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Botulism is an intoxication caused by ingestion of feed or water contaminated with the toxin of Clostridium botulinum. In cattle, intoxication usually results from the ingestion of feed containing preformed type C or D toxin, either in feed which has been contaminated with toxin-containing carcasses or in feed in which there has been primary multiplication of C. botulinum and toxin production. The initial signs of botulism are progressive difficulty in chewing and swallowing, caused by paralysis of the tongue and muscles of mastication. This results in slow prehension and chewing of feed, water and feed falling out of the mouth, excessive salivation and weakness of the tongue. After 1 to 3 days, generalised paralysis occurs followed by death due to respiratory paralysis. Intravenous fluid therapy is the recommended treatment. The administration of antiserum is of limited value in advanced stages and is used mainly as a prophylactic measure in cattle herds in which an outbreak has just started. Active immunization of cattle in high-risk herds is also an option. It is critical that cattle not be fed feed contaminated with soil or carcasses.  相似文献   

On a dairy farm 22 animals die in 14 days. After 10 days the clinical diagnosis is confirmed: clostridium botulinum type D intoxication. The clinical, diagnosis, therapy and prevention are discussed.  相似文献   

Botulism should be considered in cases where weakness, paralysis, or intolerance to exercise might be seen in the horse. Dysphagia may also be present, although it is not a consistent finding. Potential sources include carrion in hay, moldy or otherwise rotted vegetation or forage, birds carrying material from animal burial or other similar sites, and contaminated carcasses on-site. Horses, especially foals, may also suffer from toxicoinfectious botulism, a condition where the C. botulinum might colonize and produce toxin within the gastrointestinal tract. Wounds also may harbor the organism and otherwise promote botulism. Diagnosis of botulism is often a clinical diagnosis backed up by elimination of other possible infectious, injurious, or toxic causes of weakness of the horse. Definitive diagnosis and type identification in the laboratory are difficult and usually require a suitable sample of the source material. Treatment often is unrewarding unless a case is identified early and the proper antitoxin is readily available. Prevention involves common sense approaches to feeding and care of the horse and, where possible, judicious use of vaccination in endemic areas.  相似文献   

Two dogs from the same owner were referred for ascending weakness and paresis of 2 to 3 days duration. Electromyography and electroneurography determined that there were normal F-waves, decreased compound action potential, and decreased activity on repetitive nerve stimulation. These findings were valuable in diagnosing botulism in the dogs.  相似文献   

肉毒中毒症是一种潜在的致死性瘫痪疾病,快速准确的诊断对该病的治疗显得尤为必要。本文综述了肉毒中毒症毒素检测、细菌培养、分子检测、遗传鉴定等实验室诊断的进展情况,以期对本病的快速诊断有所启示。  相似文献   

2009年9月下旬,广西钦州水库养鸭户吴某养殖的2800只肉鸭因吃食腐败鱼虾出现部分瘫痪死亡.每天死亡15—20只,使用恩诺沙星等药物治疗3天仍不见好转,死亡率不断上升。  相似文献   

1 发病情况 阿克苏崔某共饲养三黄肉鸡3000只,40日龄.于2008年11月9号早上发现4只精神萎顿,头颈、翅下垂,鸡冠鲜红;立即带3只病情较重鸡到我处就诊,临诊时,1只已经死亡,另2只也奄奄一息.  相似文献   

Clostridium botulinum type C toxicosis was diagnosed by the mouse inoculation test in two outbreaks of botulism in commercial broiler and roaster chickens. One case involved 7-wk-old commercial roaster chickens, and the other involved 15-day-old commercial broiler chickens. A definitive point source for preformed C. botulinum exotoxin was not identified in either case investigation. Elevated iron concentrations in the drinking water and/or feed may have presented a significant risk factor that may have resulted in intestinal proliferation of C. botulinum and subsequent botulism.  相似文献   

During an outbreak of suspected botulism in waterfowl on Hamilton Lake an eight year old entire male dog was admitted to a Hamilton veterinary clinic. The dog was unable to stand upon admission and showed a partial lower motor neuron dysfunction characteristic of botulism. Treatment consisted of antibiotics and intensive supportive therapy. Complications resulted in the dog being destroyed ten days after commencement of treatment. Analysis of a serum sample taken antemortem, confirmed the presence of Clostridium botulinum type C toxin.  相似文献   

Botulism in birds and mammals in Great Britain.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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