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The ultrastructure of Sarcocystis neurona schizonts and merozoites was studied in specimens derived from cell culture and from the brains of infected mice. Schizonts and merozoites were located in the host cell cytoplasm without a parasitophorous vacuole at any stage of development. Merozoites divided by endopolygeny. Fully formed merozoites had a pellicle, numerous polysomes and ribosomes, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, 22 subpellicular microtubules, 9-16 dense granules, 25-75 micronemes, a plastid, a Golgi complex, 1-3 mitochondria, a conoid, 2 apical rings, 2 polar rings, 0-6 lipid bodies, a nucleus and nucleolus, but no rhoptries. Most micronemes were located anterior to the nucleus including 1-6 micronemes in the conoid. Merozoites were either slender (7.3 microm x 1.7 microm) or stumpy (7.7 microm x 3.1 microm). Dense granules appeared to arise from the maturation face of the Golgi complex. The ultrastructure of in vitro derived schizonts and merozoites were similar to in vivo derived organisms.  相似文献   

Horses are considered accidental hosts for Sarcocystis neurona and they often develop severe neurological disease when infected with this parasite. Schizont stages develop in the central nervous system (CNS) and cause the neurological lesions associated with equine protozoal myeloencephalitis. The present study was done to examine the ability of S. neurona merozoites to penetrate and develop in equine peripheral blood leukocytes. These infected host cells might serve as a possible transport mechanism into the CNS. S. neurona merozoites penetrated equine leukocytes within 5 min of co-culture. Infected leukocytes were usually monocytes. Infected leukocytes were present up to the final day of examination at 3 days. Up to three merozoites were present in an infected monocyte. No development to schizont stages was observed. All stages observed were in the host cell cytoplasm. We postulate that S. neurona merozoites may cross the blood brain barrier hidden inside leukocytes. Once inside the CNS these merozoites can egress and invade additional cells and cause encephalitis.  相似文献   

Horses serve as an intermediate host for several species of Sarcocystis, all of which utilize canids as the definitive host. Sarcocystis spp. infection and formation of latent sarcocysts in horses often appears to be subclinical, but morbidity can occur, especially when the parasite burden is large. A serological survey was conducted to determine the presence of antibodies against Sarcocystis spp. in seemingly healthy horses from the Galicia region of Spain. Western blot analyses using Sarcocystis neurona merozoites as heterologous antigen suggested greater than 80% seroprevalance of Sarcocystis spp. in a sample set of 138 horses. The serum samples were further tested with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) based on recombinant S. neurona-specific surface antigens (rSnSAGs). As expected for horses from the Eastern Hemisphere, less than 4% of the serum samples were positive when analyzed with either the rSnSAG2 or the rSnSAG4/3 ELISAs. An additional 246 horses were tested using the rSnSAG2 ELISA, which revealed that less than 3% of the 384 samples were seropositive. Collectively, the results of this serologic study suggested that a large proportion of horses from this region of Spain are exposed to Sarcocystis spp. Furthermore, the anti-Sarcocystis seroreactivity in these European horses could be clearly distinguished from anti-S. neurona antibodies using the rSnSAG2 and rSnSAG4/3 ELISAs.  相似文献   

The growth of Sarcocystis neurona, isolate UCD1, in continuous culture was examined in 10 cell lines to identify growth conditions and methods for the preparation of parasites free of gross host cell contamination for molecular studies. The unpredictable, slow release of merozoites in most cell lines prompted development of a method to synchronously release the parasites from infected host cells. The calcium ionophore A23187 at a concentration of 1 microM was found to release intracellular merozoites with a 40 min treatment at 37 degrees C. The release of merozoites en masse from attached host cells allowed for the rapid collection of relatively pure parasites from the culture supernatant. This release of merozoites occurred in five different host cell lines. The ionophore-released parasites were highly infectious for host cells and appeared to be morphologically identical to naturally released merozoites, except that the treated merozoites had an increased number of micronemes when examined by electron microscopy. The ionophore did not enhance the release of sporozoites from sporocysts, but freezing in the presence of 5% DMSO released sporozoites that were infectious to bovine monocytes in in vitro culture.  相似文献   

Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis is a common neurologic disease of horses in the Americas usually caused by Sarcocystis neurona. To date, the disease has not been induced in horses using characterized sporocysts from Didelphis virginiana, the definitive host. S. neurona sporocysts from 15 naturally infected opossums were fed to horses seronegative for antibodies against S. neurona. Eight horses were given 5x10(5) sporocysts daily for 7 days. Horses were examined for abnormal clinical signs, and blood and cerebrospinal fluid were harvested at intervals for 90 days after the first day of challenge and analyzed both qualitatively (western blot) and quantitatively (anti-17kDa) for anti-S. neurona IgG. Four of the challenged horses were given dexamethasone (0.1mg/kg orally once daily) for the duration of the experiment. All challenged horses immunoconverted against S. neurona in blood within 32 days of challenge and in CSF within 61 days. There was a trend (P = 0.057) for horses given dexamethasone to immunoconvert earlier than horses that were not immunosuppressed. Anti-17kDa was detected in the CSF of all challenged horses by day 61. This response was statistically greater at day 32 in horses given dexamethasone. Control horses remained seronegative throughout the period in which all challenged horses converted. One control horse immunoconverted in blood at day 75 and in CSF at day 89. Signs of neurologic disease were mild to equivocal in challenged horses. Horses given dexamethasone had more severe signs of limb weakness than did horses not given dexamethasone; however, we could not determine whether these signs were due to spinal cord disease or to effects of systemic illness. At necropsy, mild-moderate multifocal gliosis and neurophagia were found histologically in the spinal cords of 7/8 challenged horses. No organisms were seen either in routinely processed sections or by immunohistochemistry. Although neurologic disease comparable to naturally occurring equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) was not produced, we had clear evidence of an immune response to challenge both systemically and in the CNS. Broad immunosuppression with dexamethasone did not increase the severity of histologic changes in the CNS of challenged horses. Future work must focus on defining the factors that govern progression of inapparent S. neurona infection to EPM.  相似文献   

An expressed sequence tag (EST) sequencing project has produced over 15,000 partial cDNA sequences from the equine pathogen Sarcocystis neurona. While many of the sequences are clear homologues of previously characterized genes, a significant number of the S. neurona ESTs do not exhibit similarity to anything in the extensive sequence databases that have been generated. In an effort to characterize parasite proteins that are novel to S. neurona, a seemingly unique gene was selected for further investigation based on its abundant representation in the collection of ESTs and the predicted presence of a signal peptide and glycolipid anchor addition on the encoded protein. The gene was expressed in E. coli, and monospecific polyclonal antiserum against the recombinant protein was produced by immunization of a rabbit. Characterization of the native protein in S. neurona merozoites and schizonts revealed that it is a low molecular weight surface protein that is expressed throughout intracellular development of the parasite. The protein was designated Surface Protein 1 (SPR1) to reflect its display on the outer surface of merozoites and to distinguish it from the ubiquitous SAG/SRS surface antigens of the heteroxenous Coccidia. Interestingly, infection assays in the presence of the polyclonal antiserum suggested that SnSPR1 plays some role in attachment and/or invasion of host cells by S. neurona merozoites. The work described herein represents a general template for selecting and characterizing the various unidentified gene sequences that are plentiful in the EST databases for S. neurona and other apicomplexans. Furthermore, this study illustrates the value of investigating these novel sequences since it can offer new candidates for diagnostic or vaccine development while also providing greater insight into the biology of these parasites.  相似文献   

Horses that are exposed to Sarcocystis neurona, a causative agent of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis, produce antibodies that are detectable in serum by western blot (WB). A positive test is indicative of exposure to the organism. Positive tests in young horses can be complicated by the presence of maternal antibodies. Passive transfer of maternal antibodies to S. neurona from seropositive mares to their foals was evaluated. Foals were sampled at birth (presuckle), at 24h of age (postsuckle), and at monthly intervals. All foals sampled before suckling were seronegative. Thirty-three foals from 33 seropositive mares became seropositive with colostrum ingestion at 24h of age, confirming that passive transfer of S. neurona maternal antibodies occurs. Thirty-one of the 33 foals became seronegative by 9 months of age, with a mean seronegative conversion time of 4.2 months. These results indicate that evaluation of exposure to S. neurona by WB analysis of serum may be misleading in young horses.  相似文献   

Opossums (Didelphis spp.) are the definitive host for the protozoan parasite Sarcocystis neurona, the causative agent of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM). Opossums shed sporocysts in feces that can be ingested by true intermediate hosts (cats, raccoons, skunks, armadillos and sea otters). Horses acquire the parasite by ingestion of feed or water contaminated by opossum feces. However, horses have been classified as aberrant intermediate hosts because the terminal asexual sarcocyst stage that is required for transmission to the definitive host has not been found in their tissues despite extensive efforts to search for them [Dubey, J.P., Lindsay, D.S., Saville, W.J., Reed, S.M., Granstrom, D.E., Speer, C.A., 2001b. A review of Sarcocystis neurona and equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM). Vet. Parasitol. 95, 89-131]. In a 4-month-old filly with neurological disease consistent with EPM, we demonstrate schizonts in the brain and spinal cord and mature sarcocysts in the tongue and skeletal muscle, both with genetic and morphological characteristics of S. neurona. The histological and electron microscopic morphology of the schizonts and sarcocysts were identical to published features of S. neurona [Stanek, J.F., Dubey, J.P., Oglesbee, M.J., Reed, S.M., Lindsay, D.S., Capitini, L.A., Njoku, C.J., Vittitow, K.L., Saville, W.J., 2002. Life cycle of Sarcocystis neurona in its natural intermediate host, the raccoon, Procyon lotor. J. Parasitol. 88, 1151-1158]. DNA from schizonts and sarcocysts from this horse produced Sarcocystis specific 334bp PCR products [Tanhauser, S.M., Yowell, C.A., Cutler, T.J., Greiner, E.C., MacKay, R.J., Dame, J.B., 1999. Multiple DNA markers differentiate Sarcocystis neurona and Sarcocystis falcatula. J. Parasitol. 85, 221-228]. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of these PCR products showed banding patterns characteristic of S. neurona. Sequencing, alignment and comparison of both schizont and sarcocyst DNA amplicons showed 100% identity. Although Koch's postulates have not been demonstrated in this case study, the finding of mature, intact S. neurona schizonts and sarcocysts in the tissues of this single horse strongly suggests that horses have the potential to act as intermediate hosts. Further studies are needed to demonstrate Koch's postulates with repeated transfer of S. neurona between opossums and horses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate risk of exposure and age at first exposure to Sarcocystis neurona and Neospora hughesi and time to maternal antibody decay in foals. ANIMALS: 484 Thoroughbred and Warmblood foals from 4 farms in California. PROCEDURE: Serum was collected before and after colostrum ingestion and at 3-month intervals thereafter. Samples were tested by use of the indirect fluorescent antibody test; cutoff titers were > or = 40 and > or = 160 for S neurona and N hughesi, respectively. RESULTS: Risk of exposure to S neurona and N hughesi during the study were 8.2% and 3.1%, respectively. Annual rate of exposure was 3.1% for S neurona and 1.7% for N hughesi. There was a significant difference in the risk of exposure to S neurona among farms but not in the risk of exposure to N hughesi. Median age at first exposure was 1.2 years for S neurona and 0.8 years for N hughesi. Highest prevalence of antibodies against S neurona and N hughesi was 6% and 2.1 %, respectively, at a mean age of 1.7 and 1.4 years, respectively. Median time to maternal antibody decay was 96 days for S neurona and 91 days for N hughesi. There were no clinical cases of equine protozoal myeloenchaphlitis (EPM). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Exposure to S neurona and N hughesi was low in foals between birth and 2.5 years of age. Maternally acquired antibodies may cause false-positive results for 3 or 4 months after birth, and EPM was a rare clinical disease in horses < or = 2.5 years of age.  相似文献   

Sarcocystis neurona is the parasite most commonly associated with equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM). Recently, cats (Felis domesticus) have been demonstrated to be an experimental intermediate host in the life cycle of S. neurona. This study was performed to determine if cats experimentally inoculated with culture-derived S. neurona merozoites develop tissue sarcocysts infectious to opossums (Didelphis virginiana), the definitive host of S. neurona. Four cats were inoculated with S. neurona or S. neurona-like merozoites and all developed antibodies reacting to S. neurona merozoite antigens, but tissue sarcocysts were detected in only two cats. Muscle tissues from the experimentally inoculated cats with and without detectable sarcocysts were fed to laboratory-reared opossums. Sporocysts were detected in gastrointestinal (GI) scrapings of one opossum fed experimentally infected feline tissues. The study results suggest that cats can develop tissue cysts following inoculation with culture-derived Sarcocystis sp. merozoites in which the particular isolate was originally derived from a naturally infected cat with tissue sarcocysts. This is in contrast to cats which did not develop tissue cysts when inoculated with S. neurona merozoites originally derived from a horse with EPM. These results indicate present biological differences between the culture-derived merozoites of two Sarcocystis isolates, Sn-UCD 1 and Sn-Mucat 2.  相似文献   

Clinically normal horses developed cellular immunity to Sarcocystis neurona following IM vaccination with a commercial killed S. neurona vaccine, as indicated by the development of measurable anti-S. neurona IgG antibodies and additional intradermal skin testing. Large-scale independent assessments of the vaccine's performance and safety are in progress under field conditions. The next step in the evaluation of this vaccine would be to attempt experimental challenge after a reproducible reliable equine model of S. neurona encephalitis has been established that allows for reisolation of the pathogen after challenge.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of intermittent oral administration of ponazuril on immunoconversion against Sarcocystis neurona in horses inoculated intragastrically with S neurona sporocysts. ANIMALS: 20 healthy horses that were seronegative for S neurona-specific IgG. PROCEDURES: 5 control horses were neither inoculated with sporocysts nor treated. Other horses (5 horses/group) each received 612,500 S neurona sporocysts via nasogastric tube (day 0) and were not treated or were administered ponazuril (20 mg/kg, PO) every 7 days (beginning on day 5) or every 14 days (beginning on day 12) for 12 weeks. Blood and CSF samples were collected on day - 1 and then every 14 days after challenge for western blot assessment of immunoconversion. Clinical signs of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) were monitored, and tissues were examined histologically after euthanasia. Results: Sera from all challenged horses yielded positive western blot results within 56 days. Immunoconversion in CSF was detected in only 2 of 5 horses that were treated weekly; all other challenged horses immunoconverted within 84 days. Weekly administration of ponazuril significantly reduced the antibody response against the S neurona 17-kd antigen in CSF. Neurologic signs consistent with EPM did not develop in any group; likewise, histologic examination of CNS tissue did not reveal protozoa or consistent degenerative or inflammatory changes. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Administration of ponazuril every 7 days, but not every 14 days, significantly decreased intrathecal anti-S neurona antibody responses in horses inoculated with S neurona sporocysts. Protocols involving intermittent administration of ponazuril may have application in prevention of EPM.  相似文献   

A vaccine against Sarcocystis neurona, which induces equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM), has received conditional licensure in the United States. A major concern is whether the immunoglobulin G (IgG) response elicited by the vaccine will compromise the use of Western blotting (WB) as a diagnostic tool in vaccinated horses with neurologic disease. Our goals were to determine if vaccination (1) causes seroconversion: (2) causes at least a transient increase in S neurona-specific IgG in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); and (3) induces an IgG response that can be differentiated from that induced by natural exposure. Horses included in the study (n = 29) were older than 6 months with no evidence of neurologic disease. The presence or absence of anti-S neurona antibodies in the serum of each horse was determined by WB analysis. Seropositive horses had CSF collected and submitted for cytology, CSF index, and WB analysis. The vaccine was administered to all the horses and boostered 3-4 weeks later. On day 14 after the 2nd administration, serum and CSF were collected and analyzed. Eighty-nine percent (8 of 9) of the initial seronegative horses seroconverted after vaccination, of which 57% (4 of 7) had anti-S neurona IgG in their CSE Eighty percent (16 of 20) of the seropositive horses had an increase in serum S neurona IgG after vaccination. Of the 6 of 20 horses that were initially seropositive/CSF negative, 2 were borderline positive for anti-S neurona IgG in the CSF, 2 tested positive, and 2 were excluded because the CSF sample had been contaminated by blood. There were no WB banding patterns that distinguished samples from horses that seroconverted due to vaccination versus natural exposure. Caution must be used in interpreting WB analysis from neurologic horses that have been recently vaccinated for EPM.  相似文献   

Parasite-specific antibody responses to Neospora antigens were detected using the immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and immunoblot analysis in select equine populations. For comparison, a naturally infected Neospora hughesi horse and an experimentally inoculated Neospora caninum horse were used. In addition, all samples were tested for antibodies to Sarcocystis neurona by immunoblot analysis. A total of 208 samples was evaluated. The equine populations were derived from five distinct geographic regions. Locations were selected based on distribution of Didelphis virginiana, the native North American opossum which serves as the definitive host for S. neurona. Only 11% of the samples that had positive titers of 1:100 using the IFAT were also positive for antibodies by immunoblot analysis in this study. Overall, there was a 2% seroprevalence for Neospora antibodies in all horses tested based on immunoblot analysis described. The seroprevalence for S. neurona antibodies varied from 0% (New Zealand and Montana) to 54% (Missouri). We concluded that, in testing for antibodies against Neospora antigens using either IFAT or immunoblot analysis, as described, positive results should not be attributed to the presence of antibodies to S. neurona.  相似文献   

Suppurative infections are typically caused by pyogenic bacteria, and are characterised by the formation of purulent exudates (pus). These infections may occur anywhere in the body and are particularly life‐threatening when pertaining to the central nervous system (CNS). Suppurative infections of the CNS may be due to trauma, local extension of disease, and haematogenous spread. In horses, suppurative infections are an important cause of morbidity and mortality, but only infrequently involve the CNS. The gross morphology of suppurative inflammation is described as phlegmon, abscess and empyema, with each form having characteristic morphological features that may be identified during advanced imaging of the CNS. In horses with known or suspected suppurative infection of the CNS, imaging may be performed to reduce diagnostic uncertainty, determine prognosis, or to describe the character and extent of the disease to guide case management.  相似文献   

Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) is one of the most common neurologic diseases of horses in the United States. The primary etiologic agent is Sarcocystis neurona. Currently, there is limited knowledge regarding the protective or pathophysiologic immune response to S. neurona infection or the subsequent development of EPM. The objectives of this study were to determine whether S. neurona infected horses with clinical signs of EPM had altered or suppressed immune responses compared to neurologically normal horses and if blood sample storage would influence these findings. Twenty clinically normal horses and 22 horses with EPM, diagnosed by the presence of S. neurona specific antibodies in the serum and/or cerebrospinal (CSF) and clinical signs, were evaluated for differences in the immune cell subsets and function. Our results demonstrated that naturally infected horses had significantly (P<0.05) higher percentages of CD4 T-lymphocytes and neutrophils (PMN) in separated peripheral blood leukocytes than clinically normal horses. Leukocytes from naturally infected EPM horses had significantly lower proliferation responses, as measured by thymidine incorporation, to a non-antigen specific mitogen than did clinically normal horses (P<0.05). Currently, studies are in progress to determine the role of CD4 T cells in disease and protection against S. neurona in horses, as well as to determine the mechanism associated with suppressed in vitro proliferation responses. Finally, overnight storage of blood samples appears to alter T lymphocyte phenotypes and viability among leukocytes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the use of a specific antibody index (AI) that relates Sarcocystis neurona-specific IgG quotient (Q(SN)) to total IgG quotient (Q(IgG)) for the detection of the anti-S neurona antibody fraction of CNS origin in CSF samples obtained from horses after intragastric administration of S neurona sporocysts. ANIMALS: 18 adult horses. PROCEDURES: 14 horses underwent intragastric inoculation (day 0) with S neurona sporocysts, and 4 horses remained unchallenged; blood and CSF samples were collected on days - 1 and 84. For purposes of another study, some challenged horses received intermittent administration of ponazuril (20 mg/kg, PO). Sarcocystis neurona-specific IgG concentrations in CSF (SN(CSF)) and plasma (SN(plasma)) were measured via a direct ELISA involving merozoite lysate antigen and reported as ELISA units (EUs; arbitrary units based on a nominal titer for undiluted immune plasma of 100,000 EUs/mL). Total IgG concentrations in CSF (IgG(CSF)) and plasma (IgG(plasma)) were quantified via a sandwich ELISA and a radial immunodiffusion assay, respectively; Q(SN), Q(IgG), and AI were calculated. RESULTS: Following sporocyst challenge, mean +/- SEM SN(CSF) and SN(plasma) increased significantly (from 8.8 +/- 1.0 EUs/mL to 270.0 +/- 112.7 EUs/mL and from 1,737 +/- 245 EUs/mL to 43,169 +/- 13,770 EUs/mL, respectively). Challenge did not affect total IgG concentration, Q(SN), Q(IgG), or AI. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: S neurona-specific IgG detected in CSF samples from sporocyst-challenged horses appeared to be extraneural in origin; thus, this experimental challenge may not reliably result in CNS infection. Calculation of a specific AI may have application to the diagnosis of S neurona-associated myeloencephalitis in horses.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The study reported here was undertaken to assess the presence of antibodies to Sarcocystis neurona in the serum of horses of North American origin that had been relocated for 1 year or more to India (ie, outside of the known endemic areas for S. neurona). HYPOTHESIS: The presence or absence of such antibodies should provide information concerning the persistence of such antibodies, or support the presence of chronic infection, or both. ANIMALS: A total of 228 Thoroughbred horses were sampled in India, of which 86 were of North American origin that had been in India between 1 and 13 years, 124 were Indian-born horses that had never been out of India, 8 were of Irish origin, 8 were of English origin, and 2 were originally from France. METHODS: Sera were tested using established western blot analysis. RESULTS: Of the Indian-born horses, 0.8% were test positive, and of the North American horses, 42% were test positive. All of the English and Irish horses were test negative, and the 2 French horses were test positive. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: These data indicate that antibodies against S. neurona can be detected for many years after horses have been removed from an endemic area and that this may be attributable to long half-life of the antibodies or to chronic infection and ongoing antibody production, or both.  相似文献   

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