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射流式鱼泵输送草鱼的性能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了分析射流式鱼泵输送草鱼的性能及其损伤因素,文章设计了一台喉管直径为60 mm的射流式鱼泵,开展了草鱼输送实验,并采用高速摄影和计算流体力学方法进行了研究。结果显示,该射流式鱼泵在扬程2.24m时最高草鱼输送能力达918 kg·h~(-1),其所需水功率为2.83 k W。进一步的检测表明,部分实验鱼有鳞片脱落的情况,但未出现游泳异常,解剖后也未发现内脏受损等情况;实验鱼在过泵后呼吸频率及部分血液指标存在明显变化,但在24 h内基本可以恢复。数值模拟和高速摄影方法分析得出,剪切层是造成实验鱼泵内鳞片脱落的主要原因,撞击伤是由内流偏转诱导实验鱼撞击泵内壁面产生的,包含压力梯度在内的水力因素都可能使实验鱼产生应激反应。但由于鱼类在泵内时间极短,上述因素都不会致实验鱼死亡。  相似文献   

射流式吸鱼泵关键技术研究及设计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为实现深水网箱规模化养殖渔获的自动起捕,依据射流泵的工作原理,提出了射流式吸鱼泵的结构优化设计方案。基于能量方程,对工作泵的压力计算表达式进行了推导,并对射流式吸鱼泵的性能参数进行了计算。射流泵压力校核结果表明,选配的工作泵可满足设计要求。  相似文献   

基于CFturbo的离心式吸鱼泵设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的离心式吸鱼泵设计基本上是根据设计经验与相似泵推导设计,导致设计周期长且性能参数无法确定。为了更加快速、精确地设计出不同尺寸类型的吸鱼泵,并估算出离心式吸鱼泵的流量、扬程等性能参数,运用CFturbo设计软件进行参数化设计吸鱼泵,通过CFturbo软件建立吸鱼泵的三维模型,并通过软件内置经验函数优化设计,然后通过CFD流体动力学软件进行数值模拟仿真验证,最终设计出符合性能参数要求的离心式吸鱼泵,实现离心式吸鱼泵的快速研发。  相似文献   

The diets of demersal fish, principally haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), whiting (Merlangius merlangus) and several flatfish species, sampled from four Scottish sea lochs (Hourn, Kishorn, Duich and Nevis) which support aquaculture sites, were examined in order to determine whether the impact of aquaculture on benthic biodiversity would affect the diets of demersal fish. Loch Kishorn had the highest maximum planned aquaculture production, loch Nevis follows and lochs Hourn and Duich have the lowest planned production. Samples were collected from locations less than and more than 2000 m from fish farm cages. Fish close to the fish farm cages were on average of greater individual weight than those further away from fish farms. Haddock ate predominantly Malacostracan crustacea, Ophiurid echinoderms and Polychaete annelids; whiting ate predominantly Malacostracan crustacea and teleost fish and flatfish ate Malacostracan crustacea, Polychaete annelids and Ophiurid echinoderms. A small number of saithe sampled had eaten mainly fish farm pellets. Dietary variation in each species was analysed in relation to loch, proximity to aquaculture facilities and fish size. Diet of whiting varied with body size. Dietary differences were observed between the lochs and between sites close to and far from farms in two lochs although these differences cannot be specifically attributed to aquaculture development. Controlling for differences between individual lochs, proximity to aquaculture facilities did not consistently affect diet composition.  相似文献   

Automated measurement of species and length of fish by computer vision   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Trials of a computer vision machine (The CatchMeter) for identifying and measuring different species of fish are described. The fish are transported along a conveyor underneath a digital camera. Image processing algorithms: determine the orientation of the fish utilising a moment-invariant method, identify whether the fish is a flatfish or roundfish with 100% accuracy, measure the length with a standard deviation of 1.2 mm and species with up to 99.8% sorting reliability for seven species of fish. The potential application of the system onboard both research and commercial ships is described. The machine can theoretically process up to 30,000 fish/h using a single conveyor based system.  相似文献   

Freshwater fish species and Baltic salmon (Salmo salar) are important to small-scale fisheries in Finland and Sweden. The formerly local markets for these species have expanded as trade has been opened up to international competition. In this study we use cointegration analysis to test the spatial integration of freshwater fish markets in Finland and between Finland and Sweden. The analysed fish species are salmon, perch (Perca fluviatilis), pikeperch (Sander lucioperca), European whitefish (Goregonus lavaretus) and pike (Exos lucius), and the data covers ex-vessel prices from 1993 or 1995 to 2004. We found that the regional prices in Finland were cointegrated. This indicates that the prices are determined on a single market in Finland. Moreover, the study suggests that Finnish and Swedish markets in Baltic salmon, whitefish, pikeperch and perch were partially integrated, while integration of pike markets could not be found. The political implication is that an essential part of the local small-scale fisheries’ operational environment is determined outside the national borders.  相似文献   

崂山湾春季鱼类群落的摄食生态及其主要种类   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
张波  袁伟  王俊 《中国水产科学》2015,22(4):820-827
崂山湾位于黄海的胶州湾和丁字湾之间,海湾开阔,是当前增殖放流的重点海域。根据2014年5月在崂山湾海域进行的底拖网调查,分析了该海域春季鱼类群落的种类组成和摄食生态。结果表明,崂山湾春季鱼类群落共32种鱼类,隶属8目,21科,30属;以鲈形目(Perciformes)的虾虎鱼科(Gobiidae)和石首鱼科(Sciaenidae)种类最多;优势种有皮氏叫姑鱼(Johnius belengerii)、短吻红舌鳎(Cynoglossus joyneri)和矛尾虾虎鱼(Chaeturichthys stigmatias),主要种有大泷六线鱼(Hexagrammos otakii)、斑鰶(Clupanodon punctatus)、赤鼻棱鳀(Thrissa kammalensis)、丝虾虎鱼(Cryptocentrus filifer)、方氏云鳚(Enedrias fangi)和银鲳(Pampus argenteus)。崂山湾春季鱼类群落的种类丰富度指数R为3.19,多样性指数H′为2.34;均匀度指数J′为0.68。胃含物分析结果表明,春季崂山湾生态系统鱼类群落的平均营养级为3.52;主要包括了浮游动物食性、杂食性和底栖动物食性3种食性类型,以底栖动物食性鱼类为主。在当前捕捞、气候变化和人类活动等多重压力下,海湾生态系统承受了巨大的压力,针对不同的海湾生态系统进行基础调研,可为制订相应的增殖放流、渔业保护和管理策略提供重要科学依据。  相似文献   

. A marine fish farm (production ~ 100 tonnes per year) located in the Orbetello lagoon area (Tuscany, Italy) was selected to study the waste water quality discharged. The aims of study were: a) quantify the nitrogen and phosphorus discharged from the fish farm at the beginning and the end of feeding time; b) verify nutrient trend during a daily cycle, and difference of release between nitrogen and phosphorus by reared biomass. From June 1999 to May 2000, water temperature, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen and redox were hourly recorded in output wastewater station (E). Two water sampling strategies were adopted: monthly and daily. Monthly, in E, two field water samples at 8:00 a.m. (E8), at the beginning of feeding, and at 4:00 p.m. (E16), at the end of feeding, were collected. The dissolved and particulate nitrogen and phosphorus were analysed. With respect to total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), the total ammonia (NH3 + NH4+) concentration constituted more than 64%. With respect to total nitrogen and phosphorus, the particulated component represented, respectively, the 16% and 29–36%. A 24 h water sampling, at 4:00, 10:00, 12:00 a.m and at 4:00, 8:00, 12:00 p.m., was carried out. The results showed that TDN was excreted shortly after feeding, with a peak 4 h after the end of feeding. Most of the total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) was excreted after many hours, with a peak 8 h after the end of feeding.  相似文献   

The oxygen binding properties of whole blood and hemoglobin were studied in three phylogenetically distant tropical teleosts inhabiting freshwater billabongs that exhibit marked seasonal oxygen stratification. The water breathing saratoga (Scleropages jardinii, Family Osteoglossidae), derived from an ancient divergence of the stem line leading to all other extant teleosts, has a low blood oxygen carrying capacity, Bohr and Root effect, and a high blood oxygen affinity. Erythrocytes contain a single major hemoglobin component, and equimolar concentrations of ATP and GTP. The tarpon (Megalops cyprinoides, Family Megalopidae), a facultative air-breather, has the highest blood oxygen carrying capacity and Bohr effect, and a low blood oxygen affinity and Root effect. Erythrocytes contain a single major hemoglobin and ATP as a putative regulator of hemoglobin oxygen affinity. Barramundi (Lates calcarifer, Family Centropomidae), is an obligate water-breather with intermediate blood oxygen binding properties, and the smallest Root effect. Erythrocytes contain at least 7 hemoglobins, and equimolar concentrations of ATP and GTP. Functional properties of these three blood oxygen transport systems are considered in terms of the respiratory environment and demand for oxygen. Our interpretation supports the hypothesis that the process of speciation can lead to divergence in physiological mechanisms, irrespective of past or present selection pressures.  相似文献   

北部湾鱼类多样性及优势种的时空变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据2007年在北部湾进行的4季渔业资源底拖网调查资料,对该海域鱼类的种类组成、物种多样性和优势种的时空变化进行分析.本次调查共捕获鱼类323种,隶属于18目101科,以发光鲷(Acropoma japonicum)、黄斑M(Leiognathus bindus)、竹??鱼(Trachurus japonicus)、二长棘鲷(Parargyrops edita)和大头白姑鱼(Argyrosomusmacrocephalus)为主要优势种.分析结果表明,北部湾鱼类的优势种更替明显,总体趋势为k选择种类(以红笛鲷和黑印真鲨等为代表)被r选择种类(发光鲷、鲾科和天竺鱼科等为代表)所替代,即寿命长、个体大和营养级高的鱼类种类减少,寿命短、个体小和营养级较低的种类增多.鱼类的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)以共同渔区北部海域最高(3.60),东北部海域次之(3.58),共同渔区南部海域最低(2.35),四季多样性指数为2.96~3.77,平均3.31.2007年多样性指数比 1992-1993年低,但高于1998-1999年,表明近年来该海域捕捞压力有所减缓,使得渔业资源有一定的恢复.本研究旨在了解北部湾生物多样性和优势种的动态变化及演替状况,为该海域渔业资源的合理开发与可持续利用对策提供科学依据.  相似文献   

山东省水产养殖外来物种调查研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
外来物种(Aliem species)是指在某地区或生态系统原来不存在,由于人类活动以及与人类活动有关而引进的物种。近年来,山东省先后引进近百种水产养殖外来物种,为促进山东省的水产事业发展做出了积极的贡献。作者通过3年时间,对山东省近年水产养殖外来物种情况进行了全面地调查研究,简要总结了水产养殖外来物种现状,找出了存在的主要问题,并对今后工作提出了一些建议,以供有关部门决策参考。  相似文献   

Between spring 1998 and autumn 1999, a fine mesh seine net was used to sample fish communities at three locations in south-eastern Australian estuaries, two located near Sydney [Botany Bay (BB) and Port Hacking (PH)] and one located approximately 150 km to the south [Sussex Inlet (SI)]. At each location, fish were collected from adjacent beds of the seagrasses Posidonia australis Hooker and Zostera capricorni Ascherson. These seagrass species differ markedly in morphology and life history. Fish communities displayed significant differences between seagrass species with respect to abundances and lengths of economically important species, and the structure of assemblages at locations in PH and BB, but not in SI. Differences appeared to be related to the recruitment of juveniles of several inshore species, such as Acanthopagrus australis (Günther), Rhabdosargus sarba (Forskaal) and Girella tricuspidata (Quoy & Gaimard) to Zostera beds at BB and PH during spring and early summer. These differences were not evident over the wider spatial scale, however, the SI location did support a distinct assemblage of fish compared with locations in PH and BB. These results suggested that local recruitment events and differences in estuarine geomorphology may be important in structuring these seagrass fish communities.  相似文献   

渤海鱼类群落结构关键种   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于2012—2016年每年8月渤海鱼类资源量底拖网调查数据,对鱼类群落进行了CLUSTER聚类分析和MDS标序,根据组间差异种和组内相似种年际贡献率,筛选鱼类群落结构关键种,结果显示:(1)在29.93%~35.69%的相似性水平上,2012—2016年各年度渤海鱼类群落分组情况良好,相应MDS系数都小于0.2。(2)2012—2016年渤海鱼类组间种类组成差异都极显著(P=0.001),贡献组间80%累积差异性,且出现率超过50%的鱼类,4个年度共有的种有鳀(Engraulis japonicus)、3个年度共有的种有黄鲫(Setipinna taty);组间差异性贡献率大于10%,且出现率超过50%的鱼类,3个年度共有种仅有鳀,2个年度共有种仅有黄鲫。(3)贡献2012–2016年渤海鱼类群落组内相似性80%累积贡献率,且出现率超过50%的鱼类,2个年度共有的种有鳀、矛尾虾虎鱼(Chaeturichthys stigmatias)和矛尾复虾虎鱼(Synechogobius hasta);组内相似性贡献率大于10%,且出现率超过50%的鱼类,3个年度共有种有鳀,2个年度共有种有矛尾虾虎鱼和矛尾复虾虎鱼。(4)依据2012—2016年渤海鱼类群落结构相似性与差异性中各鱼种累积贡献率和单贡献率的大小和出现频率,推断鳀是渤海鱼类群落结构的首要关键种,其次为黄鲫,然后是矛尾虾虎鱼和矛尾复虾虎鱼。这4种鱼的站位平均资源量对中上层鱼类及底层鱼类站位平均资源量的比例及相关性和回归性,以及年度的优势度指数也证实上述关键种观点。综上所述,渤海鱼类群落结构首要关键种为鳀,其次为黄鲫,渤海鱼类关键种的研究可为渤海捕捞产业的调整和渔业资源的养护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Abstract –  The objective of this study was to quantify fish species diversity in Terra firme streams of the Río Amazonas drainage. Fish diversity was quantified as the number of species collected or species richness in two sites of Yahuarcaca stream, a typical, first order tributary of the central Río Amazonas near Leticia (Colombia). The extremely high species richness recorded, 131 and 133 for the two study sites for a total of 171 species, was primarily due to species of low abundance (rare species) mostly with adults <5 cm in total length. The nonasymptotic tendencies of accumulated species richness over time for the 1999 samples at the two study sites and for the combined samples of 1999, 2001 and 2005 at site 2 suggested that the real number of fish species may be still greater. These findings emphasise the importance of long-term sampling designs to quantify species richness in these systems. Terra firme streams actually sustain greater fish richness than previously reported for similar sized streams that in turn, represent a substantial per cent of the total species richness reported for vast areas of the main stem of Río Amazonas including tributaries and lakes. Terra firme streams should be considered critical hotspots for conservation and management efforts which are urgently needed given the rapid development of ornamental fisheries on small streams throughout Río Amazonas drainage.  相似文献   

Abstract  The fish communities of all Austrian natural lakes ( n  = 43) larger than 50 ha in surface area were assessed and the historical fish communities in c . 1850 were reconstructed. During the last 150 years, the fish communities of Austrian lakes have altered: in 49% of lakes at least one indigenous fish species, usually sensitive or small-bodied taxa, is now missing. Conversely, in all but one of the 43 lakes the number of fish species has increased. In particular, certain fish species of interest to angling and commercial fisheries now occur in more lakes. Generalised linear models were used to identify variables that would explain the loss of fish species using categories of lake use (ranking score). The category human population density around the lakes seemed to be one of the main causes for the loss of fish species.  相似文献   

北极阿拉斯加水域鱼类生态特征及其重要性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林倩倩  朱国平 《水产学报》2019,43(7):1581-1592
为了对北极鱼类的生态特征进行研究,从而科学合理地开发和管理北极鱼类资源,以现有北极阿拉斯加水域鱼类生态科学信息为基础,针对北极阿拉斯加水域104种主要鱼类,从栖息深度、营养级、昼夜垂直移动及季节性洄游、生态重要性、传统文化重要性及商业重要性等多个方面进行了分析。结果显示,大多数北极阿拉斯加海洋鱼类为中上层鱼类或中层鱼类,栖息水域多在1 000 m以浅的陆架或陆坡水域;营养级范围为3.0~4.5,处于较高和较低营养级的鱼种较少;大部分鱼类的重要性知之甚少,目前仅少量鱼种在北极海域生态系统、传统文化以及商业性渔业中起到关键作用;具昼夜垂直移动及季节性洄游特性的鱼种各占一半左右;基于聚类分析,以栖息深度、垂直移动、季节性洄游及营养级4个指标作为变量,该水域属于5个生态类群,而以生态、传统文化以及商业重要性3个指标为变量,则该水域鱼类可划分为3个类群。本研究结果可为进一步开展北极鱼类生态学研究及北极渔业资源的开发潜力评价提供数据支持,并为我国参与北极鱼类资源潜力的开发及国家权益的争取提供参考信息。  相似文献   

Current ornamental fish packaging systems are characterized by very high fish loading densities and high metabolic wastes in the transport water after shipment. They focus mainly on management of the quality of transport water. Recent studies using the guppy as a model fish showed that post‐shipment mortality could be reduced through enhancement of the stress resistance of the fish, and hence emphases should also be placed on the preparation of the fish for transport and recovery of the fish after shipment. Farmers can contribute significantly by applying nutritional prophylaxis before harvesting. Exporters may use the salinity stress test to identify fish lots of good quality for transport, apply health prophylaxis to eradicate parasites and optimize other techniques such as starvation of the fish or addition of salt to the transport water to enhance the stress resistance of the fish. Importers may adopt proper acclimation procedure and allow fish to recover in low salinity water to reduce post‐shipment mortality. As the main bulk of post‐shipment mortality is stress‐mediated and occurs during the 1‐week recovery period, the industry should consider revising the basis of the current warranty system for their customers, from death on arrival to cumulative mortality at 7 days post shipment (or death after 7 days, DA7), in order to cut down fish losses after shipment.  相似文献   

为了解金沙江下游水电梯级开发对鱼类群落的影响,于2016-2018年采用复合刺网和地笼对向家坝库区库首邵女坪、库中绥江和库尾桧溪的鱼类群落进行了7次调查,探究了建坝后的鱼类种类组成、个体大小、生态类群及其空间分布特征。共采集到鱼类59种,隶属于6目16科49属,其中长江上游特有鱼类5种,外来鱼类12种。在邵女坪、绥江和桧溪江段分别采集到鱼类39、40和39种,Jaccard相似性指数分析表明,3个江段鱼类群落物种组成为中等相似。相对重要性指数(IRI)分析显示,邵女坪江段鱼类群落的优势种为中华倒刺鲃和?,绥江江段优势种为?、鲢、瓦氏黄颡鱼和鳙,桧溪江段优势种为瓦氏黄颡鱼、镜鲤、鲤、?、草鱼和鲫。NMDS分析显示,库首邵女坪和库尾桧溪江段鱼类群落差异相对较大,Bray-Curtis相异指数为0.59;库中绥江与库首邵女坪鱼类群落更为相似,Bray-Curtis相异指数为0.41;库中绥江和库尾桧溪的Bray-Curtis相异指数为0.46。广适性鱼类是向家坝库区各江段的优势类群,分别占鱼类种类、数量和重量的57.7%±5.9%、65.2%±20.7%和47.7%±16.1%;从库首至库尾江段其数量百分数分别为43.3%、67.8%和84.5%,呈现逐渐增加趋势。向家坝库区渔获群体体长范围为29~655mm,平均体长为128±65mm,体重范围为0.1~5408g,平均体重为70±218g,主要种类(鲤和镜鲤除外)在不同江段间个体大小差异显著(P<0.05)。与蓄水前(2011年)相比,金沙江下游鱼类群落发生了显著变化,流水性的特有鱼类减少,外来鱼类增多。研究结果为梯级水电开发生态环境影响评价及鱼类保护提供了依据,为长江“十年禁渔”效果评估提供了本底资料。  相似文献   

A simple microcomputer program uses Lagrangian particle tracking to simulate the fates of individual larvae subject to wind- and tide-driven advection fields and diffusion. Space/time advection patterns are provided to the program as inputs; thus, the program can use results from various hydrodynamic models. The program can simultaneously track several groups of larvae that are assigned varying attributes, including (1) body size, to allow simulation of effects of variation in growth rates; (2) spawning locations and times; (3) vertical migration behavior; and (4) settlement strategy (duration of larval period, depth conditions for settlement). The model is intended as an exploratory tool to help identify alternative hypotheses that might explain observed life history patterns and causes of inter-annual variation in recruitment rate. For English sole in the Hecate Strait, B.C., the model leads us to hypothesize that observed spawning locations have resulted from a tradeoff between places that would provide the best feeding opportunities and places that would minimize risk of advective export to unfavorable rearing habitats.  相似文献   

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