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通过问卷调查对杭州市6个主要花卉市场中的经营者、产品销售、消费人群、经营模式等现状特征进行调查。结果表明:拥有5 a以上工作经验的经营者占57.23%,是杭州市家庭园艺产品营销和行业推动的重要力量;拥有产品种类50种以上的经营者占34.94%;月收入3 001~5000元的占36.14%;40.56%的经营者认为体量为中型的产品最畅销,76.02%的认为100元以下价位最易被消费者所接受的;市场中45.13%的货源来自于外地,零售是最基本的经营模式;每年12、1、2月的销售行情远好于其它月份;中年人是主要消费群体,而观叶植物和盆花的销售占据家庭园艺市场主要份额。经营市场竞争激烈、消费季节性明显、植物产品品种单一、消费人群特定性强、缺乏相关配套产品为目前杭州家庭园艺经营市场的基本特征。  相似文献   

随着家庭园艺时代的到来,国内纷纷加快对家庭园艺市场的建设步伐,花园中心这种在国外已经成熟的商业形态也逐渐被引入国内.通过分析杭州可彩园艺生活中心的区位、布局与规划设计,探讨花园中心的营建.  相似文献   

以在校大学生为主要调查对象,通过问卷星平台发放调查问卷,从宿舍园艺消费者基本情况、对宿舍园艺的认知及消费行为等方面,得出大学生宿舍园艺消费倾向及影响因素:宿舍园艺消费主力军是女大学生;舍友对宿舍种植园艺植物的认同度较高,这与在宿舍种植园艺植物的意愿高达81.19%的数据一致;宿舍园艺消费者青睐的植物类型是易成活型;85.64%消费者会选购价位在30元以下的植物;消费者选购方式主要是网购。最后,针对调查分析的问题,提出了更好开发宿舍园艺市场的建议。  相似文献   

1 概况农业是津巴布韦经济的主要支柱 ,占国内总产值 (GDP)的 2 0 % ,提供 4 0 %工作岗位和 4 0 %的出口收入。园艺部门是津巴布韦农业发展最迅速的产业之一 ,并且还在继续增长 ,1994~ 1998年间平均年增长率是 37%。园艺是排在烟草和棉花后面的农业的第 3大创汇部门。它约占农业总产值的 9%和GDP的 4 5%。作为劳动密集型产业 ,园艺业提供了大量的就业机会。津巴布韦向欧盟和其它地区出口园艺产品 ,在国际市场上已经建立了持续和高质量的信誉。由于津巴布韦是ACP -EU洛美IV公约成员国之一 ,所以EU是津巴布韦蔬菜和园艺产品…  相似文献   

本文主要将近年来纳米技术在园艺方面的应用做一综述。首先简单介绍了纳米技术,然后就纳米技术在园艺上的应用——植物生长调节、园艺产品保鲜、病虫害防治及纳米肥料方面的应用分别阐述。  相似文献   

正2016国际家庭花卉园艺展览会亮相嘉泽7月8~10日,2016国际家庭花卉园艺展览会暨第十六届中国花卉零售业交流会在中国常州夏溪花木市场举办。据悉,本次展览很多新奇宝贝一一亮相,成就了一年一度家庭园艺爱好者的"大派对"。据了解,本届展会共有16个省市近300家花木企业参展,荷兰、日本、厄瓜多尔等花卉生产、贸易大国也集体亮相。此次会展展品主要包括花卉植物、花店用品、家庭园艺资材、花园用品四大  相似文献   

从国土面积和人口来看 ,荷兰是一个小国 ,但却是一个农业大国 ,更是园艺产业的强国。荷兰的出口农产品主要是园艺和畜牧产品 ,从1989年起 ,其农业净出口保持在世界第二的地位 ,仅次于美国。荷兰园艺产业主要包括花卉、蔬菜、水果生产。近年来 ,荷兰园艺产品贸易量持续稳定在世界总量的20 %左右。花卉每年出口60亿美元左右 ,占花卉总产值的80%多 ,其中鲜切花出口额约占花卉出口总量的50 % ,占世界鲜切花市场的60%左右 ;2002年蔬菜生产总量16万吨 ,其中50%左右出口 ;水果生产总量62.12万吨 ,其中20%左右出口 ,出口额3575.2万美元。荷兰园艺产…  相似文献   

一、杂志定位《花卉》杂志创刊30年来,有较好的群众基础,改版更加注重科普性及专业性,同时兼顾时尚和前卫,为家庭园艺爱好者和专业工作者提供优质资讯服务。二、主要栏目1.行业资讯:新闻资讯、业界信息、花展信息。2.园林撷英:庭园植物、新优园林植物介绍等。3.赏花攻略:介绍赏花好去处,赏花路线,注意事项等。4.空谷幽兰:国兰及洋兰相关栽培、品种介绍。5.栽培技艺:花卉栽培技术、病虫害防治等。6.花园时光:介绍私家花园或庭园。7.园艺达人:介绍园艺界的风云人物、花友等。  相似文献   

一、杂志定位《花卉》杂志创刊30年来,有较好的群众基础,改版更加注重科普性及专业性,同时兼顾时尚和前卫,为家庭园艺爱好者和专业工作者提供优质资讯服务。二、主要栏目1.行业资讯:新闻资讯、业界信息、花展信息。2.园林撷英:庭园植物、新优园林植物介绍等。3.赏花攻略:介绍赏花好去处,赏花路线,注意事项等。4.空谷幽兰:国兰及洋兰相关栽培、品种介绍。5.栽培技艺:花卉栽培技术、病虫害防治等。6.花园时光:介绍私家花园或庭园。7.园艺达人:介绍园艺界的风云人物、花友等。  相似文献   

正一、杂志定位《花卉》杂志创刊30年来,有较好的群众基础,改版更加注重科普性及专业性,同时兼顾时尚和前卫,为家庭园艺爱好者和专业工作者提供优质资讯服务。二、主要栏目1.行业资讯:新闻资讯、业界信息、花展信息。2.园林撷英:庭园植物、新优园林植物介绍等。3.赏花攻略:介绍赏花好去处,赏花路线,注意事项等。4.空谷幽兰:国兰及洋兰相关栽培、品种介绍。5.栽培技艺:花卉栽培技术、病虫害防治等。6.花园时光:介绍私家花园或庭园。7.园艺达人:介绍园艺界的风云人物、花友等。  相似文献   

In land-scarce cities, high-rise apartment buildings may provide vertical spaces for natural-light home gardening along corridors, rooftops, balconies as well as façades. The vertical space can improve not only urban environmental sustainability but also food security. Using an experimental approach, we investigated the food production potential of a high-rise public housing apartment building based on different gardening systems, food crops, and sunlight availability. A gardening prototype system for building corridors was shown to increase the unit area yield of corridor gardening by fivefold compared to a commercial trough planter system. Additionally, this commercial trough planter system was mainly for leafy vegetable production, whereas the gardening prototype system for corridors is also suitable for climbing crops, such as legumes and cucurbits. Nevertheless, because of the limited space along corridors of the apartment building and the relatively low-light levels on average, corridor gardening was estimated to meet only 0.5 % of the demand for vegetables of the residents living in the apartment building. Rooftop gardening with shallow growing medium (depth < 15 cm) was estimated to meet 3 % of demand, and façade gardening 43 %, given the larger space available. Although the vegetable production potential in this study was estimated based on a particular typology of public housing apartment buildings in Singapore, our results showed that vegetable production in public housing apartment buildings is feasible, and home gardening can produce a substantial amount of vegetables for consumption if well deployed. Governments of highly urbanized cities may wish to invest in better home garden designs for high-rise public housing apartment buildings and encourage residents’ participation in home gardening, which would increase high-rise greenery coverage and improve urban food system resilience. Future studies should also investigate the environmental sustainability and food safety aspects of home gardening in highly urbanized cities.  相似文献   

植物景观设计,应遵循造园艺术和绘画艺术的基本原则与植物配置的方法。园林造景是建设生态园林城市的基础,也为目前市场经济下园林事业的发展和现代园林发展指明方向。  相似文献   

Community food production in the form of home gardening, community gardening, school gardening, and urban farming continues to increase in popularity in many parts of the world. This interest has led to public and private investment in community food production and increased need for urban agricultural planning as a way to manage growth and prioritize resource allocation. Municipal planning and thoughtful institutional support for the practice will require program evaluation and greater attention to the spatial composition and configuration of this widely dispersed practice. This article explores the results of community-supported landscape socio-ecological research in Madison, WI (USA) to assess the spatial and social dynamics of community food production. Results indicate that community food production resources are unevenly distributed across the study area. Historic community garden placement does appear to be consistent with community prioritization which dictates placing resources in areas with low median household income. However, home garden presence and recent community garden placement both occur in areas of higher than average median household income. Specific focus is placed on how an understanding of landscape placement and pattern has helped inform attempts to meet municipal and regional objectives in addressing urban food insecurity.  相似文献   

通过对石家庄市公园绿地、企事业单位、居民社区的竹类种植情况进行调查、统计分析,结果表明:早园竹栽植数量约占65.8%,其应用区域最广泛;其次是箬竹;其他竹类仅在专类园中有栽培。  相似文献   

Urban gardening is not a new phenomenon but it has received considerably more practical and academic interest in recent years. Studies on economic aspects such as crop yields, inputs and outputs of production, productivity, gross margins and the contribution to home economics are rare, especially in Europe. While urban gardening plays an important role in the Global South, its role in Western Europe for food productivity and home economics is currently under-researched. The aim of this study is to analyse European urban gardeners’ economic performance and self-sufficiency on a household level, as well as to reach a better understanding of their contribution to food self-provision and food security in the metropolitan areas. In a study carried out in 2014 with on-site personal and with online questionnaires participated 180 urban gardeners from three case study cities (Ljubljana, Milan, and London). Results from the economic analysis showed that although for most urban gardeners, profit is not their main motivation, the economic calculation shows that productivity in small urban plots can be comparable to market garden production. Urban gardeners are saving money, especially when, compared to retail prices for regular produce or organic produce, their input is included in the gross margin calculation. We conclude that, in the case-study cities, the self-provisional potential of urban gardeners’ households to adequately cover the annual vegetable need of five-a-day servings can be met under three conditions: (1) sufficient garden size; (2) increased area productivity, and (3) sufficient labour-hour inputs.  相似文献   

王芳 《现代园艺》2012,(2):27+29
以中国、日本为代表的东方插花,具有用花量少、追求线条、色彩淡雅、富有意境的特点。以欧美各国为代表的西方插花,具有用花量大、注重几何造型、色彩浓艳、富有理性的特点。这些特点产生的原因与东西方文化背景和东西方插花艺术的发展历史密不可分。  相似文献   

余昌明 《现代园艺》2011,(11):92-93
花境设计在现今园林中越来越受到重视,植物材料受到品种限制,无法突破时,我们可以考虑通过其他非植物材料来提升花境的设计空间。通过使用花钵、花架、小雕塑、吊盆和组合盆栽、石头等园林元素,为花境增添一份亮色,可以为花境设计提供了更多的设计元素。  相似文献   

长沙市烈士公园花境植物调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花境是模拟各种野生花卉自然交错生长的状态,经过艺术提炼,巧妙灵活地运用各种露地宿根花卉、球根花卉、1年生或2年生草本花卉及花灌木等园林植物,设计成宽窄不一的曲线式、直线式或自然式花带。作者通过对烈士公园的调查,了解到园内花境植物的种类、应用形式,并拍摄实地照片,发现一些问题,并提出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

美国家庭园艺市场繁荣,而家庭园艺也逐渐走进我国居民的日常生活。介绍与美国家庭园艺发展相关的若干行业的概况,以期为我国新兴的家庭园艺市场的进一步发展提供参考。  相似文献   

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