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北京是一个拥有一千多万人口的大型消费城市,改革开放以来,为提高动物性食品的自给率,郊区畜牧业发展很快,其产值已占郊区大农业产值的45%。同时北京又是全国的政治文化中心,食肉是否安全直接影响着我国的国际形象。为此,我市兽医卫生监督机构自成立以来,一直把维护首都畜牧业的发展,保证人民吃“放心肉”作为工作的主导思想和根本目的,在外树形象、内练硬功、建立法律法规体系、加强责任制建设和完善监督检查等方面做了大量工作,得到了各级领导和广大群众的支持和拥护。1 建立完善的法律法规体系1992年底,北京市的肉蛋…  相似文献   

<正>畜牧业作为支撑永胜县国民经济的三大支柱产业之一,近年以来在县委县政府的高度重视和上级有关部门的大力支持下,通过多方不懈努力,已渐成规模,但也存在或多或少的问题。为确保永胜县畜牧业持续健康发展,特提出以下建议:1加强动物疫病预防的宣传教育和技术培训,防止病死畜禽流入市场《动物防疫法》规定:"国家对动物疫病实行预防为主的方针"这是国家实行的带有强制的措施,是整个动物防疫工作的主线。1.1加大宣传教育,提高防疫意识  相似文献   

加拿大动物卫生风险分析框架的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
风险分析是动物卫生日常决策过程中进行预防性管理的一种工具。为促进疫病防控和动物及动物产品的安全贸易,加拿大于20世纪90年代成立了风险评估小组,建立了一套系统的动物卫生风险分析方法,为进口决策提供技术支持。  相似文献   

动物卫生计划历来是一个半封闭的系统,其中输入、加工和输出是独立于整个环境的。进口的目标是要达到零风险,疫病控制的目标是为了根除疫病,为促进这一目标的完成,20世纪90年代,加拿大成立了风险评估  相似文献   

动物卫生计划历来是一个半封闭的系统,其中输入、加工和输出是独立于整个环境的。进口的目标是要达到零风险,疫病控制的目标是为了根除疫病,为促进这一目标的完成,20世纪90年代,加拿大成立了风险评估小组,建立了一套系统的动物卫生风险分析(AHRA)方法,致力于贸易自由化、非传统畜牧业的发展。  相似文献   

为解决基层动物卫生监督执法滞后,基础设施薄弱等问题,全面客观地掌握我区动物卫生监督管理工作现状,笔者对全区动物卫生监督机构情况、畜禽定点屠宰情况、动物及动物产品交易市场情况、动物防疫条件审核发证情况、肉类经营、加工和仓储情况、肉类消费场所检疫监督情况、动物产品(非肉类)加工企业的检疫监督情况、规模饲养场、养殖小区(户)动物卫生监督执法情况等进行了调研,现将调查情况报告如下。  相似文献   

动物卫生监督工作是一个点宽、面广、事多、责重、监管复杂、任务量大的工作,涉及重大动物疫病防控、养殖业健康发展和动物产品质量安全,直接影响人民的身体健康。本文结合陆良县党的群众路线教育实践活动的开展以及农业部组织开展的"全国动物卫生监督‘提素质、强能力’行动"的具体要求,简要叙述了陆良县动物卫生监督工作面临的形势,阐述了作者对动物卫生监督工作的认识,提出了加强陆良县动物卫生监督工作队伍建设的措施及建议。  相似文献   

鉴于世界动物卫生组织(OIE)在世界动物卫生和动物及动物产品国际贸易中所发挥的重要作用。本文阐述了OIE在食品安全、动物福利方面的新动向和《国际动物卫生法典》中新修改的内容(区划、等效性原则和抗生素耐药性),并对我国的动物卫生工作提出了参考性建议。  相似文献   

鉴于世界动物卫生组织(OIE)在世界动物卫生和动物及动物产品国际贸易中所发挥的重要作用。本文阐述了OIE在食品安全、动物福利方面的新动向和《国际动物卫生法典》中新修改的内容(区划、等效性原则和抗生素耐药性),并对我国的动物卫生工作提出了参考性建议。  相似文献   

动物卫生行政复议,是指作为管理相对人的公民、法人或者其他组织认为动物卫生监督机构的具体行政行为侵犯其合法权益,依法向该动物卫生监督机构的主管机关提出申请,由受理该申请的行政机关对原具体行政行为依法进行审查并作出复议决定的活动。  相似文献   

Biosecurity practices of beef cow-calf herds in western Canada have not been studied extensively nor is there a good understanding of their association with herd health. A survey was sent to 103 cow-calf producers of the Western Canadian Cow-Calf Surveillance Network. Eighty completed questionnaires were returned. Bulls were purchased for all herds during the 2014 to 2017 study period; 54% of herds purchased heifers and 42% purchased cows. The use of standard biosecurity practices was generally low with 30% of producers keeping purchased animals separate and 30% vaccinating new additions. None of the evaluated biosecurity practices were associated with reporting Johne’s disease. The purchase of > 10 bulls, the purchase of cows, not vaccinating animals bought into the herd, and use of community pasture were associated with a bovine respiratory disease outbreak. Outbreaks of calf diarrhea were associated with the purchase of 10 or more bulls, the use of a community pasture, and leasing or sharing bulls.  相似文献   

Three hundred and twenty-two Canadian animal health technologists (AHTs) were surveyed to determine their attitudes toward postoperative pain management in dogs and cats following 6 surgical procedures, their concerns regarding the use of opioid analgesics, and their role within veterinary practices with respect to postoperative pain control. Two hundred and sixty-four (82%) returned the questionnaire. Pain perception was defined as the average of pain rankings for dogs and cats (on a scale of 1 to 10) following abdominal surgery, or the value for dogs or cats if the AHT worked with only 1 of the 2 species. Maximum concern about the risks associated with the postoperative use of morphine or oxymorphone was defined as the highest rating assigned to any of the 6 risks evaluated in either dogs or cats. Animal health technologists reported significantly higher pain perception scores than did veterinarians who completed a similar survey 2 years previously. Higher pain perception scores were associated with decreased satisfaction with the adequacy of analgesic therapy in their practice, higher pain control goals, and attendance at continuing education within the previous 12 months. The majority of AHTs (55%) agreed that one or more risks associated with the use of morphine or oxymorphone outweighed the benefits. The 3 issues that were perceived to pose the greatest risk were respiratory depression, bradycardia, and sedation and excitement, for dogs and cats, respectively. Most AHTs (68%) considered their knowledge related to the recognition and control of pain to be adequate, compared with 24% of veterinarians who responded to a similar previous survey. As for veterinarians, experience gained while in practice was ranked as the most important source of knowledge, while the technical program attended was ranked as least important. Over 88% of the AHTs provided nursing care during the postoperative period, monitored animals for side effects of postoperative analgesic therapy, informed veterinarians when animals were in pain, recommended analgesic therapy when they believed it was warranted, reported that animals received analgesics when they believed it was warranted, administered analgesics under the instruction of a veterinarian, and believed they were part of a team working to provide adequate postoperative pain control.  相似文献   

Fluoroquinolones in animal health   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
The fluoroquinolones are a series of synthetic antibacterial agents that are undergoing extensive investigation for both human and veterinary use in the treatment of a variety of bacterial infections. These agents work through the inhibition of DNA gyrase, interfering with the supercoiling of bacterial chromosomal material. As a result, these agents are rapidly bactericidal primarily against gram-negative bacteria, mycoplasma, and some grampositive bacteria, with most having little to no activity against group D streptococci and obligate anaerobic bacteria. Resistance develops slowly and is almost always chromosomal and not plasmid-mediated. However, development of resistance to the fluoroquinolones and transfer of that resistance among animal and human pathogens have become a hotly debated issue among microbiologists. The fluoroquinolones are a current antimicrobial class whose use in veterinary medicine is being scrutinized. From a pharmacokinetic perspective, these agents are variably but well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and almost completely absorbed from parenteral injection sites, and they are well distributed to various tissues in the body. The fluoroquinolones are metabolized and renally excreted, with many of them having approximately equal excretion by the hepatic and the renal excretory systems. The primary toxicity observed at therapeutic doses involves the gastrointestinal system and phototoxicity, although at higher doses central nervous system toxicity and ocular cataracts are observed. Administration to immature animals may result in erosive arthropathies at weight-bearing joints, and administration of high doses to pregnant animals results in maternotoxicity and occasionally embryonic death. The fluoroquinolones are approved for indications such as urinary tract infections and soft tissue infections in dogs and cats and colibacillosis in poultry. Approval for bovine respiratory disease in the United States is being sought. Other indications for which the fluoroquinolones have been used in animal health include deep-seated infections, prostatitis, and other bacterial infections resistant to standard antimicrobial therapy.  相似文献   

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