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Amoebic gill disease (AGD) is characterised by the association of Neoparamoeba sp. with hyperplastic gill tissue of affected fishes, however, the identity and role of host cells associated with AGD lesions are not known. Here, we investigated cells with an immunological role that were associated with AGD lesions by locating cellular MHC class II β chain. A tank housing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was inoculated with Neoparamoeba sp., and MHC class II β chain expression in the gills was qualitatively assessed by immunohistochemistry. In AGD-naïve control fish, MHC class II+ cells were detected basolateral to the interlamellar epithelium as well as upon the interlamellar and secondary epithelium. In the gills of AGD affected fish MHC class II+ cells were observed in both affected and unaffected tissue. Within AGD lesions, numerous MHC class II+ cells were present and these cells exhibited variable levels of expression suggesting that like mammals, MHC class II expression is highly regulated. The presence of MHC class II+ cells within gill lesions is indicative of immune cell trafficking and these cells could contribute in an antigen presentation capacity to the development of an antibody response in fish chronically affected by AGD.  相似文献   

Gills from Atlantic salmon with experimentally induced amoebic gill disease (Neoparamoeba spp.) were examined with transmission electron microscopy to assess pathology and host-cell responses. Amoebae were found either on the surface epithelium or with pseudopodia extending deeply into invaginations of epithelial cells. The amoebae had various densities along the plasma membrane and contained electron-dense deposits within their cytoplasm. Surface epithelial cells sloughed from the gills and had features consistent with apoptosis, including rounded shape, loss of surface microridges, and hypercondensation of nuclear chromatin. Affected areas of gills had fusion of secondary lamellae with interlamellar spaces occupied by mitotic epithelial cells and eosinophils. Eosinophils contained abundant fusiform-shaped granules that measured approximately 1 microm long and 360 nm wide. The granule consisted of an electron-dense matrix with a central inclusion that was less electron-dense, consisting of particulate and fibrillar material. In many instances, the central inclusion appeared empty and 90% of the eosinophils had morphology suggestive of piecemeal degranulation. Also observed within affected areas were a few neutrophils, mucous cells releasing mucus, and a small number of dendritic-like cells.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess systemic and mucosal immune responses of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) exposed to two protein-hapten antigens – dinitrophenol (DNP) and fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) each conjugated with keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH) – administered using different delivery strategies. Fish were exposed to the antigens through different routes, and were given a booster 4 weeks post initial exposure. Both systemic and mucosal antibody responses were measured for a period of 12 weeks using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Only fish exposed to both antigens via intraperitoneal (IP) injection showed increased systemic antibody response starting 6 weeks post immunization. No treatment was able to produce a mucosal antibody response; however there was an increase in antibody levels in the tissue supernatant from skin explants obtained 12 weeks post immunization from fish injected with FITC. Western blots probed with serum and culture supernatant from skin explants showed a specific response against the antigens. In conclusion, IP injection of hapten-antigen in Atlantic salmon was the best delivery route for inducing an antibody response against these antigens in this species. Even though IP injection did not induce an increase in antibody levels in the skin mucus, there was an increased systemic antibody response and an apparent increase of antibody production in mucosal tissues as demonstrated by the increased level of specific antibody levels in supernatants from the tissue explants.  相似文献   

Glandular Kallikrein is a serine-protease with trypsin-like activity and is able to generate bioactive peptides from inactive precursors. We have evaluated the presence of this protease in the different organs of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). The results clearly indicate that GK and PRL are generated in the same pituitary cells based on a co-localization by confocal microscopy. Based on probed cross-reactivity between C. striata and C. carpio glandular anti-GK antibodies, we used a homologous antibody to detect the presence of GK in several salmon tissues. We have evaluated the GK expression in healthy and defied fish. P. salmonis and V. ordalii. The GK immunoreaction in organs such as leukocytes, gills and skin is considerably increased in defied fish compared to healthy fish. This increase was present in the cells of the excretory kidney and in the intercellular tissue, where the development of hematopoietic and lymphocytic lines in fish take place. One of the most interesting organs to study was the skin, bearing in mind that this is a primary barrier to all pathogens. The skin of the defied fish exhibited an increase in immunoreactivity for glandular kallikrein similar to the protease found in mucus. An immunoreactive tissue kallikrein-like protein was identified and partially separated by perfusion chromatography. Enzymatic activity of salmon muscle prokallikrein was determined before and after trypsin activation. Kallikrein activity was characterized with respect to their ability to cleave the chromogenic leaving group, p-nitroanilide, from the peptidyl kallikrein and trypsin substrate. These findings constitute a important contribution to reveal the role of kallikrein in the innate immune system of fish.  相似文献   

Binding of a fluorescent-labelled soluble immune complex to different types of Atlantic salmon leucocytes was investigated using flow cytometry. Peripheral blood leucocytes (PBL) were separated into sIg+ and sIg enriched populations by magnetic activated cell sorting, blood neutrophils were identified by electronic gating, and kidney macrophages were selected by plastic-adherence. About 60% of both sIg+ and sIg- enriched PBL, 44% of neutrophils and 34% of macrophages bound the soluble immune complexes.  相似文献   

The clinical pathology and histopathology of two groups of Atlantic salmon with severe degenerative myopathy (pancreas disease) is described and compared with a third healthy group. One affected group was anorexic and had low plasma protein and albumin levels while the other was feeding and had normal levels. Both diseased groups had plasma and tissue vitamin E and selenium levels lower than the healthy group. Similarly, creatine kinase values were raised in affected groups. If representative of the syndrome as a whole, the results suggest that the myopathy of pancreas disease has a basis in a vitamin E-selenium deficiency, but whether primary or induced is not clear. The results also demonstrate that the myopathy and pancreatic atrophy do not inevitably lead to anorexia or any other clinically obvious sign of disease, despite both cardiac and oesophageal involvement.  相似文献   

An enduring challenge in the vaccinology of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) is the lack of correlation between neutralizing antibodies and protection against mortality. To better understand the immunological basis of vaccine protection, an efficacy trial including Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) vaccinated with a high antigen (HiAg) or low antigen (LoAg) dose vaccine was carried out in a cohabitation challenge model using the highly virulent Norwegian Sp strain NVI015. To pinpoint the immunological basis of vaccine protection, pathogenic mechanisms of IPNV were unraveled in control fish while obtaining feedback on mechanisms of protection in the vaccinated fish. During the incubation period, infection rates were highest in control fish, followed by the LoAg group with the lowest infections being in the HiAg group. Although both the liver and pancreas are target organs prone to tissue damage, infection in the liver was delayed until acute infection in most fish. A correlate of pathology determined as the cutoff threshold of viral copy numbers linked to tissue damage in target organs was estimated at ≥ 107.0, which corresponded with an increase in mortality. The kinetics of IFNα and Mx expression suggests that these genes can be used as biomarkers of IPNV infection progression. Mechanisms of vaccine protection involved reducing infection rates, preventing infection of the liver and reducing virus replication in target organs to levels below the correlate of pathology. Overall, the study shows that antigen dose corresponds with vaccine efficacy and that antibody levels can be used as a signature of protective immunity against pathological disease and mortality.  相似文献   

An economic model for estimating the direct costs of disease in industrial aquaculture was developed to include the following areas: biological losses, extraordinary costs, costs of treatment, costs of prevention and insurance pay-out. Direct costs of a pancreas disease (PD) outbreak in Norwegian farmed Atlantic salmon were estimated in the model, using probability distributions for the biological losses and expenditures associated with the disease. The biological effects of PD on mortality, growth, feed conversion and carcass quality and their correlations, together with costs of prevention were established using elicited data from an expert panel, and combined with basal losses in a control model. Extraordinary costs and costs associated with treatment were collected through a questionnaire sent to staff managing disease outbreaks. Norwegian national statistics for 2007 were used for prices and production costs in the model. Direct costs associated with a PD-outbreak in a site stocked with 500,000 smolts (vs. a similar site without the disease) were estimated to NOK (Norwegian kroner) 14.4 million (5% and 95% percentile: 10.5 and 17.8) (NOK = €0.12 or $0.17 for 2007). Production was reduced to 70% (5% and 95% percentile: 57% and 81%) saleable biomass, and at an increased production cost of NOK 6.0 per kg (5% and 95% percentile: 3.5 and 8.7).  相似文献   

The heart is considered the powerhouse of the cardiovascular system. Heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI), cardiomyopathy syndrome (CMS) and pancreas disease (PD) are cardiac diseases of marine farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) which commonly affect the heart in addition to the skeletal muscle, liver and pancreas. The main findings of these diseases are necrosis and inflammatory cells infiltrates affecting different regions of the heart. In order to better characterize the cardiac pathology, study of the inflammatory cell characteristics and cell cycle protein expression was undertaken by immunohistochemistry. Immunohistochemistry was performed on paraffin embedded hearts from confirmed diseased cases applying specific antibodies. The inflammatory cells were predominantly CD3+ T lymphocytes. The PD diseased hearts exhibited moderate hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF1α) immuno-reaction that suggested tissue hypoxia while recombinant tumor necrosis factor-α (rTNFα) antibody identified putative macrophages and eosinophilic granulocytes (EGCs) in addition to endocardial cells around lesions. There were strong to low levels of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II immunostaining in the diseased hearts associated with macrophage-like and lymphocyte-like cells. The diseased hearts expressed strong to low levels of apoptotic cells identified by caspase 3 and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase nick-end labeling (TUNEL) staining. The strong signals for proliferative cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and TUNEL, and moderate levels of caspase 3 immuno-reactivity suggested a high cell turnover where DNA damage/repair might be occurring in the diseased hearts. Interestingly, the apparently similar cardiac diseases exhibited differences in the immunopathological responses in Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon were selected from a fish farm with no previous record of pancreas disease (PD) or infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) infection. Groups of fish were inoculated with either IPNV (strain Sp) from cell culture, organ material from fish with PD or control material as phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Virological, histological and immunohistochemical examinations were carried out throughout the experiment. None of the fish died or showed clinical symptoms of PD. Histological examination revealed no pathological changes, and immunohistochemical studies were negative. Virus was isolated only sporadically from the group inoculated with organ material, whereas it was isolated consistently from the group inoculated with virus propagated in cell culture, as well as from in-contact control fish after the first week. In a latent carrier test, changes were entirely lacking in the first mentioned group, and were only slight in the last mentioned group. The data suggest that PD is not a transmissible disease, and that IPNV isolated from a PD outbreak does not play any part in the etiology of this disease.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to compare utilization of ME for growth vs. maintenance in rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon. Fish were hand-fed to satiation one of four isoenergetic diets (DE = 20 MJ/kg, as-fed basis) with different digestible protein (DP) to DE ratios (24, 22, 20, and 18 g/MJ). Intake of ME (kJ/d), energy deposited as protein (PD, kJ/d), and energy deposited as lipid (LD, kJ/d) were determined by a comparative slaughter technique. Data were analyzed by a factorial approach or by multivariate analysis of PD and LD on ME. Maintenance energy requirements (ME(m)) and efficiency of ME utilization for PD (k(p)) and LD (k(f)) were estimated with both approaches. For the multivariate analysis, an additional parameter, the fraction of ME intake above maintenance used for PD (X) was defined as linear function of BW, with slope (d) and intercept (c) estimated simultaneously with the above parameters. Estimates were highly dependent on the approach and assumptions used. The ME(m) and k(p) values were higher and less accurate with the factorial approach than with multivariate analysis. The factorial approach estimated unrealistic k(f) values (k(f) > 1). With the multivariate analysis, ME(m) did not differ between species (20 kJ x d(-1) x kg(-0.8)). On the other hand, k(p) was significantly higher (e.g., 0.52 +/- 0.06 vs. 0.43 +/- 0.06; P < 0.05) for salmon than for trout and independent of diet, but k(f) was 0.81 (+/-0.13) regardless of species or diet. The ME intake above ME(m) used for PD (c) was higher in salmon than trout (57 vs. 55%; P < 0.05). The change in partitioning of ME for PD due to the change in BW was negative for trout (d = -0.18), but positive for salmon (d = 0.16). The d values agreed well with the increase of LD:PD ratio with BW for trout and the decrease of LD:PD with BW for salmon, which may have been related to the maturation status of this fish and the associated loss of body lipid observed by maturing salmon. In conclusion, ME(m) and cost of LD were similar for rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon, but the cost of PD was lower for salmon than for trout.  相似文献   

为评价羊口疮病毒(OrfV)B2L、F1L基因融合真核表达质粒pVAX1-B2L-F1L免疫小鼠诱导的体液和细胞免疫应答及IL-2对其免疫作用的影响。本研究将构建的pVAX1-B2L-F1L真核质粒转染MDBK细胞后,采用RT-PCR和间接免疫荧光试验(IFA)检测B2L-F1L融合基因在MDBK细胞中的表达;将pVAX1-B2L-F1L、pVAX1-B2L-F1L+pVAX1-IL-2、pVAX1空载体、生理盐水对照组KM系小鼠通过后腿肌肉注射的方式免疫,采用ELISA方法检测免疫小鼠血清中OrfV特异性抗体以及Th1型(IL-2、IFN-γ)、Th2型(IL-4、IL-6)细胞因子;MTT法检测小鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖反应。结果显示,pVAX1-B2L-F1L重组质粒能够在MDBK细胞中表达;pVAX1-B2L-F1L+pVAX1-IL-2联合免疫组小鼠血清抗体及IL-2和IFN-γ水平均显著高于pVAX1-B2L-F1L组;该联合免疫组小鼠血清IL-4、IL-6细胞因子水平与pVAX1-B2L-F1L组相比差异不显著(p>0.05);该联合免疫组小鼠的脾淋巴细胞增殖水平高于pVAX1-B2L-F1L组(p<0.05)。由此表明,pVAX1-B2L-F1L能够诱导小鼠产生OrfV特异性体液免疫和细胞免疫应答,联合pVAX1-IL-2诱导的免疫反应以细胞免疫应答为主,且能够促进Th1型细胞因子的分泌。本研究为OrfV基因工程疫苗的研制提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), the most contagious animal disease, is associated with persistent viral infection in ruminants, despite the induction of systemic immune response. The present study was performed to decipher the relation between the persistent FMD virus (FMDV) infection and cellular immune response in Indian cattle (Bosindicus) following experimental inoculation of FMDV Asia 1. Persistent viral infection (carriers) was detected by antigen capture RT-PCR on the oesophageal-pharyngeal fluid. Viral excretion was found to be intermittent and strongly variable among the persistently infected Indian cattle. Lymphocyte proliferative (LP) response, assessed as reactivity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to FMDV Asia 1 antigen (Ag) was of low magnitude indicating a weak primary cellular immune response following infection. LP response to FMDV Ag was higher among the non-carriers than carriers of FMDV Asia 1. An enhanced LP response was associated with the lack of virus shedding in the OPF. The findings of this study are suggestive of relationship between cellular immune response and virus excretion during persistence of FMDV Asia 1 in infected cattle.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine effects of in vitro exposure to solutions of hay dust, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), or beta-glucan on cytokine expression in pulmonary mononuclear cells isolated from healthy horses and horses with recurrent airway obstruction (RAO). ANIMALS: 8 RAO-affected and 7 control horses (experiment 1) and 6 of the RAO-affected and 5 of the control horses (experiment 2). PROCEDURES: Bronchoalveolar lavage cells were isolated from horses that had been stabled and fed dusty hay for 14 days. Pulmonary mononuclear cells were incubated for 24 (experiment 1) or 6 (experiment 2) hours with PBS solution or solutions of hay dust, beta-glucan, or LPS. Gene expression of interleukin (IL)-17, IL-23(p19 and p40 subunits), IL-8, IL-1beta, and chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 2 (CXCL2) was measured with a kinetic PCR assay. RESULTS: Treatment with the highest concentration of hay dust solution for 6 or 24 hours increased expression of IL-23(p19 and p40), IL-8, and IL-1beta in cells from both groups of horses and increased early expression of IL-17 and CXCL2 in RAO-affected horses. Lipopolysaccharide upregulated early expression of IL-23(p40) and IL-8 in cells from both groups of horses but only late expression of these cytokines in cells from RAO-affected horses. Treatment with beta-glucan failed to increase cytokine expression at 6 or 24 hours. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Cells from RAO-affected horses were not more responsive to the ligands tested than were cells from control horses, which suggests a minimal role of mononuclear cells in propagation of airway neutrophilia in horses with chronic RAO.  相似文献   

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