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The Opuntia cochineal scale Dactylopius opuntiae (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Dactylopiidae) causes severe damage to prickly pear (Opuntia ficus‐indica (L.) Miller). This scale insect was first detected in Morocco in 2015 during sampling in the cactus crop in the Sidi Bennour region (120 km north‐west of Marrakech). Methods for sampling, preservation and identification are described. Although this scale insect can be used for the production of the natural dye carmine, the damage it can cause is considerable. A pest risk analysis should be carried out and the ensuing management measures implemented to prevent severe economic and ecological losses.  相似文献   

The Japanese flower thrips, Thrips setosus, is a polyphagous insect which in Europe has mainly been observed on hydrangeas (Hydrangea spp.). The first report of T. setosus in the EPPO region was in the Netherlands (2014). Since then it has been observed in four other countries inside the EPPO region: Germany (2015), the United Kingdom (2016), France (2016) and Croatia (2016). Its dispersal is most likely to be related to trade. Because of its polyphagous nature, there is a risk of spread to other economically important crops. Therefore, T. setosus was included in the national survey project ‘STATREGO’, during which the status of several invasive plant pests and diseases in Belgium was determined.  相似文献   

理化性质:寡雄腐霉菌属微生物杀菌剂。生物分类属茸鞭生物界,卵菌门,卵菌纲,霜霉目,霜霉科,腐霉属,寡雄腐霉种,品种DV74。菌株收藏在美国模式菌种收集中心(ATCC),同时也存放在捷克生物菌种库中。寡雄腐霉菌原药孢子数为≥5×10^-6(500万孢子/克),外观为白色粉末;pH5.5~6.5;水分≤6.5%;  相似文献   

Colombian datura potyvirus (CDV) was detected in about 300 plants of tomato Cabrion in one greenhouse in the Netherlands. Virus identification was based on host range and symptomatology, aphid transmission, electron microscopy and serology. Evidence was obtained that the tomato plants were infected by viruliferousMyzus persicae that acquired the virus from a CDV-infectedBrugmansia plant present in the same greenhouse.  相似文献   

Symptoms of bacterial canker of kiwifruit consisting of darkening and shrivelling along the bark were observed in kiwifruit orchards in Tonkabon, Iran. Longidutinal sections showed darkening of cortical and woody tissues. A fluorescent pseudomonad was consistently isolated from canker tissues. According to biochemical, physiological and pathogenicity tests the causal agent was identified as Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae. This is the first report of the disease in Iran.  相似文献   

A review is given on observations ofPythium spp. so far published. In personal investigations about 4000 isolates ofPythium species were obtained from soil, water, Daphnias and plants during 1966–1972. Special attention was paid to the progressive colonization of the newly reclaimed polder Zuidelijk Flevoland: the numbers of species per sample increased from 0 in 1966 to 13 in 1972. The percentage of samples which did not contain anyPythium decreased from 54 in 1968 to 0 in 1972. From Zuidelijk Flevoland altogether 21 species were isolated, from Oostelijk Flevoland 22, of which 19 occurred in both the polders. The soil depth down to 10 cm had little influence on the occurrence ofPythium species. From soils near Rhenen and Zutphen 12 and 19 species respectively were isolated, from flax and flaxfields 11, from forests 8, from roots of different plants 17 and from water 11. Besides species already previously recorded, 15 new records ofPythium species for the Netherlands are documented. Species with filamentous non-swollen sporangia preferentially occurred in water and wet soils while species with spherical sporangia or hyphal swellings dominated in cultivated soils, forests and in the roots of phanerogams. In 1968 species with filamentous non-swollen sporangia comprised 89% of the isolations from Zuidelijk Flevoland; this percentage decreased to 9 in 1972. The percentage of isolates with spherical sporangia or hyphal swellings from cultivated soils, forest soils or plant material was mostly over 90.P. rostratum Butler, though found in all kinds of soils, was often the only species which could be isolated from dry sandy soil samples.P. sylvaticum Campbell & Hendrix was the most common species in cultivated soils in the Netherlands (37% of the isolates in 1968–1972), followed byP. oligandrum Drechsler (22%) andP. paroecandrum Drechsler (11.5%).  相似文献   

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