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Denis J. Murphy 《Euphytica》1955,85(1-3):433-440
Summary Considerable advances in the manipulation of seed oil yield and quality have been made using conventional breeding methods. Newer methods such as induced mutation and wide crosses have also resulted in significant achievements. These techniques, however, are all limited by the gene pool available in the crop of interest and its near relatives. The prospect of diminishing supplies of non-renewable fossil hydrocarbon reserves and the reality of edible crop surpluses have focused attention on the development of industrial oilseed crops. This will require the production of types of seed fatty acids which are not available in the oilseed crop species that are grown at present.The introduction of novel oil crops via domestication is contrasted with the insertion of alien genes into existing oilseeds to create designer crops. The use of molecular genetics to alter the yield and quality of rapeseed oil is discussed, and strategies for the engineering of seven new designer rapeseed varieties are presented.  相似文献   

Marc De Block 《Euphytica》1993,71(1-2):1-14
Summary The DNA delivery systems which are routinely used to introduce genes into crop plants are Agrobacterium tumefaciens, electroporation and particle bombardment. The differences and similarities between these different transformation techniques are outlined. The influence of the cell biological approach, and more specifically the impact of the state of the plant cell at the moment of transformation, on the genotype and phenotype of the regenerated transgenic plant is analysed. In this respect phenomena such as position effects, gene silencing, co-suppression, epistasis, co-transformation and somaclonal variation are discussed. The relevance of these factors for plant breeders is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Within-plant variation was studied in seed samples of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). Central and lateral capsules were sampled in three entries. Three capsule postions-basal (nodes 16 to 20), intermediate (nodes 21 to 25), and apical (nodes 26 to 30)-were sampled in four other entries. Nuclear magnetic resonance and gas liquid chromatography were used to characterize within-and among-plants variation in the same genotype for oil content and its fatty acid composition, respectively.Central capsules had heavier seeds, and their oil had more palmitic and oleic acids than had seeds from the two lateral capsules. However, central capsules had seeds with less oil content, and the oil had less stearic, linoleic, and arachidic acids than seeds from lateral capsules. Seed weight and arachidic acid were found to be constant in seeds from capsules located at different nodes along the plant. Oil content had a significant variation with capsule position along the plant in only one entry. Percentages of palmitic and linoleic acids were lower, and those of stearic, oleic, and linolenic acids were higher in seeds from the apical capsules. In almost all cases, capsules located in the intermediate and basal sections had a similar oil composition. However, there was a lack of consistency in the within-plant variation from plant to plant for the different traits studied. It was concluded that within-plant variation need be taken into account only if the experiment was set up to detect small differences between treatments. Among-plants variation was found to be influenced by plant genotype.  相似文献   

随着种植业结构的调整、农业科技的深入推广和农业市场信息交流的不断扩大,全国各地按照各自的区域特色逐步形成了各自的特色农业产业,对提高农业效益、增加农民收入、促进新农村建设起到了重要作用.例如甘肃河西地区在多年的探索发展中,形成了制种产业、脱毒马铃薯产业、油菜产业、洋葱产业、大蒜产业等,这些产业对增加农民收入、壮大地方经济起到了很大作用,在省内外产生了重大影响.随着产业的不断壮大,也相应出现了许多种子方面的问题,妨碍了产业的健康发展,对种子管理工作也提出了更高的要求.  相似文献   

<中华人民共和国种子法>(以下简称<种子法>)自2000年12月1日起施行,至今已有10年,我国品种选育和种子生产、经营、使用行为得到了有效规范,品种选育者和种子生产者、经营者、使用者的合法权益得到维护,种子质量水平逐年提高,极大地推动了种子产业的发展.但是,近年来种子市场也出现了一些新问题,值得种子管理部门认真思考.  相似文献   

G. Ladizinsky 《Euphytica》1985,34(2):539-543
Summary Seeds of the cultivated lentil are capable of germinating shortly after maturation. The seed dormancy of wild lentil species is due to a hard seed coat. In crosses between the cultivated species L. culinaris and its wild progenitor L. orientalis the hard seed coat of the wild species was controlled by a single recessive gene in homozygous condition. In a cross between the wild species L. ervoides and L. culinaris the hard seed coat of L. ervoides was controlled by a single dominant gene. The significance of the genetics of seed coat hardness in the domestication of lentil is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular markers bring new information on the determinism of trait variation and the organisation of genetic diversity within plant species of agricultural interest. We review here how this information can be used to increase the efficiency of plant breeding programs, considering both theoretical analyses and recent experimental data. Use of mapping information to assemble alleles of interest is discussed first, considering an increasing complexity in trait determinism and its consequences on the breeding schemes. Experimental data now confirm the efficiency of these approaches. They call however, for (i) a better modelling of phenotype determinism, to better anticipate the final effect of marker assisted selection and (ii) studies that would address trait variation determinism within a broad diversity, to increase the probability to identify alleles of key interest and identify stable marker-trait associations. Recent promising developments in genetic diversity analysis are discussed with respect to these last objectives. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

知识产权保护是激励创新的基本手段,是发展经济和参与国际竞争的重要条件之一。植物新品种是种业知识产权的核心,保护植物新品种对鼓励育种创新、促进种业发展、提高国际竞争力起着至关重要的作用。早在19世纪的欧洲,人们就开始意识到系统的植物育种工作对社会所带来的潜在利益,并开始探索建立植物新品种保护制度。  相似文献   

尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们: 今天,我们在人民大会堂召开农业部实施<植物新品种保护条例>五周年座谈会,并对先进单位进行表彰.首先,我代表农业部对国际植物新品种保护联盟副秘书长沃尔夫·爵顿先生,国家知识产权局、最高人民法院、科技部、国家林业局的有关领导和科技界、企业界代表的到来,表示热烈欢迎和衷心感谢!这次会议的主要议题是学习贯彻十六届三中全会精神,总结<植物新品种保护条例>实施五年来的成绩和经验,明确今后一个时期农业植物新品种保护工作的目标和任务,表彰在农业植物新品种保护工作中做出突出成绩的先进单位,激励和鞭策我们继续开拓农业植物新品种保护工作的新局面.  相似文献   

国外植物新品种保护经验对我国的启示   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
植物新品种保护已成为许多国家保护植物育种者知识产权的一种方式,有些国家经过几十年的发展。制度越来越完善。从这些国家的成功经验可以看出。我国应该在法律制度、审查方式、测试机构、已知品种数据库等方面来发展和完善植物新品种保护。  相似文献   

The durability of disease resistance is affected by the evolutionary potential of the pathogen population. Pathogens with a high evolutionary potential are more likely to overcome genetic resistance than pathogens with a low evolutionary potential. We will propose a set of guidelines to predict the evolutionary potential of pathogen populations based on analysis of their genetic structure. Under our model of pathogen evolution, the two most important parameters to consider are reproduction/mating system and gene/genotype flow. Pathogens that pose the greatest risk of breaking down resistance genes are those that possess a mixed reproduction system, with at least one sexual cycle per growing season and asexual reproduction during the epidemic phase, and a high potential for gene flow. The lowest risk pathogens are those with strict asexual reproduction and low potential for gene flow. We will present examples of high- and low-risk pathogens. Knowledge of the population genetic structure of the pathogen may offer insight into the best breeding strategy for durable resistance. We will present broad guidelines suggesting a rational method for breeding durable resistance according to the population genetics of the pathogen. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

泰山是我国第一批世界自然与文化双遗产单位,2007年被批准为世界地质公园。运用丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数,结合方差分析研究了旅游干扰对泰山登山中路四种群落类型物种多样性的影响及其变化规律。结果表明:⑴旅游干扰造成了群落物种丰富度的降低。⑵不同等级植物主要优势种的相对盖度和相对密度发生了不同程度的变化,干扰等级越轻,伴人植物的相对盖度和相对密度越小,个别物种甚至消失,如萹蓄(Polygonum aviculare)。⑶旅游干扰对乔木植物和灌木植物物种多样性的影响不显著,对草本植物的影响明显。随着干扰等级的降低,物种丰富度和物种多样性指数略有增加,在2级时达到最大值。⑷旅游干扰降低乔木和灌木植物的更新种类、数量和频度。鉴于目前旅游活动对泰山登山中路群落植物多样性的干扰程度,建议应在开展旅游的同时,加强资源的保护和可持续利用。  相似文献   

Summary A giabrous mutant was identified from progenies of chickpea seeds that were treated with ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS). The mutant has no shoot hairs in contrast to the dense hairs on normal chickpeas. The character is governed by a single recessive gene. This mutant can be useful in certain pathological and eniomological studies.  相似文献   

目前,我国侵犯植物新品种权的案件正在逐年增加,现实中存在着多种不同的侵权类型,对于不同的侵权方式,法律要求提供不同的证据,这直接影响着植物新品种权利人能否有效维护自身的权益,因此是比较现实而又重要的问题。通过调查研究和分析,本文列出了当前我国主要的侵权类型和对应的证据要求。  相似文献   

In order to provide useful genomic information for agronomical plants, we have established a database, the Kazusa Marker DataBase (http://marker.kazusa.or.jp). This database includes information on DNA markers, e.g., SSR and SNP markers, genetic linkage maps, and physical maps, that were developed at the Kazusa DNA Research Institute. Keyword searches for the markers, sequence data used for marker development, and experimental conditions are also available through this database. Currently, 10 plant species have been targeted: tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), pepper (Capsicum annuum), strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa), radish (Raphanus sativus), Lotus japonicus, soybean (Glycine max), peanut (Arachis hypogaea), red clover (Trifolium pratense), white clover (Trifolium repens), and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis). In addition, the number of plant species registered in this database will be increased as our research progresses. The Kazusa Marker DataBase will be a useful tool for both basic and applied sciences, such as genomics, genetics, and molecular breeding in crops.  相似文献   

Summary This paper examines the roles of plant demography, seed dispersal ecology and habitat suitability in influencing invasiveness of horticulturally important species. Section one investigates the relative invasiveness of two woody species, Crataegus monogyna and Prunus mahaleb, and concentrates on differences in demographic and dispersal traits. The second section delineates the invasion of two Asparagus spp. and concentrates on differences in seed dispersal ecology. Section three reports the use of a geographical information system analysis to determine whether habitat suitability, seed dispersal or land management is more important in determining threat of invasion by adventive Olea europaea. C. monogyma, P. mahaleb are closely related with similar habits and overlapping home ranges in Europe. Crataegus monogyna is very invasive in northern New South Wales, having spread rapidly and conspicuously throughout the region and elsewhere in southern Australia at rates of 80–120 m yr−1. Prunus mahaleb is far less invasive, being restricted to a small population, which is expanding at 20 m yr−1. Demographic analysis showed that potential growth rates of P. mahaleb (1.713–1.490) are greater than those for C. monogyna (1.138–1.103). Assessment of the seed dispersal ecology of both species revealed that C. monogyna had seeds dispersed by one bird and three mammals over many kilometers. P. mahaleb had seeds dispersed by six birds and four mammals over distances generally < 100 m. The role of humans in introducing both species and the characteristics of seed dispersal are more influential than demography in determining invasiveness. The more invasive Asparagus asparagoides has smaller fruit with a bicoloured display up to 1.5 m above ground. Less invasive A. declinatus has larger, translucent white fruit displayed at heights < 0.5 m above ground. The role of humans has also been important in shaping the course of invasion. Sensitivity analysis confirms that land management practices, which affect Olea europaea seedling establishment and survival, are most important at a landscape scale in determining invasiveness. The main factors determining the difference in invasiveness relate directly to the changing nature of human management of each species and the ecological interactions between the plants and the invaded environment. This research has implications for the prediction and management of biological invasions; emphasizing the importance of seed dispersal and human activities in determining the course of invasions: both of which cannot be readily predicted.  相似文献   

甘肃省特有的环境特征,为实施种子工程提供了较好的区位优势,尤以河西走廊较为突出,境内地势平坦、光热资源充足,无霜期长、昼夜温差大、降水量少、气候干燥,所繁的种子发芽率高、水分低、籽粒饱满、病虫害轻且产出量高,是国内乃至世界最佳的种子繁育地带,优越的区位优势已引起国内外种子企业的关注,奥瑞金、襄樊正大、合肥丰乐、德农种业等国内大型种子企业都在河西建立了自己的种子基地,使我省玉米制种发展很快,面积迅速扩大.截至2003年底,全省各类农作物种子生产田15.8万公顷,产种量7.3亿千克,其中仅玉米杂交种制种面积达到7.2万公顷,产种量4亿千克,占全国玉米用种量的三分之一,调出量居全国各省之首,在河西走廊及黄灌区已成为当地农村经济发展的支柱产业.  相似文献   

介绍了张家港市小麦良种补贴项目实施的背景及补贴品种、标准和供种企业的确定。分析了小麦良种补贴项目稳面积、增产量、增效益的积极因素,在此基础上提出实施好小麦良种补贴项目的具体措施及完善项目的具体设想,以期实现良种补贴项目效益最大化。  相似文献   

Summary A system, using computers, that minimizes many of the clerical tasks associated with plant breeding trials is described. Their mode of operation and output lists are briefly given. The major computer programs used in the system are available from the authors.  相似文献   

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