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Commercial production of Atlantic salmon smolts, post-smolts, and market-size fish using land-based recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) is expanding. RAS generally provide a nutrient-rich environment in which nitrate accumulates as an end-product of nitrification. An 8-month study was conducted to compare the long-term effects of “high” (99 ± 1 mg/L NO3-N) versus “low” nitrate-nitrogen (10.0 ± 0.3 mg/L NO3-N) on the health and performance of post-smolt Atlantic salmon cultured in replicate freshwater RAS. Equal numbers of salmon with an initial mean weight of 102 ± 1 g were stocked into six 9.5 m3 RAS. Three RAS were maintained with high NO3-N via continuous dosing of sodium nitrate and three RAS were maintained with low NO3-N resulting solely from nitrification. An average daily water exchange rate equivalent to 60% of the system volume limited the accumulation of water quality parameters other than nitrate. Atlantic salmon performance metrics (e.g. weight, length, condition factor, thermal growth coefficient, and feed conversion ratio) were not affected by 100 mg/L NO3-N and cumulative survival was >99% for both treatments. No important differences were noted between treatments for whole blood gas, plasma chemistry, tissue histopathology, or fin quality parameters suggesting that fish health was unaffected by nitrate concentration. Abnormal swimming behaviors indicative of stress or reduced welfare were not observed. This research suggests that nitrate-nitrogen concentrations  100 mg/L do not affect post-smolt Atlantic salmon health or performance under the described conditions.  相似文献   

Previous research and experience has linked elevated dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) to reduced growth performance, poor feed conversion, and a variety of health issues in farm-raised fish, including Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Supplemental control measures in water recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) to reduce CO2 accumulation, however, such as increased water pumping to decrease tank hydraulic retention time, can represent significant costs for operators. We exposed post-smolt S0 Atlantic salmon (197 ± 2 g, 423 days post-hatch) to either high (20 ± 1 mg/L) or low (8 ± <1 mg/L) dissolved CO2 in six replicated freshwater RAS for 384 days to investigate differences in performance and health as the salmon were grown to harvest size. All RAS were operated at moderate water exchange rates (1.0% of the total recirculating flow), a 24-h photoperiod was provided, fish were fed to satiation, and densities were maintained between 40 and 80 kg/m3. Over the study period, dissolved oxygen was kept at saturation, mean water temperature was 14.1 ± 0.1 °C, and alkalinity averaged 237 mg/L as CaCO3. At study’s end, no significant differences in fish weight (high CO2 mean weight = 2879 ± 35 g; low CO2 mean weight = 2896 ± 12 g), feed conversion ratio (1.14 ± 0.12 vs. 1.22 ± 0.13, respectively), or thermal growth coefficient (1.45 ± 0.01 vs. 1.46 ± 0.01, respectively), were observed. No significant differences in survival (high CO2 mean survival = 99.1 ± 0.4%; low CO2 mean survival = 98.9 ± 0.3%) or culls due to saprolegniasis (3.5 ± 1% vs. 3.0 ± 1%, respectively) were determined, and no nephrocalcinosis was observed through histopathological evaluation. Blood gas and chemistry evaluation revealed higher pCO2, bicarbonate, and total CO2, and lower chloride and glucose, in the high CO2 cohort. Molecular analyses of gill enzyme regulation showed significantly higher expression of Na+/K+ ATPase α1a in high CO2 fish at 3-weeks post-challenge, indicating physiological adaptation to the higher CO2 environment without any noticeable long-term impacts on health or performance. Overall, the results of this study suggest that, at 237 mg/L as CaCO3 mean alkalinity, post-smolt Atlantic salmon can be raised in freshwater RAS to harvest size with up to 20 mg/L CO2 without significantly impacting fish health and performance.  相似文献   

Interest in land-based farms using recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for market-size Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) continues to grow, and several commercial facilities are already rearing fish. Performance data for commercially available mixed-sex, all-female, and triploid all-female Atlantic salmon reared to market-size in freshwater land-based facilities, however, are limited, particularly for European strain fish. Accordingly, eight groups of European-sourced Atlantic salmon (five groups of diploid mixed-sex, two groups of diploid all-female, and one group of triploid all-female fish) were reared from eyed egg to market-size in a semi-commercial scale land-based aquaculture systems over five separate production cycles to quantify performance metrics. Fish reached market-size (4−5 kg) in 24.7–26.3 months post-hatch. Fish were reared at a mean water temperature of 12.3–13.7 °C from first feeding to a mean size of 466–1265 g, then 13.3–15.1 °C during growout. On average, all-female groups grew faster than mixed-sex groups; however, environmental conditions and performance of individual cohorts varied. In a comingled production cycle, diploid all-female salmon grew faster than triploid counterparts. Early maturation rates ranged from 0 % to 67 %, with a mean maturation rate of 34 % for diploid mixed-sex fish and 67 % and 13 % for two diploid all-female groups, respectively. Triploid all-female Atlantic salmon did not mature. This research confirms biological and technological feasibility of growing Atlantic salmon to market-size in land-based systems but controlling early maturation of diploid salmon remained a challenge under the conditions utilized in these trials. This research provides important data inputs to optimize operational and financial projections for existing and potential land-based Atlantic salmon farms.  相似文献   

Foam fractionation is often considered an ineffective way of removing organic matter from freshwater due to the low surface tension of the water. There is, however, a lack of studies testing foam fractionation efficiency in replicated freshwater recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). Foam fractionation can be applied with or without ozone. Ozone is a strong oxidiser previously shown to improve water quality and protein skimmer efficiency. To test the efficiency of foam fractionation and ozonation (20 g O3 kg-1 feed) separately and in combination in freshwater RAS, a two-by-two factorial trial was conducted with each main factor at two levels (applied or not applied). Each treatment combination was carried out in triplicates using 12 replicated pilot scale RAS stocked with juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and operated at a feed loading of 1.66 kg feed m-3 make-up water. The trial lasted 8 weeks and samples were obtained once a week. Ozone applied by itself significantly reduced the number of particles (83%), bacterial activity (48%) and particulate BOD5 (5-days biochemical oxygen demand; 54%), and increased ultra violet transmittance (UVT; 43%) compared to the untreated control group. Foam fractionation by itself lead to significant reductions in particle numbers and volume (58% and 62%, respectively), turbidity (62%), bacterial activity (54%) and total BOD5 (51%). A combination of both treatments resulted in a significant additional improvement of important water quality variables, including a 75% reduction in total BOD5, 79% reduction in turbidity, 89% reduction in particle numbers and 90% reduction in bacterial activity compared to the control. The removal efficiencies were within the same range as those observed in previous studies conducted with foam fractionators in saltwater systems (with or without ozone), corroborating that foam fractionation may become a useful tool for controlling organic matter build-up and bacterial loads in freshwater RAS.  相似文献   

Abstract  Stocking is undertaken in the River Suldalslågen, western Norway, to compensate for an estimated annual loss of 20 000 Atlantic salmon smolts, Salmo salar L., caused by regulating the river for hydropower production. The annual contribution to angling catches from stocked hatchery fish varied from 7 to 334 kg, or <15% of the total number caught. Between 160 000 and 250 000 one-summer old fish were stocked, but only between 6 and 10 (<0.005%) were recaptured as adults in the river. Recaptured stocked fish never exceeded 0.03% by number, despite smolts dominating the stocking material in recent years. It is not certain whether the slight increase in catches comes in addition to or at the expense of natural reproduction. In most years more adults were used as parent stock than were caught as offspring. The lack of positive response to stocking is possibly due to lesser age, smaller size and later migration of hatchery smolts, and that seawater tolerance of hatchery smolts is poorly developed, all factors increasing mortality at sea.  相似文献   

Dietary phosphorus requirement of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The objective of this study was to determine the dietary phosphorus (P) requirement of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmon salar L. Triplicate groups of fish (mean initial weight 1.4 g) were fed semipurified, casein-gelatine-based diets containing one of five levels of P (4, 8, 10, 15 and 25 g kg−1) from Ca(H2PO4)2·H2O, or a commercial feed (17 g kg−1 P) for 9 weeks. Weight gains did not differ significantly among treatment groups fed the experimental diets but were slightly less than gains in fish fed the commercial feed. Feed efficiency (wet weight gain/dry feed consumed) was similar in all groups, averaging 1.45. Availability of dietary P, estimated from apparent retention and apparent digestibility, was 86%. Whole-body P concentrations declined in fish fed diets containing less than 10 g kg−1 P. Fitting a logistic curve to dietary P vs. whole-body P concentrations indicated that a minimum of 11 g kg−1 dietary P (9 g kg−1 digestible P) was required by juvenile Atlantic salmon to maintain whole-body P concentrations at initial levels. Calculation of a dietary requirement using a simple factorial model which incorporated measurements of P availability, feed efficiency and normal whole-body P concentration indicated that the dietary requirement was approximately 10 g kg−1. The dietary requirement established in this study (10–11 g kg−1) is higher than previously reported for Atlantic salmon or other fishes. Possible reasons for the wide range of reported dietary P requirements in fishes are discussed.  相似文献   

Production of Atlantic salmon smolts in recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) is growing, and novel production protocols using continuous light in RAS are being implemented in the industry. In the present study, Atlantic Salmon parr were exposed to either a traditional protocol (short-day winter signal [12:12 L:D] for 6 weeks) or to continuous light. Both photoperiods were applied in freshwater (FW) and brackish water RAS. Salmon from all treatments were transferred to seawater pens at 200 and 600 g and grown until slaughter size. A control group was smoltified with a 6-week short-day winter signal and kept in FW until sea transfer at 100 g. Continuous light gave a higher growth rate in RAS but reduced feed intake and growth and increased feed conversion ratio during the first 8 weeks in seawater. However, at slaughter, fish exposed to continuous light was bigger than fish given a winter signal because of the higher growth rate in RAS. Slaughter weight was lowest in fish transferred to sea at 600 g, despite having the highest day-degree sum during their life span. The best performing group was the control group transferred at 100 g. All treatments handled transfer to seawater and survival and maturation were not affected by the treatments in RAS. The immune status was examined with a multigene expression assay on BioMark HD platform from parr stage to 5–7 months after seawater transfer. Overall, there was no significant effect of photoperiod or salinity on the expression of the selected immune genes. In sum, the results from this study indicate that using continuous light in RAS may have negative effects on performance shortly after transfer in fish transferred to sea at 200 g, whereas at 600 g, all treatments had reduced growth after transfer irrespective of treatment in RAS.  相似文献   

Moderate to severe anaemia and hypoproteinaemia were reported in a Canadian outbreak of 'haemorrhagic kidney syndrome' in Atlantic salmon, later shown to be caused by a variant of infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV). The progressive anaemia associated with ISA has been previously reported, but hypoproteinaemia in salmon infected with European isolates of ISA virus has not been well documented. The present study showed a very significant positive correlation between decreasing haematocrit values and total plasma protein concentrations in Atlantic salmon infected with two Canadian and two Norwegian ISA viral isolates. However, variations in the concentration of individual plasma proteins, typical of acute phase responses in higher vertebrates, were not observed.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the effects of feeding increasing lipid concentrations (310, 380 and 470 g kg–1 lipid on dry weight) in diets based mainly on herring byproducts to Atlantic salmon Salmo salar . The diets were isonitrogenous, varying in dietary lipid content at the expense dietary starch. Average fish weight increased from 1.2 kg in April to 2.2–2.7 kg at the end of the feeding trial in September. Significantly greater growth was found in fish fed either the 380 g kg−1 or the 470 g kg−1 lipid diets compared with the 310 g kg−1 lipid diet. Muscle lipid content increased in all dietary groups on a wet weight basis from 7.7 ± 1.4% to 12 ± 3% in salmon fed the 310 g kg−1 lipid diet, and to 16 ± 2% in salmon fed the 380 g kg−1 and 470 g kg−1 lipid diets. In fish of similar weight there was a positive correlation between dietary lipid and muscle lipid concentrations. Low concentrations of muscle glycogen were detected in fish fed each of the diets, while muscle vitamin E concentrations slowly decreased as muscle lipid increased. Muscle fatty acid composition reflected dietary fatty acid profiles, containing similar percentages of total saturated, monoenic and n-3 fatty acids (20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3) in fish from all dietary treatment groups. However, a higher ratio of n-3/n-6 was found in muscle from fish fed the 470 g kg−1 lipid diet compared with the other two groups. Blood chemistry values varied somewhat, but all values were within normal ranges for Atlantic salmon of these sizes.  相似文献   

A clinical and histopathological review was carried out of 21 outbreaks of acute infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) in Scottish Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., farms (13 marine and eight fresh water) during 1991-2004. A distinctive syndrome was evident in both post-smolts in sea water and fry in fresh water, where liver lesions, which had not previously been associated with IPN, became a consistent finding in addition to the more typical pancreatic and intestinal changes. Initial cases were described in post-smolts in Shetland, but by the end of the period of investigation this type of pathology had extended down the West coast of Scotland and into Ireland. Limited viral strain analysis suggested that similar strains were involved in both fresh water and sea water and that these differed from earlier isolates from rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). In fresh water, recovered fish frequently developed a greatly distended intestine associated with accumulation of undigested food. In sea water, after the initial, often significant (50% or more), losses, there were many fish which failed to grow and became chronically emaciated and prone to sea louse infection. Although use of transfer diets containing immune enhancers and the selection of IPN resistant broodstock has reduced losses the disease remains a serious cause of economic loss.  相似文献   

The present experiment was performed to study how fluoride from krill meal enriched muscle, whole fish and bone of adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) reared in sea water. Atlantic salmon (mean weight 0.5 kg) were divided into four triplicate groups and fed a commercial fish meal based diets with 0, 100, 200 and 300 g krill kg?1 feed, respectively, for 12 weeks. The fluoride concentrations in the experimental feeds were analysed to be 18, 132, 235 and 358 mg kg?1, respectively. Growth, mortality and feed efficiency were recorded through the experiment. Fluoride concentration was measured in muscle, whole‐body, and bone initially and after 12 weeks of feeding. The fluoride concentrations in the samples were determined by alkali fusion and fluoride ion‐selective electrode. Growth, mortality and feed efficiency ratio were not affected by the dietary treatments. The results showed that fluoride concentration in muscle, whole body and bone were not affected by the dietary fluoride level. The fluoride concentration in the tissues showed great variation among replicates of the group given the same diet. Fillets of the fish varied between 0.3 and 1.4 mg fluoride kg?1 wet weight, whereas the whole‐body concentration of fluoride varied between 3.3 and 6.1 mg kg?1 wet weight and the fluoride bone concentration varied between 5.8 and 7.2 mg kg?1 fresh weight. These results suggest that Atlantic salmon are highly tolerant of dietary fluoride given as krill meal with concentration of fluoride up to 350 mg kg?1 diet, and that accumulation of fluoride from feeding diets containing krill meal does not lead to tissue accumulation in the fish, at least over a short period of time.  相似文献   

The sublethal effect of the carbamate pesticide carbofuran on the priming pheromonal system of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) was investigated. Previous studies have demonstrated that ovulated female salmon release a priming pheromone in their urine (considered to be an F-type prostaglandin) which is subsequently detected by mature male salmon and results in increased levels of plasma sex steroids and expressible milt. In the present study, electrophysiological recordings from the olfactory epithelium of mature male salmon parr indicated that the responses to prostaglandin F2 (PGF2) were significantly reduced at nominal concentrations of carbofuran as low as 1.0 µg l-1, and the threshold of detection was reduced 10-fold. A 5 day exposure to carbofuran significantly reduced the ability of male parr to respond to PGF2 stimulation. The priming effect of PGF2 on milt and plasma 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one levels were abolished at water concentrations at and above 2.7 µg l-1. In addition, the priming effect of PGF2 on plasma testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone concentrations was abolished at water carbofuran concentrations above 6.5 µg l-1. Exposure to similar concentrations of carbofuran also resulted in a reduction in the levels of free and glucuronidated steroids in the bile of PGF2 primed male parr. The effect of carbofuran on the priming response did not appear to be due to a direct effect on the testes, since the ability of testes to respond to pituitary extract stimulation in vitro was not impaired in carbofuran-exposed males. Carbofuran appeared to reduce significantly or abolish the priming pheromonal system in mature male parr by directly affecting the ability of the olfactory system to detect PGF2, although the toxicological mechanism involved is as yet unknown. The results are therefore discussed in relation to the possible sublethal effects of carbofuran on reproduction in the Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. were maintained on diets containing low (0.37 mg kg–1 diet), normal (1.95 mg kg–1 diet) and high (15 mg kg–1 diet) levels of vitamin A fed at 1.5% body weight per day. After 4 months, liver vitamin A levels reflected dietary intake and growth rates of all three groups were similar. Kidney leucocyte migration and serum bactericidal activity were found to be significantly reduced in fish fed low levels of vitamin A. On the other hand, high levels of vitamin A in the diet were found to augment serum antiprotease activity relative to the levels found in the other dietary groups. However, phagocyte respiratory burst activity, bactericidal activity and eicosanoid production were unaffected by the dietary vitamin A regime, as were lymphocyte functions (lymphokine and antibody production) and both serum lysozyme and classical complement activity. That the overall immunomodulatory effect of vitamin A was small was reflected in the resistance to Aeromonas salmonicida. No significant differences were found between the different vitamin A intake groups despite a trend to decreased resistance in the low vitamin A diet group.  相似文献   

Producing a larger post-smolt in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) could shorten the production time in sea cages and potentially reduce mortality. Knowledge of the biological requirements of post-smolts in closed-containment systems is however lacking. In the present study, the effects of salinity and water velocity on growth, survival, health, and welfare of Atlantic salmon reared in RAS were examined. Salmon smolts were stocked in three separate RAS with salinities of 12, 22, and 32‰ and subjected to high (1.0 body lengths per s−1) or low (0.3 body lengths second−1) water velocity. Growth performance, survival, welfare, and physiological stress responses were monitored until the fish reached a bodyweight of around 450 g. Growth rate was higher at lower salinity and higher water velocity generally had a positive effect on growth in all salinities. Feed conversion ratio was lower at 12‰ compared to the 22 and 32‰ when the fish were between 250 and 450 g. Higher mortality, elevated plasma cortisol levels, higher incidence of cataract, and a higher expression of stress-induced genes in the skin (iNOS, Muc5ac-like) indicated a negative effect of higher salinity on fish welfare. Male maturation was low (<1%), and not affected by salinity or water velocity.  相似文献   

Abstract  Hatchery-reared salmon, Salmo salar L., smolts are generally stocked during daylight hours, but the natural migration of smolts tends to occur at night. Recapture rates and timing of migration were compared between Atlantic salmon smolts stocked during the day and during the evening. Timing of release had no significant effect on the number of smolts recaptured, but had a strong effect on nocturnal behaviour. When stocked in the evening (but not during the day) hatchery-reared smolts moved almost exclusively during the night. This study suggests that timing the release to coincide with the natural time of smolt migration may provide valuable acclimatisation and facilitate nocturnal smolt passage.  相似文献   

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