasture mass fell below 900 kg/ha. Average daily gain was greatest (P < 0.10) in pure stands of BFT and RBFT, but total forage production, and thus grazing days, for these treatments was low. Average daily gain for steers grazing BFT+TF and RBFT+TF treatments was not different from (spring and fall 1998) or greater (P < 0.10) (spring 1999) than that for TF. Total forage production of BFT+TF and RBFT+TF was greater (P < 0.10) than that of TF in spring 1998. In fall 1998, BFT+TF produced more (P < 0.10) total forage than either RBFT+TF or TF, and in spring 1999, RBFT+TF had less (P < 0.10) total forage than TF or BFT+TF. Total steer days on mixed pastures were greater (P < 0.10) than that for TF in spring and fall 1998 but not different from those for TF in spring 1999. In all three trials total weight gain/hectare was greater (P < 0.10) for RBFT+TF and BFT+TF than for TF. The RBFT+TF and BFT +TF had greater (P < 0.05) CP than TF in spring and fall 1998 and less (P < 0.05) NDF and ADF in fall 1998. We concluded that either RBFT or BFT could be interseeded with tall fescue to enhance ADG and total steer days.  相似文献   

Color Doppler ultrasonography was used to compare blood flow characteristics in the caudal artery of heifers fed diets with endophyte (Neotyphodium coenophialum) infected (E+) or noninfected (E-) tall fescue seed. Eighteen crossbred (Angus x Brangus) heifers were assigned to 6 pens and were fed chopped alfalfa hay for 5 d and chopped alfalfa hay plus a concentrate that contained E-tall fescue seed for 9 d during an adjustment period. An 11-d experimental period followed, with animals in 3 pens fed chopped alfalfa hay plus a concentrate with E+ seed and those in the other 3 pens fed chopped hay plus concentrate with E E- seed. Color Doppler ultrasound measurements (caudal artery area, peak systolic velocity, end diastolic velocity, mean velocity, heart rate, stroke volume, and flow rate) and serum prolactin were monitored during the adjustment (baseline measures) and during the experimental period. Three baseline measures were collected on d 3, 5, and 6 during the adjustment period for comparison to post E+ seed exposure. Statistical analyses compared the proportionate differences between baseline and response at 4, 28, 52, 76, 100, 172, and 268 h from initial feeding of E+ seed. Serum prolactin concentrations on both diets were lower (P <0.001) than baseline beginning at 4 h from the start of the experimental period. However, trends in serum prolactin concentrations for heifers on the E- diet suggested ambient temperature was affecting these concentrations. Caudal artery area in E+ heifers had declined (P <0.10) from baseline by 4 h and was consistently lower (P <0.05) for the remainder of the period. Heart rates for E+ heifers were lower than the baseline rate from 4 (P <0.10) to 100 (P <0.001) h, but were similar (P >0.10) to the baseline for 172 and 268 h measures. Blood flow in E+ heifers was consistently lower than the baseline from 4 (P <0.05) to 172 (P <0.001) h, but was similar to the baseline at 268 h when heart rate was similar to the baseline rate. Caudal artery areas for the E- diet were similar to baseline areas except at 100 h when it was greater than baseline. Heart rates and flow rates for E- heifers did not differ (P >0.10) from baseline measures during the experimental period. Results indicated that onset of toxicosis was within 4 h of cattle exposure to E+ tall fescue and is related to vasoconstriction and reduction in heart rate.  相似文献   

Poor growth often occurs in cattle consuming ergot alkaloids associated with endophyte-infected (EI) tall fescue. Hyperthermia may contribute significantly to poor growth resulting from fescue toxicosis. This study examined indicators of thermal status and growth in Hereford (n = 30; heat-sensitive Bos taurus; H) and Senepol (n = 28; heat-tolerant Bos taurus; S) steers fed EI tall fescue (TF) or orchardgrass (OG) in 2 x 2 factorial experiments. Respiration rates, daytime shade use, tail skin temperatures, and body weights were measured during the summer and fall of 2000 (Exp. 1) and 2001 (Exp. 2). Experimental diets consisted of hay and seed for 12 wk in 2000, hay for 6 wk during the summer of 2001, and hay plus seed for 6 wk during the fall of 2001. In Exp. 1, EI tall fescue increased (P < 0.01) respiration rates, shade use, and skin temperatures in both breeds. Breed x diet affected (P < 0.01) 12-wk ADG in Exp. 1. Growth rate was lower for H-TF (262 g/d) than for S-TF, S-OG, and H-OG (475, 497, and 524 g/d, respectively). In Exp. 2, Senepol had lower (P < 0.01) respiration rates, shade use, and skin temperatures compared with Hereford, but diet did not alter (P > 0.14) these indicator traits in either breed. Breed x diet affected (P < 0.01) summer growth rates. Growth rate was lower for H-TF (88 g/d) than for H-OG, S-TF, and S-OG (508, 555, and 566 g/d, respectively). Adding seed to the diets in Exp. 2 decreased (P < 0.01) ADG for both breeds on TF during the fall. Thermal status indicator traits in Senepol and Hereford steers were similarly altered by TF; however, only Hereford showed consistently poor growth. Senepol showed resilience in their capacity for growth under conditions of fescue toxicosis. Senepol influence may enhance cattle performance in production systems that use EI tall fescue as the base forage.  相似文献   


The influence of rotational and continuous grazing systems, each applied with four stocking rates, on the above‐ground phytomass of veld was determined over four years.

Grazing systems showed a significant influence on available herbage during one year only. Increased stocking rates brought a progressive decline in above‐ground phytomass. During the fourth season (1980/81) the average grazing pressures at stocking rates of 10 ha, 7 ha, 5,5 ha and 4 ha/Large stock unit were 5 984 kg, 3 417 kg, 2 390 kg and 1 238 kg and 1 238 kg phytomass/Large stock unit, respectively. At the end of the fourth season (July, 1981) there was reserve grazing available on the various stocking rates for approximately 579 days, 337 days, 202 days and 76 days, respectively. The risk of high stocking rates in the marginal rainfall regions, is emphasised.  相似文献   

采用单形格子设计将粉煤灰、草炭、木屑和稻壳4种基质按照不同比例混合,研究其对高羊茅生长的影响。结果表明,不同处理之间,除出苗密度外,株高、分蘖数、盖度、地上与地下生物量均达到了显著性差异。其中,粉煤灰、草炭、木屑、稻壳的体积比2∶6∶1∶1的T2处理和粉煤灰、草炭、木屑、稻壳的体积比2∶4∶1∶3的T9处理为高羊茅生长的最佳基质配比,T2处理的株高、盖度、地下生物量较其他处理表现最好,T9处理在分蘖数、地上生物量较其他处理表现最好。  相似文献   

To compare the performance of steer calves managed under different stocking rates (SR; 3.7, 6.2, 8.6, and 11.1 steers/ha for 140 d; chi(I1)) and N fertilization rates (112, 224, and 336 kg of N/ha; chi(I2)) in May 1996, 1997, and 1998, 72 steer calves (BW = 231 +/- 2.5 kg) were assigned randomly to one of 12 0.81-ha dallisgrass (51%)/common bermudagrass (32%) pastures. One-third of the fertilizer was applied in the form of ammonium nitrate in May, June, and August to achieve the prescribed totals. Treatments were separated using a polynomial regression equation: gammai = beta0 + beta1chi(I1) + beta2chi(I2) + beta(11)chi2(I1) + beta(12)chi2(I2) + beta(12)chi(i1)chi(i2) + epsilonI, with years as replicates. Within the range of the data, ADG and BW gain per steer were greatest at a stocking rate of 3.7 steers/ha and 336 kg/ha of N. Body weight gain per hectare peaked at 701 kg when cattle were stocked at 8.9 steers/ha and the pasture was fertilized with 336 kg/ha of N. The least cost of production was at a stocking rate of 3.7 steers/ha, with 112 kg/ha of fertilizer N applied, and the greatest cost of production was at a stocking rate of 11.1 steers/ha with 336 kg/ha of fertilizer N applied. Fertilization at 336 kg/ha of N produced the most profitable stocking rate at 7.3 steers/ha and returned 355.64 dollars. The optimal stocking rate for net return was 79, 81, and 82% of that for maximum BW gain per hectare for 112, 224, and 336 kg/ha of N, respectively. Under the assumptions made in the financial analysis, these data show that the economically optimal carrying capacity of similar pastures can be increased with N fertilizer up to at least 336 kg/ha annually.  相似文献   

Effects of applying Tasco-Forage, an Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed-based product prepared by a proprietary process, to endophyte (Neotyphodium coenophialum [Morgan-Jones and Gams] Glenn, Bacon, and Hanlin)-infected and endophyte-free tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) were studied in each of 3 yr (1995, 1996, and 1997) in Virginia and in 1996 and 1997 in Mississippi. There were 48 steers at each location in each year (n = 240) in a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement with two replications at each location. Steers in Virginia were Angus and Angus x Hereford with initial weights of 245 kg (SD = 20), 234 kg (SD = 9), and 265 kg (SD = 5) in yr 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Steers in Mississippi were 3/4 Angus and 1/4 Brahman and weighed 230 kg (SD = 8) and 250 kg (SD = 2) in yr 2 and 3, respectively. Tasco (3.4 kg/ha) was dissolved in water and applied to pastures in April before grazing was begun and again in July at the same rate. The grazing period was from mid-April to late September or mid-October. Total gains were higher (P < 0.05) for steers grazing uninfected than for those grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue. Rectal temperatures were increased (P < 0.05) due to endophyte infection at both locations; Tasco application decreased temperature of steers grazing infected fescue in Virginia (interaction, P < 0.07) but increased temperatures of steers grazing infected fescue in Mississippi (interaction, P < 0.05). Presence of the endophyte resulted in rough hair coats and loss of hair color, but the effect was partially offset (P < 0.05) by Tasco application in Virginia in 1995. Both monocyte phagocytic activity (all years and locations) and major histocompatibility complex class II expression (1995 only) were decreased (P < 0.05) in steers due to endophyte infection, but this effect was reversed (P < 0.05) by application of Tasco to pastures. Application of the extract from A. nodosum seems to have use in alleviating adverse effects of endophyte on immune function and may improve hair coat condition in cattle grazing infected fescue, but effects on rectal temperature varied due to location.  相似文献   

Six steers (288.6 +/- 2.1 kg of BW) fitted with rumen and duodenal cannulas were used in a crossover design to evaluate intake, rumen fermentation, and site of nutrient digestion of freshly clipped, endophyte-infected (E+) Kentucky 31 tall fescue with or without soybean hull (SH) supplementation at 0.60% of BW (OM basis). Steers were placed in metabolism units within an environmentally controlled room and provided with free-choice access to fresh forage, water, and a vitamin/mineral supplement. The spring growth of E+ tall fescue was harvested daily during the experiment. Supplement was fed at 0700 with approximately 65% of the estimated daily forage. To maintain a fresh forage supply, additional forage was stored in a cooler and fed at 1900. Periods were 21 d with 14 d of adaptation and 7 d of digesta sample collection. Chromic oxide was used as a marker of duodenal digesta flow. Duodenal samples were taken 4 times daily with times shifting by 1 h each day to represent all 24 h of a day. Treatments were considered significant at P < 0.05. Supplementation of SH decreased forage OM intake from 1.64 to 1.41% of BW but increased total OM intake from 1.64 to 2.01% of BW. Apparent percentages (53.1%) and quantities (2,786 g/d) of rumen OM disappearance were not affected by supplementation. Percentages of total tract OM disappearance were not different (70.8%). Percentages of apparent rumen NDF disappearance also were not different (65.6%). Percentages of N disappearance were not different. Supplementation of SH resulted in increased total N (34.1 g/d) and microbial N (17.1 g/d) flowing to the duodenum. Rumen pH (6.5) was not affected, and rumen ammonia concentrations exhibited a time x treatment interaction in which SH decreased ammonia for 12 h after supplementation. Total VFA concentrations (103.9 mM) were unaffected. Liquid dilution rate (12.7%/h) and rumen OM fill (4.3 kg) were not different between treatments. Supplementation of SH at a rate of 0.60% of BW (OM basis) to calves consuming fresh E+ tall fescue decreased forage consumption but resulted in greater total intake, greater flow of N to the duodenum, and increased total tract OM disappearance.  相似文献   

Eighteen Angus steers (438 +/- 4 kg of BW) were supplemented with varying levels of corn oil (0 g/kg of BW, none; 0.75 g/kg of BW, MED; or 1.5 g/kg of BW, HI) on rotationally stocked, endophyte-free tall fescue to determine the effect of supplemental oil level on in vivo digestibility, intake, performance, and carcass traits. Pelleted cottonseed hulls were used as a carrier for the oil supplements, and all supplements were offered to steers using Calan gate feeders for individual intake determination. On d 49, each steer was dosed with a controlled-release capsule containing chromium sesquioxide, and fecal samples were obtained 12 d later over a 7-d period to estimate fecal output that, with forage, supplement, and fecal indigestible NDF concentration, was used to estimate DMI and in vivo total diet digestibility. Steers were slaughtered at the end of the 116-d grazing period, and carcass data were collected at 24 h postmortem. Total fatty acid intake linearly increased with corn oil supplementation, and forage DMI, total DMI, and total DE intake were linearly decreased (P < 0.01). The decrease in total DMI was reflected in forage substitution rates greater (P < or = 0.01) than 1, with a trend (P = 0.09) for a greater substitution rate in HI than in MED. In vivo DM, OM, and NDF digestibility were linearly decreased (P < 0.01) by corn oil supplementation. Average daily gain and final BW tended (P = 0.09) to increase linearly in response to oil level. Oil conversion (0.36 kg of BW gain/kg of corn oil) was greater (P < or = 0.05) than zero and did not differ (P = 0.15) between MED and HI. Dressing percent (P = 0.09), carcass weight (P = 0.01), and carcass backfat thickness (P = 0.01) increased linearly with oil supplementation. No treatment effect was observed for carcass LM area, KPH percentage, marbling score, or yield grade (P > 0.10). Oil supplementation to grazing steers linearly reduced forage DMI intake; however, animal performance was maintained and tended to be greater for oil-supplemented cattle. Oil supplementation increased carcass fat thickness and weight without altering other carcass quality parameters.  相似文献   

多效唑对高羊茅草坪草生长特性的影响   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
采用了不同浓度的多效唑(0.8、1.0、1.3mg/g)对高羊茅草坪进行叶面喷施,以研究多效唑对高羊茅生长特性的影响。结果表明:3种不同浓度的多效唑处理均表现出显著抑制高羊茅草坪草地上部分的伸长生长的效果,1.3mg/g的多效唑处理使高羊茅生长速度和修剪量明显降低1.0mg/g的多效唑使高羊茅草坪草的密度显著增加,明显促进高羊茅的分蘖,却使高羊茅叶绿素含量明显降低。  相似文献   

The effects of stocking rate and grazing system on gains of yearling beef cattle grazing rangelands have largely been addressed in short-term (< 10 years) studies, and often stocking rates are confounded within grazing systems with higher stocking rates for short-duration rotational grazing systems compared to season-long grazing. A grazing system (season-long and short-duration rotational grazing) × stocking rate (light: 16 steers/80 ha, 18.0 animal unit days/ha; moderate: 4 steers/12 ha, 30.1 animal unit days/ha; and heavy: 4 steers/9 ha, 40.1 animal unit days/ha) study was initiated in 1982 on northern mixed-grass prairie. Here, we report on the final 16 years (1991–2006) for yearling beef cattle gains. Average daily gains (kg/head/day) across all years with season-long grazing decreased with increasing stocking rate and grazing pressure. Heavy stocking rates reduced average daily gain by 16% and 12% compared to light and moderate stocking rates, respectively. In contrast to average daily gain, beef production (kg/ha) increased with increasing stocking rate and grazing pressure. Cattle gains were reduced by 6% with short-duration rotation compared to season-long grazing over the study period, with differences between systems observed in years with average, but not dry or wet, spring (April + May + June) precipitation. Grazing season gains (kg/head) and beef production both exhibited significant increasing hyperbolic relationships with spring precipitation, with the percentage of variation explained by spring precipitation substantially higher (62–83%) for beef production compared to grazing season gains (32–45%). The influence of spring precipitation on cattle gains suggests that incorporation of these relationships into modeling efforts for strategic planning and risk assessment will assist land managers in better matching forage and animal resources for greater sustainability in this highly variable environment.  相似文献   

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