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文章以大兴安岭呼中林场的不同年龄、不同密度及不同立地条件的落叶松人工林为研究对象,对最佳削度方程的预测性能进行综合评价,为编制落叶松人工林材种出材率表提供基础。  相似文献   

文章以佳木斯孟家岗林场的不同年龄、不同密度及不同立地条件的落叶松人工林为研究对象,选取130株样木,测定每株样木15个相对高处的带皮直径,采用非线性回归模型的参数估计方法拟合5个削度方程,根据所计算各削度方程的拟合统计量和残差分析,选择最佳削度方程。研究结果表明,模型V-修正Kozak(1994)式为拟合效果最好的落叶松人工林可变参数削度方程。该模型拟合精度高,而且预测误差低、预估精度高,可以很好地估计落叶松不同林木大小任意部位的去皮直径或任意小头直径时的材长,为编制落叶松人工林材种出材率表提供基础。  相似文献   

本文论述了直径分布在林分结构和林分材种出材量表中的重要意义。介绍了使用Weibull直径函数研制林分材种出材量表的技术和方法。根据辽宁省人工落叶松林分资料,系统地介绍了利用一致性削度方程和Weibull直径函数编制林分材种出材量表的技术和方法。最后,对林分材种出材量表的一些技术和方法问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

利用木荷样木资料,在多个削度方程拟合对比的基础上,选择适合木荷干形变化规律的削度方程,据以编制单木一元材种出材率表和二元材种出材率表,可以林业生产应用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

文章通过削度方程和有关材种造材标准对理论摸拟造材公式进行了推导验证,达到了造材标准系统差要求,解决了当前国内外利用削度方程编制出材率表时缺乏材种造材系统完整的造材理论公式问题。  相似文献   

湿地松材积出材率表的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据532株湿地松伐倒木测径数据,通过14组削度方程的比选,选定了符合湿地松树种的削度方程。此削度方程对任意直径限处的材长、任意高度处的直径及树干全材积等可获得高精度的估计。通过计算机理论造材,编制出湿地松一元和二元材种出材率表,各技术程序全部采用数学模型进行模拟,改变了过去用图解法传统编制材种数表的技术方法,提高了材种数表的精度  相似文献   

福建省主要用材树种杉木削度方程的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立削度方程已成为编制材种出材率表的首选方法和基础工作。我们采用了相关系数、判定系数、调整判定系数、剩余标准差作为评价尺度对削度方程进行评价,将杉木各指标的值进行比较排序得到各个备选削度方程的综合得分,选择出福建省杉木编制出材率表的最佳削度方程。  相似文献   

【目的】基于林业上广泛应用的Kozak(1988),Kozak(1994),Kozak(2001)和Kozak(2002)可变指数削度方程,构建适合大兴安岭不同区域兴安落叶松树干削度方程,同时检验不同区域的显著性。【方法】采用大兴安岭3个区域的兴安落叶松样木干形数据,利用SAS软件的非线性回归SUR法拟合4个削度方程,采用调整确定系数(R2adj)、平均误差(MAB)、均方根误差(RMSE)、相对误差(MPB)、预估精度(P%)和多重共线性指标(CN)以及相应的残差分布图等对削度方程进行综合比较分析。区域性检验采用非线性额外平方和方法,该方法需要拟合完整模型和简化模型。【结果】1)Kozak(1988)和Kozak(1994)削度方程拟合和预估精度较高,但是存在较高的多重共线性问题;其他削度方程降低了模型的多重共线性,但可提高对树干上部的预测能力。2)不同区域模型的F检验分析发现,区域3与区域1和区域2的树干削度相差较大,区域1和区域2的树干削度相差较小,任何2个区域的对比检验都是显著的(P0.000 1),说明模型在不同区域不能共用一套参数,应有不同的区域参数估计。3)从不同区域各模型的干曲线模拟可以看出,同一模型在3个区域的干曲线模拟结果不同,尤其模型(3)在3个区域中的干曲线更明显地体现出3个区域的不同。模型(1)、模型(2)和模型(4)在3个区域的干曲线模拟体现在区域1和区域2的模拟结果比较接近,区域3则与其有明显不同,该结果与F检验结果一致。不同区域对树木干曲线有显著影响,削度方程参数估计值在不同区域的错误应用会导致较大误差。【结论】Kozak(2002)可变指数削度方程在拟合统计量、残差分布图和多重共线性等方面都表现出了一致性,预估精度达99%以上,可作为大兴安岭3个区域兴安落叶松的最优削度方程。  相似文献   

关于树干削度方程   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
建立树干削度方程已成为编制材种出材量(率)表的首选方法和基础工作,同时,削度方程具有日益取代普通立木材积表的趋势。为了适应我国林业进一步深化改革的需要,全面开展林业基础数表标准化工作,本文在概述国内外削度方程的研究历史与现状的基础上,划分了削度方程的种类,系统地论述了各类削度方程的特点和性质,分析、评价了几个具有典型意义的树干削度方程。  相似文献   

本研究利用176块日本落叶松标准地材料,建立了与现行山本式材积方程相一致且符合适用性检验精度要求的削度方程。结合全林整体模型。林分自然稀疏模型及林分结构模型,分别立地指数、初植密度编制了日本落叶松林分材种出材量表,并对其进行了编制精度和适用性精度检验。结果表明,编表精度达96%以上,适用性检验精度达95%以上,可以在科研生产中应用。  相似文献   

The long term effects of superphosphate fertilization on stem form, taper and stem volume estimation of Pinus radiata on a phosphorus-deficient site was examined using data from a fertilizer experiment which had been maintained for 30 years. The application of superphosphate resulted in long term and statistically significant changes in stem form. Mean cylindrical form factor ranged from 0.33 for the control trees up to 0.40 for trees fertilized with 100 kg P ha−1. Stem form was also examined through taper curves which provided detailed depiction of average relative stem profiles. The increase in cylindrical form factor of fertilized trees was largely attributed to a significantly broader profile of the lower third of the stem. In comparison with the control trees, the fertilized trees also had a broader, although not statistically significant, profile of upper and middle stem which could also contribute to the increase in their cylindrical form factor. With increased form factor a greater proportion of the stem became merchantable because of increased log length to tree height ratio. Mean average taper of trees did not show a consistent trend with increasing lelevels of superphosphate application. It largely reflected the differential response of DBH and height growth to the treatments. The volume equation based on control trees underestimated the underbark stem volume of fertilized trees by 5–12% on average. Developing separate volume equations for the fertilized trees is warranted.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONWiththedevelopl11entofecono111yandoPeninghn1berInarket.thehlnbersizeiscaredaboutmorea11dl11ol'e.otl1ermse,l11uIhpleproductinventonesrequlresaccurateeshmatesofproductsizes(dial11eteral1dlengths)andvolume.Koreanpine(PinIisko1nIensisSib.etZucc.)isararehn1bersPeciesil1Heilol1roial1gProvince.ItisnecessarynotonlytopredicttI1evolumebasedonvolumetablebutalsotoas-sesstheassotheent.Accordingtothenahol1alhmbercritenonandthewoodqt1ality,thestandqualityisdetenl1i11ed.ThemainPOintofco…  相似文献   

A stem taper equation compatible to the volume equation was derived from the data of 172 trees sampled in the three plantations of Paraserianthes falcataria in Pare, East Java. The stem taper equation in this study was based on a conventional logarithmic volume equation, with the addition of one free parameter that minimized the standard errors of estimate to the observed diameter of stems at 1.0-m intervals. The derived equation was able to predict the stem taper of P. falcataria reasonably well, while it was not flexible enough to describe delicate changes of the taper in the upper portion of stem. The equation was able to predict bole length and the volume up to the top diameter 20 cm, the diameter size merchantable for sawn timber in Indonesia, with reasonable accuracy. An appropriate rotation age for sawn-timber production was found to be 8–9 years old, at which the mean annual increment of sawn timber would be maximized.  相似文献   

We developed a simple polynomial taper equation for poplars growing on former farmland in Sweden and also evaluated the performance of some well-known taper equations. In Sweden there is an increasing interest in the use of poplar. Effective management of poplar plantations for high yield production would be facilitated by taper equations providing better predictions of stem volume than currently available equations. In the study a polynomial stem taper equation with five parameters was established for individual poplar trees growing on former farmland. The outputs of the polynomial taper equation were compared with five published equations. Data for fitting the equations were collected from 69 poplar trees growing at 37 stands in central and southern Sweden (lat. 55-60° N). The mean age of the stands was 21 years (range 14-43), the mean density 984 stems ha -1 (198 3,493), and the mean diameter at breast height (outside bark) 25 cm (range 12-40). To verify the tested equations, performance of accuracy and precision diameter predictions at seven points along the stem was closely analyzed. Statistics used for evaluation of the equations indicated that the variable exponent taper equation presented by Kozak (1988) performed best and can be recommended. The stem taper equation by Kozak (1988) recommended in the study is likely to be beneficial for optimising the efficiency and profitability of poplar plantation management. The constructed polynomial equation and the segmented equation presented by Max & Burkhart (1976) were second and third ranked. Due to the statistical complexity of Kozak’s equation, the constructed polynomial equation is alternatively recommended when a simple model is requested and larger bias is accepted.  相似文献   

Five stem taper models belonging to three different taper function categories were fitted to data corresponding to 282 Pseudotsuga menziesii trees. The trees were selected in the area surrounding 61 research plots installed in Galicia, Asturias and the Basque Country, northern Spain. The models were simultaneously fitted to observed values of diameter outside bark and inside bark. A third-order continuous-time autoregressive error structure was used to account for autocorrelation. Selection of the best model was based on both numerical (goodness-of-fit statistics) and graphical analysis (plots of residuals against position along the stem and against tree size). The three-segmented taper model finally selected has the advantage of being compatible with both a merchantable and a total stem volume equation.  相似文献   


Stem form and taper changes after thinning and thinning combined with N fertilization were studied in 23 Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] and 46 Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in Sweden observed for 5-28 yrs. Average taper was calculated for the stem section 1.3-6.0 m above ground level and as the ratio between the diameter at breast height and total tree height for periods of 5-10 yrs. At the start of the experiment, before the first thinning, the dominant height was 12-15 m. Once 65% of the basal area had been removed in a single thinning from below, the remaining trees showed a strong increase in taper compared with trees in unthinned stands. Stems in stands treated with heavily recurrent thinnings from below also increased in taper, although the increases were not always statistically significant. Trees in thinned, N-fertilized Scots pine stands in middle and northern Sweden developed a more pronounced taper compared with stems in equally thinned, unfertilized stands.  相似文献   

以大海林林业局太平沟林场不同年龄、不同密度及不同立地条件的落叶松人工林为研究对象,采用非线性回归模型的参数估计方法拟合5个削度方程,通过计算每个削度方程的拟合统计量来确定最优削度方程模型;最后通过独立检验样本数据对5个模型进行检验,验证模型Ⅲ为最优削度方程。  相似文献   

削度方程的研究   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
曾伟生  廖志云 《林业科学》1997,33(2):127-132
从削度方程的概念入手,对削度方程的结构形式进行了深入研究,提出了具有最佳结构的削度方程的一般形式,并以湖南省杉木为例,确定了最佳削度方程的具体形式。试验结果表明,建立的新模型要优于以往发表的任何削度方程  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to develop methods for estimating the taper curves for trees tallied in a forest inventory. The average stem form in a stand was described by the principal components of the stand effects in the stem dimensions measured in the polar coordinate system. Measurements of diameter at breast height, diameter at a height of 6 meters, and height taken from trees on the sample tree plots were used for determining the first four principal components. Regression models were derived to predict the principal components from the site and growing stock variables. These models were used to estimate the taper curves of the tallied trees. Use of the principal components estimated by the regression models gave less reliable results than use of the principal component estimates based on measurement of the height of one randomly chosen tree on the sample plot. The best result was found with combined use of the principal component estimates and one height measurement per sample plot.  相似文献   

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