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To identify possible sites of viral attenuation, the complete nucleotide sequences of two isolates of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) were determined; a severe isolate Z5-1 and an attenuated isolate from Z5-1 (designated ZYMV-2002). The viral genome of both isolates consisted of 9593 nucleotides in size and contained an open reading frame encoding a single polyprotein of 3080 amino acids. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences for Z5-1 and ZYMV-2002 revealed 14 nucleotide mutations, resulting in seven amino acid substitutions with four in the HC-Pro region, two in the CI region, and one in the NIb region. These results provide a genetic basis for future manipulation of the ZYMV reverse genetics system. The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession numbers AB188115 and AB188116  相似文献   

一步法RT-PCR检测小西葫芦黄花叶病毒   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张永江 《植物检疫》2005,19(3):141-142
本文在两步RT-PCR检测ZYMV的基础上进行了一步法RT-PCR检测小西葫芦黄花叶病毒(ZYMV)的实验,并对商品化一步法RT-PCR试剂盒和本文实验的一步法RT-PCR的效果和成本进行了比较,最终建立了一种比较实用的检测ZYMV的方法.  相似文献   

 病毒病是影响云南省蚕豆生产的重要病害。对采集的蚕豆病毒病标样进行了组织印迹法检测,表明菜豆黄花叶病毒(BYMV)是最主要的病原。据此,以BYMV基因的保守序列设计了一对特异性引物,用BYMV的5个中国云南蚕豆分离物和1个叙利亚蚕豆分离物侵染的蚕豆叶片总RNA为模板,RT-PCR扩增获得了长度为907bp的目标片段。序列分析显示,此片段中包含822bp的外壳蛋白序列。6个分离物间的外壳蛋白核苷酸和推导编码蛋白质的氨基酸序列的同源性分别为86.4%~100.0%和96.7%~100.0%。与GenBank登录的34个具有完整外壳蛋白序列的BYMV分离物进行同源性和系统进化树分析的结果表明,6个分离物在核苷酸和氨基酸水平上与其它分离物的同源性分别为79.1%~97.9%和83.5%~98.5%,BYMV中国蚕豆分离物与日本蚕豆分离物同源性最高。外壳蛋白基因的序列特征揭示,在BYMV中的蚜传相关基序为NAG。  相似文献   

Cucumber cotyledons inoculated with Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV, Pepo strain) or Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV, Z5-1 isolate) developed either mild chlorotic spots or no symptoms. Cotyledons treated with CMV plus ZYMV also developed mild chlorotic spots. However, plants ZYMV-inoculated cotyledons had veinal yellowing and gradual cell death by 20 days postinoculation (dpi) when co-inoculated with CMV on the other cotyledon. When analyzing this synergism, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed that CMV gradually increased in CMV-inoculated cotyledons of plants, with the other cotyledon mock- or ZYMV-inoculated. However, CMV significantly increased at 9 to 14 dpi in the ZYMV-inoculated cotyledons of plants co-infected with CMV. ZYMV similarly increased in cotyledon pairs of both co-infected and singly infected plants. Inoculation with PepoΔ2b, a modified Pepo-CMV that lacks translation of the 2b protein, revealed that PepoΔ2b without the 2b protein systemically infected cucumber but induced no symptoms on cotyledons or true leaves. Plants with a ZYMV-inoculated cotyledon and co-infected with PepoΔ2b did not undergo cell death; nevertheless, PepoΔ2b was at high levels comparable to levels of CMV in the ZYMV-inoculated cotyledon. The 2b protein thus seems essential for induction of the novel gradual cell death in ZYMV-inoculated cotyledons of cucumbers co-infected with CMV.  相似文献   

为探索新型生防菌剂解淀粉芽胞杆菌对小麦黄花叶病的防治作用,通过盆栽和田间药效试验研究了解淀粉芽胞杆菌对小麦黄花叶病的防治效果和对小麦幼苗的促生长作用。结果表明,解淀粉芽胞杆菌对小麦黄花叶病有较好的预防效果和一定的治疗效果,浓度为500~2 000 mg/L时,预防效果为24.86%~84.55%,治疗效果为13.61%~62.58%,预防效果明显优于治疗效果。其中灌根处理的防治效果显著高于喷雾、拌种处理,且随着施用浓度的增大,防治效果提高;当灌根处理浓度为2 000 mg/L时效果最好,预防和治疗效果分别达到84.55%和62.58%。另外解淀粉芽胞杆菌对小麦有一定的促生作用,并可提高麦苗的地上部鲜重,浓度为1 200 mg/L时,地上部鲜重增重最大,较对照提高52.76%。表明解淀粉芽胞杆菌可作为生防菌剂防治小麦黄花叶病。  相似文献   

柑橘黄化脉明病毒巢式RT-PCR检测方法的建立及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索柑橘黄化脉明病毒(Citrus yellow vein clearing virus,CYVCV)引起的柑橘新病害—柑橘黄脉病的早期快速检测技术,针对CYVCV核酸结合蛋白基因的保守序列设计2对特异性引物,通过优化退火温度,建立了CYVCV巢式RT-PCR检测方法,并对采自不同柑橘品种的54个CYVCV疑似样品进行了检测。结果表明,CYVCV巢式RT-PCR检测中,以55℃和60℃分别作为第1轮和第2轮扩增的退火温度时检测效果最佳;该方法检测样品中病毒总核酸的最低浓度为2.40μg/L,灵敏度较RT-PCR提高100倍。在CYVCV疑似样品检测中,巢式RT-PCR和RT-PCR的阳性检出率分别为59.26%和57.41%,前者更适用于检测不同来源的CYVCV。当尤力克柠檬、锦橙北碚-447、天草和台湾椪柑嫁接接种CYVCV后,巢式RT-PCR比RT-PCR提前10~30 d检测出病毒。表明所建立的CYVCV巢式RT-PCR检测方法适用于田间病树的早期诊断。  相似文献   

河南省主要推广品种对小麦黄花叶病毒抗性的评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了评价河南省主要推广品种对小麦黄花叶病毒(Wheat yellow mosaic virus, WYMV)的抗性,于2006—2010年在河南省西平县病圃进行了田间抗性鉴定试验和室内间接ELISA检测,并分析了病害严重程度对产量的影响。结果表明,在供试的62个品种中,仅有新麦208表现为免疫;豫麦70-36、泛麦5号、阜麦936、山东95519、豫麦70、高优503、豫麦9676、郑麦366和陕麦229等9个品种表现为抗病,占供试品种的14.5%;濮优938、兰考矮早8、新原958、花培2号、温优1号、豫麦18、郑麦9023、豫麦47、豫农201、偃展4110、豫麦36、百农878和豫麦49-198等13个品种表现为中抗,占供试品种的21.0%;另外39个品种表现为感病,占供试品种的62.9%。对48个品种进行了产量与病害严重度分析,发现随着病害的严重度增加,小麦的穗数、千粒重以及产量都有明显下降,严重度为1级时,平均减产9.6%;严重度达到2级和3级时,平均减产分别为30.3%和33.5%。  相似文献   

A new isolate of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) has been identified from tomato plants in Kochi Prefecture in Japan and designated TYLCV-[Tosa]. The complete nucleotide sequence of the isolate was determined and found to consist of 2781 nt. In phylogenetic analyses of entire nucleotide sequences, TYLCV-[Tosa] was delineated as a single branch and was more closely related to TYLCV-[Almeria] than TYLCV isolates Ng, Sz, or Ai reported in Japan, which had spread since 1996. Isolate TYLCV-[Tosa] is suggested to be a newly introduced, novel isolate of TYLCV that dispersed into Kochi Prefecture. In addition, a rapid method using the polymerase chain reaction to separate TYLCV isolates into four genetic groups was established. This method would be useful for reliable diagnosis based on genetic differences among isolates of TYLCV.The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accession numbers AB192965 and AB192966  相似文献   

 海南是我国重要的甘蔗生产省份之一,但其甘蔗主要种植区感染病毒的种类和数量尚不十分清楚,且海南甘蔗花叶病病原病毒缺乏分子水平的系统鉴定。为明确海南甘蔗病毒病的种类、数量、分布及危害情况,本研究拟建立较为完整的甘蔗病毒病检测技术体系,对海南甘蔗病毒病展开调查,为甘蔗抗病毒基因工程及健康种苗发展提供参考。  相似文献   

尤力克柠檬上一种新病害的生物学特性及RT-PCR检测   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
近年我国云南瑞丽市的一果园尤里克柠檬上出现一种引起叶片皱缩、反卷或呈船形,叶背水浸状、侧脉脉明、黄化的柑橘新病害。为明确该病害的病原及其生物学特性,通过田间观察、病样接种、电镜观察,并基于柑橘黄脉病毒(Citrus yellow vein clearing virus,CYVCV)外壳蛋白基因设计引物对病样进行RT-PCR检测。结果表明,该病是一种嫁接传染性病害,能侵染柠檬和酸橙品种且症状明显,并能摩擦接种到辣椒和豇豆等草本植物。该病发病最适温度为18~24℃。春梢嫩叶症状表现明显,夏梢和秋梢基本不表现症状,而晚秋梢也表现出较春梢稍弱的典型症状。引致该病的病毒为(13~15)nm×(400~1 000)nm大小的联合丝状病毒。RT-PCR扩增产物为614 bp,且其与CYVCV外壳蛋白序列相似性达97%以上,表明该病害是由CYVCV引起的柑橘黄脉病,并初步建立了该病的RT-PCR检测技术。  相似文献   

To detect Japanese yam mosaic virus (JYMV) and Yam mild mosaic virus (YMMV) in yam plants in Japan, we developed a duplex RT-PCR assay consisting of a tube-capture procedure followed by one-step RT-PCR with two primer pairs. A 241-bp fragment of the coat protein region of JYMV and a 174-bp fragment of the nuclear inclusion protein b region of YMMV were amplified, thus identifying the two viruses from yam plants cultivated in Yamaguchi Prefecture in 2007. All water yam plants examined were infected with YMMV alone. All the Japanese yam and Chinese yam plants were infected with either JYMV alone or both JYMV and YMMV, suggesting that YMMV and JYMV are prevalent among field-grown yam plants.  相似文献   

苹果花叶病毒的RT-PCR检测及其在我国苹果产区的分布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了开发苹果花叶病毒(Apple mosaic virus,ApMV)田间样本RT-PCR检测方法和揭示我国ApMV的发生情况,以田间染病苹果组织为材料,对ApMV RT-PCR检测体系中总RNA提取方法、反应体系及程序进行了选择和优化,并利用优化的检测方法对我国苹果主产区13个省的23个市(县)ApMV发生情况进行了检测。以RNA提取改良法提取的田间样本总RNA为模板,RT-PCR优化体系的灵敏度达到能够检测15μg田间样本组织中的ApMV,且在果树整个生长发育时期能够检测1年生枝条树皮组织的带毒情况;ApMV在我国普遍发生,13个省的23个市(县)均检测到了ApMV,采集的327个样本带毒率为80.1%,其中未显花叶症状样本205个,ApMV阳性率为68.3%;在23个地区中,只有河北张家口、河南三门峡和陕西白水样本带毒率低于50%。  相似文献   

A virus that caused a distinct yellow mosaic was isolated in Okayama, Japan from Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L., Pekinensis group). The virus, with spherical particles ca. 28 nm in diameter, was mechanically transmissible only to cruciferous species. From the host range, characteristic morphology of virus particles, serology and sequence analysis of coat protein gene, the causal virus was identified as Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV). Seed transmission of TYMV at 0–2.2% in Chinese cabbage was confirmed. This report is the first of TYMV from Chinese cabbage and in Japan. The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases as accessions AB358971 and AB358972.  相似文献   

为揭示河北省黄瓜绿斑驳病毒(Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus,CGMMV)分类地位及系统进化情况,通过分子克隆测定了来自河北省西瓜产区分离获得的分离物CGMMV-chb的近全基因组序列,分析其基因组结构特征;并依据近全基因组核苷酸序列及外壳蛋白氨基酸序列进行了系统进化关系分析。结果表明,CGMMV-chb近全基因组大小为6 383 nts,Gen Bank登录号为KJ658958,含4个开放阅读框,编码4种蛋白;与Gen Bank库中的其它12个CGMMV分离物的核苷酸相似性为92%~100%,氨基酸相似性为98%~100%。CGMMV-chb与韩国分离物CGMMV-KW基因序列相似性最高,为98%~100%,与以色列分离物CGMMV isolate Ec基因序列相似性最低,为92%~99%;系统进化关系中CGMMV-chb与其它中国分离物、日韩分离物亲缘关系较近,处于同一亚组的不同分支中,与以色列分离物亲缘关系相对较远。  相似文献   

为明确我国黄瓜花叶病毒株系分化及系统进化基本情况,从湖南、新疆、青海和海南4省区采集1 367个样品对其进行酶联免疫和RT-PCR检测,并对分离获得的15个黄瓜花叶病毒(Cucumber mosaic virus,CMV)纯化分离物CP、MP、2b核苷酸序列进行相似性和进化树分析及生物学性状比较。结果表明,辣椒、龙葵和黄瓜的CMV阳性检出率较高,分别为54.13%、29.19%和18.46%。进化树分析显示CMV-Q5与CMV亚组II的亲缘性较高;CMV-N7为新发现的重组株系,其CP、2b基因属于CMV亚组IB,MP基因却属于CMV亚组II;其余13个分离物均属于CMV亚组IB。CMV-N7和CMV-Q5在系统寄主心叶烟和枯斑寄主苋色藜上引发的症状相似,但比对照株系CMV-P3613(IB)的发病时间要晚1~2 d,系统花叶较温和,枯斑较小。表明在以上4省区常见农作物上广泛流行的CMV存在分子变异。  相似文献   

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