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The phototactic behavior of pike-perch (Sander lucioperca) larvae from 1 to 50 days post hatch (dph) was evaluated using a channel system with 0 and 700 lx light treatment. The findings of this work show larval pike-perch to be highly positive phototactic during its larval stage with a peak of positive phototactic behavior between 10 and 22 dph. After 22 dph positive phototaxis decreased and pike-perch increasingly preferred the lower light treatment. In a second experiment observed positive phototaxis was used to evaluate the effectiveness of a light triggered self-grading mechanism for pike-perch larvae at 16, 22, 28 and 34 dph. The use of larvae’s positive phototaxis for a gentle self-grading was successful at 16 and 22 dph and decreased the length variability between 14 and 18% at 16 dph and between 18 and 28% at 22 dph. Whereas the grading at 28 and 34 dph led to an insufficient reduction in length heterogeneity. As a result the light triggered self-grading has the potential to be implemented in future rearing protocols and to be applied on pike-perch between 16 to 22 dph. Furthermore, it is suggested to consider a light triggered self-grading mechanism within upcoming tank designs for the rearing of larval pike-perch.  相似文献   

To assess the effect of dietary composition on growth performance and body composition of pike perch (Sander lucioperca), fingerlings with an initial body weight of 1.36 g (just trained to accept formulated feed) were fed three experimental diets in triplicate for 90 days. Two feeding groups were fed with formulated diets (CD, CD+7) containing varying levels of crude lipid (CL) of 14.65% and 21.94% dry matter (d.m.) with crude protein (CP) levels of 59.73% and 56.56%, and one feeding group was fed a natural diet (chironomids, CP = 65.93% d.m.; CL = 7.20% d.m.). Furthermore, pike perch of the same age caught in different natural habitats were analysed to determine their naturally fluctuations in body composition. Specific growth rate (SGR; CD = 3.36, CD+7 = 3.47) and feed conversion ratio (FCR; CD = 1.02, CD+7 = 0.93) of fish fed formulated diets did not differ significantly with rising dietary lipid content, due to high variability within the individuals of each feeding groups. In contrast, pike perch fed with chironomids showed a significantly lower SGR of 2.49 and higher FCR of 2.37 (on a dry matter basis). Body composition of pike perch fed formulated diets was affected by dietary composition and showed increased lipid contents [CD=6.25% original matter (o.m.), CD+7 = 9.00% o.m.] with rising dietary lipid levels. Pike perch of CD and CD+7 feeding groups showed significant increased hepatosomatic indices (HSIs) of 1.99 and 2.05 in contrast to fish fed chironomids with HSI of 1.11. Fish caught in the different natural habitats were characterised by low body lipid and dry matter contents of 0.64–1.88% o.m. and 21.08–23.75% o.m. Higher lipid incorporation of fish fed with formulated diets accompanied with poor benefit on growth performance at higher dietary lipid content indicated that pike perch ability to utilise lipids is low when dietary crude protein content is higher than 56.56%.  相似文献   

The pike-perch (Sander lucioperca L) at the age of 18 days were fed for 21 days with three different diets: Aglo Norse (AN), casein-gelatin (Cas), cod meal with gelatin (Mac) and nauplius Artemia salina (Art—control diet). On the last day of the experiment, fish fed Art and AN diets had the statistically significant highest body mass, length, and survival. On the last day of the experiment, pikes fed Cas diet had the lowest folds of the anterior and posterior intestine. In the anterior intestine of fish fed Cas diet was found a statistically significant increase in the proliferation of the enterocytes as compared with fish from other feeding groups. The fish from Mac-feeding group had the largest statistically significant total area of enterocytes and the absorption area of posterior intestine. This was probably the effect of disorders in the intracellular digestion and the stoppage in transportation of the intracellular digestion products into the circulatory system. Moreover, there was found the intensive processes of apoptosis of enterocytes in the fish fed Mac. On the last day of the experiment, fish fed Art and AN had statistically significantly more cells secreting cholecystokinin and gastrin (Gas) as compared with fish from other feeding groups. Results indicate that juvenile pike-perch can be reared and fed commercial diet AN since its 18th day after hatching. Feeding pike-perch Cas and Mac diets did not satisfy nutritional needs of fish, resulting in low survival, growth rate, and pathological changes in the intestine.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of varying dietary protein‐to‐lipid ratios (P/L) on growth performance and body composition of pike perch (Sander lucioperca) fingerlings with an initial body weight of 1.35–1.40 g. Triplicate groups were reared during 56 days in recirculation systems and fed six experimental diets containing three dietary levels of lipid (90, 130, 170 g kg?1 of dry matter, d.m.) combined with two levels of dietary protein (470, 540 g kg?1 d.m.). During the experimental period the fixed feeding rates decreased from 10% to 5% of the total fish biomass per day. In contrast to previous results obtained with this species, the present study clearly demonstrated the occurrence of protein sparing effect. The best results for feed conversation ratio and specific growth rates were obtained in the treatments containing highest lipid level: diet 3 (P/L 47/17) and diet 6 (P/L 53/17). The d.m. and crude lipid contents of pike perch whole body increased in direct proportion of the dietary lipid levels. No difference was observed on crude protein and ash content among the treatments. Increasing hepatosomatic index at highest dietary lipid level suggested a limited lipid utilization of percids.  相似文献   

Nine trials were carried out on the induced propagation of pike perch in out‐of‐season as well as in the natural reproduction period. From January till May, periodically, 16–20 pairs were transported to the hatchery, and acclimated to 15–16°C. The following hormonal treatments were used to induce reproduction: carp pituitary homogenate (CP) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) alone or in combination; gonadotrop‐releasing hormone ‘Ovurelin’ (D‐Phe6‐LH‐RH) alone or with metaclopramid (MTC); and ‘Ovopel’ [containing des‐Gly10‐(D‐Ala6)‐LH‐RH‐ethylamide and MTC]. The effects of daylight regime, water temperature and the length of the pre‐spawning conditioning period on the reproduction performance were determined. From the 130 hormonally treated pairs, 122 either spawned in tanks or were stripped. There were no differences in the ovulation rate between out‐of‐season (93%) and seasonal (91%) propagation. The developmental stage of the eggs correlated with the latency period, which significantly declined from January till April. The latency period was the shortest in fish treated with hCG and, secondly, with CP. The germinal vesicle migration did not proceed without hormonal treatment, although in some trials breeders were kept at the spawning temperature for 1–2 weeks. The results demonstrate that the pike perch can be successfully induced to spawn about 3 months earlier than its natural spawning season, which allows a significantly prolonged yearly supply of fry.  相似文献   

Light intensity preference of the pikeperch was tested in 1‐m2 tanks divided into four lateral compartments with a hole in the middle to allow the fish to move between compartments. Two experiments were carried out with both 0+ and 1+ pikeperch: one testing intensities from 25 to 300 lx and the other from 1 to 50 lx. Light preference was observed individually for 5 days at 8, 11, 14 and 17 h. On the first and fifth day, the preference was tested without differences in light intensity (control). In both experiments, both age groups showed preference for the lowest available light intensity. Preference for low light intensity in pikeperch may be related to innate activity and feeding behaviour and to avoidance of harmful effects of light. It is suggested that under aquaculture operations, pikeperch should be reared under very dim conditions.  相似文献   

Pike perch (Sander lucioperca) has been identified as specie destined to diverse European inland aquaculture, but knowledge on the nutritional requirements is weak. Therefore, we investigated the effect of varying dietary fatty acid (FA) profile by partial replacement of fish oil (FO) with vegetable oils on growth, FA and body composition of juvenile pike perch. An extruded basal diet containing 59 g kg?1 crude lipids (FO) was added with 60 g kg?1 FO, 60 g kg?1 linseed oil (LO) or 60 g kg?1 soybean oil (SO). The resulting dietary FA composition differed mainly in the triglyceride fraction and was characterized by highest amounts of linolenic acid (18:3 n‐3) in the LO diet and linoleic acid in the SO diet. Diet enriched with FO contained highest contents of highly unsaturated FA 20:5 n‐3 (eicosapentaenic acid) and 22:6 n‐3 (docosahexaenic acid). Pike perch were held in a recirculation system and each feeding group (in triplicate) was fed with experimental diets at a daily rate of 35 g kg?1 of biomass for 57 days by automatic feeders. Weight gain and specific growth rate of experimental feeding groups ranged between 18.47 and 19.58 g and 1.37–1.45% day?1 and was not affected by the dietary composition indicating that FO can be replaced by vegetable oils without negative impact on growth performance. In contrast to the whole body and muscle composition, liver tissue was affected by the varying diets. Liver tissues of fish fed diets enriched with vegetable oils showed significantly increased lipid contents of 162 (LO) and 147 (SO) g kg?1 and indicate decreased lipid utilization compared with fish fed FO diet (liver lipid content 112 g kg?1). Nevertheless, hepatosomatic index of pike perch was not influenced by dietary lipid composition. The FA profile of pike perch was generally determined by the dietary FAs.  相似文献   

Triplicate groups of pike perch (Sander lucioperca) juveniles were fed six experimental diets containing protein levels varying from 263 to 619 g kg−1 dry matter (d.m.) for 56 days. Dietary protein was supplied by graded amounts of fish meal (with 720 g kg−1 crude protein). Crude lipid and gross energy content of 101–107 g kg−1 and 19.9–20.6 MJ kg−1 remained constant between experimental diets. Pike perch with an initial body weight of 1.05 ± 0.05 g were randomly distributed in 18 tanks of two similar recirculation systems and fed on gradually decreasing feeding rates of 10 to 6% of their body weight per day. Growth performance and feed conversion increased with dietary protein level from 263 to 549 g kg−1 d.m. but did not decline at highest dietary protein level. Protein efficiency ratio declined linearly with increasing dietary protein. Survival ranged between 89.7 and 93.9% and was not affected by dietary composition. Dry matter and crude lipid content of pike perch fingerlings decreased with increasing dietary protein supply and significantly the lowest dry matter and crude lipid levels were observed in fish fed diets containing 619 g kg−1 of crude protein. The dietary protein requirement for pike perch fingerlings calculated by broken‐line and second‐order polynomial regression ranged between 529 and 577 g kg−1, respectively.  相似文献   

The provision of fry and fingerlings, independent of the natural spawning season, can facilitate the implementation of innovative rearing strategies also in pike perch ( Sander lucioperca L.). As strict pharmaceutical acts or codes of conduct for organic aquaculture can constrain fish farmers in inducing spawning with hormonal applications, this study intended to develop protocols for advanced and postponed spawning just by simple photo-thermal treatments. After spending between 31 and 61 days at temperatures below 10 °C, different groups of pike perch spawners were treated with light and temperature programmes to advance spawning. Reproduction could be induced successfully 2 months before the natural spawning season when the mating pairs spent 43 or more days below 10 °C, followed by a maturation phase of 44–68 days at 15 °C and 16 h illumination per day. Advanced spawning could be documented for 32 out of 35 females (91%) that underwent photo-thermal treatments. Mean commercial fecundities up to 24% and average rates of developing eggs of 65% were observed in advanced spawning groups. Coldbanking of mature females allowed to postpone spawnings for 2 and 3 months. However, no egg development could be recorded in these treatment groups.  相似文献   

Light intensity has been shown to influence the foraging success of larval fish. However, the effect of light intensity on larval foraging is likely variable and influenced by both the density and characteristics of planktonic prey. In this study we examined the influence of light intensity of 0.1, 2.0, and 60 μmol·s?1·m?2 Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) on foraging of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) larvae at two prey densities. We fed them with a mixture of zooplankton taxa common to lakes inhabited by yellow perch. In addition to light intensity and prey density, the effect of larval yellow perch size was examined by using fish ranging from 9 to 15 mm. The results of our study indicated that yellow perch larvae are well adapted to feed at a wide range of light intensities, as there was no difference in foraging success at investigated light intensities. Increasing prey density from 25 to 150 (zooplankton·l?1) significantly improved the foraging success of larval yellow perch. However, the influence of prey density on foraging success was dependent on fish length. Improved foraging success at increased prey densities occurred only for individuals with a total length >10 mm. Overall, prey selection by fish larvae was influenced by light intensity, prey density, and fish length. However, the factors that influenced selection for specific prey types differed. Our study, combined with evidence from other field and laboratory work, highlight the need for a better understanding of the influence of prey density on foraging throughout ontogeny.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of hCG injections on reproductive efficiency by hCG treatment in both male or female brooders of domesticated pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) in the first generation. The study consisted of four treatments based on hormone injection to male or female brooders including T1: both sexes were injected, T2: only females were injected, T3: only males were injected, and T4: without hormone injection. Each treatment which included 14 males and 12 females were introduced to a single rectangular concrete tank with one spawning nest for each mate (a total of 12 nests per tank). Fish were injected by a single dose of 200 IU/kg hCG before transferring to mating tanks. After mating, nests containing fertilized eggs were transferred to circular concrete tanks for incubation and hatching of embryos. According to the results, treatments T3 and T4 did not respond to hormonal stimulation and no fish were spawned. Treatments T1 and T2 showed a positive response to hormone injection. Latency time, fertilization rate, and hatching rate showed no significant difference between T1 and T2 (P?>?0.05), but the number of responded females was significantly higher in T2 (P?<?0.05). The results of the present study demonstrated that it is possible to perform the semi-artificial propagation of domesticated pikeperch via injecting with 200 IU/kg hCG just to females, without the need for hormonal stimulation for males.


The effect of water turbidity on the prey selection and consumption of the young-of-the-year (YOY) pikeperch in the planktivorous feeding stage was studied. Attention was paid particularly to the question of how the food selectivity depends on the size of YOY pikeperch and how the turbidity affects feeding in different size classes. Studies were carried out in ponds of two fish farms in Estonia over 4 years. Small cladocerans were the most preferred prey in the smallest pikeperch size class. In larger size classes, the most selected prey were the large cladocerans. Water turbidity affected the prey selection of the planktivorous pikeperch significantly. In more turbid environments, the larger zooplankters were more positively selected than the smaller ones. Turbidity decreased both total zooplankton consumption and Fulton's condition factor of fish only in the largest size class of pikeperch. The effect of turbidity on foraging and growth, and thus on the size of juvenile pikeperch of a particular year class is substantial under conditions where juveniles cannot shift from planktivory to piscivory.  相似文献   

Photo‐thermal induction of gonadal maturation in completely controlled conditions is still not well explored in pikeperch. Thus, wintering intensively reared breeders in outdoor pond conditions might be rather suitable alternative to use these fish for larvae production. In this study, we compared the propagation success of indoor‐reared [recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)‐reared fish, RRF] and wild (WCF) pikeperch females wintering them in outside earthen ponds. Each group was composed of six females and four males which were artificially propagated following hormonal induction with human chorionic gonadotropin. Beside the main parameters of reproductive success, fatty acid composition of dry eggs and mortality during early larviculture were assessed. The only statistically significant difference among reproductive parameters was found in latency time, which was significantly lower in RRF. Fatty acid profiles of dry eggs were rather similar between the groups; however, significant difference was noticed in phospholipid fraction in EPA/AA (eicosapentaenoic acid; C20:5n‐3/arachidonic acid; C20:4n‐6) ratio which was, on average, five times higher in the RRF (5.1 ± 3.8) than in WCF (0.9 ± 0.3). Significantly lower mortality was seen in the larvae originating from wild breeders (13.4 ± 1.7% and 27.0 ± 4.9% for WCF and RRF respectively). Wintering indoor‐reared females in outdoor pond conditions led to appropriate gonadal maturation, and ovulation occurred in all examined females. The lower quality of larvae was likely caused by suboptimal broodstock nutrition, which should be studied further, with special consideration given to the EPA/AA ratio and the phospholipid content and composition of the diet.  相似文献   

Parasitic copepods of the genus Achtheres commonly infect perch, Perca fluviatilis, and zander, Sander lucioperca, in Europe. The aim of this study was to verify the specific identity of these copepods. The parasites were examined morphologically, biometrically and genetically. Statistical processing of the biometrical data was based on both empirical measurements and transformed data related to total length and genital trunk width. Principal component analysis was applied to both sets of data. DNA of both parasite 'forms' was amplified using two sets of primers (EU5.8S+EU18S and 18SF1+28SR) and the products were subjected to restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Morphological differences were found in the overall shape of the copepod bodies as well as in the details of the armament of some appendages. The morphometric study emphasized the importance of second maxillae and genital process as the variables most distinctly distinguishing the two 'forms'. The two 'forms' of Achtheres differed in the DNA sequence amplified by one set of primers. RFLP revealed even more extensive differences between these two copepods. We concluded that the copepods parasitizing perch should be referred to as Achtheres percarum von Nordmann, 1832, whereas a long-forgotten name, A. sandrae Gadd, 1901, should be applied to the copepods from zander.  相似文献   

In two separate experiments, haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) larvae were raised under different photoperiods (24L : 0D or 15L : 9D), or different combinations of tank colour (black or white) and light intensity (1.1 mol s–1 m–2 or 18 mol s–1 m–2). Growth (0.8% day–1 in standard length; 2.9% day–1 in body area) and survival (2%) were not significantly different between photoperiod treatments after 35 days. Larval survival was greater in white versus black tanks after 41 days (2% versus l%, respectively). Growth of larvae was impaired in black tanks at low (1.1 mol s–1 m–2) light intensity (0.8% day–1 in standard length and 2.2% day–1 in body area versus 1.1% day 21 in standard length and 3.1% day–1 in body area, for all other treatments). Transmission and reflection of light was low in black tanks at low incident light, and there was very little upwelling light. The resultant poor prey to background contrast probably resulted in larvae being unable to consume sufficient food to sustain a level of growth comparable to that in other treatments.  相似文献   

为了加强良种选育工作,切实做好亲本遗传管理,防止近交衰退的发生,利用20个微卫星分子标记对白梭吻鲈(Sander lucioperca)新疆野生群体及山东和苏州2个养殖群体的遗传结构进行检测。结果表明,20个微卫星标记中18个有扩增产物,14个呈现多态性;每个位点的等位基因数为2~6个,平均等位基因数为3.6个,3个群体的平均等位基因数为2.57~3.36,平均观测杂合度为0.5085~0.5621,平均多态性信息含量为0.3931~0.4764,表明3个白梭吻鲈群体的遗传多样性处于中等偏低水平,遗传多样性大小为:新疆群体苏州群体山东群体。群体的Fst为0.1798,表明群体间有一定的遗传分化。在白梭吻鲈人工繁殖与养殖过程中,必须加强亲本遗传结构监测并维持一定数量的亲本规模,以利于其产业的持续发展。  相似文献   

Maternal characteristics typically affect the recruitment of an exploited fish population. The size and age at maturity, as well as the effects of maternal traits on relative fecundity and egg dry weight, were studied in six exploited pikeperch populations in Finnish lakes. The among‐lake variation in the maternal characteristics was substantial. The estimated total length at maturity (L10, L50, L90) varied between 318–444, 403–423 and 444–527 mm, respectively, largely depending on the average growth rate and body condition of pikeperch. The estimated L50 was generally close to the recently imposed national minimum size limit (42 cm). The estimated age at maturity (A50) ranged from 4.2 to 6.9 year. Both relative fecundity and egg dry weight significantly increased with female size and age, indicating size‐ and age‐dependent maternal effects on egg characteristics and quantity, and emphasising the importance of large individuals for reproduction. The observed among‐population differences in the size‐dependent maternal influences highlight the need for stock‐specific management of pikeperch fisheries. The conservation of large females should be promoted to increase recruitment and reduce its variability.  相似文献   

Juvenile European pikeperch, Sander lucioperca, were fed commercial feed (group C) or experimental feed supplemented with NuPro® nucleotide‐rich Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast protein (extract obtained through a cell wall removal process) in doses of 20, 40 or 60 g kg?1 feed (groups N2, N4, N6) for 8 weeks. Growth, non‐specific immunity parameters, histological structure of the liver and intestine, proximate whole‐body composition and blood biochemical parameters were assayed. It was noted that brewer’s yeast extract has immunomodulatory proprieties. NuPro® in doses of 40 and 60 g kg?1 feed strongly stimulated non‐specific (innate) cellular and humoral immunity in pikeperch. The experimental feed did not have a significant impact on pikeperch growth (P > 0.05). The proximate composition of the fish bodies and the hepatosomatic and viscerosomatic (VSI) indices were also not affected, which indicated that the tested diets had no negative impact on the metabolism or deposition of nutrients in fish tissues. The lower levels of transaminases AST and ALT, which were noted in the groups with the two highest doses of NuPro® (P < 0.05), might indicate improved liver function. It was also demonstrated that the brewer’s yeast extract stimulates the absorption activity of intestinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The effect of initial fish size (small with TL = 40.3 ± 2.3 mm and W = 0.42 ± 0.15 g, medium with TL = 56.2 ± 2.7 mm and W = 1.66 ± 0.4 g, and big with TL = 71.0 ± 3.2 mm and W = 2.95 ± 0.65 g) and stocking density of identical fish with TL = 40.3 ± 2.3 mm and W = 0.42 ± 0.15 g (1; 2; 4; 8 fish l?1) on weaning success was evaluated in pond-cultured pikeperch. The trial was divided into weaning (12 days) and post-weaning (16 days) periods. Small juveniles reached significantly higher specific growth rate (SGR = 1.6 ± 0.2 % day?1) and survival rate (S = 81.7 ± 2.7 %) and lower cannibalism (C = 3.0 ± 0.75 %) compared to medium and large juveniles (SGR = 0.3–0.5 % day?1, S = 65.3–76.5 %, C = 6.5–7.5 %) during the weaning period. The higher survival rate was found at the two higher densities (S = 72.0–79.1 %) during the weaning period. The lowest survival rate (S = 38.9 ± 2.7) was observed at the lowest fish density. Fish stocking density did not affect growth, condition, or cannibalism rate during the weaning period. Similar trends of growth, survival, and cannibalism of weaned juveniles were observed during the post-weaning period. A mass weaning trial verified experimental results showing small pikeperch juveniles to reach satisfactory growth rate (SGR = 1.4 ± 0.1 and 7.2 ± 0.2 % day?1), survival (S = 78.7 ± 3.0 % and 97.6 ± 1.0 %), and cannibalism (C = 4.0 ± 1.5 % and 2.5 ± 1.0 %) rates during the weaning and post-weaning periods. No body or fin deformities of weaned juveniles were observed.  相似文献   

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