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Surgical ovariohysterectomy (OVH) using a right flank approach was performed in 114 bitches as part of the Animal Birth Control (ABC) Programme at Help in Suffering, Jaipur, India. Incision length, duration of surgery and postoperative pain scores were recorded for each animal. The mean weight of the bitches was 13.7 kg, and the mean body condition score was 4.5 on a 1-9 scale. Mean surgical incision length and time were 22 mm and 11 minutes 4 seconds, respectively. It was seen that 86.1 per cent of bitches required no additional postoperative analgesia. These findings compare favourably with other techniques for OVH, including laparoscopic techniques. The surgical approach described may be an alternative for canine OVH, particularly in a shelter setting.  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION: A 7-year-old Spaniel-crossbreed dog was evaluated for stertorous breathing and inspiratory stridor. CLINICAL FINDINGS: A temporary tracheotomy tube was placed prior to referral. Results of physical examination at our facility, including thoracic auscultation, were unremarkable. Examination of the larynx revealed a 2 x 2-cm nodular mass on the lateral aspect of the epiglottis and left arytenoid cartilage. Cytologic examination of the mass indicated septic suppurative inflammation and intracellular rod-shaped bacteria. During the procedures, decreased air movement through the temporary tracheotomy tube was detected, and the tube was replaced. A thrombus was found on the distal end of the temporary tracheotomy tube; the thrombus obstructed 90% of the tube lumen. Approximately 12 hours later, auscultation revealed decreased sounds in all lung fields. Cervical and thoracic radiography revealed an intraluminal soft tissue opacity distal to the tracheotomy tube. A thrombus that contained hair and plant material was removed from the trachea by use of an embolectomy catheter and videogastroscope. Approximately 30 hours after removal of the initial thrombus, the dog had an episode of respiratory distress. Cervical radiography revealed another intraluminal opacity. It was another thrombus, which also was removed by use of the videogastroscope. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: Tracheoscopy was performed with a videogastroscope in an attempt to remove the thrombi. A Fogarty catheter was used to remove the initial intraluminal thrombus from the trachea. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Airway obstruction resulting from an intraluminal thrombus in the trachea should be considered as a secondary complication after tracheotomy tube placement.  相似文献   

Objective   To investigate the practical application and image quality of transcutaneous ultrasonography across the right flank for the diagnosis of mid- to late-gestation in cattle.
Procedure   Dairy cows of known pregnancy status were used to establish criteria for the identification of mid- to late-stage pregnancy by transcutaneous ultrasonography. Factors involved in the practical application of transcutaneous ultrasound for routine use in pregnancy diagnosis in dairy cattle were also examined.
Results   Transcutaneous ultrasound, using a 3.5-MHz sector transducer applied over the caudodorsal right flank fold, allowed rapid and detailed visualisation of bovine pregnancy (i.e. fetus, fetal fluids, placentomes and/or fetal membranes) and could be used to establish criteria for the diagnosis of pregnancy. The commonly available cattle holding facilities of the herringbone dairy, rotary herringbone dairy, AI race or crush, and walk-through dairy all allow safe access to the right flank of a dairy or beef cow. However, transcutaneous scanning over the right flank is difficult in modern rotary turnstile dairies.
Conclusion   A 3.5-MHz sector transducer applied over the caudodorsal right flank fold allows detailed visualisation of the bovine fetus in most types of cattle-holding facilities. Further investigation of the sensitivity and specificity of this technique over the entire gestation period and its possible use in ageing of the bovine fetus is merited.  相似文献   

A technique for duodenal alimentation (needle catheter duodenostomy) of birds was developed, using the domestic pigeon (Columba livia) as the experimental model. A needle catheter was inserted into the descending duodenum of 5 pigeons and was secured to the body wall and dorsum of each bird. A liquid diet was administered daily (in equal amounts of 0, 4, 8, 12, and 16 hours) for 14 days without adverse effects. On day 15, the catheters were removed, and the birds immediately resumed normal consumption of a pigeon ration and water diet. Although 4 of the 5 birds had minor weight loss, dietary alterations probably could be used on an individual basis to alleviate this problem. After oral alimentation was resumed, the 5 birds exceeded their initial body weight within 7 days. Four weeks after catheter removal, positive-contrast radiographic evaluations indicated that the duodenum of each pigeon appeared normal. Needle catheter duodenostomy was a viable method of alimentation in the domestic pigeon. This technique should be applicable for other avian species requiring bypass of the upper gastrointestinal tract proximal to the region of catheter insertion in the duodenum.  相似文献   

Stoma site metastasis of gastric adenocarcinoma was documented 37 d after partial gastrectomy with gastrostomy tube placement, and 22 d after tube removal. The tube was placed through grossly normal tissue but histopathologic examination revealed neoplasia at the surgical margins and concurrent lymphatic metastasis. Stoma site metastases may be due to direct tumor seeding or hemolymphatic spread.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to describe method of placement, and frequency and severity of complications associated with a subpalpebral lavage system placed in the medial aspect of the equine inferior eyelid. The inferomedial subpalpebral lavage (ISPL) tube is positioned deep in the medial aspect of the inferior conjunctival fornix so that the footplate lies flat between the lower eyelid and the anterior surface of the nictitans. Retrospective data from the placement of 92 ISPL systems placed in 86 horses during a 31-month period were examined. Tube placement was performed using sedation and regional anesthesia only in 59% of horses. The median duration of tube placement was 19 days (range: 1-61 days). Seventy-one horses were treated for up to 55 days following discharge from hospital with an ISPL tube in place. No complications were reported with 59% of ISPL systems. Non-ocular complications were found in 38% of ISPL systems and included tube displacement from the conjunctival fornix (18%), suture loss requiring resuturing of the system to the horse's head (14%), and damage necessitating replacement of the injection port (6%). Ocular complications were recorded in 3% of horses and were limited to inferior eyelid swelling. Vision was retained in 88% of horses. The ISPL system is easily and safely placed, and well tolerated for extended periods. It appears to be associated with infrequent and minor complications when compared with placement of subpalpebral lavage tubes in the superior eyelid.  相似文献   

Objective   Evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of transrectal ultrasound and transcutaneous ultrasonography across the right flank between days 31 and 196 of pregnancy in the dairy cow.
Procedure   Pregnancy status and stage of gestation at date of pregnancy diagnosis by transcutaneous and transrectal ultrasonography were determined for 1570 dairy cattle. Sensitivity and specificity values and probabilities of a correct diagnosis for both techniques were determined and compared. Possible effects of gestational age, herd, method of transcutaneous ultrasound diagnosis, cow age, cow and bull breed, and calf sex on the determination of a correct diagnosis of pregnancy status were evaluated for both techniques.
Results   The overall sensitivity and probability of a correct diagnosis of pregnancy status from days 31 to 196 of gestation were significantly higher when using transrectal ultrasound relative to transcutaneous ultrasound over the right flank. However, the sensitivity of transcutaneous ultrasound changed over the course of pregnancy: it was low (7–8%) before day 84, increased to 89% between days 141 and 154, and was close to 100% thereafter. The specificity of both methods did not differ significantly. Herd and gestational age at date of pregnancy diagnosis were significantly associated with making a correct test result using transcutaneous ultrasound, although only the latter predictor was significantly associated with making a correct test result using transrectal ultrasound.
Conclusion   Transcutaneous ultrasound can not be recommended as an accurate method for early pregnancy diagnosis in the dairy cow, particularly on a whole-herd basis. However, if pregnancy testing is undertaken in mid to late gestation, this technique could provide an accurate and rapid alternative to transrectal ultrasound or manual palpation per rectum.  相似文献   

Objective To determine the anaesthetic and systemic effects of dorsolumbar epidural anaesthesia using non-stylet multiport catheters via the caudal approach to administer hypertonic 5% lignocaine (HL) or hypertonic 0.5% bupivacaine (HB) to the flank in standing cattle. Materials and methods Six healthy adult cattle weighing 310–455 kg received 0.2 mg/kg HL or 0.025 mg/kg of HB; control animals received 0.9% saline solution. All drugs were injected into the dorsolumbar epidural space via a caudal approach through a non-stylet multiport catheter. Each animal received each treatment at random. Evaluations of anaesthesia, ataxia, heart rate, arterial pressures, respiratory rate and rectal temperature were obtained at 0 (basal), 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 min after epidural injection and then at 30-min intervals until loss of anaesthesia. All animals received a standard noxious stimulus and a 4-point scale was used to score the response. A second scale was used to score ataxia. Results The duration of anaesthesia in the upper and lower flanks in cattle was 68 ± 12 and 110 ± 15 min (mean ± SD) after dorsolumbar epidural HL or HB, respectively. Both hypertonic local anaesthetics produced a mild ataxia. The systemic changes were within acceptable limits in these clinically healthy cattle. Conclusion In standing cattle the dorsolumbar epidural injection of hypertonic lignocaine provided faster onset of anaesthesia and fewer cardiovascular effects, but had a shorter duration of anaesthesia than hypertonic bupivacaine.  相似文献   

Five male crossbred dogs successfully underwent surgical placement of button enterostomy tubes to evaluate the placement technique, maintenance and complications of these tubes. Surgical placement was quick, technically straightforward and similar to techniques used for other feeding tubes. None of the dogs experienced life-threatening complications during the 10 month follow-up period. One device required replacement as it was removed by the dog before a permanent fistula had formed. Open tubes due to loose safety plugs and focal cellulitis surrounding the exit sites of these tubes were noted in all dogs. The button tube may be a feasible option for long-term nutritional support in patients with pancreatic, hepatobiliary or gastrointestinal conditions.  相似文献   

Twenty entire female cats were randomly assigned to two groups of 10; the cats in one group underwent ovariohysterectomy by a midline approach and the cats in the other group by a flank approach. Cats were assessed for signs of pain and scores were assigned pre- and postoperatively. There was a tendency for the cats neutered by a flank approach to be in more pain postoperatively (P=0.05). The final pain score for cats in either group was equal to or lower than their baseline score.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare results obtained by use of laparoscopyassisted abomasopexy versus omentopexy via right flank laparotomy for the treatment of dairy cows with left displaced abomasum (LDA). ANIMALS: 120 dairy cows with an LDA. PROCEDURE: In a prospective clinical trial, cows were randomly allocated to the abomasopexy group (laparoscopy-assisted abomasopexy) or to the control group (omentopexy via right flank). Data were obtained during the first 5 days after surgery and 6 weeks and 6 months after surgery. RESULTS: 59 of 60 cows in the abomasopexy group and all 60 cows in the control group were treated successfully. Median duration was shorter for the laparoscopic procedure (27.5 minutes), compared with that for the control group (38 minutes). Five cows in the abomasopexy group had wound complications and 2 had LDA relapses, compared with 2 wound complications and no relapses in the control group. During the 5 days after surgery, the abomasopexy group had a significantly higher increase in rate of energy intake and milk yield and a more rapid return to reference range for serum glutamic dehydrogenase activity and total bilirubin concentration, compared with results for the control group. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Success rates were almost equal for both methods. Advantages of the laparoscopic abomasopexy procedure include practicality, low risk of complications, and rapid postoperative recovery. Contraindications are cardiopulmonary diseases. Other disadvantages include the cost of the instruments and inability to perform the procedure in cows with abomasal adhesions.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the a circumflexa ilium profunda supplying the flank of the sheep was investigated in 25 sheep. Two constant branches were identified by dissection and angiography, and the cutaneous areas they supply identified. The arterial system was put to two separate experimental uses successfully.  相似文献   

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